HomeMy WebLinkAboutPALOS VERDES Tract A-1 & B-1a September 24, 1974 Hr. Glenn A. Huff, P.E. Co~trac~t.gEnt~lneers and Associates 7010 01d Se~rd HfgI~Y A~chorage, Alaska 99502 SUB~£CT: Palos Verdes Subdtvfston, Tract A-1 and B-la Sewer Extension Dear J~e. Huff: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough L~partment of Environmental flualtty has ~ecetved and reviewed the pteltefnaey plans ~oe th~su ub~ec: p~e~. ~e find these plans ~et wtth all conditions ~tth ~ch this depar~t ts concerned. $houid you have questions regarding our revte~ of this project, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Roll Strfckland, R.$. Chtef Sanitarian RS/I~ D I! W-EH-7 M- ( ALASKA I)E~>z;'~,~TSIENT OF HEALTH AND WELFAI~b? DIVISION OF PUt~I.[C HEAl,TH APPLICATION rO~. ~*.D~//,OVAL OF ~LANS Alaska Department of Health and Welfare Branch of Environmental Health Pouch H Juneau, Alaska 99801 ................. .... City Zip Code 7010_..P d _s. .Sw:? ............. Mailing Address . 1!7174 ........................................... Application Da~e (Name of project for which approval of plans Is requested) In accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title 18, "Health and Safety", Chapter 05, Sec. 18.05.040, (11), (12), and rules and reg- ulations promulgated thereunder, we, Gene Johnson ......................................................................... ~q ~-;"g?'X~'fi ~ ~'~;; ......................................................... herewith submit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FEIATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Detailed plans and speci- fications, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architectural Report) including necessary data required for full understand- ing of SANITARY F.~ATURES of design. (Give complete but brief description of project) Sewer Stubout for future Extension These plans were prepared by Con{reefing Engineer & Assocs. 7010 Old Seward Hwy. ~ ........ ~ ............................................. an / by or under the direction of the following Engineer(s) or (Address) Architect(s) duly licensed to practice in Alaska: .......... .Gletm.__A._.Hu~£. ........................................... _C.!.¥i ~. ................................................................ 1426E This project is to be financed in the following lnanner: (List sources of funds and mnoun[s). Sonrces~ o~ ~unds: Amounts: Private Total estimated cost of this project is $ __.J_z_.0.0_.0__~__Q_0_ .............................. These plans are being submitted to you a~ least one-month prior to the contemplat~J date of advertising for bids lVe traders(and that construction shall not be s~arted until your final approval of the.~e plans has been received; that no revisions tn the plans affecting the SANITAtXY FFo~TURES of the project may be made subsequent to receipt of your final approval unless such revisions be snbmitted and approved; that construction will be carried out in accordance ~v!th the approved plans; and that unless cons[ruction on this project is started within a two-year period subsequent to your approval, such approval will become void. Very truly yours, Glenn A. Huff . pplicant ............. ....... ......................... ..... ~--.~__~: . .~, ._ :.. ~/-__. :..~ ......................................... b/ e -~-~ GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Envfronmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 279-8686 Date Received July 23. 1973 Time of Inspection Date of Inspection REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR " Approval Requested By: Area Re~]~y Addrcss~ 640 W. $6~h, A~choPaqe Phone: 279-757] Prooerty Owner: RoE Hall Phone Legal Description: Lot 6, Block i, Palos Verdes Subdtvtsto~ Location: . Type of Facility tO be InsPected: Stng]e. Fa'm~l~ Dwe~lt~ Number of Bedrooms: Well Data: Public A. Type. C~ Construction 7. m~ewage Disoosal System: A. Installed C. Septic Tank: 1. D. Seepage Pit: 1. E. Disposal Field: D. Borough 8. Installer Size 2. Size 2, Depth Bacterial Analysis' Manufacturer Material Total Length of Lines Distances: A. Well To: Septic Tank ~ Nearest Lot Line Foundation to Septic Tank Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line .., Absorption Area , Sewer Lines · Other Contamination . "> AbSorption Area Request. for Approval < "ndividual Sewer & Water Faefli~ ~'Page Two -" ~t-'~ ~--~- 9. Comments: .' : ov DIAGRAM OF o.STE~ ]' certify thet the information contained in this request for spproval to be a true and 8ccurate representation of the sub.jec~ sewer and water facf!it~es located st: Signed Date