HomeMy WebLinkAboutROLLING HILLS ESTATES General Information - Waivers on 16 Properties DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION TONY KNOWLES, GOVERNOR ANCHORAGE/WESTERN PUBLIC SERVICE OFFICE 555 CORDOVA STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 FAX: (907) 269-7506 Mr. Kenneth M. Duffus, P.E. KND Engineering 20441 Ptarmigan Blvd. Eagle River, AlaSka 99577-8736 Subject: November 4, 1996 RECEIVED NOV 6 1996 Municipality ot Anchorage Dept, Health & Human Services Rolling Hills EstateS Sewer Line Improvement, Separation Distance Waiver Requests; Anchorage, Alaska, AWPSA Project Number 9721-WW-283-134; Review Dear Mr. Duffus: This letter is in response to your submittal received in this office on October 9, 1996 in which you requested 16 different horizontal separation distance waivers between existing private water system source wells and components (manholes and laterals) of the proposed sewer line project. The 16 separation distance waivers range from 39 feet to 88 feet between private source wells and sewer laterals and 64 feet to 90 feet between private source wells and sanitary sewer manholes (SSMH). I have completed my review of the submitted information and information in this office's files regarding Rolling Hills Estates. Based upon this review, I have the following comments: The on-site geological and hydro-geological information was very limited and not well presented. However, once the soils information from the well logs and test pits was to draft a profile of the soils in the area, some trends were visible, such as tight soils (sandy silt to silty sands) throughout the section of the subdivision being impacted by the proposed sewer line improvement. With the mitigating construction methods being proposed as noted in your submittal, the requested waivers are reasonable. Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of the State Wastewater Disposal and Drinking Water Regulations (18 AAC 72.015 and 18 AAC 80.030), the following separation distances have been granted: Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 3, Block A and the lateral sewer line from 75 feet to approximately 64 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 3, Block A, and the manhole Rolling Hills Estates 2 November 4, 1996 (SSMH#7) from 100 feet to approximately 64 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 4, Block A and the lateral sewer line from 75 feet to approximately 39 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 4, Block A, and the manhole (SSMH#7) from 100 feet to approximately 81 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 4, Block D, and the manhole (SSMH#.4) from 100 feet to approximately 93 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 6, Block D and the lateral sewer line from 75 feet to approximately 50 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 7, Block D and the lateral sewer line from 75 feet to approximately 70 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 7, Block D, and the manhole (SSMH#1) from 100 feet to approximately 85 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 8, Block D and the lateral sewer line from 75 feet to approximately 44 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 4, Block B, and the manhole (SSMH#3) from 100 feet to approximately 88 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 7, Block C, and the manhole (SSMH#2) from 100 feet to approximately 90 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 8, Block C and the lateral sewer line from 75 feet to approximately 52 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 8, Block C, and the manhole (SSMH#2) from 100 feet to approximately 80 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 9, Block C and the lateral sewer line from 75 feet to approximately 50 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 9, Block C, and the manhole (SSMH#'I) from 100 feet to approximately 76 feet. Between the Private Water System Source Well on Lot 11, Block C and the lateral sewer line from 75 feet to approximately 52 feet. The above noted waivers are granted with the following requirements: The lateral lines as designed will have joints shrink wrapped and the line encased in 8 mi., polyethylene. The manholes will need to be watertight in accordance with Municipality of Anchorage Standard Specifications. In addition, manholes will be hot mopped and sealed in 8 mi., polythene. Both of which was noted in your submittal. For the two private system soume wells that have the sewer lateral within 50 feet (Lot 4, Block A, and Lot 8, Block D), the sewer line joints will need to be double shrink wrapped. Installation of all manholes and sewer lines will need to incorporate extra precaution during installation. Due to the lack of water quality data from the soume wells in question being submitted, one set of test results from each well for total coliform bacteria and nitrates (as nitrogen) will need to be submitted to this office before starting installation of the sewer line. This Department has one nitrate sample result from the source well on Lot 6, Block B showing nitrates at 1.3 mg/I. These waivers do not imply granting of any additional authorizations, nor obligate any state, federal or local regulatory body to grant required authorizations. Thank you for your cooperation with this Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Keven K Kleweno, P.E. Environmental Engineer KKK/ka cc: :~J!rn":Ct'~d"{~P E, MOA, DHHS, On-Site Services E${a I '.'g- A ~~ ~N~ GE'~^~ER AHCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality M E MO-RA N D U M October 30, 1973 TO: FROM: Wayne Mabry Planning Department Rolf Strickland, R.S.~ Chief Sanitarian SUBJECT: Subdivision Plat Review for November 15, 1973, Meeting The Department of Environmental Quality.has reviewed al'~ cases presented to us. The first group of cases listed below are those which meet our approval because all lots are served by public sewer and water. 1) S 3224 Papago Park Subdivision, Addition #2, Vacation and Resubdivision · 2) S 3210 Tieszen Subdivision Public sewer, and water available to five (5) lots but not to Tract A and Tract B. 3) S 3227 Muldoon Heights Subdivision 4) S 3214 5) S 3215 The Quad Subdivision Central City Subdivision 6) S 3219 Lake Otis Commercial Subdivision 7) S 3213 8) S 322t Eastridge Subdivision, Addition #1 Hamilton Park Subdivision OTHER CASES: 9) S 3225 Eklutna Heights Subdivision All lots served by public water. sewage disposal. Soils are adequate for on-site 10) S 3220 Bernard Subdivision No comments. ll) S 3211 Rgllin~ Hills Estat~ guhdivision ~hismeets our approval with the note covering Lot 2A (over)