HomeMy WebLinkAboutROLLING HILLS ESTATES Block D Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, & 17 Soils Reports/o 4040 "B" STREET -~ (907) 27/~U~,,~FIALITY OF ANCHORAG'L~'-,~,;''~ July 5, 1978 W.O. #A18498 Mr. John Bagoy c/o Karl Bachner 1135 W. 8th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 Subject: Subsurface Investigation, Block D, Rolling Hills Estates DEPT, OF i T/\L];i & EF'.VIRONk'~':NTAL i ;:, [ECTION · APR 1 0 RECEIVED Dear Mr. Bagoy: At: the request of Mr. Karl Bachner, we have conducted the subject exploration. The scope of the investigation includes test holes and percolation tests on lots 4, 5, 6, 7~ 8 and 15, 16, 17, Block D, Rolling [{ills Estates· }nc. luae~ wi'bh this transmittal are: Vicinity Map Figure 1 T~sE Hole Luuation Sketch Pigure 2 Test Hole Logs Table A Su~nary of Percolation Test Results Table B Standard Explanatory Information Sheets ~-3 Exploration was conducted on June 22, 1978. A No,well mounted Mobi].e Drill B-50 rig was used. The drilling equip-- ment is owned and operated by Denati Driling~ Inc. Test holes were located, in the fietd and logged by Mr. Joe Williams, staff technician with Alaska Testlab. As samples were recovered from the auger flights, they were sealed in plastic bags for protection of the sample and maintainance of the~ir natural moiture content. In the laboratory, the samples were visually classified and the mois~.ure content and dry strength of each sample was deter- mined. When drilling was completed, a 3/4" slotted PVC pipe was inserted into each hole to aid in determining the free water leve~o For the percolation test the hole was filled with water and left overnight to saturate. On returning the'next day, the hole was refilled with water and the drop in the water level carefully monitored over the next 60 minutes or longer if necessary in order for the rate to stabilize. We understand this procedure is preferred bv the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Public llealt~ and Environmental Protection to evaluate the site for proposed on--site sewage Mr. John Bagoy c/o Mr. Karl Bacln~er July 5, 1978 Page 2 treatment systems. Table B is a summary of the results of the above tests. No free water was observed in any of the test holes. It should be noted, however, that the. free water level may fluctuate seasonally or with precipitation. We trust the above meets your present needs. If you have any questions or if we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB R. Mark Ha RMH:rb Enclosures APPROVED, Melvin R. Nichols, P.E. Laboratory Manager INTERNATIONAL ,/ Lr~ 0 Lot #4 Table A WO #18498 Logged By: J. Williams Date: 6-22-78 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 1.5' 1.5' 5.0' 5.0' 12.0' 12.0' - 16.0' Soil Description Brown'~eat (Pt). F-4, brown Silt (ML) with trace gravel, NP to P1-. F-4, brown Silt (ML) with trace fine sand, Pi+. F-3 to F-4 brown Silty Sand/Sandy Silt, (SM), NP, trace organics. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0' None Observed None Observed Sample Depth 5.0' 10.0' 15.0' Type of Dry M% Sample Strength Unified 23.3 G N ML 25.2 G M ML 16.7 G L-N SM Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Lot %5 Table A WO ~18498 Logged By: J. Williams Date: 6-22-78 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' - 2.0' 2.0' - 5.0' 5.0' - 16.0' Soil Description Brown Peat, (Pt). F-2/F-3 Brown Silty Sand (SM) with trace gravel. F-2/F-3 Brown Silty Sand (SM). Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0' None Observed SamPle Depth 1 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 15.0' Type of Dry M % S ~ p 1 e ~ tr~ ~_g~ ~ ~.~.~ ~ ed 18.4 G M SM 18.2 G L-N SM 12.4 G N SM Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet I. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Lot #6 Table A WO #18498 Logged By: J. Williams Date: 6-22-78 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' - 2.0' 2.0' 16.0' Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt). F-4, brown Bandy Silt (ML), with trace organics. Pi+ to P1-. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0' None Observed None Observed Sample Depth 2 10.0' 3 15.0' Type of Dry M% Sample Strength Unified 30.2 ~ L }iL 21.7 G L-N ML 26.5 G L-N ML Remarks: 1. o 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Lot #7 Table A WO #18498 Logged By: J. Williams Date: 6-22-78 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 1.5' 1.5' 10.0' 10.0' 16.0' Soil Description Brown ~eat (Pt). F-4, brown Sandy Silt (ML). Trace organics at 5', P1- to Pi+. F-4, brown Silt (ML) with trace Sand. P1-. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0' None Observed None Observed Sample Depth 1 5.0' 2 10.0' · 3 15.0' Type of Dry M% Sample Strength Unified 28.9 G L-N ML 23.6 G L-N ML 23.1 G N Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Lot #8 Table A WO #18498 Logged. By: J. Williams Date: 6-22-78 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' - 10.0' 10.0' - 16.0' Soil Description F-4, b~own Sandy Silt (SM), NP. F-4, brown to grey slightly Gravelly Sandy Silt, (ML), NP. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0' None Observed None Observed Sample Depth 1 5.0' 2 I0.0' 3 15.0' Type of Dry M% Sample Strength Unified 16.9 G N SM I I . ~" G N ~ 13.6 G N ML Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Lot #15 Table A WO #18498 Logged By: J. Williams Date: 6-22-78 D.epth in Feet From To 0.0' - 3.0' 3.0' - 10.0' 10.0' - 16.0' Soil Description F-4, brown Sandy Silt (ML) trace organics NP to P1-. F-4, brown slightly Gravelly Sandy Silt (ML) Pi+. F-4, olive, to brown Gravelly ~andy Silt (ML) Pi+. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Wate'r Level: 16.0' None Observed None Observed Sample pepth 1 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 15.0' Type of Dry M% Sample Strength Unified 19.6 G M ML 21.1 G M ML 14.8 G L-M ML Remarks: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Lot #16 Table A WO #18498 Logged By: J. Williams Date: 6-22-78 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' - 8.0' 8.0' - 16.0' Soil Description F-2 to'F-3, brown Silty Sand (SM) fine grained, trace gravel below 4'. F-4, brown Sandy Silt (ML), NP to P1-. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0' None Observed None Observed Sample Depth 1 5.0' 2 !0.0' 3 15.0' Type of Dry M% Sample Strength Unified 12.8 G N SM 2!.2 G M-H ~L 16.5 G N ML Remarks: 1. e 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Lot #17 Table A WO #18498 Logged By: J. Willi~ns Date: 6-22-78 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' - 3.0' 3.0' - 10.0' 10.0' 16.0' Soil Description F-4, brown Sand~ Silt (SM), with trace organics, NP to Pi-. F-2 to F-3, brown very Silty Sand (SM). F-4, brown Sandy Silt (ML), NP to Pt-. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0' None Observed Depth 5.0' 10.0' 15.0' Type of Dry M% Sample Strenqth Unified 18.0 G L-M SM 14.2 G N SM 20.5 G L-N ML Remarks: 1. e 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classifica'tion, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3.