HomeMy WebLinkAboutROLLING HILLS ESTATES BLK E LT 3A3 HOME OFFICE 01 15' PE3-1779 Percolation Test Test Location: Lot, ~ Block ~ Requested by: /W~¢~; ~6~/~ Test Hole Log~ let. Filling: Bottom of hole filled with to drain out. 2nd. Filling: Bottom of hole filled with Percolation Rate: /~ Remarks: FAIRBANKS OFFICE FAIRBANKS, AL.A~ P. O, BOX 14BO Test Hole Location approximate slope of water and allowed ~ of water and test run. min./in. These results are only the visual soil conditions and theoretical percolation rate on this date for this test hole. NO. 192-1~ . r .... FHA Form 2573 ' FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION Budget Bureau No. 63-R296.8 Rev.,u¥ 19SB HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL li DIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I.--TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA INSURING OFFICE MORTGAGEE SERIAL NO. MORTGAGOR OR SPONSOR PROPERTY ADDRESS BLOCK NO. LOT NO. SUBDIVISION NAME,~o//~ /~///~ ~ ~ ~(~ Can a~ic or other area be ,,,u~ into TOTAL NUMBER: BASEMENT ~ ~e~ J~st~][~tJofi additional bedrooms? LIVING UNITS BEDROOMS BATHS (Jr Yes, how many~) WATER SUPPLY BY: SYSTEM DESIRED FOR ~ Public system ~ Communi~ system ~Individual NO. OF BD~MS. GARBAGE DISPOSAL SEWAG~ DISPOSAL BY: ~ ~blic system ~ Community system ~Individual ~ ~ Yes ~ No PART II.~TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR'S SKETCH ............. zzz: zZzz: zzzz ZSZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ2 Z<-~ZZZZXZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ=~Z __~.;__~ .......... _ ..... ~-->~---4 ....... ~--- ~c-~ ...... ~, ......... _~_~--~ .... ~ .......... _~__~c_~.~ .......... Z~ ..... ~-~---'-~ ......... It is the opinion 6~ the ~ State ~ Coun~.~ ~ Local Department of Health that this individual water-supply system ~ is ~ is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject properW. It is*the opinion of the ~ State .~ County ~ Local Department of Health that this individual sewage-disposal sys- tem with proper maintenance: ~ Can be expected to function satisfactorily, and ~ Cannot be expected to function satisfactorily ' is not likely to create an insanita~ condition DATE SIGNAT~ , TITLE ~ NOTE, The ~ea,,~-u;hZlt;:h:--;Id ~ the ;PPr°pr m '~ statement above and a~x date, signature and tltle in the spaces provided. Use of the above grid for Health ~partment Inspector's sketch as well as use of the back of this form is at the option of the ..... ~ b~fh~rity. PART Ill.--FOR ~E OF FHA OFFICE TO THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: I have reviewed the foregoing and the pe~inent FHA Co~pli~nye~nspe~ion Report, and recommend that'the Individual water-supply system be considered ~ Acceptable ~ Not Acceptable Sewage dis~sal be considered ~ Acceptable ~ Not Acceptable. DATE SIGNATURE ~ CHIEF ARCHffECT  DEPUTY FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT HFAL?H AUTHORITY APPROVAL '6I 'uogupunoJ ~'u!pl!n[t :u~oJ; IleM ~0 e~UDISI(] ~ o,o/J,¥z :aas,~ jo Xlddns ol~nbap~ qs!m~ m a;!up!,x o~!patum! u! Sll0,Y, jo aml!SJ jo pJo>as 3uoaaJ 3sotu aa!O · pooq.mqqg!au u! /aetuolsno lou ale [] oJe ~ Slla~ i~np!a!pui 'u!t~tu jo az!s 'laoj :~tgO~--'uvus ~al~sa~ ~!iqnd lsa.~au m aaums!G 'saq~u!' 'laoJ ;}Jl~nbs' '~aaj' uaaj' WI/SAS XlddnS-Ill/VAa IYnalAlaNI--NOII::)IdSNI tO /tlOdt~l'/~,' I' ':~aaj / sluamlsgdtuoo jo JaqumN ~0 ~eptember ~ter Supply ~o be located the op~n~ouo! th~sdepa~t that DAVXD a. L. DU~S, ~.D, 9 ~p~em~er 19~ Dear Mr. Bmm~e.' The percola~Lon ~esc £or Lo~ 3, Block K, lollS, nS; Btllo gs~a~es Su~vioi~ septic ~k, ~d ~ 8' x O° x 6' 1~ o~p~ p~ surr~ded by ~o fee~ Sincerely, DAVID a. Lo DUI~AN, Penner,