HomeMy WebLinkAboutSIEFKER #3 LT 1 TR 9LO'F' Rick Mystronr, Mayor Mmdcipality of An Department of Health and Hum~ 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 9 343-4744 March 28, 1996 Johll F. Strong P.O. Box 110642 Anchorage, Alaska 995 l 1-0642 Re: Waiver Number WR960005, Lot 2 Tract 9 Siefker Su Dear Mr. Strong: The owner of the subject lot has recently requested a Heal office so that financing may be obtained by the new buyers owner to perform adequacy tests to tile on-site wastewatel .¢~_ Receipt for Certified IVlail No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) Slale and ZIP Code Postage Speoal Behver¥ FeT'~ Reslricted Deliver',' Fee to Whom & Dale Delivered Date, and Add¢e,ssee's AddmsS~ _ TOTAL Poslage & fees Postmark or Date confirmed that tile wastewater system serving your home (,~,~ ~, ....... o ....... - '-- Subdivision) encroaches upon tile well serving tile subject lot. The required separation is 100 feet and the existing separation is 78 feet. A waiver was perfm'med by this office and the 78 feet separation was determined to be safe from potential contamination entering the well fi'om your wastewater system. In reviewing our records it appears that the waterwell serving the subject lot was in place (9/26/77) when the wastewater system serving your home was constructed (10/1/78). The cost of performing this waiver is placed upon the current owner of the system that was constructed in violation of code requirements. The cost for a waiver of't .......... ~;^,, 41of .... hc, h,rt~ot~ a ~xmqtmxmt~r di~nn~Rl field and a well is $920.00. We req~ ~ SENDER: I also wish to receive the Until this fee is paid, you '~ ' com,~.~ it~, ~ ~a/o, 2 fo, additional services. ~ · Complete items 3, and 4a & b, following services (for an extra ~ * Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can fee): this office in the event y( ~ return this card to you. > , Attach this form to tho front of the mailpiece, or on tho back if space 1. ~ Addressee's Address ~ ~ does not permit, If you have any question ~ ' Wdte"ReturnReceiptRequested"onthemailpiecebelowthea~iclenumber 2, ~ Restricted Delivery ~ · The Return Recei t will show to whom the article was delivered and tho date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. ~ 3. Article Addressed to: J 4a, Article Number [2~bh~ ~(~¢~'¢[ J ~ Registered ~ Insured /q%~4" ~,¢~ress Mail U , , P ~anicl J. Aoth ~ ~- ~ ~ ~'¢' ' ~'~ /' -~ ~"~% ........ Merchandise ~ Civil Engineer ~ / ~/ '~' rjr ~"~ ~ ~;~-~ ~ On-Site Services ~ ~:Si~ture (Addressee ~ ~&~l 8. ~*Issee s Address (Only if requeste~ { /~ ~ J~]ee is paid) ~ 6. Signature(Agent) --~ ~ PS Form 3811, December 1991 ~u.s.~PO:~O9~2-714 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT t MUNICIPALI'rY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT "NAME ~ ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ Well (~ ~ Absorption~ea Dwelling PER~IT NO. ~ ~ Manufacturer ~.~ ~ Mater~l No. of compartments ~ ~ Licl. c~a~ty in gallons Inside length ~ ,1 Width G' ~t~ Liquid depth ~ ~-- ~OO IF HOME.DE: ~ ~ .j ~ PERMIT NO. 02~ Manufacturer ~ - ~ Material Liquid capacity Jn gallons ~ Well Fouodation Ne~re~ lot line PERMIT NO. N°' °f lines ~ Length °' each line~ Total length of ,ines~ ~ Trench widt~ ~ ioches Dis'aece between lines ~ ~ ~ Top of tile to finish grade Material beneath tile ~ ~' O ~, Total effective absoEtio:~rea Length Widt~ Depth O inches .. ~ .. ~ PERMIT NO. ~ ~ Type of crib Cr m ~t ~ -- Crib depth Total effective absorption area ~ DISTANCE TO: Well Building foundation N~arest lot line ~ DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) OTHER SOIL TEST RATING Jll~' I I AP~ ~ DATE - LEGAL ' ' 72-0~ 3 (R~/7~) ' iuguat 3,, 1977 ~76520 ~o~ ~trong ~ox 3~3773 ~ho~aga~ Alaska 99501 Subject ~ Pea:mit Expi~?ation A permit is.quad by this depart:aent for wall and/or on-s.%~:e sawer .umcallanlon on ]k%t 1 ~'ract 9 Siafker Subdivision has e~i~ud since the i~sue date exceeds one (1) yaar. In the event youstll plan to install the well and/or on-site se~er system, a new permzt is required. Whe original soil test may be us~d. to obtain: a current permit. If the well has ~ ' ' - -~eendrllled, a well. log should b,~ sent to this deparb~lent to document the ~stallation date.. If you have m~y c ~ .' . . .-.. . ~ua~t~ls ~egazazn9 tile above matter, please do not hesitate ~:o contact this office ~lediataly a% ~79 ' 2511, extenaien 224 or 225. Sineerely~ !,,/)E;FH i[ ON FlY ]i I ,,irlll.ii:::tl I,:], I"tl';;~::';: ]~ I"li,.ll'"l hl/,.lJ"'ll;~:l:~r;~ January 5~ 1978 John Strong Box 33'773 Anchorage~ Alaska 99501 Subject: Lot 1 Tract 9 Siefker Subdivision Permit ~77667 A permit issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired° Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit~ by authority of Municipal ordinance° If you have drilled the well~ a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If there are any further $1estions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Health and Environmental Protection Sewer and Water Section Note: A well log has been received on the above property. .... : ":.... J.:i. F:'i~:t:~:I'I :l' i' NCI. ,' ';."',::'~S~S';:~' ::, ~' l..I: I(/t~"1 ]: O1",I Ifl',~,' :t: ON 01~t:' HI..:IF'F'I"'I~N Iqf~>().l"lt..ll"'l NL.It"ISE:R OF' []E:[)ROOIq:S =: ::~: ~;O:[I... E:I:]'i']:N0i ('.~:;I;] F'I"e"8[~'. ::, :: 'i'HI:: I...ISN~:~TH :, :1: l"lE'lq~S ]: ON :[ S; "I'HE~: L.E:NI:3 I"H ,:: l N I:'[/I:~:T ) OF "t'H[~ 'I'F~:~NC:H K [~' [. F. -~ ]. NI'::' :t: THE: I)[~:F:"I-H CIF' [~ ........... ...... TI'"Ii:~: I_~l..p ~[:1... I.. E.I.- tH :l:~J; THE: FI :[ N ]: I'"IUI',I )' '" ..... .I::.F IF I':F' L~.H E.I... I~IE:TPJE:[~:I'.~ THE: CI 'T'Flal...I.. i:::' :i F:'~ Ft IH .l'..~..:~[: I;::'I..K~r.~T' Mf:I'.P IF:~I~i ]:N~STFIL.L. EiIi) I~T 'i'HI~Z F:'[~f;; "IZT"I"F.'E'"": OF'T]~CIN S;I.JE:..TE:C:T "I'C 'I'HE~ F K I "~ 1,3 ]: Iq[3 ' '~ NI', ~: "t .... 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I")E' II SSI.IE :, :::.,.' ~,~ ~' // ' GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Case ~t 3330 "C" Street ANCIiORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Legal Description: Lo~ ~/-~Bl~ck Subdivision ~J~e~ This Form Reports Soils~ Log ~ Percolation Test ~ Soil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System Depth Feet Soil Characteristics 2~ ~=i 5~ 7-- 8~ 9~ lO ll-- 13~ 14~ ~._ Was Ground Water Encountered? ~0 :/0~ If Yes, At What Depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Dro Percolation Rate Minute Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Depth of Inlet COMMENTS: Drain Field Depth to Bottom of Pit or 'French' Test Performed BY [)ate Certified BY: Date: WELL CONSTRUCTION LOG Drilling Co. I)~}1 ~( ~ I _ DSGS nc. .) Static water ,.vel~ft. (~, below) land surface. Finish ot wet1: ~ screen, perforated, open-bole, other) gescribe intervals and size: Well yleld tested by (pumping,~ air) at for_~hours with~ /~ .gal/min. _ft. of drawdowa from static level. DRILLER'S MATERIAL LOG Nearest scm Location sketch or remarks MUNiCiP,~,LtTY OF ANCk~O,qAG~ DEPT. OF H-~ALTH & ENVI.qONMENTAL PROJECTION AUG :. 1977 RECEIVED Depth below land surface in feet Give description of strata penetrated (size of material, color, hardness of drilling, and water content) LL _L t ..I; O-- .tO-- .tO~ _to~ -- .to-- .,to-- .to~ ,tO~ to- ,to_