HomeMy WebLinkAboutSIEFKER #3 Wel Information N HA WTH 0 RN E-EN G INEERIN G 907 ~ 609 December 29, 1983 Mr. Bruce Erickson Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 E Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Bruce, Please consider this a request for a waiver of the 150 foot separation distance required by regulation between an on-site sewage disposal system and a Class ¢ public well. Enclosed you will find a sketch of the subject property with the separation distances we can maintain and construction requirements. I inspected the 6 inch well and found the water level while pumping to be 42 feet below the top of the casing. The casing top is 3 feet above the well house floor. The casing wall appeared to be dry above the water level indicating that the casing is not split above that level. No log is available for the Class C well, but the log for the residenti- al well shown on Lot 6 is included herein. Please notify me of your decision as soon as possible. Sincerely, Neil Hawthorne Enc. NH/np Augu,'.~t 30~ ~9'17 Anchoraqo ~ Alaska 3iVO UO M8V~ISOd (age,,sod snld Subject. Siefke:r ,.,ubdiviszon ~t According to this department's water sample ntoniter list, we have not as yet received a water sample for tlle above subjeot well system for the month of July, 1977.' Our reoords indicate that you are responsible for tur~lint3 tlies~ mandatory samples 4.n for the subject water syst~,~. If yol! h&ve not dona so as ~et, please obtain a water sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue, as soon as possible and return the sa~:%pte to the same address for analysis° ~f you are no longer ~% charge of tho subject water syste~¢,, pieas~ notify us ~:m~edza;:ely to any name and/or address changes. Xf th~lre are any fartker quostions~ ptoase contact this off.ice at 264-472~ or a% the above address. Thank you for your co.~o~era'k, ion in this matter. .q incerol y ~ 'LO Lynn Principal Enviro.n~%cmt~it Con~ ...... ~J. Officer 00£~ '30VJ.$Od lO il'i31q~¥d IIlOA¥ Ol 3511 3.LV^Iltd fl O.i AJ. lyFl3d · YaOlaq eo~il~ eql Ul apo:) dlZ pum '~sa~ppe atueu Jnot lulld SNOI.I.On ~I.LSNI 1::130 N3S SS3NISrlg "1 ¥101.:1:10 301^~:1S qV.LSOd S3.LV.I.S C]3.LINR Marsh 29~ 1977 423 East 12th Avenue AnChorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Siefker Subdivision 93 have not as yet ro~{~ived a water sa~{ple for the above subject w~lt system for the month of ~bruary~ March 1977. Our records indicate that you are r~sponsible for ~$urning th~ue If you hav~ not done so as y~t, please obtain a water sampli~n9 ~ If you are no longest l~ charga of the aubj~ot ~ater syste~ )31aa~e notify us ~%~e~la~elR: to ~a%y na~%e and/or ad(.~re:~s changes. If there ar~. any further questions, please ~ontact this office at 279-2511, e~sten~ion 224, or at the above addr~ss. willian% ~4. Di~son Prin.cipal Envirom~%en~ W~4D/lJh p~F~:,~[-390o NO It~SUttANCE COV£RAGE PROVIDED-- ~\~, 197l 1~0¥ FOR INTEtlNATIOt~AL I'~AII. ,.,re?o: ~74 0-~5~-~4 o~ PS Form 3811, M~r. lg7G ~i~ ~, REGISTERED, INSURED AND ~RTIFIED MAIL File ~ 4-1 Representative Katherine Ostrosky 423 East 12th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Siefker Subdivision - Water Supply Dear N~s. Ost~osky~ This letter is to r~tate the D.E.Q. position on the public water supply for the Siefker Subdivision. The productivity of the will according to your pumping test ia approxi- mately 5000 gallons per day (gpd). If there are an average of four persons per hom~tlmt use an average o£ 75 gpd, the total demand would be 3000 gpd. This should be adequate to hsndle the ~en residences except when one or moro persons do extensive lawn watering, Aa we dlscusse~ a garden hose will run water at curate of 5 gpl or 7200 gpd. If someone constantly allo~s a hose to run, your well'Just can't meet the demand. ~i~ practice of course would be extremely wasteful. In the sprin~ of 1976 I would suggest that a ma~eiiSg devise be installed on the outlet of the wate~ supply tank to give pou info~mation ontthe water usage of the subdivision. This data would tell yeu if additional storage would be needed to meat peak water demands durin~ the summer months. Another potentially helpful hint would be to send a little note to all customers asking them to repair leaking faucets. A ~eaky faucet can waste hundreds of ~allons of water per day. It has been a pleesuze working with you. If I may be o~ so,vice please let Sineerely,.~' Leroy C. Reid, Jr., Ph.D., Di~eCtor, Environmen~sl Quality LCR~pJh the sy~tom will )no~ea ~han l~ely, have to have ao theft th~ water ayato{~ can 'be upgradod and made ~a~afaeto~ within the Dotten DrilHn o. BOX 10056 JOHN'S ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9g'~o~. fo 0strosky on August 21, 1975 ~b.#3PumPTract5test dOWnLotlO~ KathrynWell located within block house. Well depth 68 ~,- Stactic water level 47 ft. 6:~30 pm, Static level, · 6.3 pm. 49 ' 6 :,34 pm. 51 · 3 pm, - ...... 55 6' 8 · 3 ~m. 57.5 .' 6:40 pm., 58 .... 6:45 pm. - · 59 6:50 pm. 60 7:'00 pm. ----'--59.5 ?:15 pm, - ...... 60 7:20 pm. - ...... 60 7:30 pm, - 60 5 g.p.m. 60 lbs. pressure 3.5 - 4 g,p.m. at 42, lbs. pressure July 21, 1970 .\ Mr. Fred Walatka, P.E. Fred Walatka and Associates Civil Engineering and Land Surveying 3107 29th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Watatka: Re: GAAB - Siefker Subdivision No. 3, Water System. This refers to ~ro7 letter to you of 6 July 1970 and your answer of 15 July 1970. This project is approved for those features with which we are concerned° Sincerely yours, Richard H. Britt, Sanitary Engineer Division of Environmental Health RHB;gds cc:C. P. Judkins H. H. Hede ,ir. Fred Fred Halatka ?':, Associates Civt 1 ~. of our Sumcha~fier on ~;a~ar Supr)ly, Fleasc, f:ote thai:. ~$s'infeCtion of the )~ot~b'le ~=.,at~r' llm¢ ",.'.., 4,, ~,,~c ..... ,h conf'or',~mnce with the Alaska F'lu~;~lm? l,,~,<, ai~c~ ~ ~' '",~' -' cc; C, [:'. Judkiris~ ii. ~i, C'!¥i'! :'Z:,{:i F;~:,"ii'ig ~i'~(: 3'; OY 29',;h /:u-,ci, o',"a!::a~ >,'iaska 99503 ,,~:;,~, 'in coiiseque~ce the exis'Uing sep';~c ~.n,.. ~,.d ...... ' :. "" .... Si nce','e'i y y~ r ~ ~ R'ici'iard Ho B'rit'~¢ S,';vri'~ary &'~g'ineer D1 v'i si a',"~ of Envi ronmen'c~i ',-leal th ~¥ 26 1970 CIVIl. ENGINEfvZlRING AND [-AN~ SURVEYING 3107 29TH AVENUE · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 State of Alaska DeTer. of Health & Welfare Division of Environmental Health ?ouch H ,Juneau~ Alaska 9980] Attent~ on: ~ub,] e ct. Mr. Jamea AnOregg Semi-Pub].ic Water Systemd.4-~ .... Howard Hede Dear Mr.Andregg: We were very surprised and extremely disappointed to learn that ourpians fer the semi public water system in Siefker Subdivision has not been approved. Our preliminary work for 'this system' was coordinated locally through Mr. Rolf Strickland, and was based on a mutual inter- pretation of.the Alaska code. Afte~ receiving t~bb,: ].etter of disapproval~ Mr. Strickland was contacted, and it was ].earned that he was al. so surprised to learn of the recent change in interpretation of the code. In good faith our client~ Mr. Hede, made committments based on the preliminary coordination, and on prior approvals made by the State. We realize the Alaska code is ambiguous and subject to various interpretations, and are glad to: learn how it will be interpreted in the future, but this does not help our client in this situation. We, therefore, ask that you re- consider our application based on the following considerationS: Preliminary concept and work Coordinated through Mr. Ro].f Strickland. Interpretat:ion of a semi-public well based on pumping rate which is ].ess than 50 GPM. (a) (b) 75-45- FO 1~£9 ~,ool.~g i