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Onsite File SIEFKER #2 Lot A6A PID# 015-272-77 Formerly Siefker #2 Lot A6. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE DISTRICT OFFICE 3601 "C" STREET, SUITE 322 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Ms. Mildred Livesay 11446 Jerome Street Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Re: RECEIVED JAN 2 3 992 Munic~pah~¥ ot ^nchorage Oept. Health 8, Human Services Lot A-6, Siefker Subdivision, Septic System Upgrade, DA-050; Plan Approval WA~.TER J. HICKEL, GOVERNOR 563-6775 August 30, 1991 ADEC Project Number 9121- Dear Ms. Uvesay: The Department of Environmental Conservation has completed a review of the As-Built Drawings submitted by Mr. Robert E. Kiefel for the upgrade of a septic disposal system to serve a triplex. Based on the information contained in the submittal recieved on July 18, 1991, we are hereby approving the system for concerns of the Department in accordance with the provisions of 18 AAC 72, Wastewater Disposal Regulations, as requested. This letter constitutes final approval for the existing wastewater disposal system. It is our understanding that the system presently only serves a single family residence. Before the residence is increase above the single family status, approval will be needed for the water supply to operate a Class C system. Information concerning these requirements can be obtained from our offices. Thank you for your cooperation with this Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Bill . t~[,[u,~,~,., , . . Anchorage District Manager cc: Robert Kniefel, P.E. BHL/pf R ECEIVE I DEPARTMENT OF ~ )NMENTAL CONSERV/~TION ADO STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION APPLICATION FOR ON-SITE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM APPROVAL /~,,,~/~ .~,./~iL~ I. GENERAL INFORMATION i l JSingle Fam;ly Multi FamilyI "' II, WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Other ~ Filtration []Mineral Removal IS a sanitary seal installed on the well casing? [~ Yes L~ No IS drainage directed away from or around the casing within a radius of 10 feet of the well casing? r-~' Gal Min Septic Holding Tank on Lot Sewer Lines on Lot Closest Sewer Lines~ on Adiacent Lot Closest Septic, Holding Tank on Adjacent Lot Closest Edge of an AbsorptiomArea on Adjacent Lot If toxic materials are stored on the property, i~¢luding fuel tanks, ~a nts ub ca,ts and other petroleumOn Lot On Adjacent Lot Pased materials, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides, indicate distance from contaminants to well casing: Water San~ple Taken by: Name Address Sampler Is: ~ Buyer [] E_Bgineer : ~-~~ ' [] Government Off,c,al Water Sample Results: Attach Copy [] Satisfactory [] Onsatisfactory Date: I certify~-JL~ove information is correct: Sign re Typed/Printe ama I Title /~t'~,~ -~'.¢~r~w~_~ Date NOTE: Must be signed by aOertified Instal/er, Professional Engineer, Department of Environmental Conservation or the Owner/Builder Ill. WASTEWATER DISPOSAL ~Septic Tank,'Absorption System --, Package Treatment. I~ ISpecify Brand Name or Process) Holding Tank - Capacity of Tank [] Specify: jWhere Waste is Disposed IFrequency of Pumoing Septic Tank Outfall [] Discharged To: ~ New System Other (Specify): [] (Outhouse, Incinerator. etc.) No. ID d_ ,r, -~-/0 Septic Tank Size fGallons) Number of Compartments Soil Type or Rating Z-.qb ~-, '~ ~, ~- ,.,~ ,,~ certify that the above information is correct: Signat e%; ~--~ Typed/Printed~,,~.~ Name~,,, *:~'~. Title,~. '~Reg' /Cert. NOTE: Must be signed by a cerdfie¢ installer, professiona/ engineer or DEC Staff. E~ Existing System [] Owner, Suilde~fied Installer [] Other:. Septic Tank Size IOallons) ~,.~umber Of Compartments Sod Type or Rating [] Pass [] Fail / "--. Se*t Seetl '[-~ Yes ~ No I [] 'res [] NO Water Supply Source on Lot Nearest Water Supply So(Jrce on Aa)~cent I Nearest Bod~ Separation Lot %-~ /I I certify that the above information is correct: Signature Typed,Printed Name NOTE: Must be signed by a profess~anal engineer. t /db MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 LStreet - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT '~AME PHONE [] NEW MAI LING ADDRESS ,,'1 / ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (./ ' I-. ~' Manufacturer m ~ Material No. of compartments ~ F- Liq. capacity in gallons Inside length Width Liquid depth __ '~. 0 (~) ¢.,,~ IF HOMEMADE: ~ ~' DISTANCE TO: Well ~ ~welling PERMIT NO. 0 ~ ~ Manufacturer ~ -- ~- Material Liquid capec]ty in gallons E~ Well ~oundation Nearest lot line PERMIT NO. ~ ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ ~ ~ No. of lines Length of each line Total length of lines Trench width Distance between lines ~' -- inches ~ Top of tile to finish grade Material beneath tile Total effective absorption area ~, Q inches Length Width Depth -- PERMIT NO. r~-~ TM Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area ~ DISTANCE TO: Well Building foundation Nearest lot line .~ Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. ~ DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) OTHER PiPE MATERIALS SOiLTE~S 'RATING ............ INSTALL~ER R F M,~R KS APPR . DATE LEGAL 72-013 (Rev,~3'/78) ~ I F'EF.:H I T NO. C, EF',aF.:KFHEI'.~T HEF:,L'T'H FIN[::, EN',,,'IF.:ONMENTFII.. :/TF£I;'.':TIi31'.,I I ,32.Z ." L '" :5TF.:EET., RNC:HOF.:FIGE., FIK. ;.2 6 4-d. 7 2 0~'~ ~ ~ ,,----~ ,':Z, li"..,¢J ........ ~-:; :E "l- lie S EX ~-..ll li-~-E F,~ F" ~--%: ~--: !'.1 Z "%" F ,::,_'-.I.d,.:~.. ', I::IF'F'L t CFINT LI'ZIC:F:IT I ON i.. E [."iF.IL 'I""r'F'E OF :5OIL HE,=,_k. F IICJI",I :5"r'Z, TEM IS: TF.:ENCH I'"IFI;:'::IHI. JM I",IIjI'IIE~EE: FIF' E:EE:'F.:OOI"I:5 ~ 9 :51/]IL RHFII'q.:~ ":5C! FT,.'"E:F.:::' ;22:0 'THE F.:EI.::¢_IIF.tE[:, :5ZZE Cfi: THE '-:~;L-.IIL FIEC'-:;C~F.:F'TII'_'d'.4 25'¢STEi',1 :['..:'-;: £:, IC~ IF:" T 11'.-~ == ~ L_ E li'-,li ,~2~ '"~f~ If. Il == THE LENGTFI E:,II"'IEN:SION IS THE L. ENGTH ,::IN F'EET::, 0[:' THE TRENCFI OF.: C,F.:RII'.,ff:'.T. ELD. THE [:,EPTH OF FI TRENE:FI OR PIT I:5 THE DI:STFINC:E BET.NE:EI",I THE SURFRI.'.':E I"_'IF' THE I.'IiI:,~I}UNE.', RN[:, ]"HE BCITTOH OF:' THE E:.'::C:R',,,'FWION <IN FEET>. THEF.':E I:E, I'.,tO :SET I.,.IIB, TH FOE: TRENL-:HE:5. 'FttE GRR',/EL F.:,EF'TH I:5 TFIE I"IINIHUH E:,EPTFI OF GF..'R',,,'EL. E~ETI.,.IEEI'.,! THE OIJTFRLI_ PIPE FIN[:, "FHE E~OTTFff',I OF THE EXC:R',,,'FIT I ON ,' I N FEET ::,. F'EF.':H:[T IqF'F:'L. ICFII'.,IT HI.'i:-.,-"" THE F.._zFI..IIJz,].E, Zt...I-F- ' "' ' ' 'F~ TCI II'.,IF'i'E'I'd '['HI:'::; L":,EF'RF. tTMEN'r' DLF::II'..17~ THE I Iq'.'.E;TFILLFtT 1 ON I t'.,I:5F:'Erz:TT ONS; F1F RI'.,I'.? .t.IELL.=,, '- RD.J'RC:EI'.,IT TO TH ~ :5 F'F.:OF'EF.:I""r' Flii'.,ll) THE: i",tUHBER: OF F.~ES;]:E,EI"tZE5; THFIT THE I.,.IE:LL..NZL. L SEF.?,,,'E. ........ "T' t1..,.1~ C" ":: ;;:.:' .":" ][ ii'-41 "_-;:; F" E: ":: q['- '.-[ C" t-,,t :E:;;, FI~ IF.;;: lEE F.-::: E: "S.-:.". Lll ][ li:;E-.." E"-""~ E:: BRCI<JFILI.~IIqC:i OF FIN"[ :5'¢F;TEM I.,.IITFIC.IT FINRL. ZI,t.:,FE..I'- '-'"' 'ION FIND RF'F'F. pZI',,,'I::IL E:'¢ THIL=; E:'EF'FIF.:TMEI'.,IT I.'.11 LL BE SIJELYE[.~:T TO F'F-:O2';EC:IJT Z OIq. I'IINIMLIM [:'Z'-'"-;.,TFlt".IC:E BETI.,IEEN Fi [4ELL RN[::, F:IN'¢ CIN-:51'TE 5EI.,IRGE DIS;I::'O'Z,I::IL. :5'~"STEI"I I5; :LOO FEET FOR FI F'F.:I',,,'FtTE klELL OF.: :1.50 TO ;2E";li'~ FEET FROM I::1 F'UBLIC NELL DEF'EN[:'ING UF'ON THE T'¢F'E OF PUBLIC 1.4ELL. I'"I:[NTHUH D]:Z, TRNCE F'F.:CIM R [:'RI',,,'FtTE ,NELL TO F:I F'RI',,,'RTE :SEI.,.tEF.: L. INE I:5 ;2!5 FEET FII'.4E:, TEl I":1 COMMUt",tZT'.r' 5E:klEF.: LINE IS ;'"5 FEET. I.".)THER RIEC!LIIREP1ENTS FIF:I'T' I::IF'PL"r'. :SF'ECIFIC:FITION~, FIND CON:5'Fi:~tUCTION [:,IFIGI;.:Ir:II','IS; FIF.:E R',,"l--1:1; L.FtBI_E TO I N:SUF.:E F'ROI::'EF.'. I I",ISTRLLR T I ON. I CEF.:T I F'"r' 'FHRT J..: :[ FIP'I F'FII"IILIRR I.,-!ITFi THE F.:EC!UIF.-:EMENT:5 FOF.: OI'.,F-:5ITE :.2;E!.,]EF;.::5 F:INI.':, P.IELL:5 FItS 5;ET FOF..'TH B"r' TFIE MUN I. C Z PR[_ I T"r' OF: FINC:HCIF.:I--tGE. ;.2: I I.'.tZL. L J;NSTFIt...L. THE :E;"r':5"['[EI'"I Ii",l I:ICC:ORr.:,[::INCE I.,.IITH 'f'[4E E:ODE:5. :2.':: I LII'.,IDEF.'f-.;TFtN[;:, THFIT THE Ot'.,I-STTE .L--,ENEF..' S'¢:STEM I'"lR'.r' RE6!I..IZRE Ei",IL.F';F..'GEMEI'.,IT IF THE RES;]:IPEI'.,ICE ];:5 REI'dODIEI_EE:, TO INCLUE:,E I"IORE THRII.,I 6 BEE:,ROOM:~';. ,v. July 1958 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I.--TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA ;(') /~., ~ ) /. J, /fi). INSURING OFFICE MORTGAGEE MORTGAGOR OR SPONSOR SERIAL NO. t~hoae-31153 t~lllia~ ~. oF ttildred X. Deme~l~ UBDIVISION NAME TOTAL NUMBER: BATHS BASEMENT -]Yes [-'] No New installation WATER SUPPLY BY: -]Public system BLOCK NO. LOTAjjNO. Can attic or other area be made Into additional bedrooms? (If Yes, how rnany~) [~Yes E~ NO i'q Community system ~ Individual SEWAGE DISPOSAL BY: ['--]'Vublic system [] Community system ~] Individual SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR NO, OF BDRMS. GARBAGE DISPOSAL [-1 Yes [--1No PART II.roTe BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT iNSPECTOR'S SKETCH It is the opinion of the [] State ~] County 1~ Local Department of Health that this individual water-supply system 1~ is [--] is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject property. It is the opinion of the [] State E] County [~_ Local Department of Health that this individual sewage-disposal sys- tem with proper maintenance: [] Can be expected to function satisfactorily, and ' [~ Cannot be expected to function satisfactorily is not likely to create an insanitary condition DATE I SIGNATURE ' ,,-"~5 I TITLe , ~ ~ r ~ NOTE: The health authorlty~houJd {ampler* the appropriate opinlon stutoment above ~nd affix date, ~iOnatuto ~ndtitlolnthe ap~te~ Drovidod. H~o o{ the above Odd lot Health Doportmont In~po~tor'~ ~kefch ~s wall ~ u~e of tho b~k al thl~ {arm I* al tho optlon o{ th~ health ouIhorlt~, INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY 5ou~hOe~al A~ON ON REQUEST FOR BA~E~OLOGIC~ WATER ~YSIS Your recent request for an analysis of a sample from the Individual Private Water Supply MP, t'Ji~li~ 9e~ Box Jer~e 8d. off 0~1.~ Spena~, servin~ exmination h~ been completed. Records in this o~ce indicate this Individual Private Water Supply to be of ~/~ .Satisfacto~ .Questionable ._Unsatlsfacto~ sanit~ sta~. Analysis shows this s~PLE to b~ i// . ~Satisfacto~ ~ Questionable- 9nsatlsfa~o~. If an "Unsatisfactory" or "Questionable" stares is indicated above, you should take immediate action ~ recon~ended below. 1. Boil or chemicagy treat your water supply to protect your fm~il7 from water-borne dise~es ~ outlined in closed leaflet, "Drink It Pure." . 2. Improve your spring~S~ bulletin HSE-6-2 5. ~prove yo~ cistem~See bu~etin HSE-6-3 4. Improve your dug we~ ~ See bu~etia HSE-6-4 }. Improve your driven well--See bu~eda HSE-6-5 .... 6. Improve your dri~ed well--See bu~etln HSE-6-6 7. Rel~ate your well to a safe location in relationship to your sewage disposal sys~em~ See bu~etin 8. Bottle broken in transk, plebe send new staple. 9. Staple too long in transit; sample should not be over d8 hours old at ex~ination to indicate reliable results. Please send new staple. ._ 10. Contact your n~rest ~ L~al Health Department or ~ Alaska H~kh Depar~ent, Sanitation o~ce for bulletins, consultation, and ~slstance. 11. This is a surface water source and subject to po~ution b~ mad and animals. An approved water supply source should be developed. ...................... ~ ,oc~,,m~. ~ In well, [j Offset in basement, ~ In basement feet ~ In utt~ty r~m, ~ On top of well ~her (l~t) ....,~.k..~./~2: ~ 7~ ~!~ /~ ~ ,~ m Do you suspec~ lllne~ from thts supply? ~ yes, ~o .... ' ......................... ' .......... ~" - .... [remarks: ..., . ...................................................... :.....: .............. ( ................................ : .................... : ...... ::..,...: .................................................... ~5EASE DRAW A SKETCH ~ ~E SPAOE BELOW THIS SK.~CH SHOULD SHOW DOATION OF HOUSE, WA~ SUPPLy SOURCE, SEPTIC TANK, SE~R, DRAIN LI~S OR O~ER SOURCES OF POLLU~ON ~D DISTANCES 2IE~EEN WAT~'t SUPPLy SOURCE AND ~ OF ~OVE FAO~. S~LES .MUST B~ SUBMITTED IN CONTA~ERS PROVIDED BY T"E DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ?V.],q.Z©%Y',4'F,, ALA~7, A 9 ? 5 q ~ i:u. Robert Xnlefei, P.E. Xniefel Engineer in.i 9441 .ii!es Ct. Anchor. age, Al ~s'4 a 99504 Zubjec~ WALTER J. HICKEL, GOVERNOR S ;1 3 -;5 7 7 5 RECEIVED FEB I',, u, ,,s; .~,: y el Ancho~'ar, J8 DepL Health & Human Services j ...... '-~ ' ti.© ~ R'~' ~-'" '].'his is in response to your submittal, received in 'chis office on Dac3mbez 11, .].990, which incluiei design lpl. anz for a wastewater disposal system to res!ace the existing system that has recently ~ai!el. i have reviewel the submJ, tte! informatio:a and have the ffoiio?~ing co:intents. Cassa on the intended use of the =-~;~; ..... ' '* - .~ .... ~. anti your ~tEsumption Of the subsurface soil conditions, ~ d,ta~lea in the ..... data ~ '* al}pear s that the or o')osed wastewater .i J. 2oos ft! ....... .~u,~ .... , s~ze~ (2500 ~a!ion, two co-lsart:aen'6 o~;,¢~c ;an'.< and 13x, 0 ssluar2 ¢<''~ Of aosorpciu~ area) as noted in your · m;-.c,-,-;:n-.--~, .~o]._~c to h.~e .co.,.1,.~wzng ,eqttir.5;aents, tn,~ construction are c 9:,.) r eyed fOr Regulaffions. The ' '-: · of bile wastswato~ .41.~,:~o:~ .... y~ue,u ;-/ill need to ~ mona-toted oya ~.-' ~'~' - ] :'- o' ~'- ~ .... ) Complete as-built drawings of uho wastcwate: .':]issosa! system will neei to be submitted to this office under the stamp of a P.E. The sub:-;;ittei as-built drawings will neet] to v3rJ. fy zoiJ. s, ,~ater table anS i':'t?er:',;eabie st~:ata se:}arat J. on. .'_lon.-'toring tubes will neeJ to be located at each corner of th; soil absorption system. Thu monitoring tubes shouli uor:,,inate at the in-situ soil ;~n! sewer rock interface. They ghoul{! also be perforated from the bottom of the sa.~er rock to the invert of the dist~/ibution laterals. ....,,~.~ ~o be a :ainlmum o~ ten ~,-~- inst~za,] of shown on the .:]e:~.:gn .,= ...... 1~.. This approvaJ does not imply the granting of autho~'izat ions, nor obli,late any statS, federal, regulatory body to 9rant re~luired authoriza'tions. additional or local tlhen the existing single family resilence ix conveztefl to a tri- ple>: in the future and before serving water to the public (residents), the owner of the l:ublic water system will need to obtain an ope?-at]on certificate f~.~om this Department. than,, you for your cooperation w~th this .'-}epartmen~. if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact cc: Jenn ,~mith:} DI{H,~ ' Rildred Livesay, owner Sincereiy~ Xeven X. Xieweno Environmental Engineer XXi',/skpf