HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUETAWN ESTATE S-3796 ~{to thr~ O) ~es~ 1~ ~d ~ a~e~ with on ~e .thv~ tots, ~u~ ~, Oswatt P.O, F~o~ !? Chu~,d~t~, Ali~ka 991{67 be ~eq~re~ p~ to D ~.'¢RTMENT OF PLATTING OR PLANNING CASE NO. TITLE: ENVIRONMENTAL QL~I TY & ZONING CASE REVIEW Date Case Received By Suspense Date Comments to Planning Department 'For' Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Date ROUTING ~Environmental Engineering Air Pollution Noise Environmental Sanitation Meeting of October 7, 1975 S-3796 - The Anchorage Municipality has received a petition from Charles Carter to subdivide approximately 91 acres of previously unsubdivded land into 51 lots. The petition area is located on both sides of Little Peters Creek in Section 15, approximately 1-1/2 miles east of the Glenn Highway. These lands are presently designated as unsubdivided lands located in the W1/2, Wl/2, Sec. 15, T15N, RIW, S.M., Alaska, and are proposed to be designated: Sue Tawn Estates, Addition No. 2, by Ivan Decker. SITE: This proposed subdivision is located in au unrestricted zone. Tract 1 located in the northwest corner, contains a single family muit and the remainder of the property is undeveloped at this time. The topo varies greatly throughout the site, with the steepest portion being in the center portion of the subdivi- sion. The area along the north property line and adjoining Peters Creek is flat compared to the central portion. None of the interior roads have been constructed at this:,time. Adjacent property to the west contains single family units and mobile homes. Adjacent property to the north, east and south is undeveloped. IfISTORY: On September 16, 1975 the petitioner agreed for a postponement until October 7, 1975. The postponement was granted to give the engineer time to com- plete the soils tests and to make minor revisions as suggested by the staff. ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: The grades along the main access road vary from approx- imately 7% :up to 13%. The grade at the southern end of the upper road is approx- imately 15%. Grades at the northern end of the upper road vary from approx- imately l~!to 19%. The central portions of Lots 13, 14, 16, 18 are extremely steep, but'contain building sites along both roads. Lot 21, 23, and 26 sontain suitable building sites along the upper road. The large size of the tracts 1 through 4 were established due to physical features such as excessive slopes or problems with Little Peters Creek. The length of the upper cul-de-sac from the 60 foot right-of-way to be dedicated into Sleepy Hollow Subdivision will be approximately 1,350 feet. Both staff and Public Works recommend granting the waiver from the maximum cul-de-sac length of 600 feet. The Department of Environ- mental Quality will require the following additions: 1. A ~ote on the plat prohibiting any development of Tract 3 which would require on-site sewer and water. It has been determined that the tract is inadequate for such development. 2. A ~e-design of Lots 13, 14 and 16 due to the excessive slope on the three lots. The Department of Public Works will require additional drainage information, dedicationl of the proposed access road to Sleepy Hollow, and corner roundings with 20 fo~t radii at all road intersections. A subdivision agreement will be required for the construction of all interior roads. Public Works will also require pebmits from the involved State agencies for working in the vicinity of the Peters Creek stream bed. Public Works will also require the dedication of the 60 foot right-of-way west of Lots 16 and 18 and the extension of the lower road to the northern properly line with a temporary turnaround. Staff will require the naming of all interior roads and the area of each lot on the final plat. GREAT[R AI,ICtlORAG[.] ARLA UOR/)UI ~ /l~epartment of [nvironmonlal Q~i~ity 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99603 SOII,$ 1,O(i ' I~I','ROI,ATION TEST Performed for_~._~'__~.~. Legal This form ~eports :--'S~ i~s i o6.~~'~ ....... ~-e~To~ res t IO - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wi~at depth? Reading Date Gross Tinm Net Time epth to Water~ Net Urop ~-r-c~-l-~-~ o n rate mi ntlte. -Prol)osed installa'tTo-n~---~-~'~ge Pit ............... Drain Field ................... ~ Depth to bottom of pit or trench I)epth of Inlet ............. · COHMEI'~!'S: E(,~-040 (6/74) i ) GREATER ANCtlORAGE AREA l;OROb[ j Depart,lent of [i~vironmenlal Quo~,ily 3330 "C" Street Anchorage. Alaska 99503 SOII,S I,()(] -- IU,;I{OI,ATION 'I'E,ST j k).Sg. Dep~h ~ I $ ~Tx~a~Fe e t. 4 Performed ..... Perfor, i~d for ~'kfl :V ,'~,~ I~ ~~_~_~__~_,~ate . ...l~_s Legal Descripi'fSn]--~'Z'~'~[~i'~-~[~. ~ This form reports:-- ~i]s i~g_~ ..... Percolation test 10 CPl 13- ]4 - Was ground water encountered? If yes. at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Date: ]Fe-r-~-l-a-[l-o-n ['ate mi nute. -Proposed installai]-~]~'T-~-ge Pit Drain Field Dept~-l~a-m~)it or trenct~ Depth of Inlet .............. · _ .................. COHHENTS: .................................................................... GR[ATER ANCIIORAGI:. ?,I',L.'. 5OR()U(;I!. [,~.~partment of [nvironmen,.a] 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 9'b03 ' ' ' I,S I ~OII,S 1.0(, Iq.;ROI,ATION 'l :"' Perrora~d¢ for_.~_~)_.~_~_...q~]../~_.~./k~)...~_S' _q-~_-_'~_~_~__~_O/~ .L--)~__ .])ate Performed Legal Uc.cription: ~,i~l~ ~_~1.~ ......... This form reports:--' So{Ts ~og. ~--- P rcolatiou test 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wi~at depth? Reading [)ate Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop ~-e-FE-o 1 a ti on ra Lo mi nu te. -Proposed installatl-~-~i~-i""-S-e-e~ge Pit Drain Field .............. · to bo[tom of Iht or trench Del)th of Inlet ........... Oept}i ..... x-r----.-' · COl,Ii. lENTS: .................................................. : ................ EQ-04O (6/7~1) GREATER ANCIIORAGL AREA L)epartment of [nvironmr-'n[al Quasi ty 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99b03 ~()IL~ L()(; PI~ROLATION TE~T Legal L)escription This form reports: Soils log_~/~--_ Percolation ~est t0- 11 - 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth?. Re a d i n g Da t e Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop %TE%Ta/ o-fi' r a t e -Proposed instal la~-T-6'n'T-'-~%~e Pit Drain Field Depth of Inlet ............... . Depth to bottom of pit or trench COHMENTS: .................................. mi nute. ',)ate Performed Bv'~T-~g~.~ mCCa...~, P,l~ ~- Certified By: Eq- 040 (6/74) ~,~. GREATER AI4CIIOk/\GL AP, LA I;ORt)U['F ,, ~bepartmnent of [nvironmen[al 3334) "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99b03 ,q()II,S 1,0(1- PEROI.ATI, ON TE.ST ,~ ~ per~forn~d ro[~__~_~_.~.-~l'~d~.__ ~.~_.~._??~'_ ~.¢~dj~_.~L~,~_~_, ~ ..... ~)ate Performed ........ ~~ ~ Legal Ue~cription: ~%e~-~~l~ This form reports'-- S~ l~}j ~ ..... ~~ i~ 12- 13- 14- S7o~o Was ground water encountered? _~/~ If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Percolation rate minute. Depth to Water Net Drop -Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field Depth of Inlet ................ · Depth to bottom of pit or trenci, .... COI',IMEIiIS: ' . E(~-040 (6/74) ~ , GREATER ANC}IOkAGE'/~L,, UORU[,' i' "/Department of [nvironmc'~tal Qu.X'~(ity 333[) "C' Street Anchorage, Alaska Jgb03 SO II,S Performed for_.~-_'__~__~...~/:j~/.~._//~__~_~_~./~ -~T'~-~'/Jt~D~-/~-.--2-1.')ate PerforlmrJ Legal Ucscription: This form reports:-~ ~il~-q~] ~ . 2ercolation Lest Lf.~.C-. I)epth $~m. Feet l SM i. ! S:.m].2 3 ¢~. 6 7 lO- ll- 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? ~/e~;_.__ If yes, at wilat depth? 7 Readi ng Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Percolation rate minute.' -Prol)osed ~nstalla~-~h~-~-~ge Pit Drain Field Depth of :,~let . Depth to botLom (,f ,,it or trench ............. 1:::'55 EQ-040 (6/74) ~,,,GREATER ANCIIOkAGE Ai<i~A UOROUG'] ~ Jepartment of Lnvironmental Qua,q~.Ly 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 NOIh,C; l,O(; PI~llOI,ATION '1'1~$'1' Legal Description: This form reports:-- 12- t3- 14- Was ground water eh'countered? Jk)~ If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop J)~-r-co l a~ on rate [Iii nu to. -Proposed ~nstailat~on: Seepage Pit Drain Field Del)th of Inlet ............... · I)epth 't-6'~n--o'f-i)it or trenci~ COI,1HEIiTS: EQ-040 (6/74) GREATER ANCIIO(AG~ ARLA UOROU~' i · Oepartment of [nvironmerLal 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska gJ503 ' ~ C ~-~. Depth ;'~ rq. Feet 2- ,";()ILS I,OG PI~ROI,ATION Performed for ~ C ~_~_L~).~,~__ -~-~$_'.I:-J~-TJ~-~-=~' Legal Des c ri pZi on :']_~]~_~...~L~-~ ~- ~J-~--' ...... ~ ~ - This form reports: Soiislo9__~ , ~rco/a~lon ~est 6- 7- 8- lO- ll - 12- t3- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wilat depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to ~ater Net Drop Percolation Fat--e- ............... Dra~n Field -Proposed i ns tall a~-{~]~-:- '-$~-a-ge Pi t ._ Oept~'lf6~hFof pit or trenci~ Depth of Inlet ............. COHMENTS: ~e-r-f-~>~d-'i$-y-:~.~ _C~_ _~r~C~.Np~F_~....certi fied By: I~Q-040 Date: .............. GREATER ANCIIOkAGL .~,I{LA L.Z rtmo.t of [nvironmenLal (lualj / 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, A1 ~ska 9~b03 ~OIl,S l,O(; I'EI~OI,ATION TEST Performed for.__ ..._~.C?~.~..~. Legal L)e ~ c ri p t 1 on. _~_l..~.. This for~l reports: Soiis log ~ ~Depth Feet 2 - 5 Percolation test 9 10 ll 12 13 14 Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wi~at depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Fe~:~Ta-~To nra .................. te .n'nu--rte. Del)th of Inlet or trench COHHEIITS: ............................................................................. Depth to Water Net Urop ((;174) GREATER ANCIIORA(;E A~EA UOR)UGII ~ (~2partmenL of [nvironmenLal Quai~]~/y 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 S()II.S I,O(1 -I)I;ROI,ATION TEST Legal Description: S ,; This form reports:---S'~]"F, log__~ ' Percolation test 1 5.C~'Dep th ~J~e e t ...................... , ' 2 ' W~fcri~l' 4 .095 6 9 l0 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation rate minute. -Proposed installa~To]~: Seepage Pit Drain Field l)el)Ul of Inlet ............ · l)qptF~'~F07-l~it or trench .... :.' COMMENTS: Perfomed By:~o~_.l~ ~j~etNT~p.~..Certified By: ~-t-e~'": ...... ....... _ ..... ~.: EO- 04fl ,~ r,/7 4 ~ I i GREATER AitCIIORA(,L ¼~Jepartment of [nwron 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, AlasKa SOIhS I,O(l I I',P, OI,A l ION 'l l~n I Pe rfo rnmd Legal Description' ,.~_~ 15 S'['.1~]-~ }°~-L~-J - · _ q_._ _~_ . ' This form reports: ~o~ls log ~ ~.S~Bepth F~rcolation test m 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wiiat depth? Reading Date ! Gross Time -Proposed installa~l~F-'~ge Pit Drain Fie)d Depth of Inlet ............. · Dept~-~¥~¥t~o~-])it or trench COHHENTS: ........................................ : Net Time Depth to W~tev Net Ur6p E(,~- o,lo (G/?4) GREATER ANCIIOI<A(;L ?,P, EA :;OR )U(; ! Q.~partment of [nvironmental qua[.L~)y 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Aldska 9951}3 ,'-;OIhS 1,0(, I I,,ROI,A lION TEST Legal This form reports: >o~ s log~ . ~ Percolation Lest Depth 9~ 10- . .21O, oo 11- Was ground water encountered? /~ If yes, at wi~at depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation raLe minute. · Proposed installaYf~]~-:-~~-ge Pit Drain Field .................. Pepth of Inlet Depth"t~'][6~'t-~n~o-f-i)it or trench COHHENTS: .................................. By: ....... Date: GREATER ANCIIOIU\GI~. 'AR[~, '~Uepartment of [nvironmc~tal Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Al.as ka · ~OII,S hO(; PI~R()hA'I'ION FEST Perfornged for_. _'~_ _Q_t~......_~]~_.t%J__ Legal Description: liis form reports:-- ~'~_ · I'ercolation ~est 3- 4- 6- 7- 8- 10 - alone . II - 12- ]3- 14- Was ground water encountered? ~.o__ ...... If yes, at wliat depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time _D_~_p_t]~ to Watel'~__ Net Drop Iai nute. -Proposed installatio'n-:- Seepage Pit Drain Field ..................... Depth of Inlet ....... Depth to bottom of pit or trench COHF1LN/b: ........................................ --: ........ Percolat}on rate F~'()~ 040 (6/'/4) Date ~ GREATER ANCIIONA[;L AREA UOROUG(i , Department of Environmental Qua l',~y 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ,";()ILS L()G I'EI{OLATION 'I.'E~T Legal Description: This form reports:-- ~-1~. i'~g. I~; ........ i,)~ C, Del) tlr ~¥~ Feet Percolation test 7- 8- ll- ]2- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wirat depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation ~--a~- ............ i,Fi-n u t e~ -Proposed installat]=-%'n-:-' Seepage Pit .: ........... Drain Field ................... Depth of Inlet .............. · Depth to bottom of pit or trench COMMENTS: 040 O3174) GREATER AIICIIOI</\GE AREA DOROUL_L} Departnlent of Environmental ()uali Ly 3334) I'C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS IX)G - IH~R()I,ATION TE~T Pe rfo rnFeO for This form reports:--~o{~,~ log ~ Percolation ~est 6- T~ 8- 9 10 11 -- 12 13 14 Was ground water encountered? __]?~ If yes, at wha~ depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water' Net Drop Percolation r-~b- ............. il~i-n-~] ~-e-, ..... -Proposed installa~T~-n-: Seepage Pit Drain Field .................... Depth of Inlet ............ · Depth to bottom of pit or trench COr4MENTS: ................................................. EQ-040 (6/74) Date: S()II,S I,o(; PI':ROI,AT/ON T'.;ST This form reports: Soils log. ~S~l)eptn ~Feet 6- 7- ,11- ;!ate Performed Percolation test tl- 12- 13- ~las ground water encountered? b/ If yes, at what depth? Reading Depth to Water Net Ur(m Date Gross Time NGt Time Percolation rate minute. -Proposed i ns tal 1 aZ~-b-nT -%~-6~9e Pi t - lJepth of .Inlet COt.li IFil TS.: Drain Field Depth to boLtom of pit or trench l~ate: GREATER ANCHOI<AGI: /¥REA Uepartment of [nvironmen al 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska SOII,S I,O(i PI.;ROI,ATION TEST Legal Dc~crip'[~on:- ~_,~ ~_~.~ ~--~;--- ~-~ lhis fora reports:-- S6ils ~_ - vtrco~a~on ces[ . Del) th 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11 - 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date ] Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Perco~ion rate m~ nute. .Proposed '~nstallat~on:-'-f~-d~ge Pit Drain Field Depth to bottom of pit or trenci, Del)th of Inlet ............... · COHHENTS: ............................................ ~ ........... , _.z .............. ;)ate: Depar",nent of Environmental Quality "c" Street ul' '~Anchorage, ^taska 99503 Performed for ~_~~~~,Date~ . performed Legal Description: 'This fo~ reports: ~~'~rcolation test 10- 11- 12- Was ground water encountered? ~ If yes, at what depth? Reading ' Date ' GroSs 'Time Net Time Depth to H20 N Net Drop Percolation ri te minute, : ~roposed installation: Seepage Pit ...... Drain Field '" !'~ ~h of Inlet Depth to bottom of pit or trench <~MENTS: Performed By;~'.~/~J~'~g~4~,Oertified By: Date; ~,GREATER ANCIIORA(;~..Ai<LiA [30RI)UGJ~i ~a~epartment of [nvirormlenLal Qua 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, t\1 aska 99b03 S()II,S 1,()(~ I>EI~.OI,ATION Legal Description: This form reports :----S~ 1k~ ~'~9-/.~ Percol alien test 6- 7- - 8 9 ~ .~. lO 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? J ,6' ',)ate Pe rfo r,n~d ~_~'~ If yes, at wllat depth? . ~'_ Rcading Da te Gross Time Net Time Depth to $¥at~n' Net Urop -Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field ....................... Depth of Inlet ................ .. Depth t~']fo-t-tr~Tn--orF'i)it or trench .................... CO~IHENTS: · GREATER ANCIIORAGE AREA BOROU(;;' ~ ~epartment of I]lvironmenta] 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99b03 ,qOIl,S l,()(l PEI~_OI,ATION TEST Performe~d for_ ~_ ..~/_ _~_..._ .._~g~/_ .~r__.~j~_ ~. _~,_~.._..~_. _~ ..... Date Perfori,i,]d ~_ ~ra Legal L)eoccipt~on: ~ 4~ ~/~Z~,/~ ' .~- lhis form reports:- S~ils ib~] ~_ - ...... )T~T~TF~b~ test 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Readi ng _ Percolation rate minute. .Proposed instal latl~n~:-' S~e-e~a~.qe Pit Drain Field Depth of Inlet ............... · COHHENTS: Date Gross Time Net TimeSDepth to ~qater Net Drop Depth t~'-b-o~-t~-f--pit or trench .................... EQ-040 (6/74) Date: ,..:. ..,~ GREAIF[R AI~CIIOR/\(;L 3330 C otrec, t Anchorage, Alaska 99b03 ~OII,S I,OG PEI~OI,ATION TI,',ST Performed for_. ~_(~__k~.'._.~'J~._. _k~J. Legal L)cscription: ~1~ ~ L~ ~ - This form reports:---~o~ log~ Percolation Lest 4- ll- 12- 13- 14 - Was 9round water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time ~-~c o'1 'a-[T~' rate minute. · Proposed installation: Seepa.te Pit DepLh of Inlet ............ · COI.IHEI'tlS: Net Time Depth to Water [let Urop Drain Field Depth to bottom of pit or trench Date' ~-e~--f-o~n-e-d' i}-~ .~] .OcTx .~-.,:9_~._~J~.]~ ...... .Certi fi ed By: GREATER ANCIIOId\GL ARL.A UOROU(' ~ epartment of [nvironl e~,.a] QuaL~Ly 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 9~503 · 'q()[l,~ I,OG Iq';I~.OI,ATION '1 F,,ST This form reports: Soils log i~. ~'Depth Feet · · . Legal Uescription: ?orcolation test Date Per fo rme d..~/_?_ ~/~_&" 10- II - 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wilat depth? Reading Date I Gross Time Net Time Depth to er Net Drop -P-e-~'6~¥~-{ o n rate minute. -Proposed installaZ~T-See~e Pit ........ Drain Field Depth of Inlet ............. · Dept~{%'%~ttom of pit or trench COHHENTS: .................... EQ-.040 (6/74) GR[ATER Ai~CIIOI</NGE ARIA UOROU(:~ , ~epartulent of [nvironnlenta] Qua.~r-Fty 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99b03 Legal Descr. i ptiu~: This form report~: Depth fi()ll,S 1,0(; I'IiROI,ATION TEST Performed for_~_~_..~q~_ _. _~.~ _~_ ./~_~"-~:~'~'-.4~-~,~- ..... Date Perform,.,d... ~i ........ ~ Percolation test 10 - 11- 12- 14- ~Wa;--"~;Znd water encountered? Reading If yes. at wilat depth? Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Urop ............. t Pe rco l---a t i---o-~' ~-a~-e- ............. in-i-n'~-t-e-, ..... -Proposed 'installation: See~}~§e Pit Drain Field Depth of Inlet ........... . Dept~-F¥o--b~t~-m-6-f-pit or trench ................... COI41',}ENTS: EQ- 040 (6/74) GREATER ANCIIOkAGL ,~,I',LA --~{?partment of Lnv 3330 "C" Street Anchorage ~ Alaska 9}b03 SOII..g 1.0(, I'I';II()I.ATION l l..$ I Performed for_. _.~:~__C~_?--..~r~_L~)__iS~_~ ?FB~]~ '- _~,_J)j~_FL~..__/~J o, ~. Legal Description: _~,~: ~ ~_17- 1~1'-)4 F2-LL~ ---~--- This form reports:- Soil-. 1-~g_ ~ ...... . _~' h:rcolation test N 10- 11- 12- 13- ;)ate Perfo rm~:d ............ 14- Was ground water encountered? ~¢e C~m~_lIf yes, at what depth? Reading DateL Gross Tim Net Time Depth to Water Net brop -Proposed installa~-Fo]~'i- Seepaqe Pit brain Field · ~ ,) ~f Inlet . Depth to bottom of pit or trend ()u th ( . _ --'~--.'z~ ........... ~ E()- ()40 ((3/74) :)ate: Q~:, GREAT[P, ANCtlORAGL Al<L]/ BOROU~i , i)epartment of Dlvironme',Lal (luaWty 3330 "C" S~reec Anchorage, Alaska ~:95[J3 SOll,,$ I,OG PI.:ROLATION 'FEST Legal Des c ri J) t i on :_._$_._L~_ ~__,~ ~_~_(_~_. ....... . This form reports: Soils'tog. J~' . tercolation test N lO - II - ' 12 - 13 - 14 - Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation ~'aTe ............... in-i-n-ut--e-. -Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field .................... Depth of Inlet ................ · Depth t'O-i~T~%'if'-I)it or trench COHI,IENTS: .......................................................... ................... EQ-040 (6/74) , GREATER ^NCtl0kAGL AREA UOROL' ', ~../Pepartment of h~vironmental Q~\.~-~ ty 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99~03 HOII.S l,O(l PEP. O I,ATION Legal De~crl t~on. ~. ~ ~-~ z~' 9 . ' P ~ '-~-""=-~-'~%~ ..... f~ .... &~' ..... Percolation test lhis form. repor'Ks~:.~ So~ls lo§_~ ~/'~'Dep th '"' ~c~ 12 - 13 - 14 - Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wi)at depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time __De~p_t)~ to Water~__ Net Urop Percolation r-~- ............ ~l[i-nute. ,Proposed installa~-~t-;""-~-e~'~ge P~tept[~__t_6._l~.t~_~.~¢_pi~rain Field .................... Depth of Inlet or trench EQ-040 (6/74) GREATER ANCHOI<AGE Ai'(EA UOROU(i epartment of [nvironmer Lal Qua-~ty 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 9~b03 SOII,S I,OG ' IU~I~.OI,A'I'ION 'l EST ' · Legal Descriptiun:_~ This form reports: So~s /o9. Del)th 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- lO - II - 12 - 13 - Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to ~/ater Het urop ........ ~Ti~-~t-o-7 ....................... P-~rcol ati on rate -Proposed installatio'n-:-']~ge Pit~;~-~ Drain Field Depth of Inlet .............. · Deptnco'uo~m~-u--pit trench or COHO,lENTS: ...................................................... ;--~ E(~-o4o (G/~) GREATER ANCIIOkA(;L ARLA UOROUGtt q~epartment of Environmental 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, A1 asl:a 99b03 S()II,S 1,O(; - I'I{ROI,A'I'ION 'fi{ST pecforn~d for_. _~__~_~,.. [T-f ~k)- ~_~.TiYF~ ~ .~-~A}~ Legal bescription:_~.~f~ ~his form reports: Soils log.~ .~ Percolation test 10- lt- 12- ~13 - 14- ..... 10ate Performed ~_L~ /,~_~.. Was ground water encountered? Reading Da te Gross Time If yes, at what depth? Net Time Depth to Water Ret Urop .................. T_~-_] _-_-z_-_Z;Z_-Z;Z-Z ........ ;] .... Z-_ ............. - ................. ........... -_-._ ................. -_] .................. , ..................... ~-~%Ta-~ToW ~Yd ,,,inute. -Proposed installa-f~-~)]-:-'-~ge Pit Drain Field ........................ Del)th of Inlet ............ · De. pth to bottom of pit or trench __. C01,1~.IEN1S: Date ' _, _~_.. ~ ~.~_~..Certi lied Perfon~ed B.% :LLut~t~ _~ c-k-~-~ L By :. EQ- 040 (6/74) , GREAT[R ANCIIO <AGE AREA UOROU(?I ~f)epartment of [nvironmenLal 333{} "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99b03 Perform]~ for___~ .L)_/~_~_ Legal Description: _ =.~-~ _ ~_& · This form reports: 5o', s ~og~ Percolation ~est 5 6 7- 9~ ~12 - 13- 14 - Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wi~at depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop p~bTaTfo n~ ............ : rate ....... ,Proposed installa-tq-~-n-:---S-~-e~-ge Pit Drain Field Depth of Inlet ................. · Depth to bottom of pit or trench COI,IMEliTS: ............................................................ EQ-040 (6/74) ',)ate: .............. GR[ATER ANC 0Id\GL .?]:L,I I;0ROUri ~..}L)epartment of L.v]ronmer. tal Qu\.~ty 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska '~9b03 SOILS 1,O(; - I'I'HIOI,ATION 'I'ICS'I' Perfo r,~ad for_.- _~'._ _[~_~...~-/-_ Legal Description: This form reports: Soils log /.~ Percolation test Feet 4- 6 - 7- 12 - 13 - Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Or6p Percolation rate minute. -Proposed ~ statlat~on: oeepage Pit Drain Field I)epth of Inlet ................. · Oept~o'~6~--O~-])it or trench __ COHMENTS: ............................. L Performed By ~_?¢._ ~_~r. qf.~94~..;~__~__ ?rti fi ed By: Date: ............. EQ-040 (6/74) I i /' .GREATER ANCIOI<A(;L A;LA k~Jepartment of I.nv~ronme..al 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 9th03 ,q()ll,S I,O(l - I~I'HIOI,A'I'ION '1 EST Performed for_ ............ ~ M. __~w._ ~fi-p3__'~D_l~, '.%_[~) o. ~.,. _;)ate Perfor,l~:d Legal Description: This form reports:---~oil~ log ¢/ ---F'ercolation test -4- 10 - '5';oo0 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? ~_q>_] ....... If yes, at wilat depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Urop F~ol a t i on rate minute, .Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field Depth of Inlet ............ ~__. Depth to bottom of pit or trench COI,IMENIS: ....................................................... ~ .................... Date: .............. Perfo~ned 3 ']2i2om~ B~cv_~.~_~ Certified By' GREATER ANCIIOk/\GL. ?,I(L.~, t;ORt)U(;ll .;partment of [nvironmen'a] Qua~' ty 3330 C otreet Anchorage, Alaska 9~b03 ' ' I I~S I S()II,S 1,0{, PI~IIO I,A'I'ION ..... Performe~d for_. ~(~ ."[_L%I.~LI .[k)___~S][~,__'l:~_- AB~ ~o. ~ ..);ate Perfor,,ted ._.~_h ~]S Legal Description' ~ ~ ~ reports:-~'e-~-x~~-~u-~ ') -- ~erc~tion test lifts form Depth Feet 7 9 lO- ll- 12 13 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what deptt~? Reading Date Gross Ting jTe~o-~-~ o n rate minute. .Proposed installat~-:-' see~t, le Pit Drain Field Depth of lnlet Deptl~-t-6'i/o-~t-O~-o-f-'i)it or trenct, Net Time Del)th to Water Net Urop COHHEI1TS: EQ- 0,10 (6/74) GREATER ANCIIOkAGL AREA UORO['I ' Departl ent of lMvironnlent, a] Q&LMty 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOII,S 1,()(; - PEI~.OI,ATION TEST Pe rfo rme d fo r_ _ ~_(j ~.._ ..':.-_ .tN_M_ 1~)..L~ ~_~ ~_~ ~_~p . .~_...,),. t e Pe rfo rl;~e d Legal Description: ~..i~.~ t~. ~1~. ' ................ This form reports:- g[cT]-tb - - P~~' test [' Z'E_ lO- ll - 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time epth to Water~__ Net Urop _ Percolation r-a t~e .............. ilCi-n-~-e-.- -Proposed installa~h-~ Seepage Pit Drain Field Depth of Inlet ................... . Depth to bottom of pit or trenci, COMMENTS: (6/74) bate: GREATER ANCII0k/\GL ?,P, EA UOROU] q ~Department of lmvironmen[a] Qu~,~ [y 3330 "(;" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99b03 SOII,S l,O(l PEI{OI,ATION 'I'EST Legal Description' '- ~ , ~ . This form reports: Soil~log. ~ Percolation test ~Depth .Feet _. ~ . . 2- ~~'~' 4- 6- 10- 11- --_T L- .... -Z---Z -_?T-;Z If yes, at wi)a~ depth? Was ground water encountered? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percol ati on ~-a~- ............. ~: ~}~ ...... -Proposed installa~Yd-n":---~-6~-ge Pit Prain Field ........................ Depth of Inlet .............. . Depth to bottom of pit or trench COI.llqEI'GS: EQ- 040 (6/74) [)ate: nepartment of [nvironmental Qua!J ;:.y 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS 1,0(i PEROI,ATION TI'.'ST Legal l]escri ption:_~_~ This form reports: So~if~ ~-"~ ~ ~tl Dep ~h Feet i~C o~ ~ ~;If ...................... 3~ Percolation test 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wi~at oepth? [0 Reading Date Gross lime Net Time Percolation rate .... ~-nute.- -Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field DeFth of Inlet Oepta to bottom of pit or trench COFlf. IEIiTS: ,__ .Cert~ f~ ed EQ- 040 (~/74) Depth to Water Net tiro() ;)ate: GREATER ANCtlORAGE AREA ~OROUGH 'epartment of D,vironmen~al 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS 1,O(i -- PEROI,ATION TI{ST Legal This form reports:--' ~il~og_'~ - ' Pe~ation test Depth Feet ~/z~ or~-wi-c-"~ i-It' .................. 4 1e- l1 - 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what deDth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time epth to Water Net Percolation rate minute. -Proposed installa~-f~-n-:- Seepage Pit .Drain Field Depth of Inlet , Depth to bottom of pit or trench __. COMHE)'~TS: ............................................................................ EQ-040 (6/74) Uepartment of knvi ron~,,,:n'.al ()u~TM ty ' ~ 3330 'C" Street A1 as~a ~ ... anchorage, 9)503 SOILS 1,0(; I~EROI,ATION 't Performed for ~ ~A~:_~_~-~QD)~'- ~,rcolation ~est This form reoorts: Soils log Depth Feet 1/C c~-~,c ¢ql-f ........................ 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11 12- 13- 14 z--,-,,~ Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what de,th? Reading Date Gross Time Net TimeDepth to Water~ Net Urop Pe'Fc~fo n rate ...... bi~ t~-~ ...... -Proposed installa~h'? Seepage Pit Drain Field Depth of Inlet Deoth to bottom of pit or trench CONHLNTS: ............. GREATER ANCIIORAGE Ak,., UORI)UGil ~qepartment of [nvironm~,lLa] Qua~.y 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska ~! ~,03 SOII,S I,O(, : PEIIOI,ATION 't ,:Sl Performe~d for_ ~'_[2_~_ _ .q~... ~/~N_g,)__~_5. _~__q~__q'~,=_-_,~.__~]~J~ ~ ,._~_..aa te Performed.__~ ) h ~ Legal Deocription:_~_!.~t~ I~_~%_~_1~. ~ ~.., This form reports: Soils log ~ ,~rcolat~on test Dep th Feet 3 4 5 7 8- k~iSk4 9- 11 12- 13- 14- Was grotmd water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Percolatton rate -Proposed installa~i: Gross Time N]e.t Time Depth to Water~ Net Drop ininute. Seepage Pit Drain Field Date: "~ ' · Department of [nvironmon[al Qu [y Anchorage, Alaska 99503' SOILS I,()G I~I~I{OLATION TI'~ST Legal Description This form reports: Soils log ~ Percolation test Depth Feet 4- 5- 7- 11 ,r 13- / Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wi~at depth? _ ol .... Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Percolation ~- ~-e- ............. ~-i-n-~-t-e-.' .... Depth to ~etet' Net uroo -Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field Depth of Inlet .............. . Depth to bottom o'F pit or trench COHMENI~S: GREATER ANCIIOkt\GL AREA BOROUGII ~I)ar~mepL o~ £nvironmenLal 3330 "C' Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOII,S I,OG - PERO I,ATION l I.,~ I or -.,- -'% ~ kl ' Date Performed ~c~[~ ~-I~ Perfor ~d f o - ~l-.~ ~ [~~ ~ _Z~ ~_.. .... ~_~ ................ ' ..... T--~ Legal Uescrl pti un._~:._ ~ ~_t~1~-~-~ ~. -~ ~ This form reports: Soii~ log_ ~ verco~at]on test Depth Feet 1 or'3 ~ ~ ;c 2. C4b.> - 5- ) 11 ~ 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? IqDoLs~ .... If yes, a~ wi~at de2th? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time-t Depth to Water Net urop Percolation )-~ t--e ....... minute. -Proposed installat]--~i;-[ Seepage Pit Drai~ Field Depth of Inlet ............. - Depth ~o bottom of pit or trench, COMMENTS: ,~q~ Dy-~_~_. U_~/~ ..... <_ fi ed By :. Date: . 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS I,OG - PEROLATION TEST Legal Description: ~-. 1~ ~-~ 0%0 This form reports: So~ s ]og_.~_ Percolation test Depth Feet -_ 10- ll 2_ Date Perform,'d., c)c< xI Iciqq Was ground water eocountered? ~ If yes, at what depth? Reading [)ate Gross Time Net Time Pefco] a ti on ~Tate mi nute. -Proposed installat]-~-~-n-i Seepage Pit ...... ~ ....... Drain Field Depth of Inlet ............... · Depth to bottom oF pit or trench CO~4~.IE['~TS: Depth to Water Net Drop ~.,~,:~.~I~N ,qNCIIUIUNGL ARL,.', DOROUGII Department of Environmental Qu f i ky 3330 "C" Street L]~) Anchorage, Alaska 99503' SOH,S I,()(i -- PEI~OI,ATION TEST Performed for_~__U_k=...? '[SLd_)__k~__C~_-_%~__'~, --~--/-~-~dkl_ IX_l_Om_.~_?ate Performed Legal Doscri pti ,on :~_~_,..-.~:157~_ t_.~]-_l_.~__/k3_~p.~ t~). This form reoorrs: 3('/s lOg ~- - - - Percolatio11--t~s-~----- Depth !x'-o ~ ~ ~ Feet 3 - J ~r~, 6- 9- 10- ll ,12 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? )~_ Reading Date Percolation rate --' minute. -Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Depth of Inlet COi.IHEI',IT S: Gross Time Net Time epth to Water_ Net Drop Drain Field Depth tb--b~-~;~-r~-~'f-])it or trenci~ GREATER ANCIIORAGL AREA UORUUGII ,'lepartment of [nvironmen[a] Qua' ~y 333"" ....... ,~ Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOlI,S I,()(1 PEROI,ATION TEST Performed for___~_[9_.~_. _.T_'~__L~j ~.) ~-~% ~-F~-~ --/~o_l)__&a___~l)_~_.~j)ate Performed ~ I~___ Legal Description: _T~%~.~S '~-I~-~_~- -~l~;~ -' ' ......... This form reports:--Soil--~--~)~.z-'] .... ~ -L~U, -- Perc~olati~-~-~'~- ........... 13-. -IS Was ground water encountered? z_~ If yes, at wuaL depth? tO Reading Date Gross Time Net Time eptn to Watm Net Drop _ Percolation rate minute. -Proposed installat~-fon: Seepage Pit Drain Field Deptll of Inle~ Oept~]--t-6'qJ~i-t~-~-iHt or trenci~ COHMEI'tTS: Date: GREAT[R ANCIIOkAGE AR£,n !;OROUGI Q. 'i_'partment of [nwronme,~Lal Qua~' "~y 3330 "C" Street kj Anchorage. Alaska ~A)o · OII,S hO(, I EROI,A 1 ION 1 ~.S I Perforn~d For ~CJ[% 'J]~I.._L~.)bJ C~. %]L~ZCI~L-~C~Dk)_~3!.3. ~ Thls form reports: Soils 1~ ~- Jercolat]on Depth Feet .... Date Perfomed _.~_~_l_,ll__]_~ test 2- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 10- 11 12- 13- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Ti,K~ Net Time Depth to .Water Net LJroP Percolation rate mnute -Proaosed i,stalla-t-T~h-:---S-~-.qe Pit Drain Field Depth of Inle~ ................ Depth to bottom of pit or trench COI.IHENTS: Performed By :.~'~!X~{{.~fl~4~} ~55-~.Ccrtified By: Date GREATER ANCIIOI{A(;E £,l{Lt~ ,JUNUUbH '~eparLmenL of [_nvironmenLal (/ua~y 3330 "C Street Anchorage, Id as~,a 99b03 SOII,S I,O(, PI.;ROI,ATION IE, I Date Perle hued .~.l~_l --~ Legal This form reports: Sol,s log ,~ PerF~ion Lest Depth Feet 3- 6- 7- : 8- II- 12- 13- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wi:aL depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Watm' Net Urop Percolation rate m~nure. -Proposed installa~?-Seepage Pit Drain Field Depth of Inlet ............... · Dep~'-b~Tt~'~'~)i t or ~rench COHHENI'S: ............................................................................. Date Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street ~ Anchorage, Alas~a 99503 . '~ SOILS 1,0(1 PI';ROI,ATION TEST Perfon~d for ~L_) .t~. _.T_~c~O ~S~__~j~-}Lk~D]lZo~o:_2~_pate pe'rfornled._.._Y_~_!>l_Xqj This form reports: Sc~ s log_ ~ Percolation test Dep th Feet 7- 8- 9- 10- 11 12- 13- 14- Was ground water encountered? ~x.3o~,~_ If yes, at wi~a~ depth? Reading [)ate Percolation 'r~1~ b- .......... minute. Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net .Propos ed i ns tal 1 a~-n-:- -~e~-~-g e Pi t Dra i n F i e 1 d l)epth of Inlet ............... · DeptlT-t--~'-b-ot--to--m-o-f-])it or trenci, COHFIEI'tTS: Date: hl~,Lt~l LN t~IqLIIURAL, L ,ql',L/~ DUKUUhll Department of [nvironnlenLal 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOll,S 1,0(i - I'EROLATION TI!ST Performed for ~)_~L~ _TT_]NLof~_. L~-~__~_.T~zNTP~- ~tS_~ ~%:_~.pate Perforn,,~d ,)~/ Legal Descripii~5~: ~¢-~-~-<l~_'lkZ ~.___ ~_Lg__$ This form reports:-- Soils lbg ~ ' Percolation test Depth Feet 10- 11 12- 13'- 14 - --'---' 6'70,0o Was ground water encountered? ~o~o_ If yes, at what depth? Re a d i n g l)a t e Percolation rate Gross Time Net Time minute. Del)th to Water Net Orop -Proposed installatioh-':--S--e-eba--ge Pit Drain Field Depth of Inlet ............. · Depth t6'-6bTt~-f-i)it or trench .... COMMENTS: EQ-O40 Date: I GREATER ANCIIORAGL AREA DORUUGi ]epartment of Vi]vironmental Qu 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Ly SOILS 1,0(1- PEROI,ATION 'lEST Performed for_.___~_O_,~.~_. _']~___L$~_)(L~__._L~_%?[~%][_~ -P~_O_D..Lo k~o.-_.~_._pate Perform,,d,_ ~ ...... D -I 5 Legal Description:_%~_~._ZC ~ ~_~_~oo, _ ..... This form reports: Soils log~ Percolation Lest Depth Feet 3- ~ I+-~ 11 - 12- 13- 14 .... ?l r~,. .~.~ , c .,[l~ [ g~ +bo~tA~,o~oe Was ground water encountered? Ix) o~_ If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Percolation rate -Proposed install Depth of Inlet ............ COI,lblEI'G S: Seepage Pit Drain Field Depth to bo[tom of oil or trenci~ DePth to Water Net Uror) m-0 0 DaLe: