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SWANEE SLOPES General Information
Roth, Dan J. From: Sent: To: Subject: Montgomery, Larry [LMontgom~envircon.state.ak.us] Monday, December 13, 1999 12:45 PM 'Dan Roth' FW: Issues: December 6-10. 1999 FYh in case you haven't received the latest info. ..... Original Message ..... From: Olson, Eileen Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 8:22 AM To: Lott, Elaine; Frechione, Jim Cc: Olson, Eileen; Kleweno, Keven; Montgomery, Larry; Alam, Shah Subject: Issues: December 6-10. 1999 Mile 20 Old Glenn Highway (Olson) During the week CSRP and Drinking Water Program staff fielded several phone calls from area residents who received a drinking water advisory on December 4th, and met with two Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs) on December 10th. To date, two wells serving drinking water systems and one residential drinking water well in the Swanee Slopes subdivision have been found to be contaminated with gasoline compounds. Two of the wells have benzene levels in excess of the federal Maximum Contaminant Levels for drinking water. The soume of the groundwater contamination is not known, however PRP letters were sent to Chevron USA, as there is a former Chevron station in close proximity to the contamination, and to the owner of the highly contaminanted residential well. CSRP approved a workplan by a consultant retained by the residential well owner to sample ten drinking water wells or systems during the week of December 13th. The Department expects to require further investigation including monitoring well installation. f Roth, Dan J. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Montgomery, Larry [LMontgom(~envircon.state.ak. us] Wednesday, December 01, 1999 1:44 PM 'Dan Roth' Olson, Eileen; Kleweno, Keven UPDATE ON SWANEE SLOPES SAMPLES We finally received the last batch of sample results this morning. The Golden Wheels Amusements Office, located at 18619 Old Glenn Highway [Lot 3 Swanee Slopes S/DJ had 0.0126 mg/L Benzene in their sample. This is the only sample of the 11/12/99 that showed anything significantly above the Laboratory's PQL. The 0.0126 mg/L Benzene level was derived from CT&E's analytical method for BTEX (AK101/8021B). This analytical method is satisfactory for determining if such contaminates are present, but it is not qualitative or quantitative enough for Drinking Water requirements. A full range of VOC samples that are analyzed by method 502.2 or most likely by 524.2 would give us more definitive information about type and concentration of any contaminate(s). Cathy Morton and the personnel of Golden Wheels Amusement Office have been informed of the sample results. They are refraining from using the buildings water, and Ms. Morton is providing bottled water for her employees. I talked with Ms. Morton at length this morning and have offered to answer any questions or discuss any concerns that her employees have. I faxed her the sample results and VOC sampling information this morning. This afternoon Cathy Morton will be meeting with her consultant Dan Young about this situation and future samples. I will keep you notified of any developments, futura sample results, and any ADEC actions concerning this situation. Since Ms. Morton and her employees are aware of the situation, it is prudent to wait for the VOC sample results before pursuing any public notice. Take care, larry ZtCT&E Environmental Services Inc. CT&E Ref.# Client Name Project Name/# Client Sample ID Matrix Ordered By PWSID 996285001 MOA-Health/Human Sty-H20 Quality Chugiak CHug- 1 Water (Surface, Eft., Ground) Client PO# 72687 Printed Date/Time 11/18/99 14:07 CollectedDate/Time 11/12/99 13:30 Received Date/Time 11/12/99 16:55 Technical Director: Stephen C. Ede Reicased.y Sample Remarks: Results PQL Units ALlowable Prep Analysis Hethod Limits Oate Date Init GRO/602 Combo Gasoline Range Organics Benzene Toluene Ethy[benzene P & M -Xylene o-Xy[ene Surrogates 4-BromofLuorobenzene <Surf> 1,4-DifLuorobenzene <Surr> 0.0900 U 0.00050 U 0.0020 U 0.0020 U 0.0020 U 0.0020 U 86.7 97.5 0.0900 0.00050 0.0020 0.0020 0.0020 0.0020 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L AK101/8021g AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AKlO1/8021B (50-150) (60-120) 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 11/16/99 11/16/99 '~t~x CT&E Environmental Services Inc. CT&E Ref.# Client Name Project Name/// Client Sample ID Matrix Ordered By PWSID 996285002 MOA-Health/Human Sty-H20 Quality Chugiak CHug-3 Water (Surface, Eft., Ground) 18gq20tP Z Sample Remarks: Client PO# 72687 Printed Date/Time 11/18/99 i4:07 Collected Date/Time 11/12/99 14:00 Received Date/Time 11/12/99 16:55 Technical Director: Stephen C. Ede Results PQL Units Allowable Prep Analysis Method Limits Date Date Init GRO/602 Combo Gasoline Range Organics Toluene Ethytbenzene P & M -Xylene o-XyLene 4-Bromofluorobenzene <Surf> 1,4-Dif[uorobenzene <Surf> 0.0900 u 0.00050 U 0.0020 u 0.0020 u 0.0020 u 0.0020 u 86.1 96.2 0.0900 0.00050 0.0020 0.0020 0.0020 0.0020 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021R AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021B (50-150) (60-120) 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELG 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 11/16/99 11/16/99 CT&E Ref.# 996285003 Client Name MOA-Health/Human Sty-H20 Quality Project Name/# Chugiak Client Sample ID CHug-4 Matrix Water (Surface, Eft., Ground) Ordered By 2193f PWSID Client PO# 72687 Printed Date/Time 11/18/99 14:07 Collected Date/Time 11/12/99 14:30 Received Date/Time 11/12/99 16:55 Technical Director: Stephen C. Ede Sample Remarks: Parameter Results PQL Units Allowable Prep Analysis Method Limits Date Date Init GRO/602 Combo Gasoline Range Organics 0.0900 U 0.0900 mg/L AK101/8021B Benzene 0.00050 U 0.00050 mg/L AK101/8021B Toluene 0.0020 U 0.0020 mg/L AK101/8021B Ethylbenzene 0.0020 U 0.0020 mg/L AK101/8021B P & M -Xylene 0.0020 U 0.0020 mg/L AK101/8021B o-Xy[ene 0.0020 U 0.0020 mg/L AK101/8021B 1,4-Oifluorobenzene <Burr> 89.8 % 92.3 % AK101/8021B AK101/8021B (50-150) (60-120) 11/16/99 11/17/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/17/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/17/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/17/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/17/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/17/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/17/99 11/16/99 11/17/99 X~z~ CT&E Environmental Services Inc. CT&E Ref.# Client Name Project Name/# Client Sample ID Matrix Ordered By PWSID 996285004 MOA-Health/Human Srv-H20 Quality Chugiak Trip Blank Water (Surface, Eft., Ground) Client PO# 72687 Printed Date/Time 11/18/99 14:07 Collected Date/Time Received Date/Time 11/i2/99 16:55 Technical Director: Stephen C. Ede Released By Sample Remarks: Results PQL Units Atlowable Prep Analysis Method Limits Date Date Init GRO/602 Combo Gasoline Range Organics Benzene lo[uene Ethylbenzene P & M -Xy[ene o-Xylene 4-Bromoftuorobenzene <$urr> 1,4-Difluorobenzene <Surr> 0.0900 U O.OOOSO U 0.0020 U 0.0020 U 0.0020 U 0.0020 U 89.2 98.3 0.0900 0.00050 0.0020 0.0020 0.0020 0.0020 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021B AK101/8021B (50-150) (50-150) 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 ELB 11/16/99 11/16/99 11/16/99 11/16/99 c~::0mz->~zoo .oz MILE 20 OLD GLENN HIGHWAY SAMPLING REPORT November 12, 1999 The following information was taken from the sampling notes taken on 11/12/99. This is a listing of sites visited and samples taken. After leaving ADEC, 555 Cordova Street, Eileen Olson and Larry Montgomery obtained sample containers from CT&E laboratories at 200 West Potter. Each location was sampled for two lests: GRO and BTEX. From there we proceeded lo Swanee Slopes S/D in Chugiak. The day was overcast/cloudy. SYNOPSIS OF SAMPLES NOVEMBER 12, 1999 SAMPLE # 1: 1:19 P. M. from bathroom sink faucet at 18682 Atnonson Loop, Lyle O'Connor House, phone: 688-8870. ~ais is Lot 6, Block 3, McKinley Heights S/D. Located slightly upgrade and to the south east of 21625 Swanee Corot. SAMPLE # 2: 1:26 P. M. from kitchenette sink at 18619 Old Glenn Highway; Golden Wheels Amusement Carnival Office. Phone: 688~2297. This is Lot 3, Swanee Slopes S/D (East Side of Bending Birch Drive) Located approxinmtely north of 21625 Swanee Court. SAMPLE # 3: 1:40-1:41 P.M. from hose inside building at 18692 Old Seward Highway, Golden Wheels Amusement Blne Shop (formerly Chevron Station). This may be designated as Lot 1, Block 1 McKinley Heights. It is located on the West Side of Amonson Road. North east of 21625 Swanee Court. SAMPLE # 4: 1:53-1:54 P. M. from kitchen sink faucet at 21635 Swanee Court, Claire Morton House, contact through Cathy Morton at 688-2297 (office) or 688-5283 (home) This location was marked as 18543 on the Cab book/tax map page. Ttds is Lot 13 of Swanee Slopes S/D (East Side of Bending Birch Drive), and slightly upgrade and to the west of 21625 Swanee Court. SAMPLE # 5: 2:12 P. M. from kitchen faucet at 18617 Old Glenn Highway, 1oe and Leslie Carpenter House, Phone: 688-2365, System Operator Rick Outwin, Phone: 688- 4105. This is Lot 6 Swanee Slopes I (West Side of Bending Birch Drive) PWSID# 211847, Class C well. Slightly south west of 21625 Swanee Court. SAMPLE # 6: 2:47 P. M. from faucet in well house at 18606 Old Glenn Highway, Chngiak Benefit Association, Harvey and Brenda Albright, Phone: 688-7149 or 688- 3275. The S/D was not determined at this time. PWS1D # 214586, Class A well. Tttls water also serves the Chugiak Children Services building. This is situated mainly west from 21625 Swanee Court. SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION: 1:01 P.M. Arrived at Cathy Morton's house, located at 21625 Swanee Conrt. [Lot 6 Swanee Slopes, East Side of Bending Birch Drive] Since fids location had been previously sampled, today's sample not for laboratory analysis. The sample (a brown, "quart-size," glass container) was taken at-1:07 P.M. from the -50 gallon pressure tank, in the crawlspace under the house. A detectable odor was apparent, when the container was partially emptied. Tiffs location is reported to have a GAC filter installed before the faucets. The water is being used for showering, flushing of toilets and wastfing clothes only. Bottled water containers were present in the entryway to this house. 1:11 P.M. 1:15 P.M. I:21 P. M. 1:23 P.M. 1:30 P. M. 1:35 P. M. 1:47 P. M. 2:07 P. M. 2:20 P. M. 2:53 P. M. Arrived atMr. Woods house, at 18688 Amonson Loop. [Lot 5, Block 3 McKinley Heights S/DJ No one was present, so we proceeded to the next house to the east. Arrived at Lyle O'Connor's house, at 18682 Amonson Loop, phone number 688-8870. Mr. O'Connor indicated that he had no problems with Ids water. With Mr. O'Connor's permission, Sample #1 was taken from the bathroom faucet at 1:19 P.M. Passed by Golden Wheels Amusement bookkeeper's (Brandy's) house. This address was 18692 as posted on the house. This house was located on the southern part of the lot, between rile blue shop and Mr. Wood's House on 18688 Amonson Road. Tins house was reported to be connected to the same well as the blue shop. Since the water was sampled at the blue shop, we did not take a sample from this location. Arrived at Golden Wheels Amusement Carnival Office, 18619 Old Glenn Highway. Discussed sampling with Cathy Morton. Arranged to sample the adjacent shop (formerly Chevron) and Claire Morton's house, since both were reported to have separate wells. Mr. Young had faxed a blank map of Swanee Slopes S/D to Ms. Morton, and requested that rile locations of each well be marked on this map. We attempted to mark rile well locations on this map. The well serving this building was located near the Glenn Highway on the lot line between Lots 2 mid 3 Swanee Slopes (East Side of Bending Bimh Drive). The well was covered with a black plastic bucket. Have not located a PWSID # for fids well. Observed "gutter style" overflow from a reported spring, The overflow was not continuous but occurred intermittently from a sump pump. The overflow was located along the West Side of the Golden Wheels Amusement Carnival Office. Arrived at blue shop, formerly the Chevron station, to the east of Golden Wheels Amusement Carnival Office. Attempted to sample from the toilet room sh~k; however, could only get warm/hot water. Sample # 3 was taken from the hose that was attached to a faucet just outside the toilet mom - htside the shop. Although dark inside rile sbop, did not observe floor drains and the building was mostly empty. The well was reported to be located on the East Side of the building. Met with Claire Morton at her house, located at 21635 Swanee Court. Ms Morton reported no problems with water at this location. Ms. Morton commented that she drinks about a gallon of water or more per day. Sample # 4 was taken from the second floor, kitchen sink. The well was reported to be located on the north-west corner of tiffs lot, at the intemection of Bending Birch Drive and Swmtee Court. Arrived atthe Carpenter house located at 18617 Old Glenn Highway. Leslie Carpenter reported that they had excellent water, mid no problems. Sample # 5 was taken from the kitchen sink faucet. Arrived at Chugiak Benefit Association at 18606 Old Glenn Highway. and met Harvey and Brenda Albright Sampled at the kitchen sink, but discarded this sample and obtained Sample # 6 from a faucet within the well house, q~is sample was most likely post- pressure tank, but this could not be fitlly determined. On location at Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church at 18444 Old Glenn Highway. Realized that the church's well was a considerable distance from Swanee Slopes. Decided not to sample at this location at this time. Subdivision was not determined at this time. The well at this location is PWSID # 212762, Class B. 2:58 P. M. 3:06 P. M. 3:17P. M. Returned to Mr. Wood'g house at lg6gg Amongon Loop. Again, go one wag pregent at this site. Returned to Golden Wheels Amusement Carnival Office, at 18619 Old Glenn Highway. Discussed sampling and returned the map with wells indicated on it. Investigated northwest comer of Lot 2, Block 1, McKinley Heights S/D, at the intersection of Old Glenn Highway and Amonson Road. Ttds area was reported to have a gasoline like odor. Investigated area across from 18692 Old Glenn Highway, in the area that MTA had been drilling "grounding" wells. Observed one well casing, with well cap, and large copper lian(s) entering the casing through a hole near the well cap. Tiffs was located in rite area defined as "Lomtta French Park" on the cab book/tax map. Discussed water situation with personnel at the Saddle/Tack Shop located at 18575 Old Glem~ Highway, across from the Chugiak Benefits Association. Personnel reported that they didi~'t drink or shower with the water, bnt utilized it in their work. They reported no apparent odor or discoloration of their materials wNle using the water. This inspector remembers lids building having it's own well, located nndemeath the building. ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS~ COMMENTS~ AND NOTES: A file search revealed that paperwork for Lot 6 Swanee Slopes I (West Side of Bending Birch Drive) depicted the well located on Lot 13 Swanee Slopes (East Side of Bending Birch Drive) as a Class C. A substantial number of dogs are kenneled on lost 6 and 7 Swanee Slopes I S/D (west side of Bending Birch Drive. Lot 7 Swanee Slopes I (West Side of Bending Birch Drive) contains rite Class C well, PWSD # 211847, and is also used for storage of large eqinpment and trailers for Goldan Wheels Amusement. Lot 5 Swanee Slopes (East Side of Bending Birch Drive) is used to store milers/vans for Golden Wheel Amusements Lot 4 Swanee Slopes (East Side of Bending Birch Drive) contains some trailer storage and a single level shop for Golden Wheel Amusements. Lots 9 - 12 Swanee Slopes (East Side of Bending Birch Drive) are used to store vehicles, mostly large trucks for Golden Wheel Amusements. On lot 9, along with vehicles, there were two fuel or septic "tanks" layiug on the grmmd. These appeared to not be in use, and were situated very close to the lot line of Lot 5, Block 3 McKfltley Heights. Lot 7 and possibly lot 8 of Swanee Slopes (East Side of Bending Birch Drive) contains a two-story shop that is used by Golden Wheels Amusement. Golden Wheel Amusemants Carnival Office may be located on both lots 2 and 3 of Swanee Slopes (East Side of Bending Birch Drive) Lot 1 Swanee Slopes (East Side of Bending Birch Drive) is vacant. Lots 2, 3, 4 and possibly 5 of Block 1, McKiNey Heights S/D are vacant. Lots 1 - 5 Swanee Slopes I (West Side of Bending Birch Drive) were not included in this survey. ~ SUe- NW 1058 NORTH MU~C~ALITYAREA REFERENCE MAP- ~ .5:5 11/05/99 11:26 FAX 90726976~0 DEC DW&W~ ~001 ALASKA ]~EPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERV,ATION DMSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER PROGRAM 555 CORDOVA'STREET ANCHO~GE, ALASKA 99501 TELEPHONE: (907) 269-7517 · FAX: (907) 269-7650 P COIVIMENTS:. 11/05/99 11:26 FAX 9072697fi50 DEC DW&WW ~002 Mile 20, Old Glenn Hwy., Chugiak Groundwater contamination CS100.224, Reckey No. 99-2101-301-01 Summary: Groundwater contamination is confirmed in one private drinking water well close to mile 20 of the Old Glenn Highway. ADEC staffcanvassed the neighborhood, which includes a day care, and found that surrounding neighbors and businesses have not observed petroleum or other unusual tastes or odors in their drinking water supplies. · , Possible sources include a nearby former Chevron station site, unreported surface spill, or a release from an unknown tank. Two former Chevron station buildings are still present, one is a small building and the second is a large shop used by Golden Wheel Amusements (a carnival company) for equipment maintenance. Underground Storage Tank Program files indicate that two tanks were removed from the Chevron site in 1987. According to the owner, no tanks remained in the ground at that time. Status: Dan Young of Terrasat, consultant for the owner of the contaminated well, is preparing a diagram indicating the locations and depths of area wells; the diagram should be done by Wednesday. CSRP staff are preparing a PRP letter for Chevron and have placed a call to Chevron's attorney, Ed Sniffen, to learn if Chevron is planning to take action on its own volition. CSRP staff have requested records from the drinking water program indicating the most recent analytical results and types of analysis done on nearby community wells. The former Chevron station shop, which is used for equipment maintenance, should be evaluated for potential contaminant sources such as floor drains. CSRP staff will contact Matanuska Telephone Association (MTA) to learn the well construction and pump testing details for the newly installed water Well at MTA's building site on the north side of the Old Glenn Hwy. Possible next steps: Area wells should be sampled this week,'and three borings should be installed in the vicinity of the contaminated drinking water well to determine groundwater flow and as a first step in determining the extent of the contaminant plume. Events through 11/1/99 at 2:30 p.m.: Friday Oct. 29, 1999: At 4:50 p.m. Dan Young of Terrasat called to report that he'd received preliminary test results for a drinking water well at 21625 Swanee Ct., two lots south of the Old Glenn Highway in Chugiak. The owner, Cathy Morton, had contracted with him to test the well after noticing a petroleum taste and odor within the last two weeks. Preliminary test results were 1.2 ppm benzene, total BTEX 3 ppm, and 6.2 ppm GRO. . From approximately 5:20-5:40 Young provided the following' information during a teleconference with Brad Hahn, Lynn Kent, Run Klein and Eileen Olson: Upslope wells are in bedrock, Morton's well is in alluvial fan, with the source of water probably from bedrock fractures. An old Chevron site is 100 feet away, the groundwater gradient is fairly flat, and to the west. The homeowner was notified by Young and advised not to shower with water. Morton thinks nearby wells are artesian. Young wasn't certain what 11/05/99 11:27 FAX 9072697650 DEC DW&WW ~003 her definition of artesian is. Young collected samples from the kitchen sink, ran water for about a minute and didn't smell anything in the cold water but did smell petroleum in the hot water. He purged water from a pressure tank that had a strong odor. Morton said there might be a heating oil tank on the property. Morton was uncertain as to when gas station last operated, perhaps early 1980's. Attorney George Lyle works for Morton and had already contacted Chevron's attorney, Ed Sniffen, by Friday before close of business. Morton pointed out that a lot of earthwork has been done recently to the north. Morton owns the former Chevron site as well as several surrounding lots. Young will work with Lyle to attempt to get funding from Chevron to do investigative work and provide an alternate water supply. Young will be checking for tanks on Morton's property. Following the teleconference ADEC management decided staff should visit the site to notify adjacent landowners that Morton's Well is probably contaminated, and to see if they noticed petroleum or unusual tastes or odors in their own water supplies. Directions to property: Take south Birchwood exit after Eagle River, turn right and follow road to the Old Glenn Hwy., left on Old Glenn 3-4 miles, just past church on the left, rum right on Bending Birch Dr., then take first road on the left to get to Morton's house. Saturday October 30, 1999: Eileen Olson visited the site, meeting Cathy Morton at her home at 9:30 a.m. Olson ran the cold water in the bathroom for about a minute, then smelled the water in a half-fried drinking glass. The petroleum odor was very strong. Outside, Morton pointed out various nearby homes and businesses, and identified the owners she knew. Her mother, Claire Morton, has a house two lots east, at 21635 Swanee Ct., which is on a separate private well. Morton said her mother is out of town, but she had checked water from the hose bib and it had no apparent odor. Golden Wheel Amusement (GWA) business offices at 18607 Old Glenn Hwy., owned by Morton, are two lots west of Morton's home. Morton said the water in that building has no noticable odor. To the north of Morton's home on the adjacent lot (18619 Old Glenn Highway) is the former home of the former service station owners. The home has its own well and is occupied by GWA's bookkeeper, who was not home at the time of Otson's visit. Morton said the bookkeeper had not noticed a petroleum taste or odor in her water. Morton did not know the occupants of the home at 18631 Old Glenn Hwy., to the northeast of her home, but knew the home has its own well. Morton pointed out a group of houses across Bending Birch Dr. to the west.' Six properties comprising 11 households share a community well at that location. Olson and Morton crossed the Old Glenn Hwy. at Bending Birch Dr. and observed a construction site with a newly installed well casing. The building and well reportedly belong to Matanuska Telephone Association (lVlTA). Olson visited the occupant of 18616 Old Glenn Hwy., home of Joe Carpenter, who runs Tail Wagger's Kennel. Carpenter's mother-in-law lives next door; both said the water is fine, and that they had not noticed a petroleum taste or odor. Carpenter confmned that other homes on immediately adjacent lots share the same community well, which is 300 feet deep and cased to 40 feet. Carpenter said the water is tested regularly but didn't know when it was last tested. He gave Olson Rick Outwin's number, since Outwin takes 11/05/99 11:27 FAX 9072697650 D~C DW&WW ~004 care of the water system. Otson called Outwin on 11/1/99 and learned that no testing for petroleum hydrocarbons has been done. Olson visited Kevin Wood's home at 18688 Amonson Loop. Wood has his own well and has not observed any unusual odor or taste. Olson requested a glass of water and smelled it; there was no noticeable odor. Olson crossed the Old Glenn Hwy. and visited the . Chugiak Benefit Association (CBA), which is also the residence of Harvey and Brenda Albright. Ms. Albright said the day care to the west (Chugiak Children's Services) shares a drinking water well with CBA. The Albrights had heard no complaints about the water and had not observed taste or odor problems. Olson requested a glass of water from the kitchen tap and smelled it; there was no noticeable odor. Olson completed site work at 11 a.m. and departed. Contacts: ~' Cathy Morton, 21626 Swanee Ct., Chugiak, 688-5283 Home, 688-2297 work, 688- 2298 work fax (Golden Wheel Amusements, Morton is owner). ~' Ed Sniffen, representing Chevron, wfDelaney Wiles Hayes Writman and Brubaker; 1007 W. 3fa, Suite 400, Anehorage 99501-1990 } Matanuska Telephone Association (recently installed drinking water well and building foundation directly to north across Old Glenn Highway) ~' Dan Young, Terrasat: 344-9370 Work, 243-7870 Home. } Former station name was F&L Services, according to Young. Owners Frank and Lynn Mullins sold it to someone else in Washington whose never operated it and whose phone was disconnected. Young thought they had a Chugiak address, but they are not listed in the directory. }~ Joe and Leslie Carpenter, 18616 Old Glenn Hwy., 688-2365 } Rick Outwin, 688-4105, lives at 18563 Old Glenn Hwy. (although the Muhicipality of Anchorage lists his address as being on Bending Bkch Dr.) takes care of the water system: Olson talked to him on 11/1/99 and he said the well is a Class A well, but hasn't been tested for VOCs recently, if eyer } Kevin Wood, 688-0608 at 18688 Amonson Loop; Wood said if his water is to be tested he can be reached after 8 p.m. weeknights, and is home on Fridays. } Harvey and Brenda Albright, Chugiak Benefit Associaton, 18606 Old Glenn HWY., 688-7149 or 688-3275 prepared by Eileen Olson, 11/1/99 11/05/99 11:28 FAX 9072697650 DEC DW&W~¥ ~ooo NW 1058 NORTH MUNICIPALITY AREA REFERENCE MAP - lB 44 SW 114 SEC, 16, TISN RiW 5:5 JEWE~ ST. LOT 9 52 NORTH MUNICIPALITY AREA REFERENCE MAP - I~ 51 + 5:5 58 '© o 13 JUN · 5 1986 o ( erlifie Drilling A&L DRILLING COMPANY OWNER OF LAND ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION DATE-Started '~/~ ~/7 Ended '~/~,f7 ~ DEPTH OF WELL 'C~ STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT. Yh~S o DRAW DOWN FT. GALS. PER HR O KIND OF CASING g ,~'~O <5~ KIND OF FORMATION: From c~ Ft. to ~ Ft. From -~ Ft. to '7 Ft. From '7 Ft. to ~°_Ft. From ~),.3 Ft. to ~o Ft. From From ~3~t. to 3~,0 Ft. From ~ (o z- Ft. to Y 75' Ft. From -k 7 5'-Ft. to. <~0 Ft. From__.Ft. to Ft._ From__.Ft. to Ft. From__.Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to.__Ft, From__ Ft. to Ft, From Ft. rD.__Ft. From Ft. to.__Ft. From Ft. to.__Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From--Ft. to Ft From__Ft. to_ Ft From__Ft. to__Ft From__Ft. to Ft From Ft. to Ft From__Ft. to__Ft From.__Ft. to Ft From Ft. to F~ From__Ft. to_ Ft. From Ft. to___Ft From.__Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to__.Ft From__Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to__Ft From Ft. to__.Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to___.Ft MISCL. INFORMATION: ( erlifie Drilling A & L DRILLING COMPANY 9OX97, EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 · TELEPHONE 694-2588 OWNER OF LAND ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION /~' / DATE-Started_ '5//~ ~/7~ ~:'~IT NUMBER~ 7~ ./// ZoT-/ ~z9 / /7? , ~y DRAW DOWN FT. Ended ~//~Vg /7(:' GALS. PER HR KIND OF CASING //~-,a I¥ 7'0'~''y DEPTH OF WELL STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT. 7~,0 oo KIND OF FORMATION: From O Ft. to /P' From / ~ Ft. to ~-' Ft. From ~'-~ Et. to 70 Ft From 7° Et. to ff~' Et Frmn q~ Ft. to /~ / Ft. From. Jo] Et. to_ /~0 Ft._ From /~ Ft. to ~ oo Ft. From _~oc~ Ft. to_ -~/~ Ft. From 3/~ Et, to ~ 5'0 Ft.. ':From ~ ~'D Ft. to ,~.~'- Ft. From ~---~ Vt. to4?O Ft. From <~70 Et. to~4c';° Ft, From d~O Et. to ..~.~FO Ft. From :~'$-© Et, to Erem -~-~ Ft. to ~-(.o Ft.. From Ft. to___Ft. From Ft. to _Et From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to___Ft. From Ft. to.__ Ft. From Ft. rD.__Ft. /~°From __ Ft. to__Ft. From __ Ft. to__Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to__Ft. From___Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From__Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From __Ft. to__Ft. From Ft, to Ft. M1SCL. INFORMATION: ~-/, q ~,<5 - ~WNER OF LAND by DRILLING COMPANY BOX97, EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA99577 · TELEPHONE694-258~ ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION DATE-Started NUMBER /,~,-~/Z DEPTH OF WELL [~ STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT. ~o~t ~ I ~ c/~l~r DRAWDOWN ~. _~)/7 ~ GA~. PER HR O Elided KIND OF CASING KIND OF FORMATION: From cO _Ft. to 3 From ~ Ft. to ~7 From / Ft. to ,~.o From ~)D Ft. to From ~O Ft. to From ~-~t tO.__ From_ D Ft. to From ~ 7~-Ft. to ~0 Ft. From Ft. to Ft, From Ft. to.__Ft. From Ft. to.__Ft. From__.Ft. to__Ft. From __ Ft. to__Ft. From Ft. to.__Ft. From Ft. to.__Ft. Fromm__Ft. to__Ft. From Ft. to Ft. Ft. Oo £'~/~o ~ac''~ Ft._ /~P From ~0 Ft. d~ Frmn~ ~ ~ CFt' ~eo ~/< ~ ~ From ~.~ Ft. t~c~ ~ From /',~ ~o ~,~,~ From El'om From__ From From From Ft. to Ft. Ft, to Ft. Ft. to.__Ft, Ft. to.__ Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to __Ft. Ft. to.__Ft. .Ft. to.__Ft. .Ft. to.__Ft. Ft. to___Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to___Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to __Ft. MISCL. INFORMATION: . erlifie Drilling A & L DRILLING COMPANY BOX 97, EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 · TELEPHONE 694-2588 OWNER OF LAND ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION DATE-Started UMBE~ '7~ /fl/ /7d/'~J/wa/d 7~ o,-',,¢ DEPTH OF WELL ,,?~ o STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT. · k//-'¢(¥r'' ' ~o / do-F/~z~/ f'/~ ¢/</I~'~ 4A:y -- DRAW DOWN FT. Ended_ ~//~/76 GALS. PER HR 7dO K ND OFCASINC d KIND OF FORMATION: From O Ft. to /°° Ft. ,~,q~'~7 -~ ~ ~,5 c~o- ~ From.~ Frond ~ Ft. to_ ~Y' Ft. ~ From.~ From ~ Et. to 70 Ft. ~d~ ~C From~ From VO Et. to ~_Ft. ~0~ ~ From~ ~ From From ~ Ft. to {0 { Ft. ~<~u~=~ ~/~F~ ~ From 1ol Et. to !?O Ft.. From /~' Et. to .-doo Ft. From ~°c:).Ft. to. °P/~' Ft. From ~/~ Ft. to 2 5'0 Ft. -'From .~ ~"0 Ft. to .?~ Ft. From Xes; Ft. to'qf° _Ft. From ~ 7° .Ft. to~q o Ft. From 49 0 Ft. to ,,~-~O Ft. From ~-5-© Ft. to --,C~-~-Ft. Frmn 5'~"5'- Ft. to. ~q-(,o Ft. From___Ft. to.__Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From__ From ~ From~ From From.__ From From Ft. to Ft.. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to__Ft. Ft. to __Ft, Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to___Ft. ' Ft. to Ft. Et. to Ft. Ft. to Ft Ft. to Ft Ft. to Ft Ft. to __ Ft Ft. to Ft Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. MISCL INFORMATION: ,{ C o' eO* 3O ! , o> \ ',~ 0 ac: / co~)' 1! 13 lO .~ dr, 'i