HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWANEE SLOPES Water System Information January 14, 1980 John Ko!~hmainen Box 782 Chugiak~ ~aska 99567 Subject: Well Serving Swanee Slopes Su3oaivision Located in ~e Chugiak Post Office Dear 5~ Kolehmainen: The Class C well located in the ~-~ugiak Post Office is currently in violation of State Ordin~uce, speoifioally~ Title 7 AAC 1~.220~ Par. B and C. This violation should be corrected by June 1, 1980. If there are ~ly further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sinoer~ly~ Robert C. Pratt, Associate Specialist RCP/ljw File April 33. I975 5001 Ro~e~ D~ve ~ehora~e,, Al~ka 9~607 SUBJBCT~ ~aler Supply, ~wanee Slopes Subdivision ~l Tllo Greater Anchorage Ar~a Borough Department of ~nvironm~ntal Quality h~ r~eived ~d r~viewed th~ plans for H~e upffra~ng of the ~ubjeet water system, The pl~s are approved i~ a=uord~e~ with ~o~ou~h o~nan~es. We are pleased to see that the following was added ~ the plans: '' 1. The wat~ lino eo~ln~ onto lot 2, f~om n wate~ system to the southwe~. Is to ~ dug up, disconnected ~d capped; 2. All lmuses are to ~onneet into thl~ new ~ystem with new th~e~ inoh copper line. We will o~pect construction on upff~adinff to be~n tmmedia1~ly under your supervision. Onee eonst~otion is completed we will need the' followinff to ffuant full app~v~ to the system: 1. Colnplete, siamped as-built plan~; ~. A ehemiefll an~]ysi~ of the water f~om the 3. Baeteri~ analysis of the water frou{ the well. We ~pp~'eeiate you~ e~per~tion on the de~i~n of the pluns nnd look forward to workin~ closely with you on this Sincerely, i~elf Staekl~d, R,S. Chief Sanitauian ec~ John Lee, Ken }torman, Kyle Che~, Stan H~itt and Rob~t File No,: 4--1 Stephen Kurth, P.E. Anchorage, Alaaka t)9507 Slopes Subdivision #i ~ Semipublic Class A Water System Tho Gueatet, Anohot'age Alcoa ~oi'ough Depa~ament of Environmental Quali~ s>y~tem and taken two baeter~ aamples, which have shown to be ~mtisttacto~. compliance with all ~orough raqu~eaent~. Should y~u have ai~y ql!eationa regarding out' review of the plans, please contae~ tt{~ under'signed. llolf Slrieliland, R. S, Chief 8~titarian Ataaka Dept. of lln~ironmontal Conservation Stun liowavd, &ttorney Generla'~ Office Con~time~ P~teetion S~etien P~obert Fleming, Chug'Iak ! i / / / / JAY S. HAMMOND, Governor June 12, 1,975 Mr. Stephen Kurth~ P,E. D .... e Anchorage, AK 99507 Subject: Swanee Slopes Subdivision #1 Water System Dear blr. Kurth: l~¢e have received, the chemical analysis en the water supply for the subject project and this completes our requirements w2th re§ard to this system. If you have any further questions please contact me. cc: Roll Stricklandv/ Yours truly, Kylk/J. Cherry, P.~. Regional Environmental Supervisor May 8~ t975 Mr. Stephen Kurth, P.E. 5001 Roger Drive Anchorage, AK 99507 Subject: Water: Supply - Swanee Slopes Subdivision Addition Dear Mr. Kurth; The plans and specification for the subject project are approved for the. features with which this Department is concerned. This approval is premised on the conditions we agreed to during our telephone conversation on May 6, 1975, as follows: 1. The storage requirements shall be designed in such a manner that approximately 600 gallons of effective storage will be provided. This is based on the fixture unit calculations which we both made. 2. This system should be designed at the present time to serve tract A if it is to be a part of this system. If tract A is not to be a part of this system then it should not be up to the owners of lots in the subject project to provide water service to this area at a later date due to the possible necessity for higher pressures to pump water into this steep area.. ~. The final specifications for this job must require that all excavation areas be back fSlled leveled and vegetated in con- formance with existing topography and vegetation. 4. The chemical analysis you described in our telephone con- versation must be submitted to this office. If you have any question regarding the above please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, c Regional Env~onmer.,.tal Supervisor cc: Rolf Strickland GAAB-DBQ Start HoWitt Consumer Protection Control Mr. Stanley Howitt Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Section 360 K Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Monthly Progree Report Water System - Addition No. 1 (1 June 1975) Swanee Slopes Subdivision Sir: 1. Mechanical work is accomplished (storage tanks, pump, distribution lines, curb stops, etc.) and system is physically ready to put into operation. 2. As soon as pressure check and chemical treatment are performed under direction of the engineer, system will be activated as per approved upgrading design. R~bert ~. Fie ' g ~L~ cc Rolf Strickland, Chief Sanitarian Greater Anchorage Area Borough ALASKA MINERAL & MATERIAI,S 702 W. 32nd Avenue - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 272-2710 or 277-7601 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Drinking and }teasuh()ld Waler TO: Robert Fleming Box 455 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Location of well: .sw//ne&:SiB'D~'~ SUbdlViSi6n :Addi[io¢ #lt-ChUg.~k ,: Arsenic (As) Chloride (Cf) Copper (Cu) Cyanide (CN) Fluoride iF) @ 50°F Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mb) Nitrate (NO,3) Nitrite (NO2] Sulfate (SO4) Sulfite (SO3) Sulfide iS) Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) Sodium iNa) Potassium (K) Tolal Hardness as CaCO3 Noncarbonate Hardness Carbonate (CO3) Bicarbonate (HCO3) Free Carbondioxide (CO2) @ 40°F Acidity as CaCO3 Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/l 0.004 2.0 0.02 0.19 0.4 0.01 0.02 1.8 0.002 7.6 0.5 0.1 28.3 7.4 5.0 0.14 /02 o6 0.8 0 124.2 1.8 2.1 01.8 DATI{: April 28, 1975 Sample # 2071 Date submitted: April 24, 1975 Salnplc site :,id)l~l~llcdl one gallon P .1t .S. Standard 0.05 25O 1.0 0.2 1.5' 0.3 0.05 45 250 Alu]nint]m (.\l) Bar lum ( Ba Cad[niun~ Odd) C;hl onlhuu (C} l.cad (Pb) Silicon Silver (Ag) Zinc (Zn) Total ]))sso[vud Solids Total Suspumlcd Solids Total \/(dalltu %lids Co[t)r LlUitS Tutal colil'orln mg/l 0.02 0.19 0;O02 0.002 0.01 0.002 5.35 0.002 1.02 124.0 1.4 78.5 0 < 5 0 P.II .S. Standard 1.O .O5 .05 .01 0.05 5.0 500 5 15 3 I N.D. col/100 mi N.D. col/100 mi N.D, col/100 A[)p~:a rdlK:u Clear, colorless pJ[ \.'a hl~: 8.20 Spt:t iii( conductance 175 /Jmhos/cm' P.H.S. Standard = Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards, lined are rejection limits; concentrations are in mg/t or units. neg. = detection test negative; < = less than; N.D. = n(. dctcrmincd COMMENTS: Hardness medium; water is potable. co: Ste'nhan l<'urth. P ~ Bo× 455 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 I May 1975 Mr. Stanley Howitt Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Section 360 K Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject, Sir, Monthly Progress Report Water System 'S~ee S~o~e~i'~S~i~i'~6n Addition No. I The following is submitted as of the above date, 1. The engineer, Mr. Kurth, has completed the design for upgrading subject water system. 2. The borough has approved the design, and we are awaiting State approval. 3. Analysis of water has been completed by Alaska Mineral and Materials Lab. o er . lemln~ cc, Rolf Strickland, Chief Sanitarian Greater AnchoraEe Area BorouEn Box 455 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 28 March 1975 Mr. Stanley Howitt Attormey General's Office Consumer Protection Section 360 K Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Monthly Progress Report Water System- Swanee Slopes Subdivision Addition No. 1 Sir: The following is submitted as of the above date: 1. 24 Msrch - discussed with Stewart Excavating concerning construction pertaining to upgrading of water system. 2. 29 March ai~pointment with engineer (Steve Kurth) for discussio~and site inspection. Remarks: Engineering matters would, perhaps, have been more advanced but for the engineer concerned originally being no longer in this area. Then another engineer, after a week's time, advised that he would not be available. Robe~-~g cc: Rolf Strickland, Chief Sanitarian Greater Anchorage Area Borough P~ GOVERNOR DEPART~IENT OF LANV OFFICE OF THE ,~ TTORNE¥ GE/VERAL / 360 K STREET-- SUITE 105 / AHCHORAOE 99501 March 3, 1975 Mr. Rolf Strickland Chief Sanitarian Greater Anchorage Area Borough Environmental Quality Department 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska Re: Civil Action No. 75-1369F State of Alaska v. Robert Fleming et al Dear Mr. Strickland: Enclosed herewith is an Agreement and Assurance of Voluntary Compliance and an Order which approved it concerning Robert E. Fleming d/b/a Swanee Slopes Subdivision Unit 1. In this Assurance which was filed in court, Mr. Robert E. Fleming agrees to construct an approved water supply system at Swanee Slopes Subdivision Unit I in Eagle River, Alaska. The construction is to be in accordance with the State of Alaska environmental health'regulations and the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Depart- ment of Environmental Quality. The date is the date which appears in the letter which you sent to Mr. Fleming which is dated June 1, 1975. You will note also that the voluntary compliance contains provisions for monthly reports. We would appreciate being kept infor~ed as to the construction phases and as to when the system is completed and actually approved. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to inquire. Very truly yours, SM:cs Enclosures AVRUM M. GROSS Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Consumer Protection Section ';o9~ 10 11 2'/ 29 $4 IN THE SUPERIOR ~DuRz FOR z SThTm OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT State of Alaska, Plaintiff, Robert E. Fleming d/b/a Swanee Slopes Subdivision Unit !, Defendant. ivil Action No. 75-/.~ A~REm~4E~T AMD ASSUP~CE OF VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE Pursuant to the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer !Protection Act, AS 45.50.~71-561, and AS 45.50.501 in particular ilthe dafendant~ Robert E. Fleming, makes this agreement and livol~uary compliance with approval of the plaintiff, State tof Alaska, as follows: 1. Defendant Robert E. Fleming is the subdivider of real property known as Swanee Slopes Subdivision ~1 located in Eagle River, Alaska, and further described as a portio~ of Government Lot 9 located within the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), Section 17, T15N, R1W, SM, Alaska, containing 5.5 acres. Such subdivision is attested to by a plat which is dated June 12, 1973, which is on file with the District Recorder's office and the Greater Anchorage Area BoroughJ 2. That the Subdivision plat for Swanee Slopes Sub- ~ivision Addition Unit No. 1 recorded October 16, 1973, was made ~ith the intention of selling existing homes and lots to the ~eneral public. Persons purchasing said lots and homes believed that there was an approved community water system in compliance ~ith the laws and regulations of the State of Alaska and the ~reater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental ~uality. That thereafter, sales were made of real property ~uring 1973 to the following families: Swanson, Wafford, Utter, i 9. I0 11 !3 15 17 !B!ackford, Tikbs and Stratton. Such oersons believed there was an adequate community water system which did mee~ state and borough approval. 3. That the semi-pubIic water supply or com~.unzty water system %cas believed generally to be approved by both the State of Alaska and the Greater Anchorage Area Borough since the plat was approved with the stiuulation that the water system would be brought up to the approved conditions as shown by the defendant's engineering report on file with the Greater Anchorage Area Borough. 4. That the community water system at the present tim I~ao~s not meet the s_anaards of the State of Alaska or of ~h~ !iGreater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental .~Qu~!zty, and is causing water problems for the homeo~;ners previ( mentioned. No improvements of the water system were made as believed as of the date of this Agreement and Assurance of Voluntary Comp!iance. 5. The defendant, Robert E. Fleming, o%~ner of and subdivider of Swanee Slopes Subdivision, Unit No. 1, in Eagle River, Alaska, as previously described, hereby agrees he shall in accordance with the State of Alaska Environmental health regulations and the Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality, and borough regulations, by June 1, 1975, construct and bring the community water system of Swanee Slopes Subdivision, Unit No. 1 into compliance with the State and Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality laws and regulations and shall obtain :heir approval of the completed water supply system. 6. The defendant shall submit to the State of Alaska, :rearer Anchorage Area Borough and the Consumer Protection ~ction, Attorney General's office, at 360 K Street, Anchorage, Alaska, a monthly progress report commencing April 1, 1975~ and on the first day of each month therearte until the complete :onstruction and approval of the community water supply system. sly 14 17 22 2~. 2~ The d..._~ne~.. Robert .T. P~--4n~ ac~-nnwl~dc.,es tna~ the present homeowners had been misled in to believing ithat they had a community water system which was acceptable by the state and Greater Anchorage Area Borough. That such iconfusion or misleading information may be a violation of the Unfair Trade and (b) (4). 8. in the event Practices and Consumer Protection Act, AS 45.50.471 The defendant, 'Robert E. Fleming, agrees that the terms of this agreement and voluntary assurance are not complied with, as, for example, the completion of the water supply system, by June 1, 1975, or if the reports submitte, ~do not show any construction or intended construction to upgrade !iand to have the co~lunity water system brought into compliance ilfor health and other reasons under the state and borough laws ~nd regulations, the plaintiff, State of Alaska, may move in ourt for enforcement and contempt orders and may seek civil Ipenalties and fines, tn addition the plaintiff, State of Alaska may also move for a judgment in the amount to be determined that would be sufficent to cover the full expenses of an upgrade and community water system on Swanee Slopes Subdivision Unit No. 1 as will be evaluated by the State of Alaska or Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Environmental engineering and staff. 9. Defendant agrees that a monetary judgment so Dbtained may be executed upon in the sa/me manner as any other =ivil judgment in this court. The parties agree that this 2ourt shall have continuing jurisdictzon under the Agreement and Assurance of Voluntary Compliance entered into herein. 10. The defendant, Robert E. Fleming, has been advised of his. rights and makes this Agreement and Assurance of Voluntary Compliance voluntarily and with knowledge of those rights. 11. The defendant, Robert E. Fleming, agrees that 9 i! 13 15 2'~ 21 22 ~4 2~ 2~ 29 ~0 32 and Assurance of Voluntary Compliance ma,_; be filed for approval with this Court ex parte. D.=T~D at Anchorage, Alaska, -this day of February, 1975. Robert E. Flem'in/g~ d/b/a Swanee division Unit Sub- SUBSCRIBED and February, 1975. SWORN to before me this 2.5 ~ day Notary Public in and forfAlaska Hv commission expires AVRU>I~;~'. GROSS AttorneYBy'/'~':~General~ ~/~z~~ ~ ~owitt Stanley .Assistant Attorney General ~ ~s~mm~r Protection Section 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 t? !-2 21 24 26 27 22 33 34 IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT FOR ~'~Z STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT State of Alaska~ Plaintiff, Robert E. Fleming d/b/a Swanee Slopes Subdivision Unit 1, Defendant. Civil Action NO o ]~!LED i~ the Trial Courts Smm m A,;s.~, Third 75- /3~' ~ ORDER APPROVING AGREEMENT AND ASSUPJANCE OF VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE An ex parte motion having been made by the plaintiff, State of Alaska, for the approval of the attached Agreement and Assurance of Voluntary Compliance filed in this case, and the defendant, Robert E. Fleming d/b/a Swanee Slopes SubdivisioE Unit No. 1, having agreed to the terms of the Agreement and Assurance of Voluntary Compliance, and having further agreed to an ex parte motion for an Order approvmng this Agreement and Assurance of Voluntary Compliance, and the Court being duly apprised in this premises, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED: 1. That the Court approves the Agreement and Assura] of Voluntary Compliance attached hereto and incorporated herein as part of this order of approval in accordance with AS 45.50.51 and AS 45.50.501 of the Unfair Trade Practices and Consm~er Protection Act and the general powers of this Court; and further it is ordered that this Court retain continuing jurisdiction of this matter insofar as violations'of the Agreement and Assurance of Voluntary Compliance. DATED at Anchorage, Alaska, of C6UR OUD day Box 455 Chuglak, Alaska 26 January 1975 99567 Mr. Rolf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 RE: Water System - Swanee Slopes Subdivision, Unit # i Dear Er. Strickland: I feel you should be made aware of my finding a leak in the water system during the evening of 24 January 1975. While this particular leak may not have been the total cause for the water shortage, it certainly is a major one. On the previous evening, I personally operated the pump, and premised on time periods of operation, ran an estimated 800 gallons into the system in approximately forty five minutes. Because of the distribution ar- rangement at that time, there were definite indic~.ations that this water was going only to one house. There is some evidence that this leak had been in exis- tence for come time, and consequently, would be.the cause of losing literally thousand of gallons of water. From previous experience, I know that the ten to fif- teen feet of gravel overlay will absorb a tremendous amount of water. For some time after the new well was connected with the system, there was sufficient water at good pressure, and the pump could build up cutting-off pressure during use. The well also recovered overnight to the forty foot level (from the top), in a 295 feet well of which the top 150 feet in an eight inch hole. It is possible that such excessive usage, because of the aforementioned leak, has damaged the pump and affec~dthe recovery rate. I simply cannot feel that it is my responsibility to ~ail¥ tend the water system and to be constantly check- lng in and under each house. I do not mind being help- ful when my knowledge of and experience with the system may be of some value. I cannot recall any exception when I have gone to check the system but what I have located one or more leaks in or under someone's house. And frankly, I have begun to resent getting blamed per- sonally when anything goes wrong. The distribution system does need improvement to allow each dwelling to be shut off individually. While the subdivision was approved with knowledge of the existing system - without stipulations as far as I can detect - I do feel a responsibility to correct 'this as indicated in my letter of 19 January 1975. The leak mentioned above as being found on 24 January, was discovered, after some insistence on my part that I be allowed to personally check, under the residence on lot 6. This property is owned and occupied by and ~rs~ George Mark. Very truly yours '~obert E. Fleml ~/ GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH FROM: SUBJECT: INITIATED BY: /.I-~ k.~-- - -- , DATE OF MEMO: / / DATE ANSWER RECE,VER REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE ..... ~ PREPARE BACK-UP ,NFORMAT,ON FOR ,~[D~E ~C~,O. ~ CAt[ ~E BEFORE YOU A.SWE. FOR YOUR CO.S,DE.AT,O. ~ .EED YOUR RECO~E.~nO~ OIHER Ydt'. Robert Bog 469 Chugiak, Al~ska 99§$? SUBJECT: Sw~neo'~lopes Subdivision ~1 - Semipublic Wa~ Supply Dc~ 5~u, 'Fleming; ~]~e O~eate~ ~eho~e A~a Bo~u~h D~p~Ftm~nt of 2nvt~ent~ ~ality in p~o~ a tem~ra~ water supply to the offered Since we have established a deadline of Juno ~, 1975 for total compliance on th~ wate~ ~y~/em, we suggest you t~e the followin~ ~ur~ 1. Contaci your en~n~ and have him complete the engin~lnK on 2. ~ubmit lhe pl~6 to the state and this offlo~ for {~view ~nd ~pproval. 3. Use the lime betweon now ~ $~rin8 bre~up to complete item ~1 ~d Pleese ~ulember it takes time for you~ ~ngineer to complete th~ plans and have them reviewed ~d approved. The pI~s must be approved be/ore~nst~otion ~an begin. ConCretion will take some fl~c in itself ~d the sy~i~{ c~ot be put into operation until the A~-Built ~ginee~ing plans, submitted by your have bef~ approved by both tho state and th~ bo~oulh. I hope thi~ will bo of help in schadultn~ the proJea ~d should wc be able to assist you in the projeat, plea~o ~all ~itho~ Jo~ Lo~ at 694-2116 o~ mysolf at 274-4561, Sincorely, llolf Sivicklend, Chief ~an/tacian ~S/lw ce: liyle Cher~Y, Kan ~on~an, Sion Howitt trod John Lee Showtowhom, date and address ~F~vDeliver ONLY ;.... where delivered ,~JZ"to addre..see Slop s ~ ' RECEPT 740 1 455 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 19 January 1975 Mr. Roll Strickland, R. S. Chief Sanitarian Greater Anchorage Area BOrough 330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Strickland: In reference to your letter of 8 January 1975, and to our conference on 13 January 1975, I agree, within the purview of my responsibility and authority, to bring the water system of Swanee Slopes Subdivision, Unit No. 1, into compliance with the standards as required by your office. You are aware of my concern about the water situation in the subdivision, and through my contacts with Mr. John Lee, District Supervisor, I am certain you are aware on my efforts toward alleviating the present problem. As I mentioned during our conference, i did not recall the letter of 30 October 1972, and have been~unable to locate it in my files. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, rt E. Flem~ng~ Ur, ~olf $~rtcklmtd 3330 C Street ~chorage AK 9~503 SU~ECT: Swa~ee Slopes Water Supply, ~a)' Rolf; Today I talked tO a re~d~n~ of Lot l~ Block l, Swenee SloPes Subdivision, and this is the situation on ~he eater supply as bast as I can t~ll. j~t ~ supply is taken s~aeted to accede. The ~at~ receded to the potmt thaL the ~ell p~m~ ~ad ~o be p~riodically shu~ ~mm to allo~ ~covery inadequate amounts of water the water lines were abl~ to freeze. ~e house~ ~o)~ consequently have ~o ~ater, ~ The water lib)es serving the houses are probably substandard, but it ~eutd the~ would s~ill bu ~ lack of water. Afro)- my 1otter of i~;ovember 5, 1974, I believe that Robert t:)emi~)g talked to you about the plans, 'fhQ indication the~ ~-~as ~hat in lieu of ~ngfneering it E~gl~ ~iver office~ and I tbf~)k you have a copy. up.oracle the system ~t th~ time of subdividing. It se~ms ~easonable though tots ~v~ld have been i~ctuded. The ~ater lines should bQ replaced ~nd pre- isn't enough water~ Relf Poge T~o Sincerely, i~esident S~anea Slopes Subdivision Cnu§iak AK 99567 SUBJECT: Swanee Slows Water SUpp]y. you. As a precautionary measu~, you are r~que~ted to boil or your )v~ter. Ten (lO) dFops of household bleach, Clorox, Purex, ga]]o~ {~ sufficient. If you havu m~ questions, p]euse feel fF~e to cull u~ t~e ~agle River Office. Our telepi)o~e number i~ 6~74~2t16. Sincerely, dohn R. Lea, ~a~]~ River District Sanitarian FormNoo PEEHP-S-Z ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health SEMI-PUBLIC SEWAGE SYSTEM INSPECTION REPORT · - : Establishment Swanee Slopes Rentals Date ,of Visit.' August f125, 1.1966 . Location r~]ile 194 Glenn High~uay Mailing Address Box 455 Chu~iak Responsible Official Robert [. Flsmin9 Title 0wnsr , Mobile Homes No. Connections Distance to Public Sewer System "As Built" Plans available ? Collection System: System Handles: Gravity Flow Pipe Types , rails r Pk Campgr%l Population Served Domestic Waste yes Motel/Lodge School Other Houses 56 Daily Flow-Range 1900 GPD 11 miles · No , Date Installed Up ~0 1965 Yes Ground Garbage No .... Pumps (Nee & Size), Cast iron~ Transits, Sizes 4" Storm Wgter,, No Joints c6upl, ed & leaded ur~nge0urg Manholes and Cleanouts Adequate Gradient ]Disposal System (Sketch on Page ,, , At, houses and c, esemools ,, Assumed so Septic Tank No Capacity N/A Drainage Field N/A Length & Type of Pipe , ,, Treatment Plant* No · Dosing Siphon , Soil Type desspool (Size) Other E f£1ue nt: Surfacing To ]D~tch or Stream To Underground Gravel 10 - 512 cu.ft. Privies No (Name) Sludge Disposal: Sludge Removed Yes ' Frequency ..... 2 years ago How Disposed Hauled a~ay Where Disposed Unknown Note: ~/ (Yes); x (No) *Use Public Form, PEEHP-S-1 Sanitary Conditions and Health Hazards: Effluent Ponding Nc Access to Children No Odors No Insects and Vermin Oth e r N/A Form No. PEEHP-S-Z Page Z Pipe Stoppages No Complaints No Water and Sew, er Pipes in Same Trench Unknown System Comply with State Regulations: No, cesspools too close to well. Effects of Earthquake; Reconstruction Completed and Remaining: One casspool had to be abandoned. Sketch of Disposal System: Form No. PEEHP-S-Z Page 3 Comments (Include General Conditions and AdequacY): Cesspools appear to be ~orkin9 properly. No evidence of trouble ~as seen. Existence of cast iron lines in the neighborhood of ~ete~ supplies or points of intersection couid not be asserted. Three c,esspoois are closer than i50' to the ~ell. l{ec ommendations: Exact location of all cesspools should be established and the nature of the se~e~ installation 100' from well. Photos attached ~ No, nothing was vJslbie~ Inspected by G. 3. Capestany, Sleavln-Kelly Form No. PEEHP-W-?- ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health SEMI-PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT Establishment Swanse Slopes Rentals Date of Visit Location Miln lq~- Cl~nn Hi_ah~u~¥ Mailing Address Box 455 Chuqiak August 25, 1966 l{e sponsible Official Mobile Homes Tra{ler Pk No. Connections 15, Population Served "As Built" Plans Available ? No Source: Spring Yes Robert E. Fleming Title Owner Campgr'd School Other 56 Surface Ng Well: Dug Driven Drilled Yes '--5~pring S~ or' area Locationwell in the center 100' Motel/Lodge, Use(gpd) 1900 Date Constructed Storage: Reservoir Pressure Tank Other N/A Distribution: Pipe Type Pipe Size Pre s sure Treatment: Chlorination l{ate Residual Chlorine Other N/A Yell in 1965 (Type and Capacity) 1200 Gal (Spring) 525 GAL (20-40 peig) Plastic & galvanized Not tested No Frequency N/A ,, N/A " ~onthly Yes Size 6" Depth Static Level 55 ' Screen No Type Casing Steel Casing Depth 95' Pump Type Subm. ~lyers 1/3 HP Pump Elevation 97 ' Water Tests: Chemical' No Residual Chlorine No Bacteriological Yes Are records kept of operation and tests ? .Houses Spring 1946 Source Protection: Subject to~ooding No Casing or cover sealed Vas Floor drain piped to surface discharge Premises clean Yes Other See discussion . No Note: /," (Yes) x (No) Source location in relation ~o: 1. Sewer pipe, septic tank, pond, lake,' garbage, animals. 2. Adjacent basements, building sewers, 3. Distance to public water system. Form No. PEEHP-W-Z Page (sketch below) drain field, cesspool, privy, drainage course, 'stream, rodent and vermin harborage. ,- o CEG Effect of earthquake; i~econstruction completed and remaining: Producad cloudiness to the spring. Flow was reduced. Sprin§ recovarad. Wall was constructed with SSA disaster loan. Form No. PEEHP~W-Z Page 3 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Spring supplies two hou,ses. There is a b'ooster,pu,mp at owner's house. Rest of the system is supplied, by the well. Pump capacity is estimated at 6 GP~]. This is adequate but, minimal for present eys~em. · . Spring has a block and concrete structure, but roof is not in good con- dition. Sorin9 is located, uphill From tho stoar shout 2~~ frnm ol. nnrl~ house. Tho looation is quits satisfactory. No grout is :IInllhnHnn has ~o concrete floor end is closer then 150' to three cessoools, provided. Cesspool south of the well is a~ a higher elevation . Treile~ and house connections are too close to well. RECO~IENDATtONS: , lo Spring reservoir should be provided with concrete Slab cover with watertight m~nhole coreco Screened overflow should be installed. 2. ~ellhouss should have concrete floor draining to open outlet 100' f~om ~ellhouse door should be locked. ~ Lerqar pump should b~ installed if expansion is effected, 5o No trailer connection should exist within lO0' fromwell. .Fie!~ T~t Results: PH: 6°8 PH: 7.0 Tempt 58°F Tamp: 44°F (Sprinq) (~ell) Water Samples Taken (attach results) Chemical Yes ]Bacteriological Yes Photos attached Yas Inspected By ., G. 3. ~apsstan¥~ Slesvin-~ell¥ Mr. Harris Magnusson c/o Alaska Department of Health & Welfare 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska PHONE Date:A__4Agas% 30. 1966 Work Order No.: ~3/4~9 Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: tn accordance with your request coliform determinations have been performed in our laboratory using the Millipore Membrane method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample No. Identification Coliform Organisms per 100 milliliters 687 Sw~uee Slopes Rental Source: well supply Sampl~i: house tap, 25 August, 1966 by GJC-SK 688 Same as above 0 0 If there are any questions with regard to the above tests please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Kenneth W. Bl~oe, MAIC¢z~ Water Laboratory Supervisor State Permit W-1 KYZB:sc Laboratory Number 9360 9362 9369 9385 9389 9390 9403 9405 9406 9407 940~ 9409' 9410~ 9411 9412 9413 9415 9416 9417 .. 9420 Name or Location IHeadyHotel~ Homer. Homer Transfer, Homer. Homestead Tavern~ Homer PNA Terminal, Homer King's Kabin Court Jethro Trailer Court, Homer Ninilchik P~blic School, Ninilchik Johnson Lake Campgrounds,~ Sterling Hwy-Mil~ lll½ Tri-Corner Cafe,Mile ll3, Sterling Hwy. Clam Shell Lodge, Clam Gulch · -Phillips Texa~O~ Mile 14~ Eagle River 3ernie's. Grill~ Mile 22~,; Glenn Hwy. Oscar's Ocean Spec.~ Clam Gulch Waterfall Fisheries~ Inc.,'Cla~ Gulch Berman Packing Co., Ninilchik A~chor River Campgronnd~ Anchor Point Virginia's Cafe, Wasilla ACS~. Sheep Mtn. Hallea Lodge, Wasilla-Lake Lucille Don]'s Texaco Station~ Mile 9-Seward Hwy. :Bud's. Bar and Cafe Happy Valley Club~ Anchor Point Inlet View Bar & Cafe LdtheranYouth Center, Wasilla Specific Conductance 1424 325 266 518 4o5 452 528 5O 79 298 259 277~ $68 155 121 ~6 233 182 242 262 8~ 95 ll4 2'46 9.±2 8.02 6.66 9.14 8.22 - ~' I ' llO Glenn H '. ':..,9427~.Z:: Meekin ~ Lodge~ M~le . ~ WY -. · · .~... '~-';?~i' ' · · · '~ ' ~. I.''I : .~ .. t~ 9428': ~i .Swa~ee' Slopes Rentals~ Mile. 19¥, Glenn Hwy. ~" ~. :. Page 12 Lgooravory ~02ab er 9429 9431 9432 9433 9435 9436 9437 9438 9439j 9hbO 9441 9442 9444 9463 9464 9465 9467 9468 9469 9470 9471 9472 9474 9475' 9476 9477 Name or Location Tyone Mtn. Lodge~ Tyone Lake Taku Apts.~ Anchorage Kodiak Fisheries, Port Bailey, Alaska Cross-wind Lodge~ Mile 173, 'Glenn Hwy. Sheep Mtn. Lodge, MUle 113~ Glenn Gunsight Mt. Lodge~ Mile 12], Glenn Hwy. Peter"s Creek Campground~ Glenn Hwy. Tastee Freeze, Mile 14½~ Glenn H~. Fire.Lake Service~ Mile 16½, Glenn Hwy. Swsnee S~opes Rentals, Mile 19½~ Glenn Hwy (drilled) Don's Trailer Court Kitty'sCafe, Anchorage Eureka Lodge, Mile 128, Glen~ Hwy. New England Fish Co~ Uganik Bay Les' Y, Soldotna Four Royal Parker Motel, Soldotna River Terrace Mobile Park~ Well #t~Soldotn River Terrace Mo ~le Park~ Well #2~Soldotn Village Island's Fish & Packing Co.~Kodiakl Tachick's Apartments~ Soldotna The Best Apt~.~ Mt. View River Terrace Motel, Soldotna Wandemere Apts., Soldotna Glady'~ Bake Shop, Soldotna ~e Motel, Soldotna Columbia Wards Fisheries~Inc~Alitak Bay ~H 7 ?. 7. 7. 7 7. 7.9~ 7.6 6.8 7.2 7.6 8.2 6.7 7.3 7.5 6.~ Specific ~onduc~ance 293 161 66 103 530 185 ltl 2?2 297 160 2O8 174 ,92 6o 266 419 377 170 169 231 412 160 232 257 101 ~nee Slopes Rental Page No. 1 Sp~in9 Source Structure. ~ellhouee. ~anee Slopes Rental Page No. 2 Casing Installation. Booden Floor. General V£ew of the A~ea. Booste~ Pump fo~ Sp~ing ~wanae $'lopes Rental Page No. 5 V~ew of T~ailm~ A~ea. July 14, 1975 GAAB Department of Envirornuental 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Quality Subject. Swanee Slopes Subdivision, Water System Addition #1 Dear Mr. Strickland: Attached is a copy of the as-built drawing relative to the st~.ject project. The project is submitted to you for approval as requested. Also attached is a copy of the letter from the State of Alaska indi- cating the State's requirements have been met and a copy of the results of an additional test for Ch, requested by the State. Please notify Mr. Robert Fleming and myself upon ~p- proval. I appreciate the cooperation received from your. office throughout the execution of t~s project. Sincerely, / I ./ /, i Stephen Kurth STEPHEN D. KURTH 3ffineral ate ials .Lab A Division of Alaska Geologica Consultants, Inc. June 4, 1975 Stephen Kurth, P. E. 5001 Roger Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99507 RE: Swanee Slopes Subdivision, Addition ~1, Chugiak Robert Fleming Dear Sir: Per your request we have reanalyzed the water sample taken from the Swanee Slopes Subdivision for cyanide. The enclosed report reflects the lower detection limit ,of 0.04 ppm (rog/l) cya- nide. No cyanide was detected. If we can be of any farther asszstance please do not hesitate to cai1. Sincerely, (Mrs .) Susan A. Dechant Lab Manager cc: Robert Fleming State Department of Environmental Conservation (Kyle Cherry) 702 WEST 32ND AVENUE · ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE: {90Y} 27Z-2716 70? . 32ad AvcnJu ~ 2~nchorage, Ala 99503 "'~' 272-2716 or 277-760l REPORT OF ANALYSIS Drinkin, and Household Water TO; Robert Fleming Box 455 C hugiak, A laskaf19567 Location of well: Arsenic (As) Chloride (C1) Copper (Cu) Cyanide (CN) Fluoride (F) @ 50°F Swanee Slopes Subdivision Addition #1, Chugiak mL/iT P .}--!.S., 0.004 2.0 0.02 0.04 0.4 Iron Manganese Nitrate (NO~) Nitr itc (NO25 Sulfate (SO4) Sulfite (SO3) Sulfide (S) Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) Sodium (Ns) Potassium (K) Total Hardness as CaCO3 Noncarbonate Ilardness Carbonate (CO3) Bicarbonate (HCO3) Free Carbondioxide (CO2) @ 40°F Acidity as CaCO3 Alkalinity as CaCO3 0.01 0.02 1.8 /:~ 0.002 7.6 0.5 28.3 · 'l 7.4 /' 0.i4, /i02 [ 0.8 1.8 2.1 lOl .8 .~ .05 "'250 - 1.0 0.2 '1'.5 '0'.3 0.05 45 25O DATE: April 28, 1975 Sample ~ 2071 Date submitted: April 24, 1975 Sample s~ze suomittcd: one gallon Aluminum (Al) Barium (Ba) Cadmit m (Cd) Chromium (Ct) Lead (Pb) Selenium (Se) Silicon (Si) Silver (Ag) Zinc (Zn) mg/l 0.02 0.19 0.002 0.002 .01 .002 .35 .002 .02 Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids Total VolatiLe Solids - Turl~}dity units Color uuits Odor units Total coliform Fecal coliibr m ,, F~cal streptococci N.D. Appearauce Clear, colorless pH value 8.20 Specific conductance 175 P.H ;S. Standard = Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards, lined are rejection lin]its; concentrafions are in mg/[ or unlts. neg. = detection test negative; < = less ·than; N.D. = not determined COMMENTS: Hardness medium; water is potable. .. Standard L 0.01 0 .O5 0.05 0.0 L 0.05 124.0 500 · . 1.4 78.5 0 5 < 5 15 0 3 N.D. col/100 col/100 Jmd]os/cm JAY $. HAMMOND, Governor June 12, 1975 Mr. Stephen Kurth, P.E. 5001 Ro§er Drive Anchorage~ AK 99507 Subject: Swanee Slopes Subdivision #1 }~ater System Dear Mr. Kurth: We have received the chemical analysis en the water subject project and this completes our requirements this system. If you have any further questions please contact me. Yours truly, Regional Environmental cc: Rolf Strickland supply for the with regard ~o Supervisor $001 Roger Drive Anchorage, Alaska April 21, 1975 99507 Mr. Rol£ Strictland 0hief Sanitarian GAAB DEQ 5550 O Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOLJE0~. Water Supply; Swanee Slopes Subdivision Addition ~1 Dear ~r. Strickland: Mr. Robert E. Fleming has instructed me to provide a design for ~grading the subject water supply System to meet the requirements of the State's civil action, n~ber 75~i369F. Attached are the proposed construc- tion drawings and a s~a~aary of the design parameters and analysis for your review and approval. Conszd~ring the extremely sho_~.t time frsz~_e between now and project completion; I request that you ex- pedite review. If you have questions or co~mnents call me at 34,i-6550. c.c. Mr. Robert Fleming · ~xisting Condlt~_ons The info~tation concerning the existing distribution system was obtained form ~r. Fleming's reeolkeetion for the most psrt, from visits to the site and from a GAAB approved en~ gineers proposal prepared by Mr. Ronald L. Thiel P.E. in 1972. The existing distribution system is s~own on the drawings (location estimated). Additional info~rsation concerning well data was obtained from the well driller's log prepared by ~r. Bill Sullivan and from a p~mping test conducted on the well by myself on April ].9, 1975o According to the well driller's log, the new well (drilled and test pumped in late 1972 - early produced 1~ GPM after and 8 hour pszaping period. The pump~ ing test conducted my myself indicated that the recovery rate or sustained output of the well, after being ptar~ped down, was ~o~ gpm. The pumping test procedure is outline~ as follows: 1) The valve between the pne~aatic tank and. distri- bution system was closed at approximately 9:30 a~mo on 4~19~75 by Mr. Fleming, 2) After disconnecting~the p~p from the existing 200 gal. pne~aatic tank and bypassing flow through 2" and 1.?' plastic pipe, the pt~ap was turned on at 11:50 a.m, After 25 minutes of Fuznping at an esti- msted rate of 15-16 gpm the water stopped, 3) After closing off the p~amp and allowing a 4 to 5 minute recharge, the pump was again turned on and the discharge line ran full for 1-~ minutes. 4) The time vol~ae test consisted on allowing a 10 minuteg~'~then p~mping the well and collecting .~~'~'in 2 - 30 gallon steel dr~s until the flow ceased. The pumping period lasted about 3 minutes. This process was repeated four times, 5) The average quantity of water collected during the pumping period,when divided by the 10 minute charge period plus the pmmping period, is assmned to be the steady state or maximum recharge, rate of the well. -1- Desi~ Criteria Water usage rates 1) Average daily demand =. 50'gpcd 2) Maximum " " = 2 x 50 gpcd = 100 gpcd 3) " hourly " = 6 x 50 gpcd = 300 gpcd Assumptions 1) Population density = 3.5 people per residence 2) 24 hour water use occurs in 18 hours 3) Ass~e eventual developement of lot 7 as residential Minim~n desired pressure at residence=20 psi Storag_~e R~e~uirements 1)(Population served=Tx3.5=24o5~25 people ~) Average daily demand = 1250 gpd in 18 hfs = 1.15gpm 3) Maximum " " =~500 g~d ih 18~hrs=2o32 g~m 4) Maximum hourly " ~ 7500 gpd in 18 hrs ~ 6o~6 gpm 5) Storage required to meet maximmn hourly demand (6.96-3.74). 60 min = 193.2 gal 6) Total volume of pneumatic tank with 10% reserve, 21~ usable volume and 50/30 psi=193.2/.21= 920 gal The design is based on the existing condition of the well as of 4-19-V5. The p~ap and well is capable of supplying the average and maximum daily demand as calculated based on the 4-19-75 p~mping-test. According to ~r. Roll Strictland of the G.A.A.B. D.E.Q., the water supply from the subject well shows no cont~ination to date. The new system will be disinfected prior to being put into service, Stephen KurMh P.E. -2-