HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R3W SEC 9 LT 1SE'cfi GRE ANCHORAGE AREA BO[ 'JGH Depad. ment of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska ggS03 INSPFCTION REPORT oN-51TE SEWAGE DISPOSAl. SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE / FROM WELL /~) INSIDE LENGTH MANU FACTU RER'~I~g;~'¢-/ [~' MATERIAL INSIDE WIDTH ~'_.__. LIQUID DEPTH NUMBER OF ,/ / . COM PA RTMENI'S ___ LIQUID C A PAC I TY//~'g:9~G A i-Ii O N S. TILE DRAIN FIELD: TO1AL LENGTH DISTANCE FROM WELL /012~7~:' FOUNDATION /O NEAREST LOT LINE . OF LINES ABSORPTION AREA__~t¢~ SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACI' LINE DEPqH DP FILTER DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE ~ MATERIAL BENEATH TILE ~ ~ ABOVE TILE .--_~ IN. WELL: TYPE CONST RUC] ION DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: BUILDING NEAREST NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE FOUNDATION LOT LINE ___, SEWER LINE TANK __, SYSTEM CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES APPROVED . ___ DISAPPROVED REMARKS DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: J~) ~(, SEWER LINE DEPTH:. PIPE MATERIAL: Form ED-032 I:::IF::'F::'I. iii CFIIq I' I..(Z)CFI-I' ]: 01",1 I. E (]iil::ll ;i37;:?.S~ LF:II-(E OT ii] S LOT $]I;ZIE 4.(;(:;:1.,::t. '_:ii;(;!LII::I{:;?,I!!!: F:'IEET 'l~-r'l:::'lE OF: SCI :[ t.,,. t:::It!:SOI:'~:Ii!:T :1:O1",1 '!i;?S'I'IEH ]: S: TI:RIEI",IE:I'I I"11::1::.:::1:1'11...11'1 I'.,ll._ll"liii~lil;I;~'. OF 13E[)fREIOI'II:_:; := Ti'"It!~ F;i:E:I:;:!I,I:I:t:;',I~D L:i:;]:;."ZIE OF 'T'HI:~: :E;I::)):I. F:II3:51)F;;tF:'T]:ELN ?¢S'I'EH ]:S: I!:::::. I]iiE:: IF=::" 'fl' il.~H ........ :J]... ;?: t1.,... EiE: ti"...111E3i t1" I1-11 == ;;,;;~: :!5;'[ ,:::fJi H::;;;;:: fl::::ll ".,,." tE:::: II iiZ::. Il!E:: I1::::" -'Ii [I-"'11 ::: ..... d:~E;; THE: L, IEI'-d(3TH I:::, :t: I'"iEl'-,l!~; ]: O1",1 :t: S TI-lie I.,EI",IGTH ,:: :I: I'q FLEET :) (:)F:' TIdE TF?IENE:H OFR I:::,I:~:FI :t: I",IF' :t: lEI I). I'I"IE t::)li::~::"l'l'l (:)F R I'FRE:I'q(:;HI:)B: F:']:I' ]::~i; 'THE: I:::, :I: :E;"I-I::IP'.I(:::E: E~E'I't..IEEI",I 'I'I'IE: SUF~'.F:FI(::IE OF THE: EiF;:(3UI",t[:, I::ll",ll:::, TI'lIE E~(:l'l'r'l:)l,'l OF= 'IHE IEXE:(::I'v'F/I"iI:OI'.,I ,::;1:1'-,f F:IEIEI'). I'Ht;i:F:E: IS t'..IO SET I.,.1:[1:::,'1'1,.IF:'L:)R', Il-Il:i: GF?,FI'v'IEI._. I)IEF:'"fH :[:ii; TI.IE{ Iq :I: I'.J :I: t'"IUH £:,EF::'TI.I OF GF~:FI',,,'EI.. [:~E-I'I,.IEIEt'.,I THfE OU'IFt::ILL I:::' :I: F:'E I::11",11) I'I-IIE 13CrI'TEIH [:)F THE: IEi:':,E:F::IL,'F:IT]:EII",] ,::]:t',l F::'IEIET). Ell=ICI'::]::: ]: I..L :1: I:::' E: F:' Ft F~: T H Ei:I",I T I'.1 ]: L.I_ t:RIE:ii; ]: :5 :[ EiI'.,IIED: ............ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL, QUALIT'~/'~/~/~ SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATIO~ ~D PERMIT INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK TYPE AND SiZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED~ FINANCED THROUGH COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED SEPTIC TANK SIZE: ) ~,{~i) TYPE .--_ SEEPAGE AREA SIZE MINIMUM DI.~TANCE~,, REOUIREMENTB FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE pIT SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE Pit WALL SEPTIC TANK --, SEEPAGE PIT DR^IN ''ELD ., DRAIN FIELD ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS, · SEEPAGE PIT SEPTIC TANKI . SEEPAGE PIT_____ TO RIVER, LAKE, STREAM. , DRAIN F]ELD CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING gAP OF EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. GRAVEL I~AC:KFILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH i~EGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION, DIAGRAM OF :~Y~TEM I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 28-68 AND THAT THE ABOVE [)ATE- ?// 7{~'~j A PPLI CA N T.S SI G N AT U R ~.~,~l~,~ ~ ~--~_~ ~.t__~ ~ FORM NO. E~-016 T.H. - 1 GRAVEL w/SAND AND SOME SILT Brown ,0~0~ ---- --5.0' A SANDY GRAVEL w/SILT Brown ].2.0 __- W.D. A "-- 19.0' T.D. EnaineerinaE~ Geological Consultants inc. N(~HO R AGE --FAIRBANKS ALASKA jUNEAU FRED WOLFLEY LOG OF TEST HOLE ANCHOP. AGE ~ ALASKA lFRo. J. NO 5620~)--7 IOwe ~O. 3000 Jones Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503 September 16, 1975 Fred Wolfley 4140 Lore Road Anchorage, AK 99507 RE: Sewer System Design for Gov. Lot l, Sect. 9,-r 12N, R 3W, S.M. Dear Fred: This letter is to provide a review of the design of your sub-surface septic tank sewage disposal system as shown on plans (one sheet) dated April 5, 1975 and certified by myself. The review is necessary because the Borough Department of Environmental Quality inspector stopped construction of the disposal system on Thu'rsday September 'Il, 1975, apparently because he felt that the water table Was not as that determined by Bore Hole No. 562007 (R & M Consultants, Inc.) dated March 27, 1975 and checked by reference to the monument bore hole across Lore Road from the construction site Project No. 4184030 dated January 5, !~_~ ................... ~ /f"" ~ We~ay-~P~er 10, 1975 ~-i~i~-e~ the construction si~e // when the seepage pit was excavated to approximately a six-foot depth an~ /found no ground water present in the excavation. The fact that your contrac- ~tor excavated an additional test pit at the construction site to the depth ~of twelve feet on Thursday September ll, 1975 without finding ground water ~, supports the data provided by the two previous bore holes. ~ ~ ...... I--~-l~v--e-~ e~o~ro~gh i-~sp~ctor could not make a clear d~st~nct~on between excessive rain water running into the 'top of the ditch and possible ground water. The following data on rainfall shows that this could be possible: Date Rainfall Monday September 8, 1975 0.47 inches Tuesday September 9, 1975 0.17 " Wednesday September 10, 1975 1.19 " Thursday September ll, 1975 0.97 " It should be noted that the average rainfall for the month of September in Anchorage is 2.37 inches and this year the rainfall for Septem- ber 1 through 15 is already 3.29 inches. Also between 9:00 AM Wednesday and 9:00 AM Thursday the rainfall was 1.74 inches, which set a 24-hour record for Anchorage; this was when the trench was open. Page Two - Mr. Wolfley I suggest that you review this data with the Borough in order that the building permit can be reissued and the project completed. I feel that the design data and resulting design used 'is correct and complete and con- forms to applicable code requirements. If necessary, I will be available to discuss the design with the Borough regulatory officials. Si ncerel y, da~es A. Crum, P.E. JAC:vz cc: File ~ i~, FAIIII]ANKS CONGU LT~kNTS, INC. JUNEAU March 27, 1975 R &M No. 562007 Mr. Fred Wolfley 4140 Lore Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Re: Test Hole and Soil Log Report for Sanitary System, Government Lot 1 Section 9, T12N, R3W. Dear Mr. Wolfley: We are submitting herewith the test boring results and our comments regarding soil conditions encountered at the subject site. This investigation was performed in accordance with your request of March 24, 1975, and those precedures outlined in a letter dated December 19, 1974 by Mr. Rolf Strickland of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality. A single test hole was put down within the Lot 1 area for thc purpose of defining gener~ ~ubsurface soil conditions for tho proposed sanitary syteh,, Excavation was accomplished with an auger type drilling rig a~d the test hole was extended to a total depth of 19 feet below ground surface, Two samples were recovered from the test hole and retained for grain size analysis. The res¥1ts of the sample analysis are enclosed, The final log prepared for the test hole has been included in Drawing A-01. Ground water was encountered in the test hole at a depth of 12 feet. We appreciate being given this opportunity to be of service to you. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact US, Very truly yours, R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. Vice President JWR/bm Enclosure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REPORT ON GAAB VERTICAL CONTROL MONUMENTS FEBRUAI~ 14~ 1974 Pate Complelecl.-./,~,~, ,,~'-~ ,~7.,,'c Engineering and Geological ~io~o. . Consuitants ~roj~ol No._ ¢/~ ¢~_ . : ALASKA ?~roject Name. (~- ~.~z~"~'/' ~.l~~ h~ethodUsed ~' ~ [/o~, ' ~/~ Field Peri)' Sampling ~ DESCRIFTION Soil t),pe, color, texture, .estimated porlicle size, sampler driving notes depths circu at on lost, notes on drilling ease, bits used, etc. - Vegetation: ..... Sheet' / i i ~,[J.l.l..CI ARACT RISf [CS .[. ¢RAyELS (Well graded gravel and sand) (Silty, sandy gravel) 85 225 :!~.. 5ANDS A. SW B'. SP (Well graded sands and gravel) (poorly ?raded sands) ~$il~y s~nds) 125 25O ~. §~-L:rs ~.. !q. (Silt, fine sand mix) 275 A. Ctl (C_Lay, silt and mix) 35O ~XAMPLE: Gl,/ ~' - 85 (1 x 85) SP i' = 150 (1 x 150) SM ~' = 225 (~ x 225) 150 9OO 1135 1135 + 6 = 189 sq. tt, per bed- room. Square feet per bedroom times number of bedroolns equals re- quired absorp$ion area. CALCU~AT[~G ABSORPTION AREA OF SEEPAGE P!TS: ]9' TOTAL FEFT OF WA~L AREA *IME: 18'~5'+6'+4'+27'+9'+10' = 79' 79' ~ Total Wall Area x 8' , Depth of Log Crib ~-~-~ sq. ft. - Effective Absorption Area 20' 19'x 2+20'x 2 = 78' 78' - Total Wall Area x 9' - Depth of Concrete Rings --~0-2- sq. ft. - Effective Absorption Area DEPTH OF LINING MATERIAL EQUALS TOTAL EFFECTIVE HOUSE 4" CAST IRON SIPHON .,PIPE WITIt AIRTIGHT SEPTIC / CAPS I'~'1 TANK ~ ~ ~ CRIB / ~ ~ / I CA T mON I ,, 1' q... UNDISTURBEO SOIL I~ 5 ~1 15 MINIMUM 70 EDGE OF I LJ I i~ ................. ~ CAST IRON REQUIRED WHENEVER LINE CROSSES UNDER DRIVEWAY [] .CRIB 4' MINIM~JM~NBOVE WATER TABLF [] 6' MINIMUM ABOVE BEDROCK Fi iINIHUM WELL DISTANCES NDIVIDUAL '0 PIT 100' C] :0 SEWER LINE lO~ E] ;~MI-PUBLIC b-~ FA1T~-8-O~- m '0 PIT 120' ~ I0 SEWER LINE 40' 0'-80' ONLY CAST IRON SEWER LINE ~ 'UBL I C '0 PIT 200' 00'-200' ONLY CAST IRON SEWER LINE El 00' NO SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION OTE 'OFMINIMUM FROM TANK ],{~IT TO RIVER, LAKE ,R STREAM[] (4/74) 4" SEWER LINE C~ CONSIDER DISTANCE TO AREA WELLS & SEWER SYSTEMS[~J PIT EXCAVATION BASED ON SOIL TESTr] ~-.~.L SEPTIC TANK BOROUGH APPROVEn~'~ ~ INLET & OUTLET BE WATERI'IGHT ltOUSE ' PER lO0' OR FOOT EXCEPT 10' ',EEDING TANK AND TIIAT 6" PER lO0' ON FLAT TERRAINS [] SEEPAGE PIT CRIB -GRAVEL BACKFILL 20' MINIMUM TO NEAREST LOT LINE D ' I ,I, 2" OR 3" DISCHARGE ~ ~. FOR RESI~DENCE S£WAO~ ~.. OR INDUSI'RIAL PUMPING ~ heavy duty high capacity submersible sump fer sewage e[r general sump use - - - mamm or automatic con'L oi high efficiaacy Best hydraulic .design and manufacturing techniques gives exceptionally high efficiency for this size pump. These ¥:2 H.P. units pump as much as most other com- petitive ~/i H.P. units. ~ .c.~ SP50 5ERIES SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS 7O 50' PUMP MOTOR __ z/~ horsepower ball bearing design, oil filled and proteetei! with automatic reset thermal type overload. Three phase motor does not haw built-in overload protection and should always be used with a starter havtr~& overload protection. Motor housing filled with bigh die-electric pure, clgu~ insulating oil. Oil rapidly dissipates heat and gives perfect hlbrication lo btil~ bearings. Motor will not overheat evel~ if used with motor i~ousing eom~ pletely out of water. Motor designed fro, continuous operation. POWER CORD AUTOMATIC PUMPS -- Three coaductor PVC jecket wtlii grounding type plug moulded on 10 foot cord standard. 20 foot length avail- able at extra cost. Two cords ara furnished on three phas~ pumps. One fol~ wire power cord with PVC jacket and one two wire cord for pilot contm~ to magnetic starter. POWER CORD MANUAL PUMPS -- Three conductor PVC jacket - no plul; furnished. Three phase pumps use 4 conductor cable with PVC jack{l~ for direct connection to three phase manual starter with built-bi ow, rloal, IMPELLER -- Will handle solids to 1Va inches. Semi-open, 2 vane, non-clo~ sewage type with impelling vanes on back shrouds to prevent stringy m~ terials from bindb~g blades or wrapping around shaft. These vanes also kee; greatly increased seal life. DISCHARGE SIZE -- 2 or 3 inch standard pipe. CONSTRUCTION __ Cast Iron pump and ureter housing with eorrosio~ resistant pump shaft. All bolts and screws are stainless steel. If bronze SHAFT SEAL_ Precision mechanical seal prevents leakage into rooter. faces are carbon and ceramic, super lapped for long leak-proof life. AUTOMATIC LEVEL CONTROL --. Level control is maintained by diaphragn type sensitive pressm-e switch sealed in water-tight housing that is attaehet; to the pump. Switch diapbragm is isolated by oil wilieh is retained by secong diapbragm giving proteetion to tim switch against foreign matte~ Three phase pumps are provided with a second cord from the level switg! that sets as pilot control for magnetic starter. Magnetic starlet is supplie~ with tha'ee pbase pumps. Level switches are normally set to remove I 1 inehe~ of water from sump. Special settings up to 40 inebes can be supplied. LIQUID TEMPERATURE __ Pump will handle liquids to 140 degrees for con. tinuous operation. Special 205 degree hot water primps are available. FACTORY TESTED _ Each unit is qiven a emnplete pumping check befort leaving faetorT. catalog numbers AUTOMATIC CONTROL Cat. No. SPSOA 115 or 230 volt single phase 2." or 3" discharge MANUAL CONTROL. Caf. No. SPS0M 115 or 230 volt single phase AUTOMATIC CONTROL Cat. No. SPS0A3 230 volt three phase 2" or 3" discharge Furnished with magnetic starter MANUAL CONTROL Cat. No. 5PS0M3 230 volt three phase 2" or 3" discharge Furnished with manual starter 460 or 550 voit availahle In all cases specify voltage, phase and discharge size flange 2" discharge furnished unless 3" discharge specified 5[lJppJllg Weight 65 Ib~ pinup system 0UMP BASIN -- Cast iron basin 18" dia. x 30" deep with two 4" hubbed gaskets for gas-tight connections. Fiberglass basin available , See price list. oalalog numbers - S~L~ SY~TEU Complete system includes: pump cover and pump dis. charge pipe. Caf. No. SPSOA218 ~olY*plefe system 2" dischar§e Caf, No. SPSOA318 Cemplefe system 3" discharge single plltllJ~ system Supplied in 115 or 230 volts, single pbase or 230 or 460 or Specify voltage required. 115 volt unit furnished If voltage is not specified. Shipping weight 363 lbs. For residence pumping of sewage or other high capacity sump duty. Designed to comply to health and sanitary codes. Will handle ell waste duplex p.mp system ELECTRICAL ALTERNATOR -- Relay type, controls the alter- Tb~ pump conHnucs to operate automatically until other unit SUMP BASIN -- Cast iron 30" dia. by 30" deep with two 4" hubbed connections. Basin cover is steel and sealed to basin. Pump covers are cast iron and arc removable without disturbing basin cover or vent pipe. Power cords and discharge pipes are sealed to covers with rubber gaskets for gas-tight connections. Other basin sizes avabilablc. Steel and fiberglass (30" x 36") basins available - See price list. oatalog numbers - DUPLEX T/STEM ~omplete system includes: Cat. No. SPSOAD-30 ~ pumps, sump basin, basin cover, 2 pump covers, 2 dis- charge pipes, 3 level control~ and 1 alternator. ~Complefe system 3" discharge. 230 volt single phase Caf. No. SPSOAD3.30 230 volt, three phase Caf. No. SP$0ADF3-4-30 460 or 550 voH- three phase Shipping weight 957 Ihs. APED CONNE 2-ALARM LINES ~RGE LEVEL LEVEL :OPTIONAL) '3900 LEVEL CONTROL 2- POWER LINES I'GROUND LINE COMPLETE PACKAGED SEWAGE EJECTOR SYSTEM COMPLETELY FIELD SERVICEABLE ECONOMICALLY PRICED ELECTRICAL ALTERNATORS Nema 3 aRernators are variable level with override and inehlde II~O-A switches, run lights and circuit 24 volts. Elapsed thne meters may be supplied if No. 4403P9-1 Electric Alfornafor~llSv 60c 1 ph:~e No. 4403P9-2 Electric Alfernator~230v 60c 1 phase No. 4404P9-3 Electric Allernafor~230v 60c 3 phase No. 44]7P9-4 Electric Alfernafor~&0v ~0c 3 phase No. 4417P9-5 Electric Alternator~550v 60c 3 phase Caf. No, 3900 10 fl, cord [s standard Shipping weight 4 lbs. COVER Caf. No, 225 Shlp. Wf, 57 Ihs, SUMP BASIN COVER DUPLEX PUMPS 30" Diameter Caf. No. 226 Ship. Wt. 143 lbs. DUPLEX PUMP SYSTEM · FLOAT OPERATED × 30" east iron basin and discharge pipb~g. Same as above only for 3 phase powe~ and complete with control panel with magnetic starters with overloal; protection, 2 - hand-off-auto switches and run light~ Cat. No, SPSOADE-30 . 230v single phase C~f. No. SPSOADF3.30 . 230v fhre~ phase Caf. No. SPSOADP3-4*30 . 460 or 550v three phase Shipping weight . 925 lbs, Available for 230 volt single phasq power. See Price Bnlietin 125C f~ sump level control. This switch alter. both pumps if one pump c~n not handle the flow. Switch enclosure can he supplied i~ Nema I or Nema IV. Float rod is stainless steel Shipping weight - 25 lbs. CON.~ULFA:I I5, INC. September 24, 1975 R & M No. 562126 Fred Wolfley 4140 Lore Road Anchorage Alaska 99507 RE: Test Hole and Soil Log Report; for Sanitary System Government Lot 1, Section 9, T 12 N, R 3 W, S.M. Dear Mr. Wolfley: We are submitting herewith the test boring results and our comments regarding soil conditions encountered at the subject site. This in- nvestigation was performed in accordance with your request of Septem- ber 23, 1975, and those procedures outlined in a letter dated July 15, 1975, by. Mr. Rolf Strickland of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality. A single test hole was put down within the Government Lot: 1 area for the purpose of defining general subsurface soil conditions for the proposed sanitary system. Excavation was accomplished with an auger type drilling rib and the test hole was extended to a total depth of 10.0 feet below ground surface. The final log prepared for the test hole has been included in Drawing A-O1. Ground water was not encountered in the test hole. We appreciate being given this opportunity to be of service to you. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to oontact us. Very truly yours, R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. Vice President ~rR/W~D/~ a Encl. xc: GAAB TH-1 9-23-75 ORGANICS 2,0' SANDY GRAVEL (GW) 6.0I SILTY SANDY GRAVqEL w/SEAMS OF SANDY GRAVEL THROUGHOUT STRATA (GM-GW) 1'75 sq.ft. per bedroom 10.0' NO WATER TABI~ Log represents location of test hole Government Lot 1, Section 9, T12N,R3W, S.M. · F~ consultants Inc. ALASKA JUN£AU FRED WOLFLEY PROPERTY Log of Test Hole Anchorage, Alaska 9-24-75 '~CA[.E 1"=3' OW~ aY WED C~xD aY WED ~o~. No. 562126 Dw~ NO, A-01