HomeMy WebLinkAboutNORTON PARK Lots 6A1-6A8 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 3500 TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 /*.¢l(::J:O;;<j0, ¢".i'.;l'..& S;}50U DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY October 13, '1972 Mr. James Perry SRA Box 117 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 ~ SUBJECT: Unapproved sewage system installation Lot_6~gS' Norton Park Subdivision. Account #016-212-02. Dear Mr. Perry: In regard to the illegal sewage system installation on the subject property, this letter is to confirm the present status on this account. The system must comply with Borough standards through permit and soil tests or be caved in an abandoned. The other alternative as discussed with your wife over the phone; is to hook up to public sewer within ten (10) days after receipt of this letter. Your cooperation in this matter would be appreciated and will prevent legal action. Sincerely, . ,/,/ · f -- ,. ( - Les Buchholz __.} Environmental Cent-r61" Officer mb Septei~iber 20, 1()72 fir. James Perry SRA I~x 117 Ancl~ora!ie ~ Alaska 99502 Subject: Unapproved sewage system installation. Dear Mr. Perry: Upon inspection of your property an illegal sewage dis- posal sys'~em was obserw;d. This system is in violation o'F Urdinance ~2~J~68, Section 9-67~ and action must be taken to comply with Borou§i~ standards within fiw days of receipt of this letter. To comply with the ordinance, you nn4st obtain a land use permit and an ones'ire se~'~age sys~e~ co,Is&ruction per~n'i~. ^ soil '~est is required before a sewer system permit can be issued. Your cooperation in this l~la~tmr will be appreciated and will preven~ legal ac'(;iotl if you comply within five (5) days of receipt of this leater. Si ncerely~ Les Buchholz Ei)vironmental Control Officer Ill I) ilUTSANCE COMPLAIHT FORM Colnp'lainant s Street Address Phone [4o. Box No. ' Name of Person Agains Owner of Propericy Owner's Address: !'I;~? Corer) faint is ~'~ade: e i!nisance ExisLs: Phone No. ~L /~Z- S'reel' Address: ~ t F~FA Person Receiv'ing Col'r~p]air~(: ...... _~__4 ............. Date: - ¢ i cerk~'Fy ~hat such sl;atement of facts is true to the best of my be~ lief and !<nowledae. reauest '~hat the forer~inq matter be investi- qaLed and khat ap!)rop i,=~ e actinn thereaFker he ~;¢[ketl. I am willing ~o testify t;o the F~c s L~i:ed ii~ Lhe Foregoinc~ cuinp~aint in court if rlecessd r.y, RE~'ORT OF ACTION TAKEN DATE COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: .N