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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNORTON PARK Soils Information S-3317  279-2S8! *~c~. ^~.,',~".*' ~..bruary 12, 1974 ~' W.O. 16492 _Mr. L. E. Wyrick c/o D~%, Consul.ting Engineers 800 Cordova Street ~cho~age, Alaska 99501 ktt~m, tion ,' Mr. Maurice Oswald Pro j e ct: Norton Park Subdivision DOWL W.O. 7166 S ~j ~ct: S'ubEnrface Soils Exploration Transmitted herein are the results of test pits placed at the · specified locations and to maximum depths of Mr. Wyrick's ~,quipment. The data is organized in this report as follows: Location Sketch Typical Soil Groups (this study) Test Pit Logs Standard Explanatory Data Data not on Logs Figure 1 Table A Sheets 1 to 5 Sheets 6 to 8 Sheets 9 to 13 The test pits were placed by Mr. Wyrick uusing a wheel mounted backkoe. The test pit logging, sampling, san~p].e testing, data analysis and report were done by Alaska Testlab. The soils were exa/(~ined in the field axed in the laboratory with the latter examination including grouping hy representative textural types. The upper soils tend to be silts (sand silt mixtures or clayey silts) underlain by non-frost susceptible sands and gravelly sands. Water was not encountered in any of the test pits opened. ~e site for Test Pit Six was heavily wooded, ,%nd the client's equip~nt was too small to clear and excavate. Therefore, ~ Test Pit Six was not exca%-ated. MEMDER The materials encountered tended to be hard and/or dense throughout. The soils are described on 'the test hole logs in terms of the text~ral, frost and Unified classifications. "Relative group" is shown by sample and defined in Table A (the "relative group" is a convenience with the group letters referring to this study only}. The group A soils are sands, and are non-frost susceptible. The group B soils are gravelly sands, non-~rost susceptible. The group C soils are slightly sandy, plastic silts, frost susceptible° The group D soils are slightly sandy silts (non-plastic) a trace' of organic material, frost susceptible. ~%e group E soils are coarse silts (non-plastic), and frost susceptible. The gro~p F soi]-~ are sandy gravels, non-frost susceptible. The group G soils are silty sands containing a trace of organic material, and are frost susceptible. ~f we may be of further service to you in this regard, please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Laboratory Supervisor EnclOSures L~, [ i T' ? HOI~] LOCATION SKETCH /"9,~. F 0 TN- ~ /~7,~. ~'~2. DICK'INSON-OS~VA£'D ~ t, N C:-~ORA.G F, ALASKA DRAWN 2750 J,,7166 CHECKED /; TABLE A Soil Groups Typical Soil Types Encountered This Study Frost Unified Textural Group · Class. Class. Classification A NFS SP . Sand B NFS SP Gravelly Sand C F-4 CL/ML Sandy Silt D F-4 ML Sandy Silt E F-4 ~ Silt F NBS GP Sandy Gravel G F-2 SM- Silty Sand Sieve Analysis Sheet 9 Sheet 10 Sheet 11 .Not run Sheet 12 Sheet 13 Not run Test Pit Occurance 1,2,4,5 3,5 3,4,5 2,4 1,3,4,5 1 1 Test Pit 1 Elevation: Exist ~2%? ground W.O. 16492 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 1o5' 1.5' 3.0' 3.0' 8.0' Soil Desc. r.iption Brown, damp, silty sand, F-2, S~ (random small ~ravel with trace of o__r3anic) , ~roup C Tan, damp, silt, F-4, ML, hard, non-plastic, Group E. Brown, damp, sandy ~ravel, NFS, GP, high density, well graded, rounded ~ravel to 1-1/2", Group G Brown, da/ap, medium to fine, sand, NFS, SP, higk density, Group A Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: ~Free Water Level: S amp] e De~_~ 1 1.0' 2 2.0' 3 4.5' 4 9.0' 5 13.0' 13o0' 3.0' None Biows/6" Type of Dry Sam~e Strength Grou~ 10.7 Grab N G 11.0 Grab L-N E 2.5 Grab N F 4.2 ~ Grab N A 4.0 Grab N A Remarks: 1o Gro~p refers to similar materi'al, this study only 2. Dry strength, N = None, L = Low, ~. = ~.~ed., H = High Test Pit 2 W.O. 16492 Elevation: E~isting ground Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 4.7' 4.7' 13.0' Soil. Description Brown, damp, s~ndv silt, F-4, ~, hard, rmndom ~_~el~ organic on top, Grou~ D Brown, medium to fine, damp, sand, NFS, SP, high density, Group A Bottom of Test Pit : Frost Line: Free Water Level: ~ample~ DeDt____~h 1 2.0' 2 6.0' 3 12.0' 13.0' 4.7' None Blows/6" Type of Dry M% Sample Strength Grou? 15.8 Grab L D 2.0 Grab M A 2.0 Grab N A Remarks: 1. Group refers to similar material, this study only 2. Dry strength, N = None, L = Low, M = Med., H = High Test Pit 3 Elevation: Existing ground Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 8.0' 8'.0' 9.5' 9.5.' 14.0' W.O. 16492 Soil Description Tan, damp, silt, F-4, CL/~, hard, PI-, Group C Tan, damp, silt, F-4, ~4L, hard, NP, Group E Brown, damp, gravelly sand, ~FS, SP, high density, rounded ~ravels to ].-1/2", Group B Bottom of Test: Frost Line: Free Water Level: ~amP.!~ Depth 1 4.0' 2 - 9.0' 3 10 ' -14 ' 14.0' 2.5' None Blows/6" Type of Dry M% Sample Strength Grou~.. 19.7 Grab M-H C 2 B. 4 Grab L E 1.9 Grab N B Remarks: 1. Group refers to similar material, this study only 2. Dry s%reng~k, N = None, L = Low, M = Ned., H = High Test Pit.4 W.O. 16492 Elevation: Existing ground Depth in Feet. From 0.0 ' l./-" 1.2' 7.0' 8.0~ Soil Description Tan, damp, ~a~y_ silt, F-4, ~, stiff, trace of organic, Group D Tan, damp, silt, F-4, CL-~, hard, Pi-, Group C Tan, damp, silt, F-4, .~L, hard, NP, ~roup E Brown, damp, medium to fine sand, NFS, SP, high density, Group A Bottom of Test. Fit: Frost Line: Free Water Sample Depth 1 1.0' 2- 4.0' 3 7.5' 4 8'-1~" 12.0' 2.0' None Blows/6" Type of Dry ~.{% Sample Strength Grou~ · 17.1 Grab N D 22.5 Grab H C 26.4 Grab L E 15.7 Grab N A G~o~r~ refers to similar material, this study only Dry strength, N = None, L = Low, ~4 = .~4ed., E = High Test Pit 5 W.0. 16492 Elevation: Exis ting gro~d Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 3.0' 3.0~ 7.5' 7.5' 9.5' 11.5' 11.5 ' 12.5 ' Soil Descri~ion Be~, trees, other o_~.ani__c and silt mixture Tan, ~amp, silt, F-4, CL/.ML, Pi-, very hard, Group C Brown, damp, mediu]~ to fine sand, NF'S, SP, luigh d~ns ity, Group A Tan, Oamp, silt, F-4, /~J~, NP, very hard, Group E Brown, damp, .g.r_~av_el~ly_ sand, NFS, SP, high ~usity~ to%untied ~ to 1-1/2" Bottom of Test Pit-~: ~rost Line: Free Water Level: ~ Dep~_ 1 5.0~ 2 7.5'-9' 3 9.5'-11.5' 4 12o0' Re~arks: 1. ~ 2. 3. 12.5' 2°0' None Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group --- 19.8 Grab L-M C --- 2.3 Grab N A --- 15.9 Grab N E --- 5.1 Grab N B No s~ple taken. Grouu refers to similar material, this study only Dry strength, N = None, L = Low, ~ = Med., H = High CONSULTATION ALASKA TESTLAB TESTING ~ EXPLORATION CHEMICAL · MATERIALS · INSPECTION 50% GRAVEL ;IFICATION CHART ~ CLAYEY ' t../ CLAY E Y / OR \ <::)/ $ I.LT:Y' SI LTY SI LTY ::~:: ',,, x \ \ ',, s A N O . X,: .::::!! / :x x \ IDY \GRAVE L \ '~. \ GRAVELLY \ SA~ · o io zo 3o 40 50 60 70 80 90 ioo GRAVEL (+~4$CREEN) % BY WEIGHT,_ NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3% FINER THAN O.OZmm. GR(XJPS OF FROST--SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: FI F3 a. F4, o. b. C. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN O.02mm. SANDY SOILS' CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER THAN O.02mm. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20°/o FINER THAN O.O:~mm. AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILTY, SANDS) CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mn',, CLAYS WtTH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANOY SILTS. FINIS, SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN O.OZrnm. LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN 12.. VA. RVED CLAYS. SHEE~ 7 OF 13 ' ·TEST HOLE~LOGS SOILS DESCRIPTIONS The soil descriptions shown on the logs are the best estimate of the characteristics at the time of field examination. Such examinations do not achieve the precision of laboratory tests for the various properties. ~ 1. The relative type of soil and the frost classification is shown on the sheet "Soil Classification Chart." An additional class or classes are shown on "Unified" or other charts or references. 5 Other criteria: Boulder - greater than 8" .~ Cobble- approximately 3" to 8" B16w Count - blows/6" of 140 lb. weight falling 30"; 2" split spoon. (The standard penetration J.s blows/12".) Density - estimated by the rate of drilling, type of soil, blow count and moisture range PL - Plastic Limit, moisture content being-approximated as; above (+) or below (-) plastic limit (PL) or liquid limit (Lw) as appropriate Lw ' Liquid Limit, see P L Dllatency - is the ability of water to migrate to the surface upon vibration or jolting of a sample, an aid in determining whet3~er a soil is predominately a clay or silt Well graded -- uniformity coefficient greater than 7 See "Unified" Poorly graded - uniformity coefficient less than 7 (Uniform particles, gap graded) See "Unified" Organic Content - estimated by volume, not particularly precise Clayey Soils - a field method now being used as an aid to identificatJ, on of these soils is a combination ball drop, and rolled thread test in which a 2" diameter ball of the Sand-Silt-Clay fraction is dropped 2' until a 1" thick pat develops. The diameter of a thread at crtunblinG rolled from the resultant pat determines whether clay or silt predominates Dry Strength - a small sample of t. he soil is fotnmed into a cube and air dried, and crushed between the fingers~ High dry strengtk indicates clays and low indicates silts. Water Table - the apparent water table at the time of observation. Often t~e actual water table may be higher unless the hole is allowed 'to remain open or is converted to an. observation we 11. Capillary Fringe - change from moist to very damp, or saturated soil, usually indicates that water table is close. Peat - Fibrous material of macrosc-,pic and microscopic frag.aents of decayed vegetable matter; very compressible, unsuitable for foundation or embankment. Color light brown to black. · A° - The upper layer, surface soil or topsoil, containing hthmus -- and/or organic debris, not satisfactory for foundation. * is often included for specific s~nples or groups of samples, and may be included on the log or by separate tabulations or enclosures. ALASKA TESTLA~ I >,,1 ~o o g o m ~ o o o o _o ~o ~o o o o o g m