HomeMy WebLinkAboutO'BRIEN BLK 2 LT 8 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH INSPECTION EA ING AND DRINKING ESTABLISH tNT ~ '-:~ ~-/' ::' · 'Type /~, Milk Number served Cr~m daily Shellfish ............ -'~[ ~ Alaska elsewhere? Sir: An inspection of your premises has this day been made, and you are notified of the defects marked below with a cross tX), in the column marked (U). The defects should be corrected. Refer to HSE 8 Alaska Depamnent of Health Rules and Regulations. ;mooth, (11) Storage alld handling of utensils---Stored above y after floor ill clearl place protecied frolI1 splash, dust, ;lrteth- [--] ~ etc.. inverted or covered when practicable( ); -Il ~ no handling of contact surfaces ( ); single-serv- asbable ~ ~ tiled ( ); clispensh~g spoons, dippers kept in hot qth el- -closing ~ ~ (12) DiSl, OSaI of was~es -Liquid wastes into public ( .... pt ~ ~ freque,,tl~ and receptacles washed ~o pr ..... forage) ~ ~ (la) Refrigeration aeadily perishable foods (includ- g code at 50° ~. or less ( ); ice stored alld handled mploy- appr .... I .......... ( ); drip enters open trapped drain or pan ( ) ivies, clean, no spoilage, prepared so safe for human ~, eom- 1~[ I I unless filling adequately cooked, and promptly ¢enient ~ ~ served in original bottles or frmh approved built ( ); shucked shellfish kept in original containers - Easily ; good :racked ~ ~ (15) Storage, display, and serving of fooa and drink ( ) ....~ ~ No contamhmtion by overhead leakage m' sub- merging ( ); not on floors subject to flooding :ks, re- contact with foo.d and drink ( ); no open dis- as used plays ( ); no anbnals or fowls ( ); structure plates, rat-proofed ( ); roaches atl(l rats under con- ,reaeb rat~c~des ( ) (10) used for no other purpose ( ); hands clean ( m cab- (N) Mlscellaneous~Premises kept neat and clean ~00° ~'1 no operations in living or sleeping rooms ( ); clean, adequate lockers for employees' clothing e ( ); not in kitchen ( ); soiled ]illen8 coats aprons * ( ); ~ (). .... no person with infected wound or lesion ( )__ to 10-foot candles on working surfaces (1) Floors--Easily cleanable constrttction, good repair ( ): clean ( ); cleaned only closing or between meals ( ); by ods ( ) ......................... (2) 1Vails and ceilings--All: clean, good repair kitchen; ligbt color ( ), xvalls smootlL to level of splasi~ ( ) ........ (3) Doors alld wilttlows--Otlter openings doors, or fly-repellent falls, or flies (4) Lighting- Natural or artificial light ill dining roolll), 4 ill storage rooms (§) Ventilation-- All rooms (except cold reasonably free of odors and condbnsatioll (.6) Toilet facilities--Comply with plun~bin ( ); adequate, conveniently located for eln ecs ( ); good repair, clean, self-closin ( ); washing sign for ernployecs( ); used, comply Territm'ial standards ( ) (7) Water sttpply- Running ~vater accessible required ( ); supply adequate ( ); safe, plies Territorial standards ( ) (8) lland-wasllillg facilities-- Adequate, ( ); hot and cold water ( ); soap ( proved sanitary toxvels ( ) (9) Construction of lltensils and eql~lpmcnt -- East: dishes ( ); no cadmium or lead utensils (10a) Cleaning of equipment and utensil frigerators, stoves, boocis ( ); dean by employees ( ); single-service cups drinking utensils timrougbIy cleaned after use ( ); other utensils cleaned each day (10b) Bactericidal tre~tlnellt of eating and utensils- Approved bactericidal treatment cleaning: Immersed 2 minutes in 170° F, or mm-half minute ill boiling water, or in approved chlorille rinse; or kept in steam inet 15 minutes at 170° F. or 5 minutes at or in hot-air cabinet 20 minutes at 180° large utensils adequately treated with boiling water, or chlorine spray or swab Utensils comply bacterial standard ( ); cloths, if used, kept clean and used for Ilo purpose ( ) ....................... this inspection with me