HomeMy WebLinkAboutORTH Project A12121-5 J~i/y 24, 1974 Project A12121-5 Hewitt V. Lounsbury & Associates 723 Sixth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention : Mr. Allan Scheen Gentlemen: Test Pit Excavations Proposed Orth Subdivision Birch Road Anchorage, Alaska At your reqllest, the undersigned inspected the subject excavations and logged the vertical soil profile on J~le 11, 1974. ~le location of test pits have been surveyed by you and the locations are shown in Figure 1. R~e soil profiles at each test pit location are respectively shown in Figures 2 through 7, inclusive. The soils were visually classified and absorption values have been as- signed accordingly based on written guidelines of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough and our experience.. The absorbtion values for each identifiable layer are given in parentheses an an averaged weighted value given in the right hand margin of the log. It should be noted 'that the soils are classified at the respective pit locations only and 'Lhat significant horizontal variations should be anticipated. ~lkrthermore, due to the somewhat marginal conditions encountered, each i leaching area should be evaluated iLndividually once building t~;ation and other appurtences are known. Free ground water ~as not encountered in any of the pits at t_ime of excavation. The depth of free ground water is quite variable in this area and is not defineable in the recently published USGS "Water Table Contour Map" of Anchorage, Based on information provided by Mr, Orth, the pre-drawdow/1 level of his well (located on Lot 7) is at a depth greater than 20 feet below present grade at that location. OAKLAND SAN JOSE .SAN FRANCISCO ANCI-tONAGE, AI_ASI(A Page 2 Mr. Allan Schee~ July 24, 1974 Furthermore, no water was observed in %he pits a% the lower elexrations or in the d~?ainage ditch on the south edge of the property. If you have any questions, please call. RPK:pb Very truly yours, ~DODWARD-LUNDGREN & AS SOC IATES Chief Engineer 5cc Addressee Attachments 88000 ~£5-ooo a . / 5 5-000 4 E ~Jooo~r gEoo0u 40 jE~ooO woo D-W~J~-~7[~U Ixl D~R EI~- AS SOClATES CONSULTING ENGINEEI'I8 AND GEOLOGISTS 6361 NI-'ILSON WAY - SUITE 200 - ANCHORAGE, At. ASKA 99502 )epth of Boring: /zj Number of Samples: )ate Drilled: C./~,/V$ Hammer Weight: ~ E ~ DESCRIPTION Surface Elevafion: Fro.t Depth~ ft.: O~ Project: .... L o g o [3 Depth of Boring: ,./~-~ ' Number of Samples: Date Drilled: ~-""."'~'~ ltammer Weight: Type of Boring: ;~,~ V~v~ Remarks: TAI E lo~ I )5- 20- J DESCRIPTION Surf(ice Elavo~ion: Froot 'O cd JobNo. z~ l~l:,'-A~ WOODWARD-[UNDGREN & ASSOCIATES Figure Project: bate D~'il led; c o ~5 I I j WOODWARD.-LUNDGREN a ASSOCIATES. Project: c2~-~x/ Z~.z>r,~.~:;z. L o g o B o r i n g N o, ~ Depth of Boring; [)ate Drilled;_ Type of Boring: Number of Samples; Hammer Weight; Remarks: ~/~o~ _~ ~' DESCRIPTION Surface Elevafion: JobNo. /f(/~/~_/__~] WOODWARD-LUNDGRI~N & ASSOCIATES I Figure Depth of Boring:. /O~ Number of Samples: Date Drilled: ~/~ ~ Ita.~er Weight: Type of Boring:~~ Remarks: ~oT I - Surface Elevation'. Fro~t Depth~ ft.: ~rojoct: ~D~T~/~f~7~i~r~q/J Lo g o ~ B o r i n g N o. )epth of Boring: (O~ . Number of Samples: )ate Drilled: ~/,,/7~ 'Ha~er Weight: 0-- 5-- 5-- NO. i ~ 2 x = ~4o, 2%¸ NOTES: SUBDIVISION A BUBBIV[SION OF THE NW '1/4. NN 1/4, SW 1/4, SECTION t4 TI2N~ R3N. S*N.', RLRS~R HEHITT V. LQU;N~3URY & RSSOCIRTES NO1 7 SUB D . . 6 5 DED 3 NOTES: TI2N. R3N, S.H.~