HomeMy WebLinkAboutPARK WOOD ESTATES General Information June 27, tS7J Olanza ~adger ?crmit Coo~lina~or Alaska [,as & Service Company Anchorage, Alaska 99502 SubjecC: Gas Line Crossing in the Area of list Aw'hue and ~r;ri arwood Street D~ar !~r. ~adger: l'h~ Great, er Anc~'lorage Area ~$orougn ,~eparCF,~nt of t~'~virolitiluli~al Quality has receiw~d the plan relevant to thc-: subject b,~o-.'inch gas maiF1 extension. Our only coF,~',~enCs at this ~ime would be · Chat Chu crossing of this creek m~ould Cake adequa'~e precautions to preven~ any unnecessary siltation of ~he stream and must also restore the stream at ti~e crossing poinCs back ~o its natural s ta re. Sho~td we be able to assist you wi~n any problems ti,at arise in ~ai:~~ par~,icular matter, .olease con~act ~,hc~ u,~ers~ lgneu. Si ncerely, $~olf Strickland, R.S, Ci~ief Sanitarian Alaska (Sas and Service Company Division of Alaska Interstate Company (FOBME~LY ANCHOFIAGE NATURAL GAS CORPORATION) P.O. BOX 6288 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 * 3000SPENARD ROAD * PHONE 277-5551 Mr. Rolf Strickland Greater Anchorage Area Borough Dept. of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Strickland: June 22, 1973 ltECEi fED Anchorage Natural Gas Company plans to construct a 2" (diameter) natural gas pipeline along the south side of E. 71st Avenue between Briarwood Street and Driftwood Street and along the west side of Briarwood Street between E. 71st Avenue and E. 72nd Avenue. Insomuch as the planned pipeline route crosses a tributary of the Little Campbell Creek at both locations, we wish to take this opportunity to inform your department of our intentions. Enclosed, please find 4 prints which shows the pipeline route and the above mentioned crossings. Commencement of work in this area is tentively scheduled for mid July of this year. Please advise us of any prerequisites or stipulations your department may desire including the best time to trench across the tributary at said locations. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, ALASKA GAS AND SERVICE COMPANY Permit Coordinator 0B:jc enclosures DIVI$10~ 0£ tARD$ ~p 1 i cant: Walter Stephan 1927 B. Dimond Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Protestant: bean Re Dewey 1205 E. 72nd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 DIRECTOR'S WILLM~,f ~. £6~, GOVE£1tO£ AI'ICItORAGE 99501 DETEIh\.iINATI ON : : : : Re ference: PROTEST R~JBCTING TO ISSUANCE OF A PEtk\IIT FOR STREAH RELOCATION ,/ Water Use Application ADL 54511 Pursuant to the publication no%ice-of July 24, 1971 (Exhibit A), protest to issuance of the above permit was made by Dean Re Dewey, letter dated August 6, 1971 (Exhibit.B). Protest reasons were essentially as follows: 1. The 1 to 1 slope of berm is unstable and will require filter blanket, riprap and possibl~ grouting to prevent eventual failure. o The berm will be a public nuisance, a drowning hazard, a~sthetically unappealing and will lower values of properties. Placement of berm with top side elevation one foot above roadway will not prevent flooding especially with a 90© turn of the stream- bed and tile questionable adequacy of tho Brianvood Street culvert. The berm and roadway will block normal drainage from protestant's property~ The proximity of the creek channel to, and the blockage of drainage from the protestant's property has caused the water table to raise resulting in structural damage° This blockage should be corrected~ RECEIVE]} ~R~ATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH JP~,PL Gl: ENVJRONMENTAk QUAkITY D ,termination Stephan vs Dewey A review of the case file and plans submitted, followed by on-site in- spection, has been completed by Division of Lands personnel accompanied by a Fish & Game representative. The following findings have been made: e Slope of the berm will be a minimum 1 to 1 or less on the back side (South) away from the stream. Minimum slope of the berm on the stream bank side will be 1 on 1 1/2 with hand placed ripraP from a point above the radiused curve, to and including the Bria~.~ood Street crossing and a slope of 1 on 3 on the opposite side of the stream. The berm will be pladed in its entirety within the confines of the Stephan property° bo Slopes of the strea~ bank are of a very shallow nature and do not present the drowning hazard of steep banks. Ce While the berm may or may not be aesthetically appealing, it replaces an irregular shaped dirt en~ankment located along the property line at the back of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 1, Morton Estates Subdivision, a portion of protestant's property. Extending the berm to the roadway will prevent other than extreme high water from flowing southerly along the roadway° Additionally, the roadway northerly of the berm/shoulder interception point is to be constructed with a depressed section~ the elevation to be at least 1' below that of the above interception point to provide floodwater passageway. In reviewing the Corps of Engineers letter to the Greater Anchorage Area Borough' the intermediate regional flood ~ one having a frequency of once in 100 years, shows this flood water elevation at the Bria~.:ood Street stream crossing to be 102o7' without culverts~ Placement of a 48" culvert raises the elevation to 104.1'. Lowering of the road grade to 102' with placement of the depressed roadway section 1' lower (101~) as outlined in 3a, should preclude inteln]~ediate regional floods. Floods caused by glaciation, a factor in any stream would remain a possibility. Determination Stephan vs Dewey Continued° c. The construction of roads along dedicated street rights of way is a function of the municipality involved, Inadequacy of surface and subsurface drainage from protest~ ant's lots in the past is attested to by the previous con~. struction of rock-filled drainage ditches along the back= side and front of protestant's lots (Exhibit C)o Obstruction of the drainage ditches is a product of roadway construction and not of stream relocation. As previously indicated in Sc. this is a responsibility of the municipality involved° It is noted that roadway construction does pro= vide a depressed section in the roadway to provide drainage at the front of the lots. Berm construction with the structure placed wholly upon the Stephan property will have no adverse effect on the drainage ditches located along the back {North) side of protestani's lots. Effects of the diversion are to place the ~ Corner of Lot l, Block 1, Morton Estates Subdivision some 20+' closer and the N%V Corner of Lot 3 some 150+' closer. That drainage of the M>ove lots was inadequate is i~dicated by the previous drainage ditch construction~ That the rise in the water t~le is exclusively the cause of stream relocation is a matter of conjecture. Water tables throughout the Kenai~Anchorage~Palmer area have risen in the past year with few.exceptions, these being in areas of heavy shallow well drmv down. Location of the berm structure and road~ way culvert when placed pursuant to the plans will not preclude or have an adverse effect on drainage ditches° Blockage or dis=' turbance of the drainage ditches is not caused by the stream re~ location° The determination made by this office pursuant to Alaska Statutes 46.15 and Water Use Regulations Title 11~ Division 1, Chapter 8, is: To reject pro~ testant's objections and proceed with issuance of a permit for the requested diversion work. -4- Determination Stephan vs Dewey As provided by Chapter 8, Section 806, APPEALS of the Water Use Regulations, "Any person who considers that he has been aggrieved by a decision or order of the Director may, within 30 days after the date of mailing of the deci- sion or order, request reconsideration by the Director. The Director shall render his final decision within 10 days after receipt of a request for reconsideration, unless the appellant requests additional time in order to present further information." Divis~"o~ an~ Dated this ,-~.~Z;,.~ day of ,/,,~h-..:,-~:-'~---', 1971 Matthews & Dunn Attyso Dean R. Dewey Walter Stephan Loren Lounsbury Dept. of Environmental Conservation GoA.A.B. (Environmental ~uality) STATE OF ALASKA DEPAR%%IEN~ OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF LANDS 323 E. 4th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Pursuant to A.S. 46.15 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources through the Division of Lands, Water Resources Section, pr6poses to issue a water use permit to Walter H. Stephan~ 1927 E. Dimond Blvd., Anchorage, Alaska, 99502. The permit will be issued to provide for the lateral relocation of approximately 1,000 feet of the channel of North Fork of Little Campbell Creek, within Park Wood Estates Subdivision, S.E. 1/4 of N.W. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4 of Section 5, T. 12N., R. 3W., Seward Meridian. The channel will be moved laterally to the southeast an average distance of 150 feet. Stream banks will be sloped to a 1 on 3 slope except at the outside of the curves in the proposed channel alignment and berm area where thc banks will be sloped to 1 on t 1/2 and riprapped. 48 ; inch diameter CMP culverts will be placed to conduct the stream under Driftwood Street and Briarwood Street, and two parallel 36 - inch diameter Culverts will be placed to conduct the stream under E. 71st Avenue. A berm will be placed along the southern edge of and entirely within Park Wood Estates Subdivision, the berm to extend from shoulder of Briarwood Street easterly to the point at which natural ground elevation and top of berm elevation are equal. Minimum elevation of berm will be 1 foot above finish road grade at intersection of berm and Briarwood Street shoulder. Side slope of berm will be minimum i on i 1/2 on north side, and minimum 1 on I on south side. Rip-rap will be hand placed along the stream channel in those areas as shown on the plan where erosion and undercutting can be expected'to occur. The rip-rap mffterial used will be of a kind, size, and gradation such as to be acceptable to the Department of Highways on any similar type of project. The berm and channel bank slopes will be seeded and revegetated over those areas where rip-rap is not placed. The Briarwood Street roadway construction will include a depressed section (dip) north of the berm to provide for overflow across the roadway. Depressed section shall be of suitable width, elevation at lowpoint to be at least 1 foot below that of berm and roadway shoulder interception point. Further information relative to this proposed withdrawal may be obtained from the Water Resources Section, Division of Lands, S23 East Fourth Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska. Objections or other comments must be submitted in writing to the Water Resources Section and received on or before August 9, 1971, in order to be considered. The Division of Lands reserves the right to waive technical defects this publication. BY: PUBLISH: July 24, 1971 ANCHORAGE DAILY TI~IES F. J. KEENAN, Director J ~ tlon, Chief ~ater Resources Section q 1205 East 72nd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 August 6, 1971 State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Lands 323 East 4th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska SUBJECT: 99501 Proposed permit to Walter H. Stephan for diversion North Fork, Little Campbell Creek, within PARK WOOD ESTATES SUBDIVISION Gentlemen: I object to the proposed lateral relocation of approximately 1000 feet of the channel of North Fork of Little Campbell Creek, within PARK WOOD ESTATES SUBDIVISION, S.E. ~ of N.W.~ of S.W.~ of Section 5, T 12N., R. 3W., Seward Meridian as published in Anchorage Daily Times July 24, 1971, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed 1 on 1 side slope of berm is an unstable slope especially if it were built from the sandy material from the adjacent areas. Unless the berm were built of selected material properly compacted with a suitable filter blanket before riprap placement o~ concrete grout between the pisces of riprap to prevent movement of the berm material through the riprap, erosion and eventual failure of the berm is likely. 2. The berm with its extre~e side slopes will be a public nuisance, and drowning hazard, especially to the many small children residing in this residential area. It will also be ascetically unappealing and will tend to lower values of existing properties. 3. The flood plane as established by the U. S. Army Corp~of Engineers at the request of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough, at the intersection of Briarwood Street and the subject creek crossing iR between Elevation 105 feet and 106 feet. The placement 'of the berm only one foot above the proposed roadway profile elevation would probably not prevent Stat~ of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Lands August 6, 1971 -page 2- high flood waters from over topping the berm and flooding of my properties adjacent to this berm. Especially with the probable back water effects caused by the severe (90-degree) bend in the creek alignment where the creek intersects the berm and the questionable adequacy of the culvert capacity under Briarwood Street. 4. The proposed berm together with the roadway fill of Briarwood Street will block normal drainage from my property. 5. The close proximity of the diverted creek channel to my property together with the blockage of drainage by the Briarwood Street roadway and the obliteration of the drainage ditch paralleling East 72nd Avenue by the construction of the roadway has caused the water table to raise on my Property resulting in structural damage. This blockage should be corrected. I feel, as I explained in my letter to your department, dated July 9, 1971, that action should be taken as outlined in that letter to solve the problems. Sincerely ,~ Dean R. Dewey Copy: Matthews, Dunn & Bailey, Attorneys at Law )/ DATE: FROM: TO: SUBJECT: GRE..,TER ANCHORAGE AREA BC .3UGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET ° P. O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 March 31, 1971 Ly~n Coad~ Sa~_itarian John R. Lee~ Sanite~ian Investigation of letter sent by Mr. Dean Dewey~ with carbon copy sent to G.A.A.B. Planning end Zoning Department As far as I could determ±ne on March 30~ 1971~ Mr. Dewey's map is accurate. The entire area was covered with about a foot of snow' but I suspect that when the snow' melts and the new' stream bed is unveiled it will show something that looks like a drainage ditch than a creek. To create a drainage ditch out of an ecologically balanced stream bed is not in the best i~terest of the general public. ...... lie[: TI..IIC I::I~DRR I:f'ID V('llll~ I?FPLV · · · · · * * · · · Sr~,>.Ration & E~:gincering L o.-_ C ..,,.AVE. ,~60- 20 ,5 J 8 ~ J4 4 '**,... II $,' / ~-0094 COND t~89eS?' ~t~i'~ ~ - '~'8°'°°~-'~ (Seventieth '/5 2 3 4 4~ 5 · ~ E.?IST ~/E_ . _ E. 72ND AVE -' 5 8 § SEVENTY SECOND r ..,% 74 ~5-? LEGEND DU~ TO PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS, C~'RTAIN LOTS IN THIS SUDDAIISION IffAY NOT BE D[V~LOP~D W/TH ON-SITE WATE~ AND SEWAG~ DISPOSAL FA CIL / T/ES. PARK WOOD ESTATES SUBDIVISION SW,/4, SEC. 5, TI2N,R3W S.M.