HomeMy WebLinkAboutPATRICIA BLK 1 LT 133ost-lt'~ brand fax transmittal memo 7671 ~ of pages co. ' -'- co. ~C3A--~ 464  MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME PHONE I ~NEW MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION Well Absorption area Dwellin.~ ~ PERMIT NO. ~ ~ Manufactu rer~ Liq. capacity in gallons ~ Inside length Width Liquid depth /~ IF HOMEMADE:  DISTANCE TO: Well Dwelling PERMIT NO, Manufacturer Material Liquid capacity in gallons ~ Well Foundation ~ ~ Nearest n PERMIT NO, ~ ~ ~ ~o. of Hnes ~ ken,th of each lotal le ofqmes Tr~n~idth Distance between Hines ~ ~ ~ Top of tile tofin i~h grade~ ~ ~/ Mater~/~ial be neath~,,/tile ~ ~t ~'"~' ~.~°tal effecti~,~ve absorpti on¢~~~ea  Length Width Depth PERMIT NO. Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area Well Building foundation Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO:  Class Depth Driller Distance to lot Hne PERMIT NO. DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) OTHER --PIPE MATER IA L~ ~ SOIL TEST RATING REMARKS -- I APPROV 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) DEPARTMENT' OF' 1'.4EALTH AND E'.I',IVIRONMENTAI_r PRO'T'ECTION 82.5 1.,,. ST'REET', ANCHORASE.,, AK 99501 264-4720 F:'ERM I T NO: DAI"E ISS. UED: APPL. I C~I',,I'T': A D D R E S S: [:ONTACT PHONE: 850499 () 8 / 13 / 85 JAME:S I .... LAMSON 440 W 9(.'rT'H ANCHORAOE, Al< '786.-.8 99515 L. EGAL DESCRIP~ L. OT SIZE: MAX BE:DROOM,~,, SUBDIVISION: PATRICIA SE'CT ION: 1.]."; TOWNSHIP: 9000 (SQ. F'T. OR ACRE:S) .3 LOT: 13 BLOCK: 12N RANGE: 4W I...istecl below ar'e the opti~Jns available to you in designing yc~ur septic: .sys.~t~m. [;hoose the option that best £its your site. DEPTH 'T'O PIF'E BOTTOM (F'T'.) GRAVEl .... DEPTH '(F'I". ) T'OT'AL DEF:'I"H (F'T'.) GRAVEL WIDTH (F']".) GRAVEL. L. IE:I~II:.']TI4 (Fl".) GF~AVE:I.... VOL. LIME: (CU. YDS. ) 'l"Al',ll< SIZE (GALS) SOIL IRA'I"II',IG (SQ. F'T. /BR) 4. () 2.5 ** b 9 0.5 .3.0 ~'9~/ -. ~ 4.5 5.5 ~ ~ 19.0 5.0 . 25.4 :54.4 1,000.0 ~* 1,000,.0 ** ~.50 150 ** DEI:::"T'H 'T'O PIPE BOT'T'OM '::: 3.5 .F:'T,, REQUIRES iNSUI...ATION ~'~' DEF"I"FI TO PIPE BO'TT'OI'~ '::: 4.(') I::"1". MAY REQUIRE A LIFT ST'ATION .K-~. TANK MUST HAVE AT I...EAST 'TWO COMPAR'T'MENTS I cer'ti~'y fha'L: :1... I am t'amiliaP with the pe'qui~ement, s fop on-site sewers and wells as set. for, th by the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) and the State (::.~' Alaska. 2.. I w:i. ll install the system in ac. ccmdance with all MOA co, des and ~egulat..i(':ns, and J.n coml:liance with t. he design ('.::r'ite~ia of this per'mit, 3. I will adhepe to all MOA and State o~ Alaska ~equil-ements i'or' t. he set back distances £1-om any e,,,'isting well., wastewater' disposal system c.:}r, public sewer'age system on this cH- any adjacent c)r' neaPby lot, 4,. I unde~st, and that 'khis per'mit is valid £~r a ma;.,'imum of' ::.']'; bedroc)ms and any enlaPgement wi].], r'equi~-e an additic~nal pePmit, IF:' A I...IF'T' STA'I"ION IS INS'T'ALLED IN AN AREA COVERED BY MOA BUILDING C[)DES: ....... ' .... -'~ " C.,?) AS-BLIIL. TS THFN (1) AN E.L.E.(.,I"RICAL PERMIT AND INSFECTION MUST BE: OBTAINED, WILl... I',1(]'1" BE AF'F'RDVED WII"HOUT AN ELECTRICAL INSF'E:C]'ION REFOR1, AND (...~) 'T'HE liB...Ei:CTIRICAt WORK Mus'r' BE: DONE BY A LICENSED EI.ECTRICIAN. DEPARTMENT OF HEAL..'I"H AND ENVIROIxlMENTAL. F'ROI"ECI'ION 825 L STREET, AN(]HORAGE, AK 99501 .-, ,..:, () ~64'-4.7~.: .. F'ERM.I: T NO: 850499 L~ '~ DATE: SSUE :>: / . / APPLICAN]": J¢~ES L. LAMSON . ~/ ,~ ANC~RAGE, AK 99515 ~ - CONTACT I='HONE, ']86-~2()' ~ I_EGAI_ DE:SCRIP: SUBDIVISION: PATRICIA LOT: 1.=, BLOCK: 1 SECTION~ 13 TOWNSHIP: I~N RANGE: 4W L. OT SIZE: 9000 (~Q.FT'. QR ACRES) Li~t.e~d B{..lo~ ape th~ o~.i~n~ava~labl~ to y~u in ~i~nin~ youe ~pt. ic . ~EqEI,) W. DF{A I DEF'TH ]'0 F.'IPE BOTTOM (FT.) ~ ..) 0 ** GRAVEL DEPTH (FT.) ~0.5 1.0 TOTAL. DEF:"TH (FT.) =~;.=.,. ~.~ 4.0 GRAVEl.. WIDTH (FT.) ]F~ 0 5.0' GRAVIEI_ LEIqGTH (FT.) 36.~) 79.0 .w.~ G~AVEL. VGLUME (CU. YDS. ). ~:~;. ~ '""'"' TANK ,~I ZE (GALS) 1, ()(.. ()OC). 0 ** ,=0.[I .... RATING (SQ FT. /BR) ~.~ DEFTH TO F IF'E BO'I"TOM < .3.5 Fl'. REQ~RES INSUI_ATION . ................. ~.- ") ...... , · (? · · ~,~ DEl-TH lO FIFE BO]IOM .. 4.(. Fl. MAY~QUIRE A LIFT ,..~TATION ~'~ GRAVEL LENG'TH > 75 FT. REQUIRE8 MUI_T~PLE RUNS 4NOT EXCEEDING 75 FT. EACH) I certify that: :1.. I am familiar' with the requirements for o~.-sit, e sewer, s and wells as set , for'th by the Munici~alit. y of Anchopage (MO~ and the State ~f Alaska. 2,. I will in~t. all the system in accondance with%xall MOA codes and regulations, and in compliance with the design cnitenia ~t%t. hi~ per, mit. 3. I will adher'e to all MOA and State of Alaska ~quirements for' the ~et bac:l< distances ,from any existing eel. l, ~aste~ate~ d~posal system op public sewenage system on this or any adjacer~t on nea~b~ lot., 4. I under'stand tha:t, this penmit is valid for' a ~axl~um o¢ 3 bedr, ooms and any enlangement will ~*equi~e an additional perm:i.t.~ . IF A LIFT STATION IS IN~:~IAI....L. ED IN AN AREA COVERED BY ldo BUIL. DING CODES, THEI'4 (1) AN EI_ECTRICAI_ PERMIT AND INSF'E[;TION MUS]" BE: OBT'A~NL, D,, (,::..)AS-BtJIt_TS WILL. NOT BE AI-I--I~OkED WI'THOU:" AN EL. ECTRICAI_. INSPECTION REP(~'[', AND (...:,):"HE; S I G~ED , SOILS LOG LOCATION ~ _~c'/g'~'.~ .-'~',~/z~//,-'/$~,~/v'. ~.~ ~' /_,4' z~/,,~..z-- ! HOLE NO DATE BY . ,,/~. DEPTH WATER TABLE DEPTH UNIFIED ' FRO~'T DESCRIPTION CLASS C.~OUP o ~':,.,~./, .-,..~ ~',.-~Z_,,_ ..... ,,, . ,'~ ~-~ ~'~-,Z~ .~t~. ,,~,~,,.,., ,,A, ~.,,..~ 4 --....,. · ' ! ! ,,/ ....... ~ ? ....... ..,, ~ ~ - , , ......... _ , ~. ,,-, ~ ............. .~. ........ ,~ .... . -- , .~ ,,~ ~ · ~., .. ~ _ _~.2~':.."- ~."-:~X% " ~11 .... . .;~'.",, ,.,','~i~' ".'~'* ;LOCATION SKETCH: .... " ~ ..... LEGEND · /_.~z~.~_~v ... .i 'L I SOILS LOG HOLE NO..'T'~-I LOCATION P,~,I'Y'c'~I,A-- ~u.~tVl~)~o~ ~l '~LO~ ~ DATE ~/;~ ~ ~~ ' BY ' COMMENTS __ ~ ~ ~g ~H~ ~PTH I0 WATER TABLE DEPTH UNIFIED FROST DESCRIPTION CLASS GROUP 0-- 4 5~ 9- _.,..;. ,.. ~, .~,,. - .. ~ ~~%., - ~.~.-~ ~' "~%...ZC;~. - , I1,,~/~ - ' , , ,~- ~ ~,,,,eoeeeeeeeo~eeeeeee~ee e ~  ~¢ %~'""'"':~ LEGEND I TH~Z? SYMeOL /-'~,/~0¢-,~ /¢v~r ~ t.~t0~~ t " 2- FROZEN N ~ ~ ' MATERIAL  ~ ~S[~ O~ lH[,O~mm=50% .~_ ~ ~ OF THE -~200 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED .?~)~:,~:, ~ GRID NO. Nlunicipahty of Anchor e P.O. BU.. 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES April 1, 1986 Jim Lamson 440 West 90th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 995]5 Subject: Lot 13 Block 1Patricia Subdivision This comes in response to your letter dated March 21, 1986, requesting that the department reconsider approving the septic system located on the subject property for a four bedroom single family residence. The department dannot grant your request for the reasons listed below: (1) The fifty percent safety factor required by our policy is strictly adhered to by all person(s) who wish to install seepage bed systems within the Municipality. You neglected to apply that safety factor. (2) Your lot size, approximately 8,050 square feet inside property lines, is not adequate enough to allow 4,000 square feet of reserved area for an alternate site for sewage disposal. (3) A replacement site is not available. (4) The close proximity of Klatt Bog wetlands may, in the future, have adverse effect on the presently high seasonal water tables. The existing system is adequate and is approved for a three bedroom residence. ~ If there are any questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, On-site Services JK/ljw ¢,/8 March 21, 1986 Susan Oswalt MOA, DHHS 825 L. Street Anchorage, Alaska Dear Susan, This letter is in reference to my approved septic system for lot 13, Block 1, Patricia Subdivision (Permit # 850499). Our engineer indicated that the system installed Would support a four bedroom house when he approved the design. After submit- tal to DHHS. we were informed that the 50 % safety factor was not included as per your requirements. Our calculations show that a 43% safety factor does exist. I am requesting that your staff reconsider approving this system for a four bedroom home for the following reasons: The system is only 36sf shy of meeting the DHHS safety factor. Due to presently imposed DHHS regulations, the likelihood of the installation of additional on site disposal systems in the vicinity is very remote. A note on the plat does require sewer line extention and hook up when it becomes available. The adjacent properties are all within the Klatt Bog conservation wetlands which will further postpone adjacent development. This area is an old paper plat with wide spread ownership so that a coordinated effort to develop the subdivision is unlikely. In my opinions these provide adequate justification for a waiver from the normal safety factor. I do not believe that the intent of the requirement will be disregarded. Please advise me when any decision has been made. 40th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99515 October 22, 1985 John Kennedy Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street A~chorage, Alaska 99503 Re: Septic Permits for Lots 13 and 14, Block 1, Patricia Subdivision Dear~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~~. In August of 1985, I obtained permits to install septic systems for two lots in Patricia Subdivision. We are now considering waiting until next year to build homes for myself and my brother-in-law. However, we are concerned that we will not be able to obtain septic permits next year. The purpose of this letter is to pursue your sections position on g£anting an extention to our permit. The reason we are concerned is that the lots are small (9000 SF) and there has been quite a lot of publicity lately about placing on site systems on such small.lots. However, Public water is available to serve these lots and a note on the plat requires us to hook-up to Sanitary Sewer lines once it is extended within 100 ft. of our property. The soils logs provided show that an on site system will work very well on this property. Further, the logs were taken in a very wet summer so in all likelihood the water level will decrease in the future. As we see it, the Municipality has nothing to loose by giving us an exception to the standard December 31st 1985 date of expiration for the permits. A letter stating that a permit would be given next year if the water level remains at its present location is another possible alternative. Winter is~rapidly approaching (In fact its mostly here) and we would prefer to build our homes next summer. However, if you are not able to grant us this extention, then we will go ahead and begin construction this fall. We appreciate your consideration of this request. Please contact me at 786-8120 with any questions you may have. im Lamson cc. Susan Oswald m~ICIPALZTY OF DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPLICATION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CERTIFICATE 1. General Information Application Date (a) Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Location (address or directions) (b) Applicants Name Telephone - Home Business Applicants Address (C) Applicant is (check one) Lending Institution ~ ; Owner/builder,~. ; Buyer ~-~ ; Other ~-~ (explain>; (d) Lending Institution Telephone Address (e) Real Estate Co. & Agent. Address Telephone (f) Mail the HAA to the following address: 2. Type of Residence $ingle-Family~ Number of Bedrooms 3. Water Supply Multi-Family ~-~ {7' Other (describe) Individual Well ~-~ Community ~. Publlc_.~. Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. 4. Sewage Disposal , Onsite~.~. Public ~ Commu~ity ~-~ Holding Tank ~-~ Note: If community well system, must have %~i'tten confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation' a~esting to the legality and status. [Page I of 2] me Engineering Firm Providi.n~ Inspections, Tests, Fil9 .Search, Data and Information As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that, based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regula- tions in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of Firm JAMES B. ROBERTS, ~F., =.~:c~ ~;~ ...... '~ ~'~ ~'~:"~' Telephone ,:.~ 360 West Benson BlYd,, Address AD~hnraa_q, AK 9950,$ ~.' ~r ~ .~m~ DHEP Approval Approved for~bedrooms Approved ,~'~ , Terms of Conditional Approval .. ~/CAUTION THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (DHEP) ISSUES HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CERTIFICATES BASED ]OLELY UPON THE REPRESENT- ATIONS GIVEN IN PARAGR~H 5 ABOVE BY AN INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF ALASKA. THE DHEP DOES THIS AS A COURTESY TO PURCHASERS OF HOMES AND THEIR LENDING INSTITUTIONS IN ORDER TO SATISFY CERTAIN FEDERAL AND STATE REQUIRE- MENTS. EMPLOYEES OF DHEP DO NOT CONDUCT INSPECTIONS OR ANALYZE DATA BEFORE A · CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S WORK. RR4/ej/D18 [Page 2 of 2] ~,,~\ (DHEP S,EAL), 7-19-84 ' / A. WELL DATA /J//~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HAA) CHECKLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 Legal Description: [.~% ~, ~}o=~l Well Classification Well Log P=esent (.Y/N) Total Depth Cased to Static Water Level Casing Height Above Ground Electrical Wiring in Conduit .(.Y/N) Separation Distances f~cm Well: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot If A, B, c~ C, D.E.C. Approved.!..Y/N) Date Completed Yield Depth of Grouting ~ Set At Sanita=y Seal on Casing (Y/N) Depression Around Wellhead (Y/N) ; On Adjoining Lots ; On Adjoining Lots To Nearest Public Sewer Line Cleanout/Manhole Water Sample ~ollected By Water Sample Test Results CcmNgnts B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date Installed ~. ~o/~ . Size taCO dlz~a- No. of C~,pa=tments Standpi~s (~) y Ai~-tight Caps (Y~) ~ Foundation Clea~out (Y~) Holding Ta~ High-Wate= ma~ (Y~) M/A ~r~y Holdi~ Tank ~it (Y~) ~p~ation Distan~s ~ ~ptic~olding Tank: To Wate=-Supply ~11 ~/~ To ~ilding F~ndation ~/A TO ~o~rty Li~ ~d4o ~o~fh ~'% ~To Dis~sal Field [Page 1 of 2] 2-15-84 ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed ~/zg/~ ~idth of Field [~ D~ _ Type of System Design Length of Field ~ C~ Depth of Field mC, 5 Gravel Bed Thickness Standpipes P~esent (Y/N) Square Feet of Absc=ption A~ea (~.~ ~ Date of Last Adequacy Test _. Dep=ession ove= Field (Y/N) ~J Bssults of Last Adequacy Test Separation Distance f=cm Absc~ption Field: To Wate=-Supply Well w/A To P=operty Line ~ ~+ To Building Foundation ~/A ~5~ n~%=~ To Existing c~ Abandoned System cn Lot ~= ; On Adjoining Lots ~% I~ ~ ~ .... To Wate~ Main/Service Line ~. ~ ~+ To Cutbank( if present) ~/A ..... To St=eam/Pond/Lake/c~ Majo~ D~ainage Course ~ To D~iveway, Parking A=ea, c~ Vehicle Stc~tage A=ea ~C) ~+ LIFT STATION Date Installed Size in Gallons "Pump On" Level at High Water Alarm Level at Tested fo= Electntical Codes_(Y/N) Cc~msnts Dimensions Mannole/A cess (Y/N) "Pump Off" Level at Vent (Y/N) Pumping Cycles du~ing Adequacy Test. Meets MOA ** ** Check PeFmitted Bed=ocm Rating Against HAA Bequest I ce=tify that I have checked, verified, c~ confc~med to all MOA HAA Guidelines in effect Date MOA No. on the date~.of this~cn, Company j_~_t~.._.- . ....... ~ ~ ........ ENGINEER ~ ~'- ' 3~0 West Senson B~vd., ~207 KBI/d5/s Anchorage, AK 99503 [Pa~ 2 of 2] 2-15-84