HomeMy WebLinkAboutROCKHILL TR B MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME PHONE ~-~cz¢1 []UPGRADE MAI LIN (~ABD/F~ESS - LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION o, DISTANCE TO' ,,.~ ~1~ ' ~ I- Z I Manufacturer I Liq. cgpacity in gallons I DISTANCE TO: IWell ~ -- ~ Manufacturer . _ ~ ¢1 I well ~ ~ I DISTANCE TO: I ~ ~ ~ No. of~(ines ~ Length of eac~li~ ~ ~ TOp of tile to finish grade Length ~idth 4 ~ I Typ. of crib/ Crib diameter ~ I ~ Well " ~ISTANCE TO: ~ Cl~ ~ r Depth ~ - Bui d ng foundatio~ I DISTANCE TO: Absorption area(f_) Dwelling Materi~Q~.~/~ I Width' ~ NO. OF BEDROOMS ~ERMIT No. of comp . me.ts Inside length ,~ Liquid. dep~th Dwelling ~--- PERMIT Material]. Foundation,~7 ~ r Nearest lot line I Trench width ~ Total length ~f/ligF --. I ~'2) (f~. ,nches Material beneath tile Depth Crib depth Bull ding~.~d~dation Driller OTHER P I RE, MAT ERJA LS SOl L TEST RATING Sewer line Liquid capacity in gallons Total effective absorptip.[~a er~ Nea rest I Dist anc~j~¢ ,,oEne PERMIT NOo-"~ q 0 I f~ ! Septic tank I ~,P [ ' Absorpt on area(s) F'ff::'I:':"L I CF:INT L.OC'.'FiT I 01",1 DON I<F:ISS LII!3E MF:I I NTREE "FRFtC:'T .[:3 ROC:I<H!L..L S,?B, TYPE OF' SOIl.. F:I[E~SOR[?T'ION SYSTEM IS: MF:!XIi'"IIJI"] NUMBER OF E,'EDROOI"lS, ...... :t. TREt',ICH SOIL.. RFIT l N(:ii T'HE F?.EqU I REt} S I ::]!'.E OF THE: SO I L F:IBSORP]" .'!.: ON S"r'S'T'[]:]"1 I :.'.':.]: 'T'HI:F: 1. Id. tH [:'IMEN:.:~:;IC~N IS "I'HE LENGTH ':'IIq FE:ET) qF THE TRENCH OR I}F;.:I::!IIqFIEL[:~. THE DEPTH [3[:"' Fi TF,'ENCH OR P.T.T :I:S THE DI:~:':TF:INCE 8ETNE[::':N THE SURFFIC:E OF' THE (![f~:(]lJN[) FIN[:' ]"HE BOTTOM OFt THE EF:',C:I':IYFITZC[N (IN FEET). ]'HERE IS NO SET I.,JI[:,TH FOR 'T'RENC:HES. THE GRI:::IYEL [)EF:'TH Z:.'-!; THE M].'NZMIjM DEF:'TH OF' GRF':IYEL.. BETI.,.IEEN THE OIJ]"F'I':'IL.L. F:':I:PE FINI} THE BOTTOM OF::' THE EXCFf,,,'Ia]".T.C~N '::Ztq FEET). F'Et'RM I "t' F~PF'L.. i CFINT Ht:::IS THE RESPONS I 81 L I TY TO I NF::'ORM TH I S DEF:'I::IRTMEt",IT I>UR I NG 'THE I NSTF:iI...LFITI ON INSPECT ): OI",fS (:Il:::' I::INY WELLS FIDJFICENT TO TH I S F'ROF::'ERTY l"':llqD THI.:!!: NI..!i¥fSl~ii:R OF: RESI[:'EI",ICES 'FI'"IF~T THE 14ELL. I,-tl'L,.L SERVE. I'~ff"tCI<F:' I L..L I NG OF F:INY SYSTEM PJ I 'THOLrT' F:' I NF:II.... i NSF:'ECT I ON FIND APF:'I.::'.'OVI::tL. BY TH [::,E::F:'FtRTMENT .L,J ILL BE :!!.':UE3JECT TO F:'RO':T:;ECU!" :[ ON. M I N I MUM [)I ~;"I"FINCE E!~ET[,.tEEI',I I:::1 I,.IEL. L I:::IN[:, [:fi'dY Cff',I"'"S'; I "FE SEI,.tFtGE [:' I SF:'OS:;FtL. ':~ %"F TEM I :iii; ::l..~!!t~i) FEET FOR f:l F:'F;i:I',,,'FIT~ I,.IEL. L..~ OR :tSl~!t ]"C) :;Z~]i~2~ FE!:E]" FROM FI PU[~::L]:O I.,.!L:ii:LL DEF:'ENDZN(]i I.JF'C)I",I TPtE 'T'YPE (:it:: PLIBL..IC: WELt. .... t,.fEM... LOGS FIRE R[~]]U]:I;iiE[:, t::IN[:, MUST EJE RE]"tJI'q:I'.~,E[:, TO THE [:,EF'FIRTMENT I,.IITHIN OF ]"HE 14EL..L COMF'L..!.:E'T' I OBJ. OTHER R['!:~(;~U l' REMi:2},ITS MFtY I:::IF'F:'LJ'r'. SP!~:i)]: Z f'": I Cf:IT I OBIS I:;'tND C:OF~i;TRUCT I Ot",t !:) I Fl(:~Rf::tl"l:i~; F:IRE [::IV[:I ]: LI:::IE!ILE TI::) :[ ['.4~;I..J[~:[i!: F:'ROPER ] NSTFqLI....I:r(t'' I ON. I CERTIF::'Y THF:IT ::L: I f::ll',i FFIM I L I t::~R 141 TH THE [;i:[:i'~.!U I F;i:EI'"iENTS F:'OR ON-S I TE S:,EWE]~?.S F:ff4[:) I4ELL. S I:::tS :ii!;ET [:'OI:~(T'H Eff.~-' THE MUN :[ C :[ F'FIL I ]'Y OF' I::IIqC:HORI:::II:::JE. ~i:: t P.Ii'I..L. IBISTF:ILL THE SYS'FEM Il'.,! F:ICC:OF,~:DFtNC:E I,.tITH THE CODES~ ]:: :[ UNDERSTFIND THFIT THE CtN-S:I:TE :!!!;Et,.IER SYSTEM I"1ffT' F~::Ei)~!IJIRE ENLF:iF?GEMENT Il::' THE RE:~i; ]: DENCE I '~i; I:~EM(:)DE:LEt} TO I IqC:LUDE MORE THF:II'.~t ,::[ 1::3EI}F~:C~OMS. S I (:~it'.,!liii:l) ~.~~......% ..~ ................... I:::IPF'L I CI:::INT [:,C;N KRSr, SUE~E .l. z:,Sil...IE [) [!fT ...................... [:' f::l T E ....................... Mr. Don Kassube SRA Box 30K Anchorage, Alaska 99507 ARCTIC-SUI3AI~(.,., · ' Geot,!~:lmical fi~qine~ring · P~ ~,leum Geolo!]y · l:ngineerin~ (~'olocp,' ~ Drilling Management igHAEL B, BEFIG ANF! GEOCONSULTANT BOX 191,SFz~F~ ROU~A, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (90']~ 344 9150 May 2, 1979 Subject: Percolation test for on-site sanitary sewer system on Tract B, Rockhill, Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska. Dear Mr. Kassube: At your request of April 30, 1979, I conducted a percolation test on the subject property. This test, which was performed on May 1, 1979, consisted of filling the 6 inch diameter, 16 foot deep test hole with water and measuring the water level drop periodically for one hour. The test hole used for the percolation test was drilled in May 1978, by Denali Drilling for Alaska Testlab. It is noted in their report of March 15, 1979, W.O. #11139, as being Testhole #4. .The test hole location was shown to me by the property owner. A 20 foot length of 3/4" .PVC pipe had been placed in it. The stick up of the pipe above the natural ground surface was 4 feet, after removing the pipe the total length was confirmed to be 20 feet. The testhole was located 23 feet south and 17' feet west of the northeast property corner. No water table was found when pulling the PVC pipe. TABULATION OF PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS TIME LEVEL(inches) DROP(inches) ET(min) 1640 12~5" start start start 1650 39.5" 27.0" 10 0.4 1700 67.0" 27.5" 10 0.4 1710 80.5" 13.5" i0 0.7 1720 93.5" 13.0" 10 0.8 1730 103.5" 10.0" 10 1.0 1740 106.0"* 2.5"* 10 4.0* RATE (rain per inch) Average perpolation rate for entire hour = 0.6 minutes per inch. Average percolation rate for last one half hour = 1.2 minutes per inch. *Note: Total drop could not be measured for last 10 minutes as hole had caved at 106.0 inches depth. A small amount of soil was removed from the bottom of the hole and it was found to be a moist fine sand. A similar soil was discovered as cuttings surrounding the perimeter of the testhole on the ground surface. I appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this percolation test. ~Mi-cha~l B. Be~gmann Consulting~ologist Environmental Protection / / / / / IT SHALL !~ THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ~,~RI OR EAJiLDER TO PROV,DE EASE~,~ Ep,.T F[kqf'~S, COVENANTS AND TIONS WHICH DO NOT APPEAR ON THE RECORDED SUBDIVISION PLAT AND TO VEPJFY "--PR~ BUILDING GRADE RELATI~E TO F}NISH GRADE AND UTIUTY IE LOT SURVEY CERTIFICATION ' , Block ~ Plat File No, ~~Zoning District Anchorage Recording District, Alaska 4040 a STREET LEGEND: Brass Cap Monument Iron Pipe Steel Pin Survey Hub ~ Tack REVISIONS DATE BY idence of: _ T-~ WELL CONSTRUCTION LOG Drilling Co. ~erD. ts Drilling & Ento Driller Vernon Nowell Type of rig cable tool Well owner Don Kassube Well location: (address & legal description). Tract B Rockhill Sub. Main Tree Rd. USGS no, Date well completed Nearest community Depth of well. Static water level 87 ft. ~:v:, below)land surface. Date Finish of well: (~en-end, screen, perforated, open-hole, other) Describe intervals and size' Well yield tested by (pumping, bailing, air) at 7 for 12 hours with t3 ft, of drawdown from static level, 117½ ti, casing: depth 117½ ft. diam. 6 in. 7-20-79 gal/min. DRILLER'S MATERIAL LOG 7- 20- 79 Anchorage Location sketch or remarks Depth below land surface in feet 0 to 25 25 45 45 63 --6'3-t°69 69 to 75 75 to 90 90 te 102 102 to 106 10¢ to111 11! to114 114 t~116 116 fo 117½ ,tO to __to to. Give description of strata penetrated (size of material, color, hardness of drilling, and water content) silty brown loam sil~'~ with sand hard brown silty 'bill hard pan sand ,~andy gray ~i]t gr~y ~1 t.y al,~y brow~ heavy ~ilty ,~and with ha~d g~ay silt; little ~ravel sandy gravel little H20 hard silt & gravel-brown sandy gravel H20 3/4 hp @ 107' " DATE RECEIV'E~ , INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS TIME' TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE I NSPECTOF~ INSPECTOR INSPECTOR (.~.~__~ J~UNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ENVIRONMENTAl- PF:OTECTIO  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 OEO 6 1979 ENV, RONMENTAL SAN'TAT'ON O'V'S'ON RECEIVED Telephone 2{14-4720 REOUfiST FOR APPROVal- OF INDIVIDUAL WAT£R AND SFW£R FAClI_ITIF$ DIRECTIONS: Comolete ell ~arts on pe§e 1. Ineomplete requeete ~ill not ba pro~o$$ed. Please allow ten {10) days fo~ processing. 1. PROPERTY OWNER PHONE PROPERTY RESIDENT (If different from above} PRONE PHON~ 2, BUYER MAILING ADDRESS PHONE LENO'NG 'NST'TUT'O MsKA OTIJA-L MAILING ADDRESS 4. REALTOR/AGeNT ] PHONE MAILING ADDRESS 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET LOCATI ON 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] Other NUMBER OF~BEDROOMS [] One J~ Four [] Two [] Five [] Three [] Six 7. WATER SUPPLY INDIVIDUAL* [] COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTILITY *ATTACH WELL LOG. A well Icg is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach Icg if available.) 8. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ~ INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE** [] PUBLIC UTILITY YEAR ON-SITE SYSTEM WAS INSTALLED. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] SINGLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] FIVE [] OTHER [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2. WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL DEPTH OF WELL [] COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified LOG RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL sYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER [] INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED []PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified INSTALLER I--lSeptic Tank or [] Holding Tank Size: If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL 4. DISTANCESwELL TO: Septic/Holding Tank [Absorption Area lSewer Line I Nearest Lot Line Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS I~'~CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED DATE BY De~ember 10~ 1979 Donald D. Kassube Star Route A Box 30K Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: Tract B Rockhill Subdivision Approval for your individual sewer a~ water facilities can not be granted ~%til the following it~ns have been completed~ '~ The water analysis retort be delivered to this office from ChemLab~ 5633 B Street~ for our review. (2) A well log submitted to this depart~nt. (3) The perforated sump ~ust be replaced with a solid pipe and inspected by this depart~nt. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-~720. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt, Asso~&ated Specialist RCP/lj~ Alaska Mutual Savings Post Office Box 8-9093 99508