HomeMy WebLinkAboutROEHL S-6702 ~,~UNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE /~ Department ,f Health & Environmental ~otection Environmental Health Division Case Review Worksheet Case Number It Date Received , Subdivision or Project Title: ( ) Public water available ( ) Community water available c°mments ~ , _~/i~ ( ) Public sewer available -----N :. i*_ ,; - ' , - d_.._~sc, 9~(P)-- 50 / ~ u_134.92- ~65.~- 165.~ - o ' " N r .... N 0 05 36 W - 629.92 ~o oo ~ I m Z ' o~ I ~ m m ~ ~ ~ ' I . m / .. J > m .-'- ~ ~ '~l'~- · I. ~ ~' ' ..~ i ~ ~ I ~ ~ _ ~ ~ · ~ · ~ ~ I I / / /' · -- ~ ~ ~ I ~ - · - ~ ~ ~. ~ ~-- / ,~ - ~ - X ~--~ -- T ~ ~au ~ ~ F~ ' GEOLOGIC SOIL INVESTIGATION OF LOTS 1-4 AND TRACT A ROEHL SUBDIVISION PREPARED BY: DOWLING & ASSOCIATES 804 E. 15th Ave. Suite 2 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 December, 1982 $6702 FEB ~19~ CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS INTRODUCTION SITE DESCRIPTION SUB-SURFACE SOILS SOILS LOGS ATTACHMENT A, SITE MAP ATTACHMENT B, SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FIGURE l, SOILS CLASSIFICATION FIGURE 2, EXAMPLE SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 9-A 10 11 12 CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings of our field investigation this area appears to be very suitable for on-site'septage disposal having minimal drain field constructed substantially in accordance with the system shown attached. The materials encountered Jn the author's opinion, should not require drain fields of any substantial nature. Our findings indicate that separation of the field and groundwater table will be no problem since no ground water was encountered to depths of 16 to 20 feet. In the author's opinion, based on experience and the field investigation, this site is suitable for a subdivision with lots not smaller than 40,000 square feet (state requirement and within the peramiters of the zoning requirement. This subdivision has been designed in such a manner as to provide a minimum of 20,000 square feet of area usable for on-site wastewater disposal systems. It should be recognized that there is a layer of hardpan sandy silt on top of a layer of boulders. This layer of boulders sets on very porus gravelly sand where the septic system should be located. It should bi stressed at this point that although the test holes are felt to be representative, variations in soils may occur from lot to lot and uphill from test holes which will affect the design of individual septic systems. Therefore, the soil conditions should be examined on the specific field site before sizing the system. On-site disposal systems in this area should be designed and in- stalled by qualified individuals or firms with the field sized for the particular building type and water use anticipated by the owner. INTRODUCTION This report is the result of a field investigation on S½ SE¼ SE¼ Section 3, T11N, R3W, S.M.; hereinafter called Roehl Subdivision. This site is bordered by subdivided lands of Ranson Ridge Subdivision to the north, Pennington Park to'the south and Loma Eastates on the west. , The site is planned for 4-1.25 acre lots and one 15 acre tract. On-site water supply and waste water disposal sys- tems will be utilized on the lots. Further investigation will be accomplished on the tract when further subdivided. The purpose of the report is to define the sub-surface soil conditions and ground water elevation in order to assess the suitability of the site for individual waste water disposal systems. SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located south along 'Goldenview Drive and west along 172nd Avenue. The area is terraced with intervening steep slopes. A stream flows through the parcel .to,be designated Tract A~ The entire area of subdivision has been scalped of most of the larger trees (propably for fire- wood) and areas have been cleared at random. Some oldworn out buildings still remain in place over some of the area. SUB-SURFACE SOILS Four test holes were dug: using a 5" anger. The hole locations are as shown on Attachment A, No ground water was encountered in anyof the holes. Depths of the holes are from 15 to 20 feet. The area where the lots are to be subdivided (west 5 acres) predominently has a layer of sandy silt on top of a layer of boulders. The material below the boulders is extremely good for septic systems. If any system is to be constructed with- in the top layer of sandy silt, a percolation test must be performed. , Method Used Fi~ id P~rty Wealher ' Ground ~Voter Toble ' DaleDepth in Ft~ '.i".:, ,' / Time . . 0 ~ ~ ...... ' ' : , · , . ,., ' ~' ' ' - ' , ' ~, ', ,, ' ,,', ,i ,", ,';" ' ' ~" ' , '; _ '-' .'~:~;'~.,~.""~.'"""'.'" '" , ' ..,' ':; ~ol~ ~'.'."::"'" ":" '": ' '~"'"" .... /~'~ U~' : "'t /~r:. ~.~ ''-," '~ ", .:: '"' ' - ~ - /..' .' S ~ ' . ...... ' ~' ' "-~-Z~t,~ "7¢ ~'~'~"~. DO~LZNG & ASSOCIATE.. .- .'s~eet~~ '. '~ ', of': ' ~ ' ,. '1~ ~,.,~ ~ .' "- ~"' ' , '. . ~ " '.:",T,". '/.' · . ' ~, .. .:v ~. ~ . ... . . ~: _: ~,.~~....,.:. ~ng/neers ~ ~urveyors ,..%~:.:;.~.. Total ~h.'.' ' ~ Na. : ~./),. ~ ~'¢..%~ ..... , ·., .',.,, '. ;:~,,, . .' :'. , . . '. . Ground ;amp/lng '" ' ' ' Soil type, cola6 lext#te~ · '~,'", ~'~, _~"; 'j'~:~. ,',;'.~, [:"~':~,,, ..' 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An engineering classification of the soils by particle and I)rL)purllof), see "Soil t,:l,a';sifltatiun Chart", note thc d_.~r~:, .. oe hide ,,,pparent :.urface moisture, LW, NP, M% o* dil~ency.) tn*at~r~ ~.'~lh .r wtshout a hnc (~actton. dcr~ved fiom drilling actton and/or ~amph: data; usually described as: very loose, loose, medium dense, very dcn~c, G~neral lfHcnL is tO port[ay c~thwork Stiffness- rcfe~'s to more-or.less cohesive soil} and fincgrained sillso( ~7-szlt g~uups. Decreed from drill actzon and/or sample data, Very · ofl. soft. stiff, very slilf and hard arc commonly geed Ictms. P*Hicl~' size -. The largest particle seL'overcd by the split spoon is ~..~"',' .Shelby tube 3", auger fltght~ {minute.man) 2", Auger flights {~50 hollow ~iem} 6"-8". Larger partide~ aft described ind=ccdy by Action o( thc dr~ling ~nd arc ~cfe~red to ~)'cobblc*, Y' to 8", c~r bould~ 8"*. There(ore when reviewing tl~c gradaHun sheet*, ir any, the description on th~ hole log must be considered for an indication of Unified Soil Classific.tt~on - This is a two letter code. See Unified ~l~ca(ion *h¢ct lot tutthcr dcfmition, ln some casesAASHO and/or Atlerberg Limitt - uuful for fine sr~ined and otbes plastic soils. P_l; nattual moistu~'e content believed to be less than plastic Limit Pi.*; natural moist~Jr¢ content believed to be between pla*tic and liquid L..__~; nastua] moisture content belie~d to be geealer than liquid Imm . N_.P.: non. pla.it, useful ~ a modifyina description o( some silty mat~rhls. Rock flour - finely ground soil that is nut plastic but ofltcrwise appears ~ clayey silt. Organic Conten! - usually described a* Pea~, PT, sometimes incl~der 3iscrete particles such as wood, coal, etc. as a modifier to an inorganic soil. Quantity described ,~sl trace, or an estimate of volume, ut, or all o*ganic, - as Peat, This may include tundra, muskeg an~ bog material. Muck - a modifies used ro describe very soft, scmi.orga,sic deposils u~u-"~a y occuring below a peat deposit. Amorphus peat -. organic particles nearly or fully disin£egrated, Fibrous Peat - organic particles mute-or-less intact, Bottom of Tcstho}e - mcludis Iasc sample interval, Frost Line - seasonal frost depth as described by drilling action and/or sarnples at the ti[nc of drilling, Frozen Ground - other lhan frost linc. described by samples, usually ~'t'~-~rqn ion of ice content, often will include mod flied Umfied Classification for frozen soils - this is a special case related to permafrost studies. Free Water Level - The tree water levcl noted during drilling. This not neces~.ardy cite stattc water table at the time 9f drilling or at other soils requires observation wells or piezometce installations, used only special cases. ~Blow/6" - '/'be number of blows of a ] 40 wc~ht free falling aW' to advance a 2" split spoon 6"; the number of blows for a 12" advance is, by dc(inidon, die standard penetration, ,4% - natural moisture content of the soil sample, usually not ~ormed on clean sand, or gravels below the water table, ~.b_P, r~"e~rs to 2" split spoon driven into the soil by 140 pound weight, a disturbed sample, ~, thin wall tube. "She}by" used to obtain undisturbed samples of fine grained soil, ~,*'grab" disturhed sample from auger flightsorwalIo/trench. ..~, cul sample, undisturbed sample (rom wall of trcnch. Dry S~ren~tl~ - a useful indicator of a soil's clayey fraction, N-None. L-Low, M ~Mcdium, Iq-High - The ~mples are placed into apparently simdar groups based or and texture and are arbilrarily assigned a group letter, Further disturbed ccitt including Atcerbcrg Limits. grain ,,i/e, rnoisture~cneily rcJationdup, elc, may be preformcd nn thc group and are assumed to reflect t},e general di~trubed characteristics of the ~oiN a*dgned to dze group. T}m z~ an imp,mane phase nf the :oil :nalyu: and ~s o~ed lo SOIL CLASSIFICATI6N CHART 30% GRAVEL .\o / CLAYEY OR SILTY CLAY SAND CLAYEY CLAYEY SILTY SILTY GRAVELLY SAND SANDY / x xl GRAVEL \ CLAYEY SILTY GRAVEL GRAVELLY SAND SANDY GRAVEL GRAVEL \ \ o 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAVEL (+,,4 SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. F2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND ]5% FINER THAN 0,02 mm. F3 ~. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER THAN 0,02 mm, AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILTY, SANDS) CONTAINING MORE TITAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. b, CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN t2. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. F4 a. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY StL'fS. b. FINE SILTY SANDS CONI'AINING MORE lHAN 15% FINER TI'tAN 0.02 mm. ¢, LEAN CLAYS WITIt PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS~fPIAN )2, d. VARVED CLAYS. · '-.' ..... '-~ ""~ Municipality of Anchorage ¢~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PRE.INSPECTION CHECK SHEET 264-4720 4" CAST IRON SIPHON E~ SEPTIC ~'~ PIPE WITH AIRTIGHT ,-~ ~ Crzb or Log HODS TAN K~..~,...~ . CAPS[] ('.' ::: GRAVEL BACKFILL ~ CAST IRON REQUIRED WHENEVER LINE CRIB4'MINIMUMABOVEWATERTABLE CROSSESUNOERDRIVEWAY~ 6' MINIMUM AB0VE BEDROCK ~ MINIMUM WELL DISTANCES: INDIVIDUAL TO TANK 100' O TO PIT 100' [] NO SEWER LINE 10' [] PUBLIC - Under 25 Service or Less Than 15 Connects TO TANK 100' ( ) TO PIT 150' 75'-100' ONLY CAST IRON SE~qER LINE PUBLIC - Over 25 Service or More 'than 15 Connects TO TANK 200' ( ) TO PIT 200' ( ) 100'-200' ONLY CAST IRON SEWER LINE :' 100' NO SOURCE OF CONTAblINATION NOTE: 100'MINIMUM FROM TANK AND PIT RIVER, LAKE OR STREAM ( ) ~ Individual 4"SEWER LINE [] CONSIDER DISTANCE TO AREA WELLS & SEWER SYSTEMS [] PiT EXCAVATION RASED ON ~0[L TEST [] SEPTIC TANK MUNICIPALITY APPROVE0 [] HOUSE INLET & OUTLET MUST BE WATERTIGHT 5' GRADE: 2' PER 100' O~ V~" PER FOOT EXCEPT SEPTIC PRECEEDING TANK A~ TA,N K SI/0ULO NOT EXCEED 6" PER 100' ON Fl TERRAINS [] SEEPAGE PI T SEEPAOE PiT CRIB SCREENED G ~j~VEL ½" - 2~" 20' MINIMUM TO NEAREST LOT LINE [] ,, . ~- ~'%icipality of Anchorage ~, :DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH& ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 264-4720 PRE-INSPECTION CHECK SHEET TYPICAL TRENCH ON LEVEL TOPOGRAPHY MINIMUM WELL DISTANCES: INDIVIDUAL TO TANK 100' TO TRENCH 100' CLASS A, B PUBLIC - Over 25 Service or More Than 15 Connects TO TANK 200' TO TRENCH 200' CLASS C PUBLIC - Under 25 Service or Less Than 15 Connects TO TANK 150' TO TRENCH 150' Public wells must have dedicated protective radius recorded on the S/D plat. Adequate engineering plans Minimum 5' cast iron are required into undisturbed soil(4" .pipe) · , Plastic Pipe ASTM D3034 may be used in place of the cast iron. 4" CAST IRON CLEANOUT WITH AIRTIGHT CAP [] CLEANOUTWITH AIRT1GHT CAP ALL CLEANOUTS MUST COME AT LEAST TO GROUN0 LEVEL [] PERFORATED PIPE INSTALLED LEVEL [] replacement site ~ MINIMUM 1 2x gravel depth Perforated Pipe '. (Perforations Do~~ ,lid Pipe with cap Perforated Pipe SEEPAGE TRENCH INSTALLED ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST [] SEPTIC TANK MUNICIPALITY' APPROVED CJ INLET AND OUTLET OF SEPTIC TANK WATERTIGHT [] TRENCH INSTALLED ACROSS SLOPE PERFORATED PIPE LEVEL LINE BETWEEN TANK ~ND HOUSE 2% to 6% SLOPE NOTE: Excavation to Bottom of seepage trench 4" lot line 10' Minimum above water table And 6' minimum above bedrock ( ) RAKE SIDEWALLS BEFORE INSTALLING GRAVEL [] BUILDING PAPER;.: :..~.~ ................... ~.?', :." · :'u' '~",. ~. ~~'. ~?~J', ,...~ ~"...'~.. ~.; · ? ,.'.'.~//' /.:'%.:',~.,~.,.. · ,..,:. , , . ~.,.):, ...,,,.,...,2 . . ./, . // I ,i.'... '..'.."; .'; ~..~' ' ... '., · o"..~. !~J;:..":::J'"".'~"~¢" ', ' ~ ~ ...:.,..,,. ?..-'..,..'.:-.,%t?,.] .=..,, 0 . ,, ;..,) ~' ..,..,.;/; ,',, ..'.... '....':f ~ - . - . SCREENED GRAVEL ~~.'°,', 22 POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOW~ ES. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CERTIFIED MAIL $ P24 2800437 September 8, 1983 Mr. Dan Roehl Box 101-192 AnChorage, AK 99511 Dear Mr. Roehl: Subject: Dan Roehl S/D Case No. S. 6702 This office has investigated a complaint that junk vehicles, mobile home parts and other debris has been buried in the proposed subdivision. Anchorage Municipal Code 15.20.020 B.5b prohibits the discarding of such materials.except in an approved junk yard or landfill. You are requested to immediately cease burying operations. In addition, prior to final plat approval by this Department, all material already buried must be recovered and disposed of in an appropriate and approved area. This office will not sign the final plat until the above conditions are met. I would be glad to discuss this problem with you. Please call me at 264-4720. Sincerely, Susan E. Oswalt Sr. Environmental Specialist cc: John Lynn, S/O Review. Mike Kerr, Zoning Enforcement Jerry Weaver, Platting and Zoning Enclo Ordinance DOWLING & A$$O¢IATE$ Anchorage Office: 804 E. 15th Avenue, Suite 2, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 277-5944 or 276-1371 DOWLING' - RICE & AS$OCIATE$ Kenai Office: P.O. Box 1974, Soldotna, Alaska 99669 (907) 262.9011 April 27, 1983 Dear John Lynn, Enclosed is the a.sbuilt of the existing sewer and water systems on Tract A, Roehl Subdivision. Also included are the two percolation tests yOur office requested on lots 2 and 4. If you have any further questions please contact me at 276-1371. Sincerely Yours, ea~nne Kel 1 e~r~~~ Case No. S-6702 Professional Surveyors & Engineers MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE. DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APR 27 g53 RECEIVED. & ENGINEERS, INC. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 S ~ 349-6561 .'-;(JlL,S L(J(} I~[!H(.'(Jl AII()N Il!SI L 1 I ENCOUNTERED? - 0 12 ~ YEs. ^r W~AT I 3 -- ~'J~'~l~'.~ll~ Reading Dale Gross Ne{ Oep{h {o Net Time Time Water Orop . 1834-E ,.0' ~ 14 ~5 16 17 ; JOHN 18 ',L z' ' 1/~' TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ F'I'jANO~' . FT /~ COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: & ENGINEERS. INC. 7125 OLD SEWARd. HWY. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99505 349 - 6561 SOILS I_0(] 6 7 8 9 I1 12 13 ~4 Read;rig Oate Time Time Water OroO 15 16 17 18 JOHN E. SWANSON 1834-E 19 2O (mlnutedlnchl PERCOLATION RAT TEST' ~-/~' '~' ' FT -- FT ! :, PERFORMEO BY': ~ ,., PERMIT NO. F F L I _.HNT LOCRT I ON LEGRI_ [:,EPRRTMENT (%HE~LTH fiND ENVIRONMENTRL ' OTECTION 825 '"L' STREET., RNCHORRGE., RK. 9950t 264-4720 < 8&0454 ) DRNIEL ROELL .1~_4 .1,..4.,= =,OL TN STRT I ON F'O BO>'.', .--. ,"-, '- '172 ND GOL[:,EN ',,,'IEW DR T.12N RZ,'W "-? Si,"2 '" ' ' _,.~, =,EiF '4 SE.1,."4 LOT SIZE -'4: 132]: .100000 SQURRE FEET MINIMUM D!STRNCE BETWEEN R WELL RND ANY ON-SITE SEWRGE DISPOSRL SYSTEM IS ±00 FEET FOR R PRIVRTE WELL OR i50 TO 200 FEET FROM R PUBLIC WELL DEPENDING UPON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC WELL, MINIMUM DISTRNCE FROM R PRIVRTE WELL TO R PRI~RTE SEWER LINE IS 25 FEET RND TO R COMMUNITY SEWER LINE IS 75 FEET. WELL LOGS RRE REQUIRED RND MUST BE RETURNED TO THE DEPRRTMENT WITHIN $0 DRYS OF THE WELL COMPLETION. OTHER REQUIREMENTS MR9 8PPLY. SPECIFICRTIONS RND CONSTRUCTION DIRGRRMS RRE RVRILRBLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTRLLRTION. I ..EF.TIFT THRT .1' I RM FRMILIRR WITH THE RELT.!LIIREHENT=' FOR ON-SITE _,EWEF._, RND WELLS RS SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPRLITY OF RNCHORRGE. ~.: I WILL tN.:,T~LL THE =,~.:,TEM IN RCCORDRNCE WITH THE L.O[.E=,. RETURN TO: OIvlslon of Geological and G/~'"~',sical Surveys (DGGS~ ~ 3OO1 Porcupine Drive ~elek j: 277-6615) Anchorage, Alaska 9950! w WATER WELL RECORD Drilling Company Name ' ;i? ~'; !~::i; U.S.G.S. Local Ilo. Orllllng Permit No. STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES '1 LOCATION OF WELL Please complete either la, lb, or lc. a.u.L, au. la. Borough Subdivision Lot Block lb, Fraction Section No. Township Range Herldlan / / / i ~q/S ':~ i E/W ~ ,!,. ¢lomp I e t i on ::' ': '~' 6. USE: ~Oo~stic ~Publlc Supply ~lndustry ) ~ trrlgatlon ~ Recharge ~ Coarcial ~A~ve ~Oelow land surface :~' ft, after /~ ~hrs. pumping g.p.m, ~AuNIC~pALITY DY ~,CI ~Pltless Adapter inches above grade ~' DEPT. u~: ,,,,~ ,_,.FqCT,,ON , ,~,,~, I 12. GROUTING: Well Grouted: ~ Yes Haterlal: ~Neat Ce~nt ~ Other: ' ~" ~J ~ ~ 13. PUHP: ({f available) HE ~ J~t ~0~h~: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEFRIOR BUFIEALI OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Roy Per'atrovich, Superintendent Ar~chor'age Agency, P. O~ Box A~chol' ~t~ge ~ Alaska Febru~/ry 5, '!97q 00 5 A.-052690 NOTICE T'he fo lowing ~" '" ' S¢:SE~,SE¼, Sectior,~ 3, Township !! No The alh:,tment is vi'~lidfy filed with the ~ ,*¢:,'-~,, '~" ., · ,:t ..... f)t~su~:~r~l; to the Act ol May 1 ], ! 906, (3zt Stat. '197) as ~/n'lerlded. Trespa,sser's will be prosecuted as provided by Fedet'~d i~nd St~tte Audxey t., Tuck ¢~eaJty Cq:ficex -7-'/¢./v P '5,-u .5; b