April 14, I975
M~% Thoma~ b.'alle
Dawn Slreet
Eagle River, Ala~lca
It has been brought to our attention that public sewer t~ available to
P, iock 3. Lot 21. Raymond To, drew SubdtviMcn,
Aeco~din~ to ;~eater Anchorage Area Bo~ouffh Ordinance, ~haptex~ 16,
Article 1§.4,~. ,%orion 16.45.0~0:
"S~ptte, tank-seepage .,~yztem sewog(~ disposal facilities ~holl not
be in~t~ll~d or ~ on any preml~e~ where sanitar~ sewers arc
avMl~ble within seventy (70) feet of tho no,rest lot lane of
The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Public Works Department
checked their record~ and they indieat~ that your structure (s) ts
not eonn~ct~ to [he sanit~,~ sewer, Would you please, ehe~k your
records to verify that the structuro(~) i~ or t~ not connected and
aofit~ ua tn~madiately tf your accords indicate that a eonne,alon
has been made.
If we do not hear from you within ~even (7) days, we will a,msuma that
()ur t,e~orda are florr~,~et. Wo~ tlie~peforo, request you eonnaet any ~md
ail strueturea~ l~ated on the ~ubjeet p~party to public sewer during
the 197~ construction aaason.
You ~nust apply for a connection permit from the pea, mit officer for the
(l~,ea~er Anchorage At'aa Bo~'ough ~ 3500 East Tudor l~oad. If you have
ctny questiom~ ~egarding the above, ple~e do not haaitMe
the permit officer at 2'19-8~86, e~l;ension 259, or the Department of
En~:conmont~a QuMi~ at 274-4561, extension 141.
Joh~{ Leu
tiagle River District ;,;aniiarian