HomeMy WebLinkAboutRAYMOND TEDROW Class A Water Well "Bagron" 6--650 ANCI-tORAGE, ALASKA 99502 0650 411 ~ DEPAR'fMEN'r OF IIEAI.'~I4 AND ENVIRONMENtAl PROFEC-I-ION April 8, 198!5 Ron & Cindy Bagron Box 28 Celestial St. Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Re: Class A Water Well, Raymond Tedrow Subdivision Dear Mr. & Mrs° Bagron: This is a reply to your letter of April 2, 1985, addressing the shortage of water in your area. The water well in Raymond Tedrow subdivision is classified as a Class A well and comes under the jurisdiction of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation at 437 "E" Street, Suite 303, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, phone number 274-2533. That department has on file all records on the Raymond Tedrow sub- division water well. We suggest that you send a letter or call, regarding your concern to that department. Sincerely, Environmental Specialist Environmental Engineering JL/ra/d8 ~J rr · DEPA~T~!ENT OF NA~UI~L RI~SOURCES DIVISION OF LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT SOUTHCENTRAL DISTRICT BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR 3601 C STREET POUCH 7-005 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510.7005 PHONE: (907) 276.2653 Auguct: 30, 17,34 He: Fd[. 2,,1526 -. Mur, Jcipzlity of Anchorage Wate~ and Wastewater Utility Public Ho: .[c6 of Water Permit Application Alaska Public Utilities Service Area No. 12-Eagle River, Ak. This is in reply to yo,_,r response of our ietter dated August 8, 1984, regarding Water Ri(.]ht; Application serial number ~OL 20].526. Please be ad\.'i-:ed that Alaska Statute Section 46.15.050 PRIORITY states priority of ~oropriation does not in,?.lude the right to prevent changes in the condition o~ ~ater occurence, such as the increase or decrease of stream flow, or the lowering of a water table, artesian pressure, or water level, by the late appropliators, .i.f the prior appropriator can reasonably acquire his water under the changed condition. This application to appropriate water is merely a transfer of ownership from Eagle R~ver Heights. Utilities, Inc., an existing water utility, to the Wun~cipality of Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utilities, whose appropriation. has been in use for the past five years. Accordingly, this Division will proceed to process the subject application. If you believe that you have been abgrieved by our decision to issue a water use permit you may, within ~0 days from the date of this letter, file an appeal to the Director of the Division of Land and Water Management for a modification or reversal of our decision. Wet'han~ ,,n,r .... ~r .......... ~ .. .................. '.~,~-~di'~ ~ :-'~fei'~.. bi~d pboiic ~iot~6~.'. If we may be o~ furthe~ assistance, please contact Russ Watts of this off,ce at 786-2278. Sincerely, Hargaret O. Hayes District Manag~ By: Russell Watts Water Resource Officer S T A T E 0 F' A'L. A $ K A Q'7/161~984 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RE$OURCEI' DIVISION OF LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT ~60~ C ST., POUCH 7-'0e5 ANCI4ORAGE, AK. 995~ PHONE: 9eT-'276-265S RAYMOND I'EDROW SUB WATER CORP P~O.'.BOX 48~ EA~LE RIVER, AK~ 99577 RE: WA'I'ER RIGHTS AF'F'LICAI'ION I..AS' t 848 AOL ADL 44~ 98 DEAR SIR: ENCL. OSED I$ A COPY OF' A F'UBLIC NOTICE CONCERNING AN APPLICATION FOR WATER RIGHTS IN YOUR .AREA. BY LAW WE ARE REQUIRED TO NOTIFY PERSONS WITH SENIOR WATER RIGHTS. PLEASE REVIEW THE NOTICE AND FORWARD ANY COMMENT£ YOU MAY HAVE RE~ARDIN(i THIS WATER RIC~HT APPLICATION TO THI~ OFFICE WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) DAYS OF RECEIF'I' OF THI,~ LEI'TER, IF' WE HAVE NOT HEARD FROM YOU BY THIS DATE, WE WILL A,S'$UME THAT YOU HAVE NO COMMENT AND WILL. F'ROCEED WITH THE PROCE$~IN6 OF THI~' APPLICATION. ~INCERELY, MARGAREI' J. 14AYES $CDO DISTRICT MANAL~ER BILL WRIGHT NATLIRAI.. RESOURCE OF'FICER ENCLOSURE STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RE.S'OURCE$ DIVISION OF LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT 36~)1 C $1'., POUCH ANCHORAGE, AK. 995 PHONE: 9~)7-276-2653 NOTICE OF WATER PERMIT AF'PLICATION ADI_ 2i ~997 PURSUANT TO AS 46.t5 AND RULES AND REG[IL~TION£ PROMULGATED THEREUNDER, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN APPLICATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM EKLUTNA UTL~ INC, 840 I( ST SUITE 202, ANCHORAGE, AK. 9950t TO APPROPRIATE WATER A~ FOLLOWS: A) FROM A DRILLED WEIiL WITH A PRIORITY DATE OF 0~/0~7~981~ 246600.0 GAL/DAY FOR PUBLIC SUPPLY JAN TO DEC iNE LOCATION OF SNI~ APPROPRIATION I~: EAGLERIDGE SUBD, GRUENIN~ JR~ HIGH SCHOOL SITE, PARKVIEW TERRACE SUBD, AND PARI(VIEW TERRACE E SUBD$ £AID AREA LOCATED WITNIN Nt/2NW~/4, SE~/4NW~/4, Wt/2NE~/4, SE~/4NE~/4, NE~/4$Et/4 SEC ~3, T ~4 N, R 2 WE~T; S~/25~/2N~/2, $~/2 SEC 18~ T ~4 N, R ~ W, SEWARD MERIDIAN. THE LOCATION OF THE WATER .~OURCE (WELL ~2) I£ A DRILLED WELL, ~3~ FEEl' DEEP, LOCATED WITNIN NWt/4NE~/4 SEC ~3, T t4 N, R 2 W, SEWARD MERIDIAN. FURTHER INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION AT THE ABOVE ADDRESs9. ANY FACTS TENDINC~ TO .~HOW THAT THE RIGHTS OF ANY PER.~ON OR THE F'UBLIC INTEREST WOULD BE ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED AF'PRO- PRIATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE DIVISION WITHIN FIFTEEN (45) DAYS OF PUBLICATION OF Tills NOTICE IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED. I'HE RIGHI' I$ RESERVED TO WAIVE TECHNICAL DEFECTS IN THIS PUBLICATION~ MARGARET J. HAYES $CDO DISTRICT MANAGER T,,N~S TO DO TODAY DATE 1 4 6- 7 8 9 0 LoT $oecia] rr'.,~etl, r~gs s'p.a!.l be L.s.l.d c?. ',;eg.;.o ri .", '.' ,: z , p~iTEIR LABA-FE .... _ ' _,,+~.,..~-;.,.,x by %hese ... %er ~n%o a?/ co,,~..%ct -,r .3xec~te and aeZiver any bylaws~ ' ~' e:: -.. ~ · , · ' :"~!¢ o~ the corpora%lon~ and such au~hor!ty may be general or cof-~Ae~ ~o 3oecific instances. · d'e-,n;'~ D~m<:es e*'c Ail checks, drafts Lndebtednesa issued in the name of the (,orporatf~on, shall be s~gned by ti~e treasurer and coun~ez-si9ned bY the ores~den%. Sect,.on 3. peoos!_ts. All fur,d:: o~ Lne corporation shall be depo~+~:! ;~-:,~j~[~[~io -; ,,~ %~,. ~h eredit of the poration ~ sscn ba~ks, or other depositaries as N',e board of direczors may selec%. ART!CLE 'gl!. CEF~Ti F!CATES ON lhe hoard of dSrec%o;5 may provide {or the is~;uance cer'tificstes ~videncin9 membership in the corporatioa, which shall be in such form as may be determined hv the board. S~;ch · ficazes shall be signeo by tae pr'esi, dent and hy the secretary and shall be s~s].e.S w:kt?', zhe :5.-,a! of the corpozathm. co~eo evidenc.~.~q me,T~ber~:h~]:> cl~a,--t be Conseou%[velv numbered, The name and addres~ of each iue:~;be! afro the da%e o{ ~ssuance of 'hhe certifi_cate shall be r-n:,e.:ed on the recc~ds of the corporation. ,- .... ~ "- nld%i].atPd or dt~stroyec, a Z~ any cezt. ii'~cate s]~a~J oeco;ne .L~,bt, -- · new certificate may he ~sa~ed %he:refor upon such terms and condi~ t, ions as the board of d~rec'Lozs ma'/ de~:ermine. Ceztificates as pzov~ded herein, shall qot be sold or assigned. ARYICLE BOOKS ANO .~{,.:ConD,> The ....... +~' n shall keep correct arui como!ot, e books and records of acccun% and shai! also keep mi. nutes o~ the pro..- .... sh~l keeo ceedings of zts c,--~o-,-~ and uhu hoaTd of directors and , ' ~-~ office a recora ~zv=,,~ the names at tho registered or pz-inczp~z ' ' ' ' -~-,-~ .... to, vo'te Al~ books sad and addresses of the membar~; ~ '- .... ~uo · records o~ the cor~:,oratio:~ may be 5~:~spected by any member~ agent or attorney ~oz' any proper purpose at sly reasonable time. At the annual mee%~n~ here~n, the secretary shall presen% membership a compie~e audit of all %he books of t~e corporation. Alii71 C LE ~ ,<. ..... v-c AR ~' I SC/u ...... 'fhe ¢5_scal year of %?:e co%cora%ion shall begin on %he ¢~rs% day o¢ 3'a~uary and end on the last day o¢ ~ecember ~n each ye a:/, ,,,oV, Oo LC',.'~ c.:J b'/ c~:' rn~ C'' ..... *"~ '.' . ~.-,+O 0~, *'-,:~'" ~[i'"~,OE t :~ c:~ co~o~5~io~~,-~. any arv':~,a~n,~:' ~"'~u.,..,~ o~. . .r)>cJc-:- ~. ..... 't'[,(~. w~O ~S 'C&.,.~¢: rFo:~"k,f, :.;~ ,7J~f g'..LI: :fie v-.--,- - - , ..~-J rne::bershLp. '.TnLch sba21 b~_, J.a -Lhe fo:n; of' a c.Lxc}.~- ~-;.:{ sba]! hav~ insc:~bed -cho:ceon the name o~' 'the c.::,:-r)oi"~'L~on aha 'Lhe words "Co:-pc~a-c,: p::'ox,:l, sLons o:t' the No:,-PL-o:~.-L Co:rpc. rat. i. on Ac% o: Alaska, c.:- undex' 'cho p:covis~(ms t)¢ 'the ai'ti(:].(:,f -'" ~.-~ ...... ~ --- o': -the corpora-LJon¢ a waivcl- thereof~'n' writina, sioned_, b,/ the MEMORANDUM FROM.qM0~J_. O_~. _._A. LT~'_,~. ___(.~H_ ~ F.,_]~ .......................... SECTION OF SANITATION & ENGINEERING. SUBJECT _S~ __-__ __S~_{~}.-_?___U_OL_.~.Q_ ~'A_~_ ~_'~_?_~,Y RAYMOND TEDROW STAR ROU~E~ ANCItORAGE One plan sheet and your memo on subject project were received in 'this office on June 13, 1956. In ~mking our cerements, we shall use the same numbers for each item as used in yotu~ memo; they are as fol].ows: Proper sterilization procedures should be enacted after system is completed; a satisfactory water analysis should be obtained before system is used by 'the residents for drinking purposes. 3o We aclmowlcdge that the plans do not appear to racet all provisions for semi-publis water supply standards as outlined in HSE-6 (Section 3.a.1) and HSE-6-1 (Section 12)o To co~ply with st~dards for this t~e water supply, well easing shall be so const~cted as to prevent any contamination from s~face or shallow greed water. It appears to us that even though a concrete slab is supplied at the top~ the well is subject to contamination by shallow greed water or infiltrating s~face water working its way towards and down the casing exterior and to the joint at the pitless adapter. The casing does not appear %o extend above the concrete slab at all~ a few inshes is recommended. Incidentally~ to r~ lmowle~e~ we haven,t been classiffying water 2, supplies by letter t~es or classes~ but o~y designated as publi% ,~ semi-pubtic~ or private. I refer to ~. River,s designation of [ "Cla~s A" when referring to a semi-public system, No classes or ~?~es seem to be in,.cared in o~ reg~ations. 6. Ii'or purposes of determining the proper amo~t of storage in a pressure syster% the gallons of usable water sho~kd be the factor to use. We concur *~th your statement on the adequacy of designing for 50 gallons per person per day for domestic censure-. tion~ but what fire fighting provisions have been rmde? I~E-6-1 (Section 12~ pg. ll~ ~!3) recorrxnends an adequate supply of water be availe~le for fire fighting. If this need is supplied thru a local fire tank truck~ the water-for-fire storage factor need not be con- sidered in this system. According to the Natioml Plun~ing Code~ Section 10o12.1~ it appears 'to us that the shut-off valve with drip valve is on].y required within 'the house~ and ttmt the main shut-off valve near the curb need not be a stop and waste valve. We concur with you but would state that air gap requirement would seem to be met if pipe is relatively sraaller than hole as dra~,m. CALVIN WiN~Y~ JR. - 2 - JULY 2~ 1956 It appears to us (and apparently to you too) that the pipe drain- age system is not the best setup, We foresee a possibility of aontamination from floor drainage should 'there be a relati'vely higher head from the pur~ house 4" C.I. drain than in the i 1/4" galvanized W.I. lines when both are being drained~ 'the water may momentar:ily flow in reverse thru 'the cnrb stop -~/10~03 and contami- nate a distance of the supply line. We recom~end either a check valve setup hera~ provisions for disinfection of probable affected lines~ or some preventive measures outlined -to preclude possi- bility of a higher head in 4" drain than in 1 1/4" d~'ain at same time. 10. We agree with you that valves near the well womld be desirs~hle 'to ens?ole eontinuous service to one end of the system while ~makin~ any repairs at the other end.. However~ 'this is not mandatory. In stmFnary~ we feel that the following ~'~,tters should be complied with satisi'actorily~ in you~ judgment~ before approval is forwarded by this office° b) proper sterilization proper well protection provisions for fire fighting backflow.~prevention provision in curb stop under pm'ap house When we receive notice from you that the above matters are in satisfactory complianc% we shall send a final, letter of ~,pprovalo However~ to expedite matters~ we suggest you provide them with a provisional approval, as soon as compliances have been met to your satisfaction, ,L~T: rgl cc: [Plan Review [Init