HomeMy WebLinkAboutREED Lots 5 & 10I0 APPLI( NT FILLS OUT UPPER HAL ONLY Property Owner Mailing Address "'~ / !':,(C ~ 'j .... / ) /,--:. /.. (. /-/ .: Buyer /...: ~.., i' .h": ,'~.) / ~"~ i C;' (.: .,v. 2' Address '7' J Zip Code Zip Code Phone J Lending Institution / L_. ,/Y;' t':} ';~., ,;, ? ~\) (~! /' ' (:: 'i ~- -' Address jr~.~.? .~1./ -~'~:, i.//~/ ' · Realty Co. & Agent Address Legal Description Street Location Zip Codg. Zip Code ~'i/'<~'. ~; ? Phone Phone Type of Residence ,~,, Single Family [] Multiple Family ~ Other NO. of Bedrooms Water Supply ,~ Individual ~ Community [] Public Utility ATTACH WELL LOG. A welt log is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available). Sewer Disposal ~ Individual ~ Public Utility [] Holding Tank Year Individual Installed: ___. When Connected to Public Utility: NOTE: TRE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. Time Time Date Date Date inspector Inspector Inspector Field Notes: Time Date Inspector MU~CIPALI!¥ )F A~NCHC~ DEPT. OF 12Jt?,LTH & ENVIRON¢,~:~NTAL pROtECTION ~) APPROVED BEDROOMS ( ) DISAPPROVED ( ) C O~ I~ .TI~A~L.A P P R OVA L ' BY: 'CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Soils Paling Date Sewer Installed Well To Absorption Area Well to Tank Well Log Received Septic Tank Size 72.023 (3182) EXCAVATION ROBERTA. SHAFER WORK CIVIL ENGINEER 694-2979 September 12, 1983 Century 21, Heritage Homes ATTENTION: Earl Chappell SRB 126 Eagle River Road Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Dear Mr. Chappell, Reference: Lot 5 and 10t Reed Subdivision A sewer system adequacy test was performed on the system located on the referenced property as you requested. The septic tank was pumped and verified to have a capacity of 1000 gallons. The seepage pit was charged with 1000 gallons of fresh water and after a period of 24 hours all the water which had been added to the crib had percolated out. It can be concluded from this test that the waste waster disposal system serving the two bedroom cabin located on this property is currently functioning adequately° However, the system cannot be guaranteed against subsequent failure. At the time the adequacy test was performed a water sample was taken and submitted to Geological and Chemical Laboratories of Alaska for coliform bacterial analysis. The results of this test were satisfactory. The well was also inspected and it was found that the casing had an adequate sanitary seal and that all the wires were in conduit. The ground around the casing was adequately sloped away from the wello If we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact ,',~,~_ERT A. SHAFE~/P.E. 'J~s/ss / cc: Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection SR8 196X EAGLE RIVER,ALASKA DA'I E RECEIVED INSPECTION APPOINTI~ TIME I TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPA"TY OF" CklORA~E  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEC~T~' OF 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ENVIRONMENI'AL P~OTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION DIVISION Telephone 264-4720 J'~'~ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AN~--"'-- t~DIES DIRECTIONS: Complete all parts on page 1. Incomplete requests will not be processed. Please allow ten (10) days for processing. 1. PROPERT~OWNER J PHONE MAILING ADDRESS PROPERTY RESIDENT (If different from above) PHONE 2, BUYER PHONE MAILING ADDRESS 3, LENDING INSTITUTION I PHONE I MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS B, LEG,~L DESCRIPTION STREET LOCATION 6, TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF~BEDROOMS --~ ~ One ~ Four SINGLE FAMILY ~_Two ~ Five ~ MULTIPLE FAMILY ~ Three ~ Six [] Other 7, WATER SUPPLY INDIVIDUAL* COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTILITY * ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available.) 8. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -~ INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE** ,'/~'7/ [] PUBLIC UTILITY YEAR ON-SITE SYSTEM WAS INSTALLED. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED, THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] SINGLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] FIVE [] OTHER [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2, WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL DEPTH OF WELL [] COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified LOG RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER [] INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED Connection Verified iNSTALLER []Septic_Tank or [] Holding Tank Size: /'~)(~-~ If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATER,AL 4. DISTANCES Septic/Holding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Line I Nearest Lot Line WELL TO: Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS [2~WAPPROV ED FOR ~'-L~ - BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED DATE BY 72-010 (Rev, 6/79) GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Date Received Time of Inspection REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWERFOR & WATER FACILITIES 1. Approval requested by: ./~/_~z/~/~/_ ~/~c~- --//-7:' Mailing Address: ~ //, ~'~ ~, /~xc/r~ Phone: 2. Property Owner: ~~' ~, ~~/ Phone: Mailing Address: 3. Legal Description: 4. Location: ./~'~-_--2~'~-,.~/ g:/d'- .~.--_~-d-:.~ ~ /:2..~.-~' ~/,/ ..-~/~-~'~'.. 5. Type of facility to be inspected ._:/~://g~:~/~- No. of bedrooms -~___~__~____~_~ ::~,~: 6. Well Data: B. Depth /~m~ ~-~ C. Construction :/¥ Sewage Disposal System: A, Installed ~~~- C. Septic Tank: 1. D. Seepage Pit: 1. D. Bacterial Analysis Absorption Area ,~ ~ 2. Material E. Disposal Field: Total length of lines Distances: A. Well to: Septic tank /~-'~:~ , Absorption area Nearest lot line~[~ ~- , Other contamination B. Foundation to septic tank ~-~-~-~-~."-~ , Absorption area C. Absorption area to nearest lot line ~-~ [~ Sewer Lines EQ-034 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages Page 2 of two pages - R it for Approval of Individual Legal Description ~r & Water Facilities Approved -/~/~;~-,--~'"'-~-'~ Disapproved Date Approval Valid for one year from date signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED Date EQ-034 (1/74) \ ::' .,, .. DAVID A. SLENKAMP ROBERT A. SHAFER MECHANICAL ENGINEER 694-9055 January 15, 1981 CIVIL ENGINEER MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHOR~J~'2979 DEPT. ()F ~ & ENVIRON~,,:~ i -. ,: CTION Century 21, Shennum Realty Inc. ATTENTION:' Donna Bigelow 209 W. Edmond Anchorage~ Alaska 99502 Dear Ms. Bigelow~ RECEIVED Reference:' Lot 5 and 10; Reed Subdivision; Jim Leffman Property A sewer system adequacy test ~ms performed on the system located on the referenced property, per your request. The septic tank was pumped and verified to have a capacity of 1000 gallons. The seepage pit was charged with 1000 gallons of fresh ~ter and after a period of 24 hours, approximately 400 gallons had percolated out of the crib. It can be concluded from this test that the septic system is functioning adequately for the two bedroom residence located on this property. If we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Department Spokane SRB t96X EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA ,(EATER ANCltORAGE ARL/, BOku.~H Department o'F Environhlental Quality 3330 "C" St,, Ancl~orage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES Type of Inspection: CMRO Property Owner; Lessman~ James L. VA x× FHA CONV Mailing Address Name of Buyer: 1101 W. 7th Mailing Address Chugiak, Ak. 99501 Day Phone 274-4518 Business Phone 4. Name of Lending Institution: __ Da,,/ Phone The First National Bani( of Anchorage i'iailing Address: P.O. Box 720 Anchorage, Ak. Phone 99510 Name of Realtor or Agent: Great Land Realty 279-4481 Mailing Address Phone 694-9125 Legal Description Lots Four (4), Five (5), and Ten (10), of the REED SUBDIVISION, ! Locatioll: Chugiak, Alaska 7. Type of Facility 'to be inspected: Single Family 8. Water Supply Type of Supply: Public Ui:ili'~:y Individual If Individual, number of dwellings presently served If Individual, depth o'F well 9. Sewage Disposal. System Type oF system: Public Utility Individual If Individual, date o'F installation 1970 No. Bdrms. 2 (on-site) X