HomeMy WebLinkAboutREGAN Lots 126A & 126B Plat# 88-112 S-8624 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: S-8624 April 7, 1987 May 1, 1987 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TJTLE: ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE 71-014 fRev. 5/83) SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST [] PERCOLATION TEST 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17- 18 19 2O WAS GROUND WATER M.~;DtUI, A .~AND ENCOUNTERED? /~/~ L O P E IF YES, ATWHAT ~/~//1 DEPTH7 Gross Net Depth to Net/ Reading Date Time 'Fime Water _ TEST RUN BETWEEN 72-008 (61/0) CERTIFIED BY: "" ;' ]00 /2 5' 7"-"J/Vt£ I d>/ 7- SOILS LOG PERFORMED FOR: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~ PERCOLATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST /~ / ! LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT_ !'Z~A SLOPE1 SITE PLAN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 MUNICIPALI1Y OF ANCHORAGE IF YES, ATWHAT ~1~) ~.~.{~__~., - DEPTH? ~. ~,~ ! .f~O 51'T~//~(~ DEPT. OF HEALTN & WAS GROUND WATER ~ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIC[fI~ COUNT E R E O ? ¢ I~ O 00i' 2, 4 1988 P E RECEIVEE Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop F/~/~ [o~15 to', ~ o lt~/~'' Iff 'f/I ~, ' le:4o ~fl o~du' 1~'' I~ " tl:4O ~o lo~/~d' 20 .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,~,~%%%%~.A, .. _ _ ~ ~.~ '~ ~./~e % .~, ~% ~ TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ ~D ~F][.~ '~ REQUEST: APPLICATION FOR PLAT APPROVAL Municipality of Anchorage 632 West Sixth Avenue, Fifth Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 PHONE: 264-4267 The undersigned hereby applies Io the Municipality of Anchorage Platting Authority for approval to plat lands presently designated: BLOCK LOT(s) ~.¢~7'- /ZG VACATION ACTIVITY PETITIONER SURVEYOR CERTIFICATION SUPPORTING DATA PLATCHECKLIST LOCATED IN THE (aliquot parl) /'~/~" /'~'~ OF SECTION TOWNSHIP /~'~ N, RANGE "~ TO be designated: (Must show proposed I~gal description) SUBDIVISION ~'-~l~A/ ~U~ ~ BLOCK. LOT(s) CONTAINING Z.~- ACRES, '~' LOTS, ~ TRACTS Is there any related vacation activity; YES NO ~. If yes, and vacation request is not being submitted at this time, explain why on reverse side. Present __ Past Future Case No. Owner's name (print) ~/~ M A 5 .~E~:~ A ~/ Phone Number Address(mailing) .~/ '7~jl/..l~2~J-c-'r ~v'. ZipCode Professional land surveyor's name & contact person ~IDI%IEy E, Address(mailing) ,¢~:E/"~ ~- ~-'¢/'Z,~ ~,~4~ ~'~ ?"~,*~ ,¢2/'~ , I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act too the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide or resubdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that pay menl of the subdivision fee is non refu ridable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this plat and Ihat it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I FURTHE~aUNDERSTAND THAT ASSIGNED HEARING DATES ARE TENTATIVE AND MAY HAVE TO BE POSTPONj~,~Y PLANNING.:,~AFF, PLATTING BOARD, OR PLANNING COMMISSION DUE TO ADMINISTRATIV~ R;~i~.,~Z. //~¢ name (print)~ Signstur -la~'''"'''''~I)'L~l(~''''~/¢ (-'~ Applicant's V (required at time of submittal) Waiver Waiver Enclosed Requested Granted ReceNedI [] All waivers ~equested must be justified on the reverse of 30 copies of plat certificate to plat topo map (3 copies) soils repori (4 copies) Location map of subdivision, giving the number of the section, township, range and grid. Legible topo information. Preliminary location of water, sanitary sewer and storm drains General location of slreams, lakes, swamps and drainage courses, including the location ol floodplain areas. Dedicated rights-of-way, road easements and reservations, including section line easements and other cor~structed roadways located within and abutting the area being plaited, including road and right-of-way widths. Adjacent property lines showing relationship to proposed plat. Location of existingfacilities & structures within pr°p°sed subdivisi°n' such as buildings' sewage system' utility easements of record or in use, excavations, bridges, culverts, water system and wells. __ Streel names, private right-of-way and roadway widths. Zoning ol area. __ Other information required per Land Subdivision Regulations 21.15.110. 3f.,O ,08 ICITL Explain how Water supply and sewage disposal will be handled: Proposed use of ~and: Reason for tope - soils waiver requ~sl: Reason for vacation request not being submitted al this time: THE REMAINDER OF THiS APPLICATION WILL BE COMPLETED DY THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE STATEMENT RE: ADEQUACY This application has been reviewed and determined to: [] meet our submittal standards. II will be heard by the Platting Authority on [] be deficient as specified. These deficiencies should be corrected by (date) [] Applican has been notitied. YES NO [] Deficiencies corrected. YES -- NO By (Municipality of Anchorage Platling Officer) (Date) DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION SURVEYOR'S CERTIF/CATE ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICA T/ON The Mumopalitv of Anchorage hereby accepts for publi£ uses and I CER TIP/CA TE O? 0 WNERSH/P and DEDICA T/ON NOTARYACKNOWLEDOEMENT and sworn to bo/ore me zh~s ~ day of ~ DTI001419 LOTS /26A ~ 126B R~'G, dN SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION OF GOV, LOT 126, LOCATED WITHIN N,E.