HomeMy WebLinkAboutREILLY Lot 1-A GRE'~,ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOk,.dGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME 0// DISTANCE FROM WE LL INSIDE LENGTH__- INSIDE WIDTH ~ TILE DRAIN FIELD: j/?~/'~'~ DISTANCE FROM WELL~F FOUNDATION /J~ ._ __ LIQUID DEPTH NUMBER OF LINES__ ABSORPTION AREA DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE DEPTN OF FILTER DEPTH: TOP ?F.~ILE NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS LIQUID CAPACITY NEAREST LOT LINE /~ '__OF TOTAL LINEsLENGTH'~_ C') , TRENCH W,DT % ,N. TOTAL EFFECT,VE TO FINISH GRADE Z-/ / ,'~ /_?/ MATERIAL BENEATH TILE _/ ~f~f'ABOVE TILE IN. BUILDING FOUNDATION CESSPOOL --- APPROVED CONSTRUCTION "'~"-~"~--~ ----'----- DEPTH_ NEAREST N E A ~7 E._~ST~-~'¢ ~ E-~'-I-"C-'~"~% S E E P A G E LOT LINE--, 9E'W~R LINE TANK-- SYSTEM- DISTANCE FROM: OTHER SOURCES DISAPPROVED REMARKS DISTANCES: iNSTALLED By: ~'-~ ~/~'~' SEWER LINE DEPTH: PIPE MATE RI AL: REMARKS: DATE7 ]~ ~PPAPP~VEB ~~,-~AZA · G,A.A.B. j -" I...CIC:F:I I" ]: Iiiill",t '.!iiil:::lJ",il?'l" IE',Ii!ilI:::IC:H DI:?. iii "l-"r'F'l!il CiF: '.!ii;Ct i[ t. F:llili',:!!i;[illl:?.l!!','l' ]: Cli",l '.i:.,"r".!':;'T'l!ilH i[ '.:!i;: i'"ff::l'.,.:',]i!'!t, lt"l MLIH[i:liiff:il CIt::: l?,liiii[i:,t:;?.ClOFt'.!ii: ...... :1. ? 'i:~' ,::i. '"" !!:.!i ~:.!!i :ii. ? "l'l. tli!il I::,lliil:::'"l'H ~31:::' I::1 'T'I:ii:Ii;~iI'.,II:i:H ill)l?. I:::']iT ]i'.i!: "i'Hli':i I::, ]i ii!i;'l-I:::ll'.,IC:llill I;:',l!!!:'i'l.,.t~i~[iilM 't'1..li!iii '.!!!il_it::?.l:::'l:::lC:liiil 01:::' Iiiiit;:'.Cil...li'.,![i:, FIN[i:, i'l..IE~i ii!!',lil)'T'!'CIl',~ CIl::' "l"i-..il:i!i lii~',:.:ili:F:l',,,'F:f'l'i!iliii~lq ,:i ]iF,I 'T'l-tli!iil:~IEil ]i'.!!!i I'.,t~iii~ ~iiiiliii:T' I.,.IiilD"I'H i:::'Cil:~?. 'i"t..llii!i Iii!ili?.Fl',,,'ii~L [i:,lii!il:::'"l"H i[i!iil "l"Hli~i t"lilil'.,!i[Mi..l["i B, Ii!!il:::'"l"i.I OF:' Iiiiil::ill:::t',ti~'iil. Iili',iiiTIl.,.IEiiliiilM 'T'Hlil Ol..l'i"F:'l::ll..i i:::IMD 'l'Hiii!i I!:O-!"I'OH O1:: -l'Hl~il I!!C,,.:iC:I::I',,,'f::I'I' i[ ~iili'.,I ,:i iil I'.,I F:'I!!!iI::CI" ,\p~ ] ] o, , , lie',,¢ktt V. Lounsbury ¢r Associates iing [nee:s- Planners.-Su cvoyors 723 b'est 6t.h Avenue hi. Il ~ hc,npson Sewer Sol'vice to ix)ts 1 c, ~ Kelly ¢ '" '" and Lot':; lA ~i 2,'% !:eLlly.~'"_ h';". ~ . ~,-iq~., .. ' ' 13, ,, at the e,:tendlng the C-3 Trunk sewer line to serve this area aad the area to thc x..-e:,t: dttrhng the 1973 construction season,contingent upon the successful the upcoming bond election, The C-5 Trunk extension ,.,[!l be designed iminate t'he lift st;ttiol~ nt the into:section of Sand,/ Be:~c',~ Drive and Si lv?r question ~.¢i. th on~ te:tporary life :;ration jnsEe:td of *:'' Couc [n,~Lvi h:al pcoi)ert:y IiCi stations presently propos::d bv yOtlt' serving t:he Cour lots. [c will be the responsibility of the developers (p:-,.?erty o;,n=:'s) to insEt:Il the sewer lines with service connect re the, indi,,'idt:?.i lots; to install the' tc:q~orary lift station and force main. Thc~ devoloptzrs For the operation and maintenance of the temporary lift station until the 0-3' Trunk sewer intercepts this lift station. giv[m t'o Sewer Nnghmering ;~nd t-he :duni. ci{:71 Ri3lht-oF-;';a/ oi':'ice ',~ith a desi::,,n g,'~.;~,r' [iCilkt)' for approval. (:;.;it('.llSi;~!~ .',.'~ OF 1.i. 4040 "B" STREET, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE: 907-279-2581 May 10, 1977 W.O. 18028 Hr. Bill Thompson Ii.V. Lounsbury & Associates 723 NesL 6th Avenue Anchorage, AK .9950~ Subj ect: Subsurface InvestigaLion for Suitability of On-S~te Sewer, Lot lA, Kelly Subdivision & Lot ~A, Reilly Subdivision Gentlemen: Transmitted herein in accordance with your instructions are the results of the above referenced investigation as performed by us on Hay 6 and 7, ~977. The scope of this project is investigation for suitability of an on-site sewerage system. Included in this transmittal are: Test Hole Location Sketch Test Hole Lo{qs Explanatory In[ormation Figure 1 Table A Sheets 1-3 The exploration was conducted usJng a Nodwell mounted .Mobile Drill Hodel B-50 drill rig with a continuous flight solid s/em auger. The rig is owned and operated by Dena!i Drilling Drilling was suoervised, the test holes logged and percolation test perfermed by Mr. O.H. Hatch, Geelegist with Alaska Tes flab. The test holes were placed at the approximate locations shown en Figure '1. The legs of the test heles are included in Table A of this report. In interpreting the leg, it would be helpful to uhilize the explanatory information contained in SteeLs 1 te 3 of this report. When drilling w~'~s completed, 3/4" slothed PVC pipe was inserted in 'tile holes to aid in determinincj the free water level. For the percolation 'Lest, the test heles were filled with water and left evernight te saturate. On the fo!lewing day, the heles were refilled with water and the drop in the water level carefully monitored over the next 60 minutes. Illc. H.V. Lounsbury & Associates May I0, 1977 Page 2 This procedure is not a standardized percolation test; however, we understand that the Hunicipality of Anchorage, Department of Public Health and Environmental Protection, prefers tests performed in this manner to evaluate a site for a proposed on-site sewerage system. Using the above test, the observed minimum percolation rates were 11.1 min./inch for Lot lA, Kelly Subdivision, and 3.3 min./inch for Lot lA Reilly Subdivision. NO water 'table was observed during drilling, but it should be noted that the free wa'her level normally fluctuates seasonally and with precipitation. We hope this report meets your present needs. If we can be of further service, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, ALASKA TESTLAB Holy;in R. Nichols, PE Laboratory Hanager M thN: m f m · Enclosures TP-- N'F' ,.Fro uC Hay 6, 1977 Logged by: O.M.Itatch TABLE A Lois lA Kelly Subdivision W 0 ~:~80>8 Depth in ]feet I"rom TO 0.0 2.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 11 .0 11 .0 16.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION F-~, brown Sand_,~. Silt, ML, damp to wet, soft to stiff, NP. F-2, brown S_i_l~l}_5i ~?lg_, SM, with trace of gravel, damp, mediuia density. F-a, brown %andy_ ~j. ilt ML, damp, stiff. F-2, brown S4ltv Sand SH, damp, medium density. F-4, brown ~9_-'!_d~¥l S~ilx_k, b:f.,, damp, stiff, NP. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: }r¢_.~ Water Level: 16.0 ft,-. None observed Nolle observed ~,lay 6, i977 Logged by: O.M.Hahch TABLE A Lot lA Reilly Subdivision W.O. ~!18028 Depth in Feeh TO 0.0 7.0 7.0 13.0 13.0 16.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION F-2, brown slightly Silty Sand, SM, with trace of gravel, damp, medi%m ~{ensity. · ' 2 SP/SM, damp, medium density, NFS/P- , brown Sand, trace of si].t. F-2, brown Silty Sand, SM, damp, medium density. Bohl$om of Tes~ tIole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0 ft. None observed No~le observed