HomeMy WebLinkAboutREILLY LT 2A (2)Oil 3000 ARCTIC BOULEVARD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (90-/) 277-7622 GEORGE M. SULLIV,4,N, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF ENiERPRISE ACTIVITIES Sewer & U,'a~er Utility April 8, ]977 }lewitt V. Lounsbury & Associates l!ng ~nee ~'s - P ! annez*s -Surveyors 725 West 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Bill Thompson Subject: Sewer Service to Lots 1 & 2, Kelly Subdivision and Lots iA & 2A, Reilly Subdivision 'Phis letter is in reference to our conversation yesterday, April 7, 1977, at the Water and Sewer Utility concerning sewer service to the above mentioned lots. Please see attached map as reference to the following proposal. The Anchol'age Sewer Utility,under the S-year Capital Improvement Program, will be extending the C-S Trunk sewer line to serve this area and the area to the west during the 1978 construction season,contingent upon the successful passage of the upcoming bond election. The C-3 Trunk extension will be designed to eliminate the lift station at the intersection of Sandy Beach Drive and Silver Spruce Drive. This extension will also be extended to eliminate the proposed lil-'t station at the southwest corner of Lot 2A, Reilly Subdi\,ision per plat no. 76-21. The proposed sewer alignment ~,zi].l provide gravity sewer service to the four lots in question with one temporary lift station instead of the four individual on property lift stations presently proposed by your firm. 'l'here would be less chance of a freeze-up with a single force main carrying a larger sewer flow than having four individual ll2-inch force mains in the street. From a mMntenance standpoint it would be more econmnical to maintain one force main serving the four lots. It wil] be the responsibility of the developers (property owners) to install the sewer lines with service connect to the individual lots; to install the temporary lift station and force main. The developers will also be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the temporary lift station until the C-3 Trunk sewer intercepts this lift station. If easements are required to obtain proper sewer service, the easements shall be obtained and copies of the easements given to Sewer Engineering and the blunicipal Right-of-Way office with a design of the proposed sewer system subm:itted to Sewer Engineering of the Anchorage Sewer Utility for approval. It. V. i, ounsbury & Assf'~ April 8, 1977 Page 2 If this office can be of further assistance, please contact us at 277-7622, extension 42 or 44. Sincerely, C. W. RAINER, P.E. Chief Engineer/Chi cf of Operations i5'ILLIAM C. AP~XlSTRO.'qG, P.E. Design Engineer Anchorage Sewer Ut':ility C',~,' P,: WCA: pw Attachment 8 Paul Cart, Planl:ing Chief 8m~itainn, DEQ July 9, 1975 l{ubdivislon Plat Review For July 15. 1975 l{,ecttng 1. S-3741 A.C .'l . 2. $-3743 - llellly Subdi~isxon, Loin iA and 2A Public sowe:~ und wa~(~' se.~es this p~,operty o S-37~2 - Sundi Lake Subdivision, Lot~ 10F, and ~0W, Block 2 Thi~ prope~y is not served hy public ~ewer (md w~ter. ~oll conditton~, . " ~ai~factory, This area is not sel-w~d by pul)lie so~ver ~'md water. The lot on all lots. il. S-.3720 - Kineaid ACres Subdivl.~ton, Lots 2A-2D Thi~ area ia not ~erved by pu,blic aawo~' and water. Tho soil condilimls (note on the plat to include I 1/4 ~cr~ u~abl~ fo~ e~eh lot). Chief Sanita~iar~ 1.ta/lw '/~ -hv. ll,a Vini:,a ,';ubdivisiono (Final) CPJ/cc, Cs. Ho. 8-106 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 W. NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. ANCItORAGE, ALASKA PLAT STATUS: FINAL DATE: August 2, 1966 Borough Tax Assessor Borough -~nchorage Natural Gas Corporation Chugach Electric Association, Inc, City of Anchorage EEre Marshall City of Anchorage Traffic Engineer City of Anchorage Telephone Utility City of Anchorage Public Works Dept. Charles Harvard Alaska Railroad Spenard District Alaska Department of Highways Central Alaska Utilities Matanuska Electric Assoc. Hatanuska Telephone Assoc. Asst. Superintendent of Mails City of Anchorage Property Management Agent City of Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Dept. Dick Watts - Plmming Coordinator Re: Subdivision/ Description of Property: R~illy .Sub. (22.22 A. located in tho S 1/2, S~C. 5, T12N, R4W, S.M.) Gentlemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed of subject property. Subdivision Attached is a copy of ~he proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or system may need. If we do not hear from you by August 12, 1966 we will assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. Very t~x~ly yours, Planning Assistant NOTE: 6/8/66 If you have no further use for attached plat, please return with your comments. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA 1966