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jer u0 &s'ta4es s/0 Ca tit S- 331Q 6toK GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH PLATTING BOARD AUTHORITY SUMMARY OF ACTION AND MINUTES April 4, 1974 1. Roll Call Board Members Present: Mr. Roguska, Mrs. Fischer, Mr. Kallenberg, Mr. Cannon, Mr. Baldwin & Mr. Wade. Board Members Excused: Mr. Maffei. Staff Members Present: Rolf Strickland, Joe Vicente, Bob Grier & Wayne Mabry. 2. Old Business VER VIEW ESTATES SUBDIVISION (subdivision) 160 acres; 126 lots; located in the Eagle- River area adjacent to Chugach State Park north of Highland Drive and south of Eagle River. ApprovaT subject to: T. Resolving lot size with the Planning Department and DEQ (minimum 1 1/4 acre lots). 2. Resolving the road pattern and drainage easements with the-PubTic. Works Department. 3. Resolve utility easements. 4 Providing additional soilsdata to the Department of Environ- mental Quality to be used in lot layout and size. 5. Creating one large tract of all the lots which abut the south fork of Eagle River. NOTE: After much discussion, the developer agreed to tract those lots abutting the- creek in order that the Borough can look into utilizing the Land Trust Fund concept to acquire the needed land along side- the creek. The developers intent is to give the -Borough approximately two years before he would be considering the development of that portion of his property. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: 91-010 (4/76) -C414 Municipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM July 13, 1978 Jerry Weaver w Planning Department Environmental engineering e. Dept. of Health & Environmental Protection Review of Solis Investigation of River Vice; Estates Subdivisio 14.6.‹ rile No.: PE33 T have reviewed Soils Investigation on Subject as submitted, with an on-site inspection, oi' test locations and they were found to be adequate, except for threee. (3) tests out of 21 showing water along the lowest portion of Lots in the North Edge of the sui ft vision, that the developer will resolve. The Department has requested the developer to crake 3 additional tests 30 feet away from the 3 existing test locations showing water. John W. Lynn Environmental Engineer JWL:imp t.: - cc: Les Buchholz, R.S. S/bi February 5, 1979 Jerry Weaver Planning tse:oartment 1 nvironraenhal Specialist Health and 7 nv1roiirsienta1 Protection_ Riverview Estates Subdivision The following is the list of soils in the above subject subdivision, which you have rcactsxes•i:ecte Lot 2 Block 2 150 square feet per bedroom Lot. 6 bock 2 05 square feet per bedroom Lot 1 flock. 3 100 square feet per bedroom Lot 2 )31ock 4 its square feet per bedroom Lot 3 Block. 4 85 square foot per bedroom Lot 6 Block 4 35 square feet per. bedroom If you have, any further questions, please contact this, office at 264-4720. John W. TLyns. Eis'viironraurxt zl e;pGca.a9. i :st SJ L'1 /1 j w gest onsiruciion CJest Lab "ONE TEST 15 WORTH A THOUSAND OPINIONS" • 333.8472 5829 TUDOR ROAD • ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 August 12, 1974 Frontier Real Estate 5501 Kennyhill Drive Anchorage, Alaska ATTENTION: MR. JOHN GROSS Dear Mr. Gross: At your request, a soils surveywas performed on the River is located in SW 4 V Sect on Estates Sand SE% ision Section 20,1 T1L�N, R1W, Seward Meridian. Section 21 and SE`s The purpose of the soils survey was to determine whether or not the existing soils could be isfactotest utilized ddefor individual on site sewerage systems. excavated with a backhoe mounted on a wheeled Case tractor. Test pit locations were as located by Gross and within the area shown on the enclosed vicinity The ground surface in the subdivision area slopes down iil toward Eagle River to the north. The U.S.G.S.mapotiol. area indicates a single geologic unit of glacial Although no bedrock was encountered in any of the test pits, outcroppings of bedrock are apparent in road cuts in the general area at higher elevations. Thees encountered were sands or gravels overlain withsoil types of black organics. The sanspercolation grab about one Pert (y1) give good rates. The ads aldy ravecoarls generally became more compact rates. The sands and gravels g with depth. Vegetation consists mainly of birch to six inches (611) diameter, light brush and spruce. Letter to Frontier Real Estate River View Estates Subdivision August 12, 1974 Page 2 The results of our investigation indicate that individual on-site septic systems are possible in the River,View Estates Subdivision. Ground water in general does not appear to be a problem. Exact locations of systems would require additional test pits. If we can be of further assistance, please call our office. Very truly yours, CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB i Neal A. NAH:im Enclosures Hausam, P.E., L.S. Conlbtuation lag "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 6e20 TUDOR ROAD. ANCHORAOL, ALASKA 00507 . TELCPHOH[ 333.5472 Hole No One Location Center line "A" Drive and E 1/16 line `cplev Or. i final ound Elevation 7_5 CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM DEPTH PEET 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Sheet 1 of 1 Hausam W.O. No. Operator Date 7/ r/ (fI- Client Frontier Real Estate Project River View Estates SAMPLE DATA 1' Overburden & black peat Gray sandy gravel Gray well graded sand Gray silty gravelly sand Sample taken 12' e 13' No ground water or bedrock encountered LEGEND Gravel Sand Silt Clay Organic Content Peat Prost Water Table Hole No. "2onibtuation at _fag "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 91329 TUDOR ROAD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 00EO7 • T.L.PHONE 333.11472 Two Location Center. line "A" J rive and. ILOO j E of E 1/16 lin Top lev Pround at 770' Sheet � of W.O. No. Operator Hausam Date 777774 Client / U7G- Client FrontiereaEate Project River•View Estates DEPTH CLASSIFICATION PE.ET SYSTEM SAMPLE DATA LEGEND silt and Organics 1 2---- 0 3»- Brown well graded gravel Gravel 0 4-19 with occasional boulders0 5- (7 U 85 SF/BR a '3 6- v Sand •.E 7- 8 ri 0 , / 9 -a %./ 10 - a - Silt /j 11- n // i 12.. d 13 - Clay 14 15.* v r 16- - Organic .- `„d 17� 18- iI- No ground water or bedrock encountered Content 19 19 . Peat 111111 20- 21- 22,. Frost 23. 24 - Water 25- - Table I 1111 eonitLuction ..ab "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 6020 TUDOR ROAD, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 29507 • T[l.[.NON[ 333.0472 Hole No. Three Location 20' W of center line on "A" Drive and 600' of 1 10 line Pop -E ley Ori ina.L round at 00' Sheet 1 of 1 W.O. No. Operator Hausam Date 7/2 (/'/4 ClientFrontier Heal Estate Project River Views Cates DEPTH CLASSIFICATION FEET SYSTEM SAMPLE DATA LEGEND 1' Overburden Lac black peat 1 - 2 p 3 d Gravel O D ° Brown well graded gravel 5 with occasional boulders ,• 6 85 SF/BR Sand 7 8 0 • - 9 10 Silt // / 11 0 ., 1 e. 133 - 0 a Clay 14 15 16 No ground water or bedrock encountered Organic Content 17 - e 18- 1 9 - 20 PeatIN 21 22 - Prost 23 24 Water 25 Table iii £oni.t uetion gest Zav "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 6820 TUDOR ROAD, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 00607 • T[L[PHOH[ 333.6472 Hole No. Four Location -00' North of Section 20 4 Corner and 330' ]east of - 1 lb orner Flo' p llev Original Ground at Sheet 1 of 1 W.O. No. Operator Hausam Date "fir Client rontier ea s e Projecthiver View Estates DEPTH FEET CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM SAMPLE DATA LEGEND 1' 'Jack pea: an. organics 1 - 2 A 3 0. Gravel 6 0 4 .. a 56 o a Gray sandy gravel Sand 7 p slightly damp • Sample taken 0 7 - 811111 9 p . 10 r Silt 11 12 13 Bottom of test hole 12' Clay 14 15 .. 16 Organic Content ` 17 18 19 Peat 11111 20 21 - 22 Prost 23- 24 - Water 25 - Table 1111 91, Hole No. Location 700' N of Sec. 20 cor.n.er, 970 of the to corner lop 1ev rlpina proun Five Conitutetion ¶elL �aL "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 8029 TUDOR ROAD, ANCHORAGE, ALA•HA 92307 • T[LLPIION[ 333.8472 Sheet 1 of 1 W.O. No. Operator Hausam Date 777774 Client Frontier Real Estate Project River View Estates DEPTH CLASSIFICATION FEET SYSTEM SAMPLE DATA LEGEND 1' Black peat and organics 1 2 0 A 3 Reddish well graded gravel, Gravel O 4 C1 slightly damp o a a 0 6 Sand 7 - E Firm brown silty gravelly sand, slightly damp / , i/ 10 Sample taken Silt // 11 • - / lo' — 11' // 93 Clay 14 15 No ground water or bedrock .. 16 encountered Organic "„ 17 Content 18 19 20- Peat IIIIII 21 22. Prost 23-- 24- 25 Water Table lea IN eonlL7uaUion zat "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 17820 TUDOR ROAD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 02607 • T[L[INON[ 333.8472 Hole No. Six - Location X00' N of Section 20 4 corner, 1000' E of E i corner. "lev 0riginnal ground a' Sheet i of 1 W.O. No. Operator Hausam Date (/ 2 (/ 14. Client l''rontier eat state ProjectRiver. Vi e w Es tate s DEPTH CLASSIFICATION PEST SYSTEM SAMPLE DATA LEGEND 1' Black Peat and organics 9 20 0 3 4 Gray sandy gravel with Gravel a 0 d 0 5 - occasional boulders 6 ' Sand 7 8 •i 9 '/ 10 r) Silt /, / 11/i 12 c • 13 Clay / 14 15 " 16 Organic Content `„� 17 0 r - - 10 19 18' bottom of test hole Peat III 20 21 No groundwater or bedrock encountered Prost 22 23 24 - Water 25 Table ill 9'ti £'ondbcuellon Itat _rag "One test is worth a thousand opinions" Date ._' 2ff %`t/ Time (44,96 73—'''"A4 p6°20 TUDOR ROAD. ANCHORAGE, ALAONA 00607 a TELEPHONE 333-0472 Semple Date � 4 /FA / amm® ®Client pirb44.4er RCemil �"� Project Vlta.c.sI cz -4'4 Operator ':ocQ-��. COARSE INTERMEDIATE 3 4 2 3 8 100 70 20 10 E ei U o< Pit FINE 0) ae ee • w E -6- E a) 3 V U °C U °- Sieve 0 f) 'Oe I � c d E + E O 1 v u U 0 U oe 3/t 4 I0 20 40 60 1200 'an calcvr_ /?NALVSIO aa¢ oB °F�f' in iPJ IN6wripe`fy::. i 0 c veR N E `^ 7 'o U o. 4, d ammii 1111•11MISIMMINILIIIMMMINIIIIIIMIIMININNIMi 16.111•1111111•1111•••••••••••=0 goommiummi ���..IMI`��_•� �■■M���.�.�' fi__.._�M_____.�■.���• �. �.�i ���IM�M�\ �•11�.����•.•.� ...IMIMMC,.-.....='i —...tom ItttIttttI•.INIMIN tttt� _•�..AN�•��II�•.III� •�_I�rt ___.I-. nimmen immummommommiumumw, ar=eimesEnommon imemiessommmimminiisoms inumemumnommmommi .MINI.INI1••1111.ttttt..MIIMIIIIMMIIIIIIMINII ; I1•••.i. _-.i•._I•MmIIM••I= 6..._Ntt�.... MIII III ___•"__:.____��._____ _:_ _•_ • •••= 1=1 MN C•••••C.......t•Mtttt� •. 11••••=••ii t� •_•=.••MMenf i�r ttt. _••.••••••tttta_ _.I.ii••IMI•tMt•M•_N=i_i.i_' i••Ittl•. SI•MMMM_ _—m_.tom• s•naimim •muom immix tmttto�l•_ �: tt.t•tt� mnmmmn s . Im Im ms tl� ___•.I♦I•IMI••_�•�C EICINNI •..•..•MM.•'N• .I•�C-=C_I_M_.,....�{ _ 11110101.111. • C..t��=.=I��•��• VIMI�... O ff.. MI I..��.•.� 1� ••.M. �..�.NNI..��■� ____ •mmi.•tlmti.nummmommosainimininommiimmimemo�.�____■_. IMIIMUNIIIIMIIIIMMI11111 '41 ,ttaleRttttt.•MOtItt•••••ttttt••. 1.•:et MONSIII.MIMIMINI 1•161111081111%�ii Coin,&Eldon gzat �QlJ "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 8020 TUDOR ROAD, ANCHORAGE, ALAOKA 00807 VC; IL 7 Semple Data �.��+1 Qru�aw`�� "� �' ` -4 Opera $ o r ryes � S-- ° tez.ocs qg COARSE INTERMEDIATE O 7[L[1•1101,+ 333.0472 CI ient t �tiVri Project Pit Date Time N4/_220A / FINE 100 90 80 0I 6 0 4aji rt [ rat WIVE INALVSIt3 .sro EMI SENIOR C ■w • ao 11.1111.0a. 111111 c=unommum - __= _ . MIK MN AI in _ 111 AM IIII 20 pm.= iiiii_iiEmir it- ;Ili is .111111111.01MINIMMI111 •Inuesime 8 B 9k iz A 2. rq* w a ao 8 f9 70 XI Owuy GUM IN 1141L1.10.4YTF[R8 Sarno le Data dons.Qfcu.ctdon all ,fah - "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 0020 TUDOR ROAD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 00007 0 TILQPNONQ 333-0472 Date -16.1.-V /9-0 Time Time 4. - -r t- e 6- 14)- T 4' c I I e n t0/0-/E,�'. lv iL &.S/! Project 11/ V/FJr/ FEZ Operator 1 t,Yk COARSE INTERMEDIATE Pit FINE OIEVE ANALYSIO a oS { In�� ica iMCraFn r.; <:''.. .ou taf1,,1F4 4i;[7 irl'zliku. S iirAf;';'111D •0I.� f�' ,1 �l 6'Y RII-8 i IIMMIIIMEZWIMMIMIIMMIMMEMIIMiimall= „gw =IN111111-z------ iiiiMIM' 70 Ca MOMMOVIIM= = 60 .....�..___-i- ....._ .tit _1 1MMIE MOM ;.-: 111111101 MEImilmilmilmw 40NOMMIMMINIM =.1MoimmeMININNIMAI=1CZ UM MMIIN 0 • 20 40i CZ re MM. SAF--11:*lAf /ANA R I s2 © e n V w - y 4 t ^ M 8 S 2 J 2 2 GR®,M QOM IP4 N2101.11‘02401,40 �.., 1 I ,, COy 9S Y tR>llC� 6®N TEST LAB r~� P, •,( ,t 1'Ouo Test 14 Worth a Thousand Oplalotu^ i �"�"�CJ -/,1 �i `' .. 15 lti: , 13 5829 H. Tudor Rd. c; r f J%�rtcklorage, Alaska 99507, \rte l ...• - halo - - •• �,., •gin I•.- - 7J •(•• P/. . JL l7 I r 20 °�•°'11..22i` `l 71 , N� "a . .. „../. .�r °.� _..L \lv-moi... (- I r .....4. ...., ,i ••••,......-,/..--1 , � ; , , , •,/ (, 27 �• �—.-1� r''I �:' :5 .. a;a � 3) j/`r� /.. 29�I \ 28 s � S r\ 4.',_, fire Lok! `% �'�,•(- R.II ' 3a .n •JV° . / .1 I2 I,�)NP 1. 1. .) I .i li.:; • Eagle Ricer "" / 7" .�\ ON .—01Lr i • • 15 ,c•f• 14 d; '7° • wy 22, rr o•rr •.. of%•.•nom • i •.b• • / 2l r ice' MJ agnUrt:ent • •. n4 . ny • .v 1 r' • /, - la t -17 .. - CS = J e»_� V 1 ____ _...•• �=;;, TEST-L9CATiot ri" .,,0 22 \~�;I•1 � J7 26 � 11 VICINITY 14AP c ' — A./VW/ICAO S1 j'S )ivI5, DJ ,l TI: s7 ..E50,.. -A, Lc�nrl�h �. L i r� J w 1 w\‘.. ( k. .--.\ L. . - 191J - -; GARY PLAYER VENTURES CONSULTING GEOLOGIST BOX 476-M, STAR ROUTE A 0 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 0 PHONE 344-7071 Mr. John Gross South Fork Ea,fjo River, Alaska April 15, 1973 b -6 -pr. -Dm Gooloical Studies River View Estates Subdivision South Fork -1,1e River, Alaska INTRODUJIHON On. January 5, 1973 1 r000lved verbal authoriation from Chilcott of Linc Construction on behalf of Mr. John Gross to condaot Eeoloical studies of the River View Estates Subdivisien in. parts of sections 20 and %1, T. 14 N., R, 1 W„, Seward MrJr:i.c.ltion, Alaska, The scone of work included_ research- bublishod. reports of the area and explorin the subsuface soils expo,,led in test pits excavated by Lire Construction, This reDort presents the results of the studios, includin loF,.s of the test pits, a man describin the surface {';001m:1:1 and subsurface sections -o'in3 soil types and -,...ronndwater levels, GEOLOGY RETIONP,L SETTING The River View Est;ates Subdivision. lies on the south side of ]ale River valley adjacent to South. Fork, the principal tributary of Eale River. Ea;_41e River valley is a glacially scoured trough which has been partially refilled with glacial till, granular glacial outwash, silty lake sediments and coarse sand and gravel alluvium. The glacial till and silty lake sediments were deposited during repeated advances of. ancient Eagle Glacier. Outwash was deposited during the final retreat of Eagle Glacier, while alluvium has been deposited in the modern channel of Eagle River and in a fan at the mouth of South Fork. TOPOGRAPHY Land Forms The land forms of River View Estates are the complex result of the deposition and subsequent erosion of sand and gravel by meltwaters released during the final retreat of Eagie_Glacier. This "glacial alluvium" (Zenone, et. al., 1974) occurs in small hills and terraces that trend roughly parallel to Eagle River valley. The terraces are crossed and deeply notched by the channel of South Fork along the east side of the subdivision. Slo es The terraced alluvium soils support nearly flat to moderately gentle slopes (less than 5% to 15%). The soils exhibit generally high stability and there is little likelihood of significant downslope movement. However, in response to severe earthquake shocks small areas with steep slopes could be subject to movement and should be avoided when siting foundations. SOILS Virtually all of the subdivision is underlain by well graded alluvial sand and gravel soils deposited as the glacier front receded. Individual layers of sand and gravel vary greatly in thickness and lateral extent and cannot be correlated with confidence between test pits and expo- sures. However, the general character of the soils (well J graded sand and gravel with common cobbles and boulders) is consistent throughout the mapped area. Thin layers of silty sand or gravel were occassionally encountered (as in Test Pits 4 and 5). These probably represent "overbank" deposits that settled out beyond the main meltwater channels. Dense silty gravels indicative of ice -contact glacial deposition (such as moraines) were not encountered in any of the exploratory test pits. Thin (Less than 3 feet thick) peat lenses occur at the surface locally in narrow abandoned drainage channels (as in Test Pit 8). GROUNDWATER The depth of groundwater varies from place to place within the subdivision. Along the northern edge of the area the terraces and low hills consist of well drained, clean sand and gravelyand water levels are at least 11 feet below ground. Shallower water levels are found along the axes of abandoned channels (as shown on Geologic Section 1). The exceptionally permeable well graded gravels found in all areas of relatively shallow water will allow the construction of sanitary drain fields in the upper few feet of soil, constrained only by proper protection from freezing and careful identification of groundwater levels at the exact site of proposed installations. Above an elevation of. 620 feet, water levels are all below 12 feet below ground level except in Test Pit 8. This pit was dug in the center of a narrow swale to test for the presence of organic soils. The pit encountered 4 feet of compressible soils with water 5 feet below ground. Pit 8A was then dug 60 feet to the north of Test Pit 8 and found no water to its total depth of 111- feet below ground as shown on Geologic Section 3. Groundwater drains to the north towards the floodplain of Eagle River. Unconfined water levels along the north edge GARY PLAYER VENTURES of the northernmost tier of lots will probably be lower than shorn in the test pits excavated along the southern boundaries of those lots because of the northward gradient of the water table. Lots adjacent to the bluff of South Fork will similarly have their lowest water levels nearest the creek. SUM•ii4ARY Soils throughout the River View Estates subdivision are well graded sand and gravel deposited and subsequently eroded by meltwater streams from ancestral Eagle Glaciers Groundwater levels are acceptable .for the construction of onsite sanitary drain fields, although careful determination of the most suitable disposal site will be necessary on the northernmost tier of lots. Respectfully Submitted, Gary F. Player Consulting Geologist Attachments Figures 1-10, Logs of Test Pits In Pocket Plate I, Geologic Nap Plate II, Geologic Sections 1 and 2 Plate III, Geologic Sections 3, 4 and 5 Plate IV, Geologic Section 6 GARY PLAYER VENTURES 10 i PIT 1 G 5 I Gravel, sandy, clean, witb boulders to 20" in diameter. Waterat 9', 1/1h/785 3: 00 P e Sand, J. little fine ;rave I , clean to trace silt. TEST 7I1[ 2 Sand, i'pn, 1 'J ) loose. 1...11!, , Gra'.-el, sad , cican, with boulders to 12. TEST i' eater at 13 ' , 1/14/78, noon.,. ?IT 3 Sand, tan, silty, loose Gravel, sandy, clean Gravel, sandy, silty -----probably fluvial deposit (not r:lacial till) Dry J'i;=vre 1 GARY PLAYER VENTURES 10 Oc Dg TEST PIT 4 Peat, dark brown, silty. Frozen to 1' Sand, silty, ra.velly„ Sand, grey, clean, moist at base. Silt,rear, sandy .later at 11', 1/114/7 Gravel, sandy, silty. TEST PIT 5 Sand, tan, silky.. Gra-el, sandy, clean. )-0 SM Sand., silty, ; ravelly 6-12 Sand, clean, ,;ravell�, . Trace waterentry at 12' entry C 6 Backhoe `i rC _liiJa.1_ on , boulder TEST PIT 8 0-2 Pt Peat, Clark brown, silty. 2-4 ML Silt, ;rear -brown, soft. Water at 5', 1/14/ 72,. 4_,8 (�, Gravel, sandy, clean, rt) �l Fi-ure 2 GARY PLAYER VENTURES 0 v 5-7 EST PIT GW Gravel_, sandy, clean. Sa:ed., clean, a little r,ravel0 N .:Q .., 7-13 Gravel, i•aA_r clean. t_. 10 • o' :(2Z. 0--e) „5,.,,'j�+ a ',z r, �':;T�,,, r, Soil contacts dip Northeast; at about 5 de;:ceeso rr•.:;� _'til 1 ,.TT BA Sand, silty, tan, loose Gravel, ;a ry_n laterally and vertically 1-.ro.l sandy and clean bo silty. -arty Fiure 5 GARY PLAYER VENTURES 0) rrE 5n -rig 9 5- 0 - Q0-1 GV Gravel, sandy, with a trace of silt 0 10 -Boulders to 2'- in diameter :' Water at 12', 1/14/78, 1 :00 PH. . T PIT: 1(1 0, 0- 8-14- (r'if Gravel,Sandy, clean., with boulders. )_ry 10. re LL GARY PLAYER VENTURES 0 5 TEST PIT 11 o o° 0 0-1 1 -5 5-14. Sand, silty, tan, loose. Sand, clean to trace silt. r -W Gravel, sandy, clean to a trace of silt. Dry TEST IT 14 0-1.5 Pt Peat , dark brown, silty. 1.5-6 GW Gravel, sandy, clean. Water at 6', 1/23/78 TEST PIT. 1 5 0-8 Grave'l, sandy, clean, with boulders. .4)%8-12 Gravel, varyin2; laterally- and vertically 10 -":01,= from sandy and clean to silty. ;0 1214 SW Sand, clean, F7avolly, Dry Fiure 5 A 2 GARY PLAYER VENTURES 0 0 » 0 = 0 \ c 0 10 0,16 GS Gravel, sandy, clean, with cobbles and boulders to 20" in diameter. Dry on 5/15/78, two days after excavation. TEST PIT B GW Gravel, s dy, clean, 5-14 G Interbedded silty and clean sandy aver, About 6 of gravel is GW az ' \ is GM. Boulders to 3 feet in aim titer present at the base of the excavation. 2r on 3/15/78, two days after excavation. azure 6 GARY PLAYER VENTURES 0 0 42, PA 0 [;1 n 0 10 0 10 TEST PIT 0 0-11 Gravel, sandy, clean. v Sand., clean, ,;raven. re Water at 13', 3/15/78, two days after excavation. TEST FT' 1) Cut bank 10 feet ^i: ., CV1J iJ iiJ t 1nF of Gravel-, clean, sandy, interbedded with „_r ave ` clean sand --about 25J ofthe material is sand. lre GARY PLAYER VENTURES C) 0 S ); `.� CO cd Li\ QJ 4-) U7 rr.. 0 0 • H a1 m w 0 sa 0-9 9-15 TEST •T --n Gravel, ers to 13" in di,..:netor. Sand, Clean) a trace of fine C:ravel A _(;pare 8 GARY PLAYER VENTURES 0 (ll q_. 17 -p C-: 0 /./ 15 - 0 .p e> 6'? o k) — CJ cS r o, 1"5 i) 0 •,, 1 5) r{ C5 P1 Vi C) 0-0_5 005 -lb Sand, silty, tan to orange -brown, with 017L niC debris. r, G u�dvJ.:. , sandy, clean, with boulders to 3 feel, in diameter, PIM ", tan t;0 orssn e—browit, Pi 1-v!_ o-1... T-' LC debris, , 1-16 G -J �a ';J Gravel, sandy, clean, 'J;i1.ri boulders a_ .Dry 21n;ure 2 GARY PLAYER VENTURES c 0 TwST PIT G x 2 5- 15- 0 • 0-0,5 S1 Sand, silt,, tan, with or a to debris. 0 e5 0 / 0 0 §o/ Q. 12.15 &w 0.5-16 GU Gravel, clew, sandy, with boulders to 18" in diameter. 0-1.5 SM Dry 2£' PIT H Sand, silty, tan to oranEe-brown, With orFf,anic debris. 1,5-9 GW Gravel, clean, sandy. 9-12 SW Sand, clean, 7,ravelly. ravel, clean o a trace (2-3%) G t silt, sandy. 2ry r re 10 GARY PLAYER VENTURES t,CAJAL) Sado S-c\Ltan VGA 91--tidat as MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING P.O. Box 196650 OFFICE USE Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION RECD BY: VERIFY OWN A. Pleasefill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. Do not write in the shaded blocks. 1. Vacation Code 2. Tax Identification No. 3. NEW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). L 0 is 1A 2A 3A 7 A, 8 A, 9 A, 15P B L 9 L 0 is 1A 2A SA EL K 1 0 R iv e i and states 4. EXISTING abbreviated legal descrip ion (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page. L 0 :s 1, 2 1- r 7, 8 .9 1 0; BL K 9 hr d 0 1, 2 5 B ] 1 0' R v e _v i ec, f` t a 5. Petitione 's Name (Last First A4a sk.a U S A F ea 1 c r ac 1 U 1 T' m J1 ‘71- a Add ess P 0. Box 196613 1 tes 6 Petitioner's Representative M. [H1+144491 91 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1[ 1 c/o Lynda S. Ulsher Addess 17034 Eagle River Loop Road Anchorage State AK ci»,EAgle River City State AK 786-2709Zip 99519 Phone 694-2979 Zip 99577 Phone p 7. Petition Area Acreage 1 12. Fee$ 550.00 8. Proposed 9. Existing Number Number Lots Lots 1 J 1 S9427 , . 10. Grid Number 358 AUG 4 1993 Community Council 11. Zone South Fork 6 B. I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to actfor) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentativ- and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative sons. Date: env /f /99--- 20-003 (Rev 5/39)M0A-24 gents must provide written proof or authorization. C. Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Classification XX Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related 2. Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Intensity Special Study 3. Environmental Factors (if any): a. Wetland b. Avalanche 1. Developable 2. Conservation c. Floodplain 3. Preservation d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) ) Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial Public Lands/Institutions Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected D. Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred in the last three years on the property. Rezoning Subdivision Conditional Use Zoning Variance Case Number Case Number Case Number Case Number Enforcement Action For Building/Land Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit E. Legal description for advertising. Lots 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10; Block 9 and Lots 1, 2, and 5; Block 10 Riverview Estates Subdivision, located within NW*, SW' -4, Section 21 and NE n, SE ,'—), Section 20, T14N, R1W, SM, AK F. Checklist 30 Copies of Plat Reduced Copy of Plat (81/2 x 11) Certificate to Plat Fee Topo Map 3 Copies Soils Report 4 Copies Aerial Photo Housing Stock Map Zoning Map Water: Sewer: 20.003 Back )Rev. 6/69)M0A-24 1./ Private Wells V Private Septic Waiver Community Well Community Sys I/ dr 04y - Public Utility Public Utility VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY OR OFFICE USE EASEMENT APPLICATION RECD BY Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PLANNING VERIFY OWN' P.O. Box 6650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 A. Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. Do not write in the shaded blocks. 0. Case Number (IF KNOWN) 1. Vacation Code 2. Abbreviated Description of Vacation (EAST 200 FEET SOME STREET) TW 0 3 3' S E .011I N L I NE ASE `ME N ^.S 3. Existing abbreviated legal desc ip ion (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOT 34). Lo t s 1, 2 3 8, 9 0 F LK 9 an d Lo t s 1 2 5 BL K 1 0; v er vi ew Es to t es 4. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) A_ a 3k a if .c a. F e de ra 1 c e d _t L n_ 0 n T- m T oars Address P.O. Box 196613 City Anchorage State AK Phone No. 786-2709 Bill Me 6. Petition Area Acreage 1 0 6 10. Grid Number 12. Fee$ 100.00 358 7. Proposed Number 11. Zone 6 5. Petitioner's Representative 4n4i1nEek�n 1 1 1 1 1 1[ 1 1 1 1 1 1 c/o Lynda S. Ulsher S S 17034 Eagle River Loop Road Address City Eagle River State AK Phone No 694-2979 Bill Me 8. Existing Number Lots 0 9. Traffic Analysis Zone 13. Community Council South Fork B. I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to vacate it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic vacation fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the vacation. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, orthe Assembly due to administrative reasons. Date' /I 93_ re Agents must provide written proof or authorization. C. Please check or fill in the following: Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Classification XX Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related 2. Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Intensity Special Study 3. Environmental Factors Of any): Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial Public Lands/Institutions Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected a. Wetland b. Avalanche 1. Developable 2. Conservation c. Floodplain 3. Preservation d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) D. Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred in the last three years on the property. E. Rezoning Subdivision Conditional Use Zoning Variance Case Number Case Number Case Number Case Number Enforcement Action For Building/Land Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit Legal description for advertising. Lots 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10; Block 9 and Lots 1, 2, and 5; Block 10 Riverview Estates Subdivision, located within NW*, SW' -4, Section 21 and NE 4, SE ,'—), Section 20, T14N, R1W, SM, AK F. Checklist 30 Copies of Plat Reduced Copy of Plat (81/2 x 11) Certificate to Plat Fee Topo Map 3 Copies Soils Report 4 Copies Aerial Photo Housing Stock Map Zoning Map // Water: V / Private Wells Sewer: V Private Septic 20-003 Back (Rev. 6r89)MOA-24 Waiver Community Well Community Sys Public Utility Public Utility 940£00110 ACH STATE P CERTIFICATE OF OV✓NERSHIP and DEDICATION 12, W O L CREDIT UNION 0 RANDOLPH L. 9EILFUSS NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Subscribed and sworn to before m W E Os' KRISTI A. SCHAFER NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Subscribed and sworn to before me Ihis_day For, My Commission Expires Notary Public CURVE DATA Ili 2 v a w 0 m 0 0 0 O L. S. ULSHER cl t E,N 0 f.,°,49 V 4) 04 w 440 zzzzx w wan nnv .44)4)£444) wq mom^oe3 zzzzzxz 'W33 ,34„3, :111.m mnry w6 Vi'" '"� 9.'i e nn 2.6 qn mw��S� an o'„ t n a282 F9i On M1xnN OUn'tl25 tl$tlUn in n mca".6 CO 2 nnna. In A fix )008474407 J (0 0 / TAX CERTIFICATION ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION 0 V 13- 7/0 .00'04 .0[1000 cc W 0 s1 9 n_ X 0 j P to 0) M 0 D m Dared at Anchorage. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE N O O. 4 Riverview Subdivision PRELIMINARY SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION Riverview Suhdivision Eagle River Area Report To John Gross Construction Company Anchorage Alaska Prepared By Jim Brennan,Geologist Anchorage,Alaska March 1974 March 28,1974 Jim firennan, Geol og I st 4003 Minnesota fir. Apt.11 Anchorage,A1aska99503 Phone- 277-4900 Gross Construction Company 5501 Kcnnyhi l 1 Drive Anchorage, Alaska Attention: 'qtr. John Gross RE: Prliminary Report of Soils and Foundation Investigation - Riverview Subdivisi.on,located in the Eagle River Area John; This letter presents the results of an Investigation of geological and soils conditions of the Riverview Subdivision.Of primary interest was determination of the subsoils,rates of seepage,and various stratigraph units in the arca. A reonnaissance of the area was followed by test borings.These borings were made with a nodwell mounted B-61 mobil drill utilizing, 6 -inch solid flight auger. Four borings were drilled adjacent to the access road along the south (uphill) boundary of the subdivision. The soils encountered were examined by myself and visually classified. Soils gradings of samples obtained were rur. by R&M Engineering of Anchorage. GEOLOGY AND SITE CONDITIONS The ground surface in the area of the subdivision slopes downhill towards Eagle River to the North.Therc are numerous small terraces on this Southside of the Eagle River Valley. The auger borings to date vegetation,slope visible road cuts in the, arca,and the U.S.G.S. Generalized map of the Eagle River -Birchwood area (Open file 19"1) all point towards the subdivision being located within a single geologic unit of glacial till (silty gravelly sand and - silty sandy gravel) The origin of this till is probably ground moraines NctaSediment) bedrock is exposed along the sides of the South Fork of, Eagle River in the Eastern portion of the subdivision. Vegetation consists mainly of Birch to 6"+ diameter with some light- brush and Spruce.The organic soils appeared to be 1.5 to 2 feet in thickness. Surface drainage is excellent due to the moderately steep slope down towards Eagle River. SUBSURFACE MATERIALS AND CONDITIONS The four borings penetrated 13 to 16 feet.The materials penetrated were typical glacial till varying from silty gravelly sand to silty - sandy gravels with varying amounts of silt, cobbles, and boulders. The subsoils were found to be very dense.?lost of these subsoils encountered can classified (GM)on the anified system. At the time of the borings the moisture content of the subsoils was low.No ground water was encountered at this time,and no seepages or icing was noted on the hillside. Due to the inherent nature of unsorted glacial deposits,however,it is difficult to substantiate general conclusions about the entire, arca.The data presented here should however aid in determining appropriate developement patterns.For any particular site more detailed subsurface geologic Investigations may he required. Wintry conditions precluded areas of difficult access in March and therefore were not drilled. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ON SITE? SEWAGE DISPOSAL The Investigation to date appears to indicate that on-site sewage - disposal is possible.Seepage areas required per bedroom are in the 225-250 square feet range. WATER SUPPLY It is anticipated that the greatest potential for an Aquifer is the connect between the glacial soils and bedrock.This may be as deep as150' FOUNDATION CONDITIONS The foundation soils encountered are extremely competent,Footings, should be placed below the depth of the seasonal frost penetration, because of the silt content. Respectfully yours, Brennan, Geologist ATTACHMENTS: Vicinity map U.S.G.S. Geologic.Map Test boring logs Soil grading sheets / 15 • • • • j 4; 13 1\ • ,- / • • f / �; — - \_.. I; J _. ' 1e.i'1 IAC J) - -._� -\I,1 .-.1 • , / 1 • /• r h��f�;ryuk •rte 3,:„. �I w f I • jI-i \J -"‘.<� 20 ;-• � 1 25 i 3 • 7/ , '9I • • �..,-., f•y/ z1 �' F1r/!Ai, �- 7-''.55..- - 1 \-'—,- yprr c� / r ,�/Fire FAA. I 2 I r II y / --✓ f� - �. r „,„,,,_-%---'-,._ i 1 -- ) i, \ 1 'PPP 1 I E. Ible Rivrr `iaa�' .-,.-..+=--_` T .J \ it - f ]t12 t \��.._ `` 9 � ( /�� \` _ _ • s:v a sr ri- f 14 to Ir : s • 5 t5 \ za^, fil$ ' Cl. , .. Y y mac....,' a ,ate �"�'./�^• 'l'��< ' [-• 22.. 24 :•. '•,•�' •C`` . �/ / � e= 7a 1 r 1 sn 7•I rw V`:•tea �t`� •—•�_��l_ `\ 4.s. I • t R/ 22 -, • _ p•, (x-41 L •r I/ x tr - 5 ` - , ` )/ t- .2 / -1 /? 1 r N . l\, VICINITY MAP Qlvezvlcw scvisloJ fC s7 „Ex) Lit) (,cG�>•7cr✓y 1 ” Tom' ) la_ psrr<- : 3 /Z2/ 74- 2,. y I L, -r /V,;y (5-v11vC L S,LryGr,1U- 1 cA.nip t-1yr `'r,+y i�r� ✓� SILry JY/YvtL/ , L C � � �c/ c 3/ '5 7;1 0 ��reaf r 0•-2 o S61)* ,� " 1 -- 1O e / 10/ 11.-2 /0-13/ 31 NU 0+-7riu C9 S,Ly/Gr,,,.e s}✓� S 1 Liy SA 1/7 �rrlW� (k),-1rc TN Z 3/,-/7a- Sli,ti,) 43 13-1C z)1J 1-71 c o —I•r 5,thiixe d- ),S/—/0� 2 £ Zoo / (�,ssh)ry $� )(�,s!-/3 20_4-2 do %� 1 SSA !N( 0 W )tTZ-�- v i- v 1 C -vv 5 0,,n -t /2 v./3 p, v! S / v,U / ,0 p/ ry7 I o� L �\,--C-M' 1') 1 c. n e77771 c.) 4- i/ S C. / /k r �Si ai.rk- c/ i. ii j.' • 51 LT y Fb; LCj,111,) p/{ v K (fir c.�u 51 LT/ 5 -A -p y Gr,ir� • / •. c' . '51�1Y1 /1 `� CO 77i !� / —Z L�?t) _�a-ZQd tP No in- rr'r,Lc /411,f2Le f`� `6 f T 0 /5 /J 'Zoo J l s S iN,A—c j c r—/ 6' 1G' / `- — 0-Z4 o W dl 1 ✓Q V V c—t„, 5 ,3 y, , r 51 o of 2- LABORATORY TEST REPO, , • TEST ON Soil Sample - River View E.st:itesR& M PROJECT NO, 461010 p . Frontier Realty 74A -1``i(} PROJECT NO. __. _ PROJECT LANE LAB N0. ___- SAMPLED FROM-_1a-11J..�.�_ SUBMITTED UY__.-.I.._L._.GraSil FIELD NO. ..i S .1 __ SOURCE I1n0--noyn 1` •- ,- `. I r, _.• (.- , r , DATE REPORTED 3-20•-74 LOCATION _Ailaha...eg M< DEPTH 0' --�nSAMPLED l DATE . lly iil nown DATE RECEIVED _awl _14 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFICATION "27,-, A5 SPEC UNIFIED Si EYE RECEIvED AAS HO FAA COMPACTION • +10 5" %+ 3 • GRAVEL 2" • SAND I I/2° 0/0 SILT 1.00 3/4" 85 1/2" 3/6" _72 60 • CLAY FSV LL • PL 42 PI *0 CLASS OPTIMUM MOISTURE MAX. WET DENSITY MAX, DRY DENSITY CORR. MAX. DRY DENSITY % FRACTURE METHOD NATURAL DENSITY NATURAL MOISTURE WEIGHT LOOSE WEIGHT RODDED +PIO 33 J/16 ,N 20 # 30 ¢40 #50 WOO 25 REMARKS #100 -i/ 200 .02/AM 1.6 .005 MM DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MINUS # 200 MESH SOFT FRAGMENTS COAL 0 LIG. OR LT. WT. PART. CLAY LUMPS STICKS 0 ROOTS FRIABLE PARTICLES SPECIFIC GRAVITY ADSORPTION FINENESS MODULUS SULFATE SOUNDNESS FREEZE - THAW RATIO L. A. ABRASION L055 DEGRADATION VALUE THIN -ELONGATED ORGANIC COLOR STATIC IMMERSION BRAND_ 0%---I/2% I% _ 11/2%--_ 2%. COARSE SPEC f INE SPEC GRADE Englnooring &Geological Consultants ANCHO#AO[ •AIRDAHN • ALASKA JUNEAU DRY DENSITY - PCF MOISTURE - PERCENT L066372 L068372 LABORATORY .TEST REPORT TEST ON Soli Sample - River View Estates PROJECT NO. _PROJECT NAME Frontier Realty SAMPLED FROM 1', ki. 1. SUE3M�TTEU UY J. Gross FIELD NO. �3YS1; 2 ( DATE REPORTED 3 20-74� LOCATION Anchorage, AK DEPTH 101-131 RAM PROJECT NO. 461010 LAB NO. __741_151. SOURCE Unknown DATE SAMPLED_Lli?knQ1 __.DATE RECEIVED 3-19-74 GRAIN SILE DISTRIBUTION Xo Pa°SiNG AS SIEVE RECEIVED s -- CLASSIFICATION SPEC UNIFIED AASHO FAA COMPACTION %+10 + 3 3" % GRAVEL % SAND I I/2" 100 1" 97 SILT % CLAY 3/4" 96 Fsv 1/2•, 92 LL 3/8' 89 82 PL P1 CLASS OPTIMUM MOISTURE MAX WET DENSITY MAX. DRY DENSITY CORR. MAX. DRY DENSITY % FRACTURE METHOD NATURAL DENSITY NATURAL MOISTURE WEIGHT LOOSE WEIGHT RODDED 4110 #I6 4f 20 65 #30 *40 '17 REMARKS .A 50 #80 #100 40200 .02 M .005 MM DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MINUS # 200 MESH SOFT FRAGMENTS COAL B LIG. OR LT. WT. PART. CLAY LUMPS STICKS B ROOTS FRIABLE PARTICLES SPECIFIC GRAVITY ABSORPTION FINENESS MODULUS SULFATE SOUNDNESS FREESF. - THAW RATIO L. A. ABRASION LOSS DEGRADATION VALUE THIN - ELONGATED ORGANIC COLOR STATIC IMMERSION BRAND__ 0%-1/2% 10/ —1 I/2% _2% COARSE SPEC FINE SPEC GRADE Engineering et C3eologlcal Consultants ANCHORAGE PAIRMANa • ALASKA du NrAu DRY DENSITY - PCF IL MOISTURE - PERCENT 1'l LABORATORY TEST REPOT r Soil Sample �- River View Estates 461010 TEST ON. FIRM PROJECT NO. ___ PR0JEC1 NO.__ _PROJECT NAME Frontier Real.t}' LAB NO.�l+,l=�1`a�.-.-- SAMPLf:O FROM T ' E�' 1 SUBMI'i"iED BY J. 1.. Gross FIELD NO. ES!+a e�� SOURCE Unknown J-. , , - I , ! DATE REPORTED �� vO _/!{ _ LOCATION `Anchorage, AR__DEPTH 13'-16' DATE SAMPLED..-SID.k!1O.'ILDATE RECEIVED _.1,19__211. GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFICATION F'° PASSING AS SIFvE nCCE IVCD SPEC 5" UNIF1ED A ASHG FAA COMPACTION • + • +3 °o GRAVEL °4 SAID ire • SILT 100 °/0 CLAY 3/4" 1/2" 3/0" ,{14 97 96 94 Fsv LL PL 81 63 P1 CLASS REMARKS_ o`/ 30 *40 38 *50 x/00 FY 100 aV 200 .02 M M .005 M M 21 DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MINUS # 200 MESH SOFT FRAGMENTS COAL 0 LIQ. QR LT. WT. PART. CLAY LUMPS STICKS 0 ROOTS FRIABLE PARTICLES SPECIFIC GRAVITY ABSORPTION FINENESS MODULUS SULFATE SOUNDNESS FREEZE-TIIAW RATIO STATIC IMMERSION BRAND_ 0% 1/2%— I%— I 1/2% 2°4_ COARSE SPEC FINE SPEC L.A. ABRASION LOSS GRADE DEGRADATION VALUE THIN -ELONGATED ORGANIC COLOR FL_ Engineering Oi Geological Consultants ANCHOAAOM IAIA SAN K• ALASKA Ju DRY DENSITY - PCF OPTIMUM MOISTURE MAX. WET DENSITY MAX. DRY DENSITY CORR. MAX. DRY DENSITY_ FRACTURE METHOD_ NATURAL DENSITY NATURAL MOISTURE WEIGHT LOOSE WEIGHT RODDED_ MOISTURE - PERCENT L06e372 LABORATORY TEST REPO, r Soil Sample- River View Estates TEST ON PROJECT NO..._PROJECT NAME- Front icr Realty SAMPLED FROM T. Fi• 2 SUBMITTED BY J.L. CE'oss SOURCE Unknown I ' , ( LOCATION Anchorage, AK DEPTH 1.5'-10' RQM PROJECT N0'6101° LAD N 0.7 4 - 113 �- FIELD NOF8" DATE REPORTED 3 -?0::74 �.._ Dnknown DATE RECEIVED 3-19-74 DATE SAMPLED�__.r. GRAIN SITE D STRIRUTION t'0 PASSIM"o AS SIEVE NFCEiVED SPEC CLASSIFICATION UNIFIED AASHO FAA COMPACTION 5" %+I0 3" 1/2" 86 % i 5 % GRAVEL % SAND 0/0 SILT % CLAY FSV LL 3/B" 80 PL 414 69 PI B CLASS OPTIMUM MOISTURE_ MAX WET DENSITY MAX DRY DENSITY CORR- MAX. DRY DENSITY % FRACTURE METHOD NATURAL DENSITY NATURAL MOISTURE WEIGHT LOOSE _ WEIGHT RODDED 410 58 /116 ' 20 N 30 440 14'50 460 100 200 .02 MM .0051.IM DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MINUS ,{f 200 MESH SOFT FRAGMENTS COAL B LIG. OR LT. WT. PART. CLAY LUMPS STICKS B ROOTS FRIABLE PARTICLES SPECIFIC GRAVITY ABSORPTION FINENESS MODULUS SULFATE SOUNDNESS FREEZE - THAW RATIO L. A. ABRASION LOSS DEGRADATION VALUE THIN - ELONGATED ORGANIC COLOR REMARKS STATIC IMMERSION BRAND__ 0%—l/2% I%— I I/20/ 2% COARSE SPEC FINE SPEC GRADE Engineering EA Oeologlcal Conaultante AHCHORA•L YAIR DANIN • ALASKA dU N •AU DRY DENSITY - PCF MOISTURE - PERCENT L060572 LABORATORY TEST REPO,.I TESL' ON Soil Sample•- River View Estates RAM PROJECT NO. 461010 PROJECT NO. __ __..e._ PROJECT NAME _1'.rQtlt l •:'X_iiCs31 ty LAI NO. 2411:-_1_51J_e___ SAMPLED FROM I'll* 2 CUBMITTED BY 0 • Gross FIELD NO. rs':15 SOURCE thlkar✓n ! = DATE REPORTED _ my2-? LOCATION Anclrora<.e AF 10.5'-13' -1J�� �.:—__._ OE:P7N DATE SAMPLED.ht1IiF111✓n •DATE RECEIVED _��__`� GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFICATION Fo PASSire AS SPEC UNIFIED SiCvE RECEIVED AASHO FAA COMPACTION 3•' + 10 %+ 3 °n GRAVEL 11/2" 100 °/u SAND 0/0 SILT 93 % CLAY 3/4" F'5V 1/2" 84 Lt. 3/B" 8 62 PL PI iB CLASS OPTIMUM MOISTURE MAX WET DENSITY MAX. DRY DENSITY CORR. MA%.DRY DENSITY % FRACTURE METHOD NATURAL DENSITY NATURAL MOISTURE WEIGHT LOOSE WEIGHT RODDED *10 50 016 .# 20 aN 30 *40 40 *50 4Y R 0 REMARKS # 100 200 74 .02 MM .005MM DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MINUS # 200 MESH SOFT FRAGMENTS COAL B LIG. OR LT. WT. PART. CLAY LUMPS STICKS B ROOTS FRIABLE PARTICLES SPECIFIC GRAVITY ABSORPTION FINENESS MODULUS SULFATE SOUNDNESS FREEZE - THAW RATIO L. A. ABRASION L055 DEGRADATION VALUE THIN ELONGATED ORGANIC COLOR STATIC IMMERSION BRAND__ 0%-1/2% 1%— 1 I/2% 2°/ _ COARSE SPEC FINE SPEC GRADE Engineering a Geological Consultants ANCNOAA•t PAINOANK • ALASKA JUNKAU DRY DENS!TY - PCF MOISTURE - PERCENT LOG/3372 LABORATORY TEST REPO. TEST ON Soil Sample - River View Estates PROJECT Na PROJECT NAVE Frontier Realty RAM PROJECT NO. /LG101fl __ LAB Na 74A-1.55 SAMPLE° FF20M Unknown » 41 - ' SUBMITTED BY J. L. Gross FIELD NO. SF'G� SOURCE Unknown / ' : , I L _ 7 . -T;r:.�-L DATE REPORTED 3-7.Q-74 t�nchorawe, AK ` LOCATION _DEPTH Unknown DATE SAMPLED Unknown DATE RECEIVED 3= 14--7_/i _.._ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFICATION Ya;SING AS Sit-vE PECLIVED SPEC. UNIFIED AASH° FAA COMPACTION 5" % + 10 4" °!a + 2" % GRAVEL • SAND • SILT " 100 • CLAY 5/4" I/2" 3/0" 96 89 84 FSV LL PL .x(14 i1 8 70 P1 CLASS OPTIMUM MOISTURE MAX. WET DENSITY MAX. DRY DENSITY CORR. MAX. DRY DENSITY FRACTURE METHOD NATURAL DENSITY NATURAL MOISTURE WEIGHT LOOSE WEIGHT RODDED d/l0 58 016 v%I 20 // 30 ,¢40 39 .#50 000 di loci qV 700 12 .02 MM .005MM DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MINUS # 200 MESH SOFT FRAGMENTS COAL 0 LIG. OR LT. WT. PART. CLAY LUMPS STICKS a ROOTS FRIABLE PARTICLES SPECIFIC GRAVITY ABSORPTION FINENESS MODULUS SULFATE SOUNDNESS FREEZE - THAW RATIO L. A. ABRASION LOSS DEGRADATION VALUE T MIN - ELONGATED ORGANIC COLOR REMARKS STATIC IMMERSION BRAND 0%_I/2%_ I%- 11/2%-- 2%e COARSE SPEC FINE SPEC GRADE Engineering Oi Geological Conaultant3 ANCMOAAEE •AIRPAH4• ALASKA JUNEAU lL U a } N L W a MOISTURE - PERCENT L068072 LABORATORY TEST REPO( Soil Sample — River View Estates 46101.0 TEST ON RiaM PROJECT NO. PROJECT NO.�.�____ PROJECT NAME Realty LAB NO. 14A_ 1 i .. SAMPLED FROM Uflknown r ).; °A SUBMITTED BY J• L. Cross FIELD NO ES (f7 SOURCE Unknown r. DATE REPORTED 3-20-74 LOCATION Anchorage, AK DEPTH Unknown DATE SAMPLED 1)1L1 .an DATE RECEIVED 3-19-74 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFICATION PASSING AS SPEC SIEVE RECEIVED UNIFIED A.ASHO FAA COMPACTION + 10 I 1/2" 0/0 + 3 % GRAVEL % SAND SILT % CLAY FSV LL 3/6" 93 PL #4 77 #B PI CLASS OPTIMUM MOISTURE MAX. WET DENSITY MAX. DRY DENSITY CORR. MAX. DRY DENSITY % FRACTURE METHOD NATURAL DENSITY NATURAL MOISTURE WEIGHT LOOSE WEIGHT R00DED 010 59 0016 REMARKS *20 0{ 30 #'40 37 #50 ;080 *too *200 .02 M M 24 .005 1A M DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MINUS # 200 MESH SOFT FRAGMENTS COAL D LIG. OR LT. WT. PART. CLAY LUMPS STICKS B ROOTS FRIABLE PARTICLES SPECIFIC GRAVITY ABSORPTION FINENESS MODULUS SULFATE SOUNDNESS FREEZE - THAW RATIO L.A. ABRASION LOSS DEGRADATION VALUE THIN -ELONGATED ORGANIC COLOR - STATIC IMMERSION BRAND_ 0%--I/2% .- 1 1/2% _ 2%. COARSE SPEC FINE SPEC GRADE Englneoring et Geological Consultants ANCNOMASE PAIRDANH9 ALASKA JUNICAU DRY DENSITY - PCF MOISTURE - PERCENT L066372 r LABORATORY TEST REPO,. TEST ONSoil Sample-- River View Estates R@M PROJECT NO. 461010 PROJECT NO. PROJECT NAME Pt'oncicy 1::2nity LAD NO. 7/!r1-1517„�V 7:7.a. i J. L. Gross ”"SAMPLED FROM SUBMITTED BY FIELD NO. ___-______ SOURCE Unknownr r 3--20-74 / S_' - DATE REPORTED Atrchor.age, 7:n ```T,iil<nowlr Unknown 3 .LJ—J{�.— LOCATION DEPTH _ PATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFICATION p PASSING AS Si LvE NECC:sEO SPEC. UNIFIED A AS TIO FAA COMPACTION %a+10 3" 2" I 1/2" TOO ° + 3 % GRAY EI. °/, SAND °/4 SILT I 96 % CLAY 3/40 90 F SV 1/2" 80 73 56 41 - 20 N 30 #40 25 050 *80 LL. PL PI CLASS REMARKS ;Y100 *200 15 .02 MM .005MM DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MINUS -# 200 MESH SOFT FRAGMENTS COAL 0 LIG. OR LT. WT. PART. CLAY LUMPS STICKS 0 ROOTS FRIABLE PARTICLES SPECIFIC GRAVITY ABSORPTION FINENESS MODULUS SULFATE SOUNDNESS FREEZE - THAW RATIO L.A. ABRASION LOSS DEGRADATION VALUE THIN-ELONGATFD ORGANIC COLOR STATIC IMMERSION BRAND_ 0% --I/2% I% 11/2%_ 2% COARSE SPEC FINE SPEC GRADE 11,A Engineering 0' Geological Consultants ANCHOIIAO[ YAIR RAN 0( ALA,KA 14 [AU DRY DENSITY - PCF OPTIMUM MOISTURE_ MAX WET DENSITY MAX DRY DENSITY CORR MAX. DRY DENSITY % FRACTURE METHOD NATURAL DENSITY NATURAL MOISTURE WEIGHT LOOSE WEIGHT RODDED MOISTURE - PERCENT L066372 LABORATORY TEST REPORT Soil Sample - River View Estates 461010 TEST ON FIRM PROJECT O. PROJECT NO.__,PROJECT NAME Frontier Realty L. A B NO. 7 4 A`1=i L_,. SAMPLED FROM 1 •!!• ' SUBMITTED ©Y. 10 L. Cross FIELD NO. _EVA_ SOURCE UnknownJ, , ;:. E DATE REPORTED 3720`74 -- LOCATION " nchc/ age, `� DEPTH Unknown DATE SAMPLED Unknown DATE RECEIVED 3-1...9-..2.11 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION ?•° PASSLf4G AS S1EvE RECEIVED 5" SPEC. CLASSIFICATION AASHO FAA • +10 %+ 3 3'. 2" 1/2" °o GRAVEL SAND • SILT • CLAY 3/40 1/2" 3/0" WIG 20 # 30 +Y00 o' 100 '200 DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MINUS # 200 MESH SOFT FRAGMENTS COAL 13 LIG. OR LT WT. PART. CLAY LUMPS STICKS 9 ROOTS FRIABLE PARTICLES SPECIFIC GRAVITY ADSORPTION FINENESS MODULUS SULFATE SOUNDNESS FREEZE -THAW RATIO L.A. ABRASION LOSS DEGRADATION VALUE THIN -ELONGATED ORGANIC COLOR STATIC IMMERSION GRAND_ 0%—I/2%— 10/0 __ I I/2% __— 2% COARSE SPEC FINE SPEC GRADE Engineering aOeological Consultants ANCHOAA•[ ♦AIADAHM• ALASKA JUNEAU L U O.. 3` F- N COMPACTION OPTIMUM MOISTURE MAX WET DENSITY MAX. DRY DENSITY CORR. MAX. DRY DENSITY _ 0/0 FRACTURE METHOD NATURAL DENSITY NATURAL MOISTURE WEIGHT LOOSE WEIGHT RODDED 11111111111111111 1111111111011111111k - .m. ••• • mamma •••••••••••••$..E. u91111161111110 r 1 iniiiiiiiiiii • mil • .......... HEIMPLIE MOISTURE - PERCENT L066372 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY a,4 ''. r A) I_ ,lyl a I ti y1 R M E (PLANATION COARSE. -GRAINED DEPOSITS r--- - Large alluvial -fen deposits. PGrovel and sand; cobbles _ and small bculdera common; small amounts of silt. Good water -bearing unl t; may yield large quan tt tie. of water to wells. • _Y' --vim /T r�1^r. � Jl r Y • Alluvium In channela, terraces, IIoo1 plains, and ,nail 11 alluvial fans. Sand end grevtl with some silt and clny. Hay yield unroll quantities of eater (0 wells. I Glacial alluvium in karts, G j eskers, knme terrace,, and related lsnJforno. Sand and gravel, with some silt, clay, and diamicton.a Nay yield sr•all goantitle. of woror to wells. G.„ / (__.. V„,--7.- - c/i' .( (\< r - ,1.11: : '', (!:/!I/-1 l'„ Vc. ,,,' I Y . /. 'iw• e.,/'• „'�l� // �r yi j .,' v j �/ ! fg ! I'�/ 1_,.rw "'777 , / •i v / / . 1 h( '.,/t.:. / d. .' I )1,1 r ^ \I Y al I l u // l • LS V , I s!/ r I Ii i 1 '' l i�,., I' [. t 1 '/ %1 5 ..,., a•1C !. 1 -Ii )if til !rl ' J r 11` (t - ( 4..,}11 !) , l t M, r - : C-r�, '.:i '. IA t tet . 1- ',' C 1r''ale `e/ry . I1 .. .(1 ( J fl ti o e YI �`1 ;`I f i r I~ t C M 3 G -� �•A • • Y' ^ ,d l (�� !�. •l ., i t'111 ' YC/( ,. fg a - __n `l ' .. .i. I r • t Y 1 . ,11-`\1 7' dh I 1a .. ha \ It r ;Ns, • •_ A ) �it•;/- ' • t' "1 1, I 1 7yg) of OPEN FILE a• 1971 P' 5(1 ; (1 I1 pC .LH: I LI, 1i. GL', ANI:HU^ASE. ALA(;y:A Y174E-GRAINED DEPOSITS 1 Estuarine deposits. Silt CE J with some clay and fins - grained sand. Not water -bearing unit. Pond depo.tt.. Clay and P ) 4111, generally overlain --�� • by pea; includei two fine-grained gland and earl. Not a water-berring unit, LL Glacial lake 4.po.it.. Clay and .lit with tame sand. Not a water -bearing unit. MIXED COARSE- AND FINE-GRAINED Iu.PnSITS Ynnnger glarlal aoraInai deposits. Dia.:lc:one and p.•n l/ •' N1•vrl, with minor amount. of gravel, sand, and silt. Hay yield smell quantities of water locally from gravel losses. Dldrr glacial moralnel depnaltl; 111 th. lowland Inrludu. inter- glacial pond de -,alta. Dia- .,:.:.,..,' wi gravel, nand, silt, sol .ley; boulder. covt0D on up laid surface, Poor water -hearing unit. EEDROCK --.1 Sedimentary rock.), chiefly lIItatone, fandaton., and coal. Poor water -bearing .alt. Coiiuvlon (elope deposit.) with minor elluvins, pl.ml:ton;• poorly sorted to well-.ort,4 gravel, sand, and al11; chiefly rubble on steeper 01op41. Poor yew - beating u0ll. Landaltd. d.potit, Rubble and dtasteron.• Not . weer -bearing unit. Netuaorphlc rocet,ea chlelly aetosandalnn. and 0.14- conal.-...r•Ilt .U.1410n11. 0,1.• le l;-I.t .•.n .a n., (batt, Haslet 4l011114. •ret lilt., ar..n.ahlst. Raul... est y.ln.ra, 0n4 wee• dlor(14, 40 Well /. 4040 f.1.ir 1A 1 t.re.al•,0 Fylalyeaal r'. . Mar TI .Id eznll gua epics of sett in•Ily fl., lrOCiUla aDlaml.t,11 Is a "00010rl rd or poorly sorted tetrl4e nou* .•11 s•r•t that t•.net•te of mend and/or larger particles In a muddy (lilt and clay) a•lria.- (Altnt and .•l neve, 1940., h). Pilot, P. Y., Sanders, J. F.., and Nudger*, John, 194.^.., Sy,mstctlt.' . nem. for nonaorted terrlgencwa sedimentary rode (11.1 contain a v:A* (1041 of portial. Airco: 1,01. Metlee Rall., v 71, p. 116Ob, D1.rlrliln, n e„hatltula tem int ay,t!Cllta' Cool. Soc. finer l:a hail., v. II, O. I". ."Metamorphic rock feral .adapted Iron Clara., S. Y. E., and Eatt.ch, S. 1471. Reconn111 a m:C. keoinalC cAp And genchemical snAlyatA of einem •edlewn1 and rock 1.7710. of the Anchorage e-7 quadrangle, Altskel U.S. Geol. Survey open -file report, 17 p., 2 map.. 7 .I a Uose Iron US Geological Survey }" nntrvloge (II 7) Alatka 1w t rPdroAI 17Fr GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE EAGLE RIVER—BIRCHWOOD AREA, GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH, ALASKA