HomeMy WebLinkAboutRIVER VIEW ESTATES Tract A ~,,.~ I:::'l:::l;;:l"'l I 'i" NO, ':: ';:"';.:';',-.:'.;:_:i:l?,~ ) t:::1t::>1::' L.. I C I::l I'.,Ft'' .:rOHhl I.. :::; I::~T I :; I'.,t I;:, ~ S1'i:::iNCE: 13 ~ TI.,.IIEIEN I::1 NEL.L. FIND M I Mt..IM HEL..t.. (...O(:~:~¢ i::tt:;~'.t~; I;;:E :;! ... IRE[::, FIN[::, I','I.IST O:::' 'i't'.ll~!; I,.K~I .I... ]:OMF:'i.EFI'I t:I'.,ISTR .. ::t'T:t 0 ", ::1.: '1: I::IM I;=1::11"1 1 L :( I=l]:;: I...] I ]"H "t']-I~!!: I-.~:~:!!:l:;:il.,.l t:'Oi;;:TH E:'.r' "l"l. tf.:~ MUIg 71: C I F'FII.~. I 'i""r' Ell:::' ;:~:: I t.,.I II..I. I N FILl.. THE :E;'.~'S'I'E]"t I N H I 'TH 'T1-.-IE April 28, 197S John Gross l~ox 1161 ~s,.~¢~.L ~ ]liver ~ Alaska 99577 Subjoct.~ Permit Expira'hion A por;uit issued by this department for well and/or on-site sewer J~stalla'h:[on on Tract A River View Estates Subdivision (~%d well) has expirnd since the issu(~ dahe exceeds one(l) year. ]hl the event yo~l still plan to install the well and/or on.~site sew~r systeu~ a ne~.; permit is required. The original soil test may be used to obtain a current pe~m%i%. If tho well ha~ boon drilled~ a %,;e].l lof~ should be sent to this department to document the installation date° If you ]lave any qu(-~s~:J, ons re~fardinc[ the above mattor~ please contact this office ~_mi~odiately at 264-4720° Sincerely, ,.~onio~ Environmental Spochtalis~; n m/1 j h E H :i: TH "FHIi;': C(~I[)E:~il;. April 28~ 1978 John Gross Box ].161 Eagle River~ Alaska 99577 S~foje¢~t~ Pernlit Expiration A peri,lit issu~d by this depar%ment for well and/or on-site s~wer insLalla%i~n on %~rac% A River View Estates Subdivision (3rd well) has e:~pired since tha issue date ~xceeds one(l) lin %he event you sLfl! plan to install the well and/or on-site sewer system, a new permit Is re~u~red. '~he original soil Lest may be us(~{ %o obLain a curr~nt permit. ~f Che well has b~en drilled, a well log shoul~ be sent to this deparL~nen~ to document %h~% installa%ion date. If you have any (:{,u~stion~ req~rding the above please contact ~his effica i~m~ediately at 264-4720. Sincoroly ~ L¢.~s N. Buchholz, Senior EnvironmenLa! Speciali,q% I:::IF'I-::'I... ]i Cf:ll~',l]' ..ll'CIftixl GF~'.O:['~:?!; Fi:O'/, I.. O C FI"I' I O N I"i 7i11'.4 t HUH Il:, I STI::~Ni21!~7 E~ETt,.I~(~[t"~ FI NEL..I.... FIND t:::11:.,t'~' (3t'.~....'Z :;i.I;:jI~':~I t:::'I~71E"I FI'.2[tI:;~: Ft F'~:]J',,,'I::ITI~; I.,.IEI_.L. O1',i'. ;?.~[l(~) FEET I::'[)F;'. FI NELl. I...OG'Z F:It:;i:IE ~'.IE(~:~LIiiiI:a:t~iI[)t::~NE:, HUST E~I!~i I~'.ETLIF~'.I",It:~T:, OF: THE I.,.IEM_. C:OHI::'[~ET '.i7 (3N. SPIEC'.!]FII21::ITIOi",I:~E; f::ll~',tl;'.:, COF, ISI'F1:I...IC"I"I(3t",I 17)IFIG~'.FIH'.~E; i NS"I f::lLJ...l::iT I Qt",I. April. 28~ 1978 ~J77219 John Gross Box 1161 Ea~31e River, AlaSka 99577 Subject: Permit Expiration A permafit issued by this d{~partn%ent for' well and/or on-site sewer installation on Tract A Rive. r View l~states Subdivision !~as e×pired since the issue date ~:-~cee(t.~ on~'~(l) year. In the owen% you still plan to instal], the well on-site sewer system~ a ne~ permit is re.~3~uired. Th~ original soil test may be use¢~ to obtz3, ina curren~ p(~rmit. If the well has t)een drilled~ a well loci should be sent to ~'~his d¢~part~:~ent to do¢:u~lc, nt tike installation date° If you have any questions regarding tike above matter, pl(;ase, contact this office i~.]r~e~[iate].y at 264-4720. Sincerely~ Les ~. Buchhol..~, R. So Senior Environm(~ntal [~pecialist "i::l"l" 3: (;)l",t I::'F:IL.L. ~ NG t.,.IEIT[E~: E:,~: '[ ',,'i':' LE:GI::;tl TF;:FIC'f' I:::1 [;~:)]",'%[;;:',,,']:EI.,.I :E;,.."I') J I;'"l" I.,.iE~:L.L I...EcG:E; ~::I~;;:i]E I;:E:6¢J]:I;;:E:D F:INI]:, I'"ll...l'jS"i" ~[~: [~:I~E"I"U~:I'.,tlEr)'TE~ THE THE HI;EL.I... ~" ": I"'IF'L%']" :i: O1"4. - - '"'" ' I~ I- L. , ~; F:' E E: :1; ~:'~ ~u. F~ '[' ]: O i'.,I:E; J::[l'.,I [::, ' January 4~ i978 Frontier Real ~Jsta~e Bo~ 1161 Ea,~le Rivers Alaska 99577 Subject: '~raot A Riverview Subdivision Permit ~771021 A permit issued by this ~epar~ent for well and/or sewer system has expired° Pez'mits are issued on a calendar year basis~ as stated on the ~ ~ ~ ' ~ · . . Iie~mm,~s by authority of Munmclpal orda,nance, ~f you have drilled the well¢ a well 1o¢3 should be sent to this department to document tile installation date. ]:f there are any further que.st~ons, please contact th~s off, ice at 264~4720o Sincerely, [lealth andt Environmental Protection Sewer and Water Section