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MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 0 Z (~ -- O Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name Address I'1t5o [5~'ff'/J~/~~ 5i' A~q,-tl~tC, Phone(s) I Permit No. NO. of Bedrooms LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 BIo~Ck Subdivision Township, Range, Section TANKS ~ SEPTIC [] HOLDING Manufacturer ~ Capacity in gallons Material No. of Compartments TYPE OF SYSTEM [] TRENCH [] BED [] W. DRAIN [] OTHER Depth to pipe bottom from Tota~ depth from original grade Original grade ~', 7 ET ~ FT Fill added above original grade Gravel depth beneath pipe Gravel length Gravel width ~/'~ FT -~ F~ Distance between ~ines ~ FT Pipe material Date installed 7.~s", ?o Total absorption area 7~-~ SO FT Number~c~lines Installer WELLS /~ PRIVATE [] OTHER ¢ldentifv) Classification (A,B,C) Total Depth ~ Cased to ~'7 FTI ~'~ FT Installer ~ , Date Installed: DISTANCES WELL SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION WELL FIELD -/- /oO -/-/5' LOT LINE FOUNDATION / 7 -/-./DO AS-BUILT DIAGRAM (Show location of well, septic system, property lines, foundation, driveway, water bodies, etc.) Municipal and State guidelines in effect o ; date: Scale.;//' = ~'~/'O Inspections Perfor certify that this inspection was pedormed according to all Health "i"H:I.S t.JI:::'(bF,,'~qE, E!: )::]iii!:)::.','- .':L::YS'I'E]'! I'!L.E:%I" ):i)E: ]:N!['VI"~::fi....L..E!:?] ;:',?,'E~ SH[:)I/,IN (IN THE!: lii!:NIS:EN .... iiii:EF~'S :OE:.::ii~:l:t]'iN D~q"f'EE~ ,.'~:~/?.7/~:?0,, THE: ~q['?.~I:::d'4:C'[)NE:).:) ,, ¢.~ L. :t: F'T ST'(:~'f' :[ []N RE:(:;!U :[ I:';'.IES THE ~:~FI::'F;~DF:'R ]: F:f'r]E ,E:L. IE:CTF;: :I: (::::~t .... ]: Itl!!i~l:::'i~.:(::; T' :I: [)N ,, I'H :t: S i;::'E:F~,I't :[ T :I: S i:::'[)F;; ,q ;::.!; EIE!::OF;t[)[)I"I ~:!~ :[ NC. iL,,IE F'(.::fl"! :[ LY F.d!!:S :!: ,[)Ehii:t::i!L [)I'.,11....'.," ~, ¢~N.'0 Ei:XF:' :[ l::;:l:i!:!ii; [)N :[;~'i'. 0 © © HENRY WILSON g601 BUDDY WERNER DR.: ANCHORAGE, AK 99516 (907) J146-2000 ineers, Inc. En )rs CHARLES A. LANDERS SR BOX Ig2-A, MYRTLE DR. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577 (g07) 694.gOg8 PERFORMED FOR: Municipalily of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20- COMMENTS L o+ 5- ~I ef/~ ~... Township, Range, Section: T'; / ~O/ SITE PLAN SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED7 ~'/~ IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth to Water After, .,~ ~ Monitoring? I .~ ' ~ Date: Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop " ~ ~o~ ~ ?. / ,, " ~5~ ~ - ~ ' " 26~ /~ q~ q '~ /" PERCOLATION RATE'/--'~'~"'~"' (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN __ FI AND FI PERFORMED BY: e~,~ ~,~. ~""/~¢,~ S '~W~.~ I ~/'~ W'./~'g~ ~[ CERTIFY THAT THtS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: PLAN' VIEW waterline SIDE VIEW w'ell--~ casing S IN LF. FAM no . '- SOIL ABSORP. TI6N BEDS Fuel .Tank 3 ' .'!aximum solid pip~ 6 ' maximum pe. rf. pipe lerrKth · fabric watertable impermeable laver · .ighb c r Well Rad ~ mon'itor --tub~s h/&,'_l¼~' s~reo~e 'roc~ :uivalend'~ 2ORT FOm-~LAS ,tal Area= .#Bedrooms x Soil Rating Total Area mgch = Width Total Area [dth - Length [odiak & Unalaska = 2 ft. ;ENERAL NOTES Suitable for slopes 5% or less only. Beds should be installed rectangular with longest dimension parallel to slope contour. 'U.P.C. recommends use of a 1.5 multiplication factor in figuring total area. -11- MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES PO BOX 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519 343-4744 HAND WRITTEN PERMIT Permit Number: SW90~I~D~ Date Issued: 5'-/& -~O Design Engineer: 6;~/ER/%~&~Ri&£E~ Owner Name :WlZ~,l~lw ~. f~',~l~lfI. ER Owner Address: Permit Type: ~t/~ Expiration Date:/2/F//~O Day Parcel ID:~)2O'dg2'/~'. ' Lot Legal: SUbdivision.~;/V$~;~ ~;~;~ fM$~), Lot: ~-- Block: Sect ion: 3 Townshi~/ Range: 354/ Lot Size:~)~$4g $9 q~_~ or acres) Max Bedrooms: This Permit: ~ Total capacity:~ SEPTIC TANK: Minimum septic tank capacity: ,~ ~j~llons. Each septic tank must have at least 2 compartments, insulation is required if depth to top of septic tank(s) is less than 4.0' Lift stations require an appropriate electrical inspection. WELL LOG: A copy of the well log must be sent to DHHS within 30 days of the well's completion. I CERTIFY THAT: 1. I will install the on-site sewer system and/or well in accordance with all codes and regulations of the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) and State of Alaska , and in compliance with the design criteria of this permit. 2. I will adhere to all MOA and State of Alaska requirements for separation distances from any existing well, septic system, or surface water on this or any adjacent or nearby lot. 3. I understand that this permit is valid for a single family dwelling with a maximum of ~ bedrooms. I also understand that any enlargement will require an additional permit. ~. I understand this permit is issued for the calendar year and expires on December 31 of the year issued. 5. I will notify DHHS prior to all inspections by the engineer or well driller. SIGNED: ~~/~~ DATE: (ow/~er/d~si~ne~) IssuED BY:~~//, ~ DATE: ~----*-~ db/ll5 F A X T R A N S M I T T A L M E M 0 ~OM: ' ~ ,, ~HON~: I ~ I Poll-II 'bra~d lax Iransmill~l ~emo 7671 _SU R V?( TYPE,, [] AS-BUlL,T-NO CORNI [] LOT [~ RECE;RTI~ICAT~ON AS-BUILT- NO CORNERS SET If is~ha respo~s~billtY ~lha builder ot ~er~ prior to construC~ion~tO var[fy prOpoSed bulldinggr~de relollve ~hlch d~ not aapeot ~ the re:ordeal subdivision plat. ' menstruated '. /.],' ~, ' Iher~ ere within lhe ~.J ~/.,t,.,.L., ~-.~.: '/'---'-'~, O~ Iht raCe~dl~ plot~ ~..~&,~.,.,~ ~'.,, era ~ot show~ VEY-TOpoGRAPHY ~ Assu,~o ~v. ~ wooo o[CK ~ ~ - w~D FENCE ~ ASPHALT NOTE: .Fences are shownin their approximate locations only. LEGEND hub ~ t~-found ~ s~t _ - 0 set ~ron rebar -found ~ron pipe -found ~ set 0 bmss cap -~ound ~ set : ~lum. cap -found e set ~ Pre by Re: Water Well Abandonment Lot 5, Ransom RidGe Subdv. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAi~E DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION May 31, 1990 ~JUN' ~ ~ RECEIVED The existing well on this property has been abandoned. The reason for the abandonment is that a new well at a new location will be drilled. The location of the existing well is shown on the attached as-built survey. Procedures for the abandonment were based on the DEC recommended procedures set forth under 11 AAC 93.140 WATER WELL STANDARDS, para (d). From a study of the well log and existing ground condition, as well as the history of the property the recommended procedure under 4A. was performed: The well casing was cut off and removed to four feet below existing ground surface. The remaining casing was filled with clean coarse sand to sixteen feet below existing ground surface. A twelve foot column of concrete Grout was placed to seal the upper portion of the well casing and a steel plate cap field welded to the top. A concrete collar was poured around the well casing approximately six inches in depth and the excavation was backfilled. The surface drainage is graded to free draining away from the location of the abandoned well. This well abondonment work was completed May 29, 1990. Engineer's Certification: ~ H , SURVEY TYPE SYMBOLS ~ ~ AS- BUILT-- NO CORNERS S~ ~ ASSUMED E~V. ~ WOOD DECK ~ PLOT PLAN - AS-BUILT - LOT SURVEY -TOPOGRAPHY C C C W~D FENCE ~ ASPHALT ~ CHAIN LINK FENCE ~ CONCRETE D LOT SURVEY ~ NOTE: Fences ere shOwn in their epproxi~ ~ RECERTIFICATION AS-BUILT- NO CORNERS SET tocetions only. Et is/he res~sibilify of the builder or ~ner, prior to LEGEND hub ~ ta~- found D set construction~ fo verify proposed building grode relofive ?O~ reber -found O set tO finished grade ~d utility co~ions and to determine I~OR pipe -found ~ set the exi~ence of ony easements, covenents ~ restri~ions brass c~p -found ~ set which do not oppeer ~ the recorded subdivision pl~t. Qlum. cep -found ~ set property lines and dO ~0' ~: ~~ A~7~'~I Date Surveyed, ~. ~_ ~ od)oc'en~ propeHy~excep~ : ~ ~ I .1 t . ,/L [ ~J~; ~rid:j W,O. Easements of record, ~:t; <~,,%~ .... ~ ~'_~ ~gal Oescriplion: other than those shown ~h ~"~ o~,~ ~ on the recorded plat, ~'~ '~Sn~~ ~'L, are not shown hereon. ~ ~ , ~c-- ' GROUNDWATER ~ELL ABANDONHENT RECOHHENDAT~ONS Purpose and Objectives Any well whtch ts to be permanency abandoned is to be completely sealed tn such a manner that verttc~ movement of water do~n the extertor and tntertor castng to the water beartng fomatton ts prevented. The objective of the guidelines described below ts to restore as nearly as possible those subsurface conditions which existed before well construction, and thus preserving the groundwater resource. Nhen attempting to seal an abandoned well, the groundwater conditions must be recognized and evaluated. The following tncludes some guidelines for~ell abandonment whtch are summarized from "ANNA Standard for Deep Nells" (AHA AlO0 Sec. Al-13). In addition, the Department of Natural Resource regulations contatn additional requirements. Procedure Engage the services of a person experienced in well abandonment to do (or supervise) the lob. Determine groundwater conditions. The well may be a water table well. Zf tt ts, the well must be sealed with tmpen~aable matertal to prevent percol- ation of surface water through the well opening, or along the casing to the water table. The well may also be a conftned or artesian well. Seallng materials must be placed so that the water t5 conftned to the aquifer(s) tn whtch tt occurs. The thing to remember is that the well abandonment is supposed to return the formation back to its natural condition. Check the well before seallng. An obstruction tn the well could prevent an effective seal. The 1trier ptpe may nee~ to be removed or spltt. The upper portion of castng should.be removed to prevent surface water from entering the water-bearing strata by following the casing. (If the space around the castn~ was cemented when the well was first drtlled, this isn't always necessaryj. 4. Once tt has been determined whether the well ts a water table or artestan well, the sealtng process can begin. gater table wells: These wells can usually be ftlled wtth concrete, grout, neat cement, clay or clay and sand. If the water-bearing for- matton contains coarse gravel and other water-producing wells are nearby, efforts should be taken to avotd affecting nearby producing wells. WELL ABANDONMENT Register 87, October 1983 NATURAL of the appropriation, the specification of engin- eering and design standards, approved location of take points, or approved location of points of return tlow. (c) Nothing in this section constitutes a waiver of the responsibility of the applicant to secure the appropriate additional state, federal, or local regulatory permits or licenses. (Eft. 12/~-9/79. Reg. 72) Authority: AS 46,15.010 AS 46.15.080 AS 46.15.020 AS 46.15. 100 ! 1 AAC 93,130. ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFI- CATE OF APPROPRIATION OF WATER. The commissioner will issue a certificate of appropriation to the permit holder if (I) the permit holder has shown that the means necessary for the taking of water have been developed and the permit holder is bene- ficially using the amount of water to be certiti- cared; and (2) the permit holder has substantially com- plied with all permit conditions. (Eft. 12~29i79, Reg. 72) Authority: AS 46.15.010 AS 46.15.020 AS 46.15.120 !1 AAC 93.140. WATER WELL STAN0- ARDS. (a) For each drilled, jetted, or augered bell constructed, the water well contractor shall tile a report within 45 days after completion with both the property owner and-~"~'~:~n~i~- s'i6ner. The report must '~onta'~ tfi'e-f'6116~ing in- f~mation: the location of the well. an accurate log of the soil and rock formations encountered an-H'd' the depths at which the formations occur. the dept~e casing, the depth of any grout- ing. the depth of any screens, the total depth of the well. the s. tatic water level, the well yield and the results of any pump test that may h'aT~-been conducted. If the water well contractor installs a pump at the time of construction, the report must also include the depth of the pump intake and the rated pump capacity at that depth. RESOURCES 11 AAC 93,120 11 AAC 93.14l well. At the well owner's request, the commis- sioner will. in his discretion, grant a. written waiver of the monitoring port requirement of this provision. (c) Hand-dug wells that are permanently abandoned must be ~ to a point 12 inches above the existing ground level with wel!-com- p.a.~c t_e dim p.ezmm2J2J.~x~e rial. -, (d) All wells, other than hand-dug wells, that are permanently abandoned must be cut off at or below existing ground level and ~a~h" ' cbr~&ete or other '~;a~r~i~,ht 'material to~t ~b-o~._~._~ tH'~static wateF level. The well must .be sealed at or below '~:rountt level by means of welding a 0.25 inch thick=pl~a~ to the top of the casing or by sealing the well at the surface with a co..n, gr~teplug. (e) If the commissioner finds that an en- counter of oil, gas, or other hazardous sub- stance is likely to result from well drilling, the provisions of AS 31.05.030(8) apply. (f} The comm.,s~ioner will notify the Depart- ment of Environmental Conservation of any per- manently abandoned well that may contaminate a public water system under the provisions of 18 AAC 80. (Eft. 12/29/79, Reg. 72) Authority: AS 38.05.020 AS 38.05.035(a )l.9)(C ) AS 41.08.020( b )(4) AS 41.08.035 AS 46.15.020 11 AAC 93.141. APPLICATION FOR A RE- SERVATION OF WATER. The state, an agency or political subdivision of the state, an agency of the United States. or a person may apply for a reservation of water for (b) When the drill rig is removed from the well site. the well must be sealed with a watertight or a sanitary seal and a port provided to allow for monitoring of the static water level in the l 1-323 (!) "protection of fish and wildlife habitat. migration and propagation." which means the quantity or level of water necessary to maintain suitable habitat conditions for the various life stages of fish.' other aquatic organisms, and wild- life. including waterfowl and mammals and their habitat including water quality, depth, velocity and temperature, substrate, or streamside vege- tation: Gravel or sand (clean and disinfected) can be used as ft11 opposlte the water-bearing formtton, then the remainder ftlled ~tth Impermeable matortal to exclude surface water from verttcal movement or along the castng. If coarse matertal ]tke grave} has been added around the tnner castng of the well (vrlth~n 20-30 feet of the surface}, th~s matartal may need to be removed tn order to seal the well, or the castng may have to be re- moved. B. Artestan Wells: Zn thts situation you may not be able to use concrete, ~rout, neat cement, clay or sand directly. Use large stone aggregate not more than one-third the diameter of the hole), steel shavings, a well packer, or a wood plug or brtdge, then sealtng material can be used. It ts Important to restrtct water movement or loss of pressure thus pres- sure cementing or muddtng maybe necessary to conftne water to the aqutfer tn whtch tt occurs. In some cases, the well castng elevation may be extended above the artestan pressure surface, then the well can be sealed ustng one of the previously described methods. In all cases, the upper ten (10) feet'of the well should be ftlled wtth cement, concrete or bentonite and castng removed a mtnlmum of four (41 feet below grade. The locatton and methods employed should be recorded and ftled wtth the Oepartmont of Natural Resources. The plactng of the seallng matortal Is also Important. Concrete, cement grout, and neat cement need to be placed from the bottom upwards tn such a way as to avotd segregation or dtlutton of material. Ptptng cementing matortals directly to the potnt of application ts recommended. Other seallng metert- als (except mud-laden or special clay flutds) can be Introduced 1nfo the top of the ~e11. WATER WELL RECORD STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURES Division of Geological 8~ Geophysical Surveys O,.Ung Permit No. 00,0i477 either lb lc.) A.D.L. No. ,qSO,OUgh Gabgi.i,ionLot Slaah '~'1 Ve,,rs. s.,,a. Na. TownshiPN[~] Ronge Em Meridian A.~k. ~=~., ~ --o,--o,--o,-- Address: Street Address and Area of Well Locafion F,et Below 4. WE~L DEPTH: (final) 5. DATE OF ~ET,~ ~. w~ ~o~ ~'"" 67' ~ ",,. ~ - Material Type TopBotfom ~ ~ ~/~ ~/'// __ ~ ~/~ ~ ~J 6. DCable tO°l ~Rotary D Drlven ~Due , B, CASIN6: 0 Threaded 0 Welded 9. FINISH OF WELL: ~A Diameter: T~pe: ~ ._ S,ot/M*~ Si;e: '' Length: Set between ft. and ft. ~ Ir.~ ..~.~~ // ,o.,..,,~ ..., ,~w~, ~ ,,. Equipment used: -/ MUNICIPALI~ O~ ,~CHO~A~ II. PUMPING LEVEL below land lurfa~e and YIELD DEPT. ~ HE~LTH & ft. after hr.. pumpin~ g.p.m. E~IRON~ENTAL AO~E~ION ~ ff. after hrs. pumping g.p.m. IE.GROUTING Well Grouted: ~ Yes ~No K~{ V ~ Length of Drop Pipe ~ff ff. copocily ~.p.m. 14. REMARKS: 16. WATER WELL CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: 15. Wofer Temperoture __o 0 F 0 C This well wes drilled u er my jur[sdlction ond this report is true to the best of my knowledge end belief; ' Rigist~red~usiness Name ' // Contract License Numoe Authorized Repr~ntotive Form 02-WWR (11/81) Copy Dislribufion; WHITE'State DGGS, PINK-Driller, CANARY-Customer MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT PHONE I ~NEW ,,,.-~ __ '~'~k ¢-- Y~ ~..~- ~ 3~- (~O'1 ~ I [] UPGRADE NAME MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION I DISTANCE TO: Manufacturer Liq. capacity in gallons ............ DISTANCE TO' Iweu Manufacturer ' I Well DISTANCE TO: I Top of tile to finish grade Length Width DISTANCE TO: [Class ~ Depth ~ DISTANOE TO: Building foundation NO. OF BEDROOMS Absorption area ~ Material C) Dwelling Inside length U~t Width Dwelling Material Foundation Nearest lot Fine Trench width .~'~ I 0 inches inches Total length of lines Material beneath tile Depth Crib depth Building foundation Driller Sewer line PERMIT NO. No. of compartments Liquid depth 'PERMIT NO, Liquid capacity in gallons PERMIT NO. ""[ ~ O ~1~(O ~'~ Distance between lines Total effective ab~r~.~ area PERMIT NO. ITotal effective absorption area Nearest lot line Distance to lot line Septic tank PERMIT NO. Absorpt on area(s) OTHER SOIL TEST RATING '+ 50 INSTAELER REMARKS DATE LEGAL -. ' DEPARTMENT HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL ~OTECTION_ 825 ~L'" qTRE~T, ANCHORAGE, AK qgSF~t , 0 ' ....... _ ...... LEGAL L5 RRNSOM RIDGE SUBD ~T ~7~30 SQU~ T,~,~'~I~SOIL 8BSORBTION SYSTEM IS: ~ , "" II = .~ Hk.:.:;IM_M NUMBER OF BEDROOMS D SOIL RATING C~' ' THE REg!U,IRED S~ZE OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION S~'STEM IS: THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH <IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRAINFIEL. D. THE DEPTH OF A TRENCH OR PIT IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE.SURFACE OF THE GROUND AND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION (IN FEET). THERE IS NO SET WIDTH FOR TRENCHES. THE GRAVEL DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRAVEL BETWEEN THE OUTFALL PIPE AND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION (IN FEET). SEPT I L--: TFtI'-,II< S ! Z~::,-::~ 't C.'~Oi,3 GFILL_L-jII'-,I--~. PERMIT APPLICANT HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM THIS DEPARTMENT DURING THE INSTALLATION INSPECTIONS OF AN'¢ WELLS HDJAuENT TO THIS PROPERT'z' AND THE NUMBER OF RESIDENCES 'THAT THE WELL WILL SERVE. 'THO < 2 ::, I ~-ISPECT I O~-lS RP-.E REL-'~I.U I F-:E[:. BACKFILLING OF ANY S'~STEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION AND AF'PROVAL B'~ THIS · ' ,"' , ' ~ ' '~ ' I I DEFHRTMENT HILL BE SUB..TECT TO FR0_EC. LTION. MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN 8 WELL AND ANY ON-SITE .SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM IS i00 FEET FOR 8 PRIVATE WELL~ OR i50 TO 200 FEET FROM A PUBLIC WELL DEPENDING UPON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC WELL. OTHER REQUIREMENTS MAY APPLY. SPECIFICATIONS 8ND CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAMS ARE AVAILABLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. '-'L ~--~ F,~.=. F"ERi'I I T E::-¢P ! RES [:,ECENBEI~-' .T~:-"t., ' - "-"' I CERTIFY THAT t: I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS AND WELLS AS _,ET FORTH B'~' THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE. 2: I WILL INSTALL THE SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODES. A/Jif 3: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ON-SITE SEWER SYSTEM MflY REQUIRE ENLflRGEMEHT I~ RESIDENCE I:, REMODELED TO INCLUDE MORE THfN ~ BEDROOM_,. ¢ I:?.l:lH'Jii E I','t I:;?. ii] .", :liE: L."r'. 5 I:;?.F:iI'.,ISOI','t R [f[ E:,I:i~ilE '" LOT S:[ ZE t'"II:::IX :i: I"'IL.II"I H I"II::: I:::'1:;' OF::' 13tiii:l::,l:;: :: E !'"l:i!i .... :ii: TI...IliE L. IE!'.,II:i!i'TH [.':, I I'11EI'-,IS I O1",1 .'[ S 'T'HE; L.IEN(:ii'T'I:.-I ,'.: .'[ N t:::'EET ::, OF:' 'I"I:"ItE TF?.ENCH OF?. DI:;:".Ff:I: t",ll:::' ]: EI:...D. 'THIE DIEI:::'TH OF I::1 'T'I:;i:E;I'.,ICI:..I OI;;: F:':[T :::ii!; THE E:, ]: :E;'T'I:::¢qE:IE I:3E:'T'HI:.:.':t!~.:I'.,! "f'HI:Z '.:!!;UI:;;:FFti::::I:E l:::tt::: THE GI:zi:OI...II'-,IE:, F:tNE:, THE; I:?,I::)'T"T'OI'"I OF:' THE: EXCFtYR'T'].' ON ( Z !",1 I::'E:I:E'T' ). '"'1I'- ~,-II E: "'¥" t!;;;L' EiE th.,,ll C: I1..,.,.1! I1.....11% IE::. ""!F" !1,,,...!1 :![; .",iEi:; :f~i:,~; .. ,;~:.:.~ ~;.:i!)i ~iD II;::::' II:E: E: ""tl .... 'T'H!E GR!::I',,,'IiEL. DIEI:::'TH :I:S 'T'I:-I!E i'"t:[l",l]:l"lUt'l E:'Et:::'TI"{ O1::' I:]iI:~:I:::fVEI:.. 13tE'T'HEt!!:N 'T'HI:E OI:J'T'F'F~L.L. t"Z':L'F'E f'::ft",tE:, "t"l-'tl:~i: BOT'T'EII"'t (::It::; 'T'HE; EXE:I=I',,,'I::t'T';[Ot'.,1 (.'[1',1 F'EE':"I"). F:'!EI:;;:I'"I :i: 'T' I:::IF:'I:X'L. '1~ '::I:::II'.,IT I'-II:::IS 'T't...ItE I:;'E'!!! F:' T N'F '[ E ~ L T "F"/ "i:'O ]; I"tI:::C I;;:1"I 'T'I:"I :i: S [)l:EF:'l::It:;;:~l:'l"tliii:l",l"l'' I:j,LII::~: ): t"4G THl:ii: ]: 1"4:!ii;'T'!:::IL.I:...I:::I'T' :[ O1",1 ]: I".!':'~;I:::'E(]:"I"Z O1",1S Eft:::' I::tt'.,IY HEL. L:::i; I::lJ:, 'rF:l "' I:::'H'T' 'T'O 'T'H :[ :..':!; I:::'I::~:OF'I:.ZI:;;:TY I:::tt'.,11:) 'T't...II:E I'.,tl i"lE IEt:;: OF:' RES ;I:I:::,ENCES:.'; 'T'I:..It::!"I:' January 5, 1978 William Strickler 8125 East 2nd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Subject: Lot 5 Ranson Ridge Subdivision Permit #77582 A permit issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Health and Environmental Protection Sewer and Water Section Performed For Leoal Qescri.tion: Lot 5 This Form Renorts Soils Loq 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P B & J Company Block yes Date Performed ?/31/76 Ransom Ridge -S-~-bdivlslon Subdivision Percolation lest yes nenth Feet .."r c 6 one Soil Characteristics 6~ Topsoil Silty Sandy Gravel to a Silty Gravelly Sand (GM-SM) moist 10- 12 Bottom O-f-~'~----~l-~ 14 16 18- 20 Was Ground Water Encountered? yes It Yes, At what Denth? - 12 feet Readinq Date _7/31/76 7/31/76 7/3±/7~ 7/3~Z__76__ 7/31/76 Grnss Time Net Time 0 30 hrs 0 3.0 hrs 3.5 hfs 4.0 hrs Depth to H20 inches 19-1/2 40-1/2 18_-lL~ 26-5_/_~ 27-3/4 28-3/4 Net Dron inches 10-1/4 Percolation Rate 1"/30 ~]inute Prnposed Inst~-]q-~-[-Ton: Seenaoe Pit Drain Field Oeoth of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench C~'EIITS: 250 square i'-~-~--d~ainage area required per bedroom. Grouna--~a--{er--~elow 12 feet. Test Performed BY .... Data Certified By: CONSTRUCTION TESS "-LA ~ .... 7/31/76 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 }~le ~o 2A Location Lot 5 Top £iev,., DBPTH :ound .ter ,vel -11' 5 6 7 8 9 10 Peats, Saturated Coarse Sandy Gravel, GW - 85 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23., 244 Silty Gravelly 'Sands SM - 250 Wet below 11 feet Bottom of test hole Sheet of --- V,~O. ~b. erator J. M Date___p_c_c~.mhar ?3. ] 975 . Client ..... Project Ransom RidGe .... Subdivision S;J4P LiE DATA Gravel Sand Silt Clay 3rganic Content I~GBN~) Peat Table P~ WELL CONSTRUCTION LOG ar .gco. V Jr& 6 n+ccpT se uses no, Well location: (address & legal ,escription) L~ ~ Depth o,~ei, (00 ft. Cas,rig: depth ~ it. diam. ~ ,n. Static water '.ye' I~ ft. (~. below)land surface. Date Finish o~ well: ~screen. perforoted, open-hole, other) Oescribe interwls and size' Well yield tested by (pumpinE.~air) at ~' Eel/min. hours with ~ ft. of drawdown from static level. boc~tion sketch e( remarks DRILLER'S MATERIAL LOG Depth below land surface in feet Give description of strata penetrate~ (size of material, color, hardness of drilling, and water content) F:tF:'PL. :!: C:I:::INT !4 ].' L.L I I:::!.H F:. STR I C,~(L. EF'. 8:IJii!'.5 E. 21",1[::, F:t~,,,'E. S~:'35~2:.1q· LCIC:F!T ].' ()!"a GOL.DE(t",I ',,,' :[ EI.,.t [..[~:(:;il:::l[.., [...~]!i F.':FIt"*ISiCIi"t El: Z [:'l:iiE S,:'[) LOT S :!: 2!:E I'"1 t 1'.4 :!: HUM [::, ::Lr!!i~ii:.~ TO 2:e~ FEE']' FI:;..'OH F:t F:'I...It~L.:I.'C F.fE:LL. DEF'Ei'.,!D:I.'N(]i IJPOH 'T'Ht.:ii: T~./I::'E i:)F I:::'U[?I~..]:C I.,.I[::':1....! ..... 14E[L.L L () (]i!i!; 13F 'T'H[~: t.,.!ELL. C:OHF:'I....ET:[CIN. CI T Hl:!~ [;~: .I.';i: l~i)]:! I...I FIVF:IILI:::II!iiILE[ "I'() I,~.,ISI.JI:;i'.E: F:'I:;..:CIF'EI:~:: :[N:!:';".I'FtL. L. FITIC~I'.,!. ]: CEI:;;'.T]CF:".F THF:IT :i.: :t Ri'"I t:::I:::tI"tZI....]:F:I[~: !,.I ]: "['1'.~ TFIE: F,.::E(;:!U:!:Fi:EHE!'.,ITS FOF'. ON-S.I'T'E :!.~;E:!.,.IEI:;~:S FIi'.,I[::, [,.IE:L.A,'.~i; I::~S SET F'C~F~:"!"H B"r' THE HUN :[ C ;;ii:: :[ I.,.t:[L..L. Zt'-,tSTF:tLL 'THE :!'!;"r'STI!~:~.P1 Zl'~ I::!C:C:CI~:[."FIi",tCE t.,.t]:'T'H THE C:ODES. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Human Services DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 343-4744 Parcel I.D. # CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING GENERAL INFORMATION (Must be completed prior to submittal) (a) Lega Description (include 10t, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Location (address or directions) (b) Property owner [A~, Mailing Address (c) Lending Institution AL~-~lz-~ Mailing Address (d) Real Estate Company and Agent Address ~,~,00 Telephone ~"7(,, Telephone: (home) E),~'-6'~Z.E, Business ~ 15'51 ~xC~c~4oP--¢~- jAY--, c~'~5-1~ Telephone ~,~cl-~oCt-4N~o-¢=: ~ A~, (e) Mail the HAA to the following address: (or check here J~, if hold for pick up.) List contact person and day phone number below: TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single-Family [~ Number of bedrooms 3 WATER SUPPLY Individual Well ~' Community [] Public r- Note: If community well system, must have written cc nfirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to th legality and status. SEWAGE DISPOSAL On-site C~ Public [] Community [] Holding Tank [] : Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legailty and status. .~. 72-025 (Rev. 7/88) Page I of 2 '~JJOM S,JGGU!§UG I8UO!SSeJoJd eq~, U! SUO!SS!LLIO JO SJOJJ~)JOJ @lq!SuodsaJ ~,ou S! e6~Joqou¥ JO ~l!l~d!o!u nlAI eqJ. 'penss! s! ei~o!j!iJeo ~ eJojeq ~4~P eZXl~Ue Jo suo!loedsu! lonpuoo lou op SHHQ jo See,~oIdLUq 'slueLueJ!nbeJ'm~is pu~ I~Jepej, u!elJeo,~js!'l~s o~,~epJo u! suo!lnl!isu! §u!puel J!eql pu~ SeLUOq ~0 sJes~qoJnd ol ~selJnoo ~.s~ s!q~, seop SHHa eqj. '~tS~lV ,Lo el~lS eql u! peJm, s!§eJ jeeu!§ue leUO!SSejoJd luepuedepu! ue Xq e^oq~ S qde~Se~ed u! ueA!§ suo!l~lueseJdeJ eql uodn,{lUO peseq pel~o!j!Jeo leAoJdd¥/~l!Joqjnv q~l~eH senss! (SHHa) SeO!AJeS UeLUnH pue qlleeH jo lueLu~,J~dec] el~Joqouv jo/~l!l~d!olunlAl eq.L I*^o~.dd¥ I*UOl~!puoo to swJo/ leUOB!puoo pa^o~dd~s!C~ ~,, peAoJddv ~- Joj PeAoJddv 'l~^O~ld'd~ SHHa '9 ',,:;.-; ...;.: L. :.-~ 'uo!l°edsu! S!ill ,~o e~,~p etp, _u0 lo.ali~ ~! ~uo!~elnSeJ pu~. 'seau~u!pJo '$epoo pu~ led!a!unlAI I~ tB!f~ e. Og~!lduUoo u! s! tuajl~s i~$ods!p. Jal~MaJS~M;J.O/p~.~!ddO. ~,~.~M' ~1!s. Tu..o eqj 'uo!loedsu! pue uop,~§!i~e^m ~tu LUOJ,~ pu~ Sel!t eS~Joqauv ~o Xl!l~d!o!un~ eq1 tuoJ~ peul~lqo uop,~tuJoju! etp, uo peseq ~,etll ~UeA jeLp, jn,~ I 'meJeq pm,~mpu~ eJm, onJls ~o ed/~l pu~ muooJpeq ,~o jaqLunu alp, Jo~ m,~nbep~ puu leUOp, oun~ 'eJl~S ~1 -~elS/~S' II~SO(:JSII~}:~:P~MeiSl~' Jo/P. Ue_/~ ddn.s Ja31~M~e:~ s-u.o eq1.1Eq~: S.MOqS.:.,.e~.O]'ddV ~lpoq),n¥ qj ~eH s!ql ~o uoB~§!lse^u! ~LU j~qP~peA I 'MOleq UMOqS ej~p uo!leP!l~^ eql ~o se pu~.ojeJ~q p~x!~e ees XuJ ~q pe!,tp, Jeo s¥ NOI.L¥1NI:IO.-INI aNY Y.L~a 'HC)I:I~S ~1'11.-I '$J.S~II"$NOIJ. O~IdSNI 9Nlal^Oad I~lal-I 9NIId~I~INIgN~I 'g ~ O1~ r,A,~/~,~I~LITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) MI'~,~F HEAL'IH I~ealt.h Authority Approval (HAA) E~I'^L PROI~F:~"~I~KLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 ~ 343-4744 Legal Description: RECEIVED A. WELL DATA Well Classification Well Log Present (Y/N) Total Depth ~'?' 3~ ~ ' Cased to Static Water Level ~ ' Casing Height Above Ground Electrical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot To Nearest Public Sewer Line T'o Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot Water Sample Collected by C ~'~' Water Sample Test Results ~,/~' Comments A~'~'~ ~ ~'~C.. Date Completed 5'-/¢ - Depth of Grouting Pump Set At Sanitary Seal on Casing (Y/N) Depression Around Wellhead (Y/N) If A, B, C, D.E.C. Approved (Y/N) Yield ; On Adjoining Lots t"'/'~° ; On Adjoining Lots ~'~ To Nearest Public Sewer CleanoUt/Manhole '~/~o ; Date b--- ~. :~-?o B. SEPTIC/~ TANK DATA Date Installed ?, E,5"; ?OSize ~'~o Standpipes (Y/N) }" Air-tight Caps (Y/N) ' Depression over Tank (Y/N) Pumping/Maintenance Contact on File (Y/N) Az' Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK: To Water'-Supply Well To Property Line ~/5' To Water Main/Service Line -~ ~-~ To Stream, Pond, Lake or Majo~ Drainage Course Comments · /~'~'~ ?'~f'~"f" "C,Y NO. of Compartments '7.- Y' Foundation Cleanout (Y/N) Date Last Pumped ; for Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) To Building Foundation To Disposal Field 72-026 (Rev. 7/88) Front Page 1 of 2 C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed ?' ~-5", ¢o Width of Field ~' & ' Square Feet of Absortion Area / ?Z.~ Depression over Field (Y/N) Results of Last Adequacy Test SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD: To Water-Supply Well ~ To Building Foundation /2_ Lot '~ ~ To Water Main/Service Line To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Course To Driveway, Parking Area, or Vehicle Storage Area Comments ,/~,-,~ ~/- ~ P"'~ Type of System Design Length of Field ¢~ Depth of Field 3' ( ~,~,,~ Gravel Bed Thickness' / Statndpipes Present (Y/N) Date of Last Adequacy Test To Property Line ¢' ''~' To F~Abandoned System on ; On Adjoining Lots ¢. To Cutback (if present) D. LIFT STATION - ~)oT' M~'¢¢ Date Installed Size in Gallons "Pump On" Level at High Water Alarm Level at Tested for Meets MOA Electrical Codes (Y/N) Comments Dimensions Manhole/Access (Y/N) "Pump Off" Level at Vent (Y/N) Pumping Cycles during Adequacy Test. **Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Against HAA Request** I certify that lhave checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HAA guidelines in eff~e~l~, f~this inspection. ~ MOA No. Date of Payment (,~ Amount: $ ~ '"~. 72-026 (Rev. 7/88) Back Waiver Fee: $ Date of Payment Page 2 of 2 NORTHERN TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 2505 FAIRBANKS STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907-277-8378 · FAX 274-9645 600 UNIVERSITY PLAZA WEST, SUITE A FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99709 907-479-3115 · FAX 479-0547 Constructing Engineers 9601 Buddy Werner Drive Anchorage AK 99516 Attn: H. Wilson Report Date: 05/30/90 Date Arrived: 05/25/90 Date Sampled: 05/23/90 Time Sampled: 0900 Collected By: HW Our Lab #: Location/Project: Your Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Comments: A100918 W.R. strickler L 5-1 Ransem Water Method Parameter Flag Definitions Below Detection Limit DL Stated in Result Below Regulatory Limit Above Regulatory Limit Below Detection Limit Estimated Value Units Result Flag EPA 300.0 Nitrate-N mg/1 0.4 Reported By: Francois Rodigari Anchorage Operations Manager NORTHERN TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 2505 FAIRBANKS STREET 3330 INDUSTRIAL WAY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99701 907-277-8378 * FAX 274-9645 907-456-3116 · FAX 456-3125 Constructing Engineers 9601 Buddy Werner Drive Anchorage AK 99516 Attn: - Our Lab #: Location/Project: Your Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Comments: A103183 LT,5 Ranom Sink Water Method Parameter Report Date: 08/01/90 Date Arrived: 07/30/90 Date Sampled: 07/29/90 Time Sampled: 1725 Collected By: - Flag Definitions U = Below Detection Limit DL S=ated in Result B = Below Regulatory Min. H = Above Regulatory Max. E = Below Detection Limit Estimated Value Units Result Flag EPA 300.0 Nitrate-N mg/1 0.4 Reported By: Francois Rodigari Anchorage Operations Manager t4UNI~IP.~IW OF DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTICN~ !AU6 ~ 19~ RECEIVED MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: 87-037 June 2, 1987 June 15, 1987 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE:. um Section 2t't'40/080.F.l.a for' permission to A req or subdivide the lot into two 1.15 acre lots when 1.25 acres lots are required ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAIL,ABLE CASE: PETITIONER: REQUEST: LOCATION: CURRENT ZONE: 87-037 William and Janine Strickle~ Permission to allow the petitioner to subdivide the property into two 1.15 acre lots where the R-6 zone re- quires 1.25 acres as minimum lot size (AMC 21.40.080.F.l.a). Lot 5, Ransom Ridge Subd.; generally located south of 164th Avenue and west of Ransom Ridge Road R-6 (Rural Residential District - Large Lot) RABBIT CREEK COMMUNITY COUNCIL ZONING BOARD OF EXAMINERS & APPEALS REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON VARIANCE RETURN COMMENTS TO: COMMUNITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT ZONING & PLATTING DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4267 May 28, 1987 VARIANCE TO BE HEARD July 9, 1987 The Municipality of Anchorage has received applications relating to variances for the following: CASE #87-037 XXXX A request for variance from Section 21.40.080.F.l.a for permission to subdivide the lot into two 1.15 acre lots when 1.25 acre lots are required. A request for change of use Attached are copies of the proposed variance. Will you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any requirements that your department or agency may need. Comments MUST reach our office by June 15, 1987 in order to be included in staff recommendations. SPECIAL DISTRIBUTION IF ANY: lls/5. 21. 87 THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ZONING BOARD OF EXAMINERS AND APPEALS APPLICATION FOR VARIANC Tax Assessing No.: Building Permit: Applicant: Will{Am and ,l~n'in~ AtPicklor Address: 1R7~C1 ~tnne~"~ _dOe ~d · .Anchorage, AK 99516 PhoneNumbeK 345-5828(HM) or 266-1547 (WK) Legal Description of Prope~y Involve: Lot Fiv~ (~) BlOCk Subdivision Ransom Ridge Subdivision Pmsent/Future Use of Property Residential 'DO NOT WRITE IN1THI8 SPACE. r , Date Received: ReceiPt No.: Z.B.E.A. Case No.: Hearing Date: (~/~_~ ~ ~, ~, , DISPOSITION. Approved .Denied Conditions: Date of Appeal: Hearing Date: Approved Denied (See Minutes) Conditions: (See Minutes) SITE PLAN REQUIRED. This is a request for a ~/ariance from Section ;~;[. 4(3.13R(3 F.a. of the Land Use Regulations Ordinance Letter Sent: Permit Issued: A. The existing situation: A~'~'~chm~n~' ~hp~' A B. Granting of this petition would permit: Attachment Sheet B BEFORE A VARIANCE MAY BE GRANTED, THE APPLICANT MUST PROVE THAT EACH OF THE FOLLOWING SIX CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN FULFILLED. ANSWER EACH OF THE CONDITIONS IN DETAIL, USING ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY. The undersigned alleges that: 1. Special conditions exist which are peculiar to this land, structure of building Involved and ara not applicable to other land/structures in the same district. These special conditions are: Af'.l-.~chrn~n~' ~he~~ 1 ' TR ~ I · 8 2B IT~ 2B 113 R-3 SL ,4.0. 84-21 4 3 8 9 PL! IA R-9 E-6 5 ROSEMONT [ SURVEY TYPE ~V 8 [] AS- BUILT -- NO CORNERS SET [] PLOT PLAN - AS-BUILT - LOT SURVEY -TOPOGRAPHY r-] LDT SURVEY [] RECERTIFICATION AS-BUILT- NO CORNERS SET It lethe respoesibilify of the builder o~ awner, Flor to construction, fo verify proposed building grade relative I to finished grade ~ utility connection~ end to determine the existence of any easements, cave. ants or restrictions which do not appear on the recorded subdivision plat. Lot Survey Certification ~ I berel~y certify thor I hove. ~.. ~ ~ ., surveyed the 1o~)erty shown ... ,.,.~ the improv~ment~ situated .": ;-/'~'~ -- therec~ ore within the .:, ~. --- ,- , : -' property lines and do not · :- cc; adjacent property,except ,. ~ . as indicated hereon. ~. :~ · . Eosememe o! record, ,~,~'/. other than those shown ..,,**,~.~ On the recorded plot -~. ore not shown hereon. *~.~.. ASSUMED ELEV. ~ ~OOD FENCE ~ ~ CHAIN LINK FENCE ~ NOTE.' Fences ore shown in their approximate DRAINAGE WOOD DECK ASPHALT CONCRETE LEGEND //VC. Professional Land ,Surveyors Scale: I"=~0' Date Surveyed: ~ - 7-86 Date Ora~: .3- 7- ~6 Legal Description: i Drawn by: VV',4 Checked by: Grid: ~ _q~ '7 W.O. .5- , T D G E _S U B locations only. hub ~ tac~-found ID set · iron rebar -found O set · iron ' - found ® set 0 brassP'Pc~p set · -found ~ (~ alum. cop -found ~ set ~ ,.., PreRar. ed by I:fENCH MARK 2. Strict Interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would deprive the applicant of the rights common- ly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of the Ordinance. These rights are: AtJ:a. chme~t Sheet 3, The listed special conditions and circumstances do not result from the action of the applicant and such condi- tions and circumstances do not merely constitute a pe.cuniary (monetary) hardship or inconvenience in that: Attachment Sheet 3 4. Granting of the variance will be in harmony with the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and not injurous to the neighborl~ood or otherwise detrimental to public welfare for the following reasons: Attachment Sheet 4 5. Granting of the variance will not permit a use that is not otherwise permitted In the district in which the property lies in th~t: Other pr~perti~ atp already ~uhfl~viH~d. 6. The variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible a reasonable use of the land, building or Structure in that: AtfRchme~t Sheet _~ Applicant further alleges that: (Use additional sheets if necessary for additional information.) Signature of Authorized Agent Signature of Land Owner Address Address Granting of the petitiom wculd permit subdivisico of Lot 5 into t~o 1.15 acre parcels. The petitiomers intend to construct a home on the property and occupy that hcme. ~his will permit us to live in i~mediate vicinity of William Strickler's parants ~ho reside in the existing home on Lot 5. This land will be high quality residemtial property and pemmits us to obtain land of a quality ~ could not otherwise afford. Even with the downturn of the Anchorage ecomc~Nf the price of hillside residential property has not substantially reduced and the availability of relatively flat, view property with decent soils is very scarce in this area. nan Existing Situation hot 5, Ransom Ridge Subdivision is a R-6 zoned lot off Goldeuview Drive in the Rabbit Creek Area. ~l~is is a residential area primarily with several other subdivisions bordering Ransom Ridge. ~he applicants have owned the lot since 1978. At that time virtually no other homes were in this area. Since, however, considerable develo~-~emt has occurred, tL~-e~s are constructed on all Ransom Ridge lots except Lot 6. Several subdivisions have developed adjacent Ransom Ridge Subdivision notably Park Place and Park Place ~k~dition No. 1. Lots in Ransom Ridge Subdivision are all approximately 2.3-2.5 acres. Several lots, including hots 1, 2, and 3 have ~--~ subdivided or are in process of subdividing. These lots have ~-~- subdivided iflto t~o parcels each. The nature of the subdivision and the surrounding subdivisions is that of residential properties acres. Code Interpretation ~he original character of the subdivisic~ (i.e., the 2+ acre lot sizes) is substantially changed already by the existing subdivisions inside Ransom Ridge. The original character of the neighborhood is changed by the existence of other subdivisions around Ransom Ridge with smaller lot sizes. ~he ordinance requiring the R-6 lot size minim~ of 1.25 acres prevents Lot 5 from being able to join into the ~ general size as other lots in the area. SPECIAL (I)~DITION~ bis area is zomed R-6. My understanding of this zonin~ is a wish to maintain a substantially protected envirormemt for the residential develof~nt. Large lots with large tress, screening from neighbors might be the best description. My lot differs in s~ne respects from others in the subdivision: 1. Located on back 'subdivision line so that road frontage is developed and developable om one side only. 2. R~latively flatter in character than the other lots in the subdivision. ~3. Contains more usable ground than say Lot 6 which has' several creek threads ......... 4. Has the existing home set in the far comer of the lot - thus maxim~ possible separation. 5. Has sufficient roadway frontage on Ransom Ridge Road to give each lot over 160 1.f. frontage. Zoning Intent and this Variance ~he lots resulting from subdivision of Lot 5 ~o~ld be approxlm~tely 280+ feet deep by over 160 feet wide. Construction of my ne~ bc~e Ou the hack comer of the new Lot 5b ~x)uld leave a large tree screen between myself and the existing ho~es in the subdivision, hence no detri-~nt to their views of the mxxxis %ahich will be the ~ they now enjoy. This, ~e feel, preserves the intent of a R-6 zoned lot ~lder 21.40.080 A. Because of the size of the lots in general with large house to house separatiorls, throughout~ no impacts to neighbors s~ater or septic syst-m~ can be foreseen. ~herefore~ no adverse affects to the neighborhood or the 1{-6 zoning intent should result. Be Actions of thru Applicant The subdivision of Ransom Ridge h~-~ been acccmplished by others on Lots 2 and 3 and initiated by others on Lot 1. T~ subdivision of LOt 5 will allow the petitioners to reside in the {,,...~diate vicinity of our retiree parents and William Strickler's brother ~aho resides on Lot 4. Eo churches and synagogues, along wilh the customary accessOry uses including par- sonages, day care and meeting rooms, sub- ject to the provisions of the supplementary district regulations; 8. privately owned neighborhood communily recreation centers in keeping with the char- acter and requirements of the district, pro- vided the center is oriented to a particular residential subdivision or housing project and that the uses within are delineated as conditions to approval; H. 9. quasi-institutional houses; 10. day care, 30 children or less. Prohibited uses and structures: 1. any use. or structure not of a character indi- cated under permitted uses and structures. or permitted by Conditional Use; I. 2. storage in connection with trade, service or manufacturing activities; 3. junkyards; J. 4. any use which causes or may reasonably be expected to cause excessive noise, vibra- tion, smoke, dust or other particulate mat- ter, humidity, heat or glare at or beyond any lot line of the lot on which it is located. K. "Excessive" is defined for these purposes as a degree exceeding that generated by uses permitted in the district in their customary manner of operation, or to a degree injur- L. ious to the public health, safety, welfare or convenience. F. Minimum lot requirements: Minimum yard r~:qu~rement$; 1. front Yard* 2. side yard 3. rear yard R-5 20 ft. 25 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. 20 ft. See supplementary district regulations for additional setback requirements. Maximum lot coverage by all buildings: 30%, provided that a cluster housing development under Section 21.45,190 shall conform to the maximum lot coverage requirements of that section. Maximum height of structures: unrestricted, except thai structures shall not interfere with Federal Aviation Administration Regulations on airport approaches. Signs. Signs may be allowed in'connection with any permitted use. subject to the provisions of the supplementary district regulations. Parking. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided in connection with any permitted use, as specified in Section 21.45,180. Loading. Where applicable, off-street loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of the supplementary district regulations. (Adapted from GAAB 21.05.050F, am AO 80-27, AO 81-67S, AO 82-54). 1. Single-Family dwellings or one mobile home 2. Two-Family dwellings 3. Three-Family dwellings 4: Four-Family dwellings $. Fwe or more Lei Area Width (sq. ft.) (fit.) R~5 7,000 50 R-SA 43,560 150 R-5 13.000 100 R-SA 87,120 150 R-5 13.000 100 R-SA 130.680 200 R-5 25,000 100 R-SA 174,240 250 R-5 30.000 150 plus 5.500 sq. ft. for each dwelling uni! in excess of five R-SA 217,800 250 plus 43,560 sq. ft. 21.40.080 R-6 -- Suburban Residential District (Large Lot). The following statement of intent and use reguLa.- tions shall apply in the R-6 district: A. The R-6 district is intended for those land areas where large lots or acreage development is desirable as an adjunct to the more typical urban and suburban residential zoning districts. The R-6 district is designed to encourage Iow- density residential development while at the sa me ti me protecting and enhancing those phys- ical and environmental features which add the desirability of suburban residential livin B. Permitted principal uses and structures: 1. single-family, two-family, and multiple° Minim,m Variance be existing lot will be divided into equal parcels of 1.15 acres each. ~his size will create lots that have essentially usable lot areas as great as existing subdivided lots in Ran~m Ridge that border on two road~ys. Tl~s~ the other lots actually lose usable area because no d~veloim~mt is allowed in the roadway rights of ~ay. be lot sizes created will provide suitable cover frown house to subdivision which is in keeping with tl~ zeroing ordinance. ~he lot sizes created will be over 50,000 S.F. each which is larger than that required for on site ~11 and septic systems. M~mmum lot requiremenls 1. Except as provided in 2 of Ihis subsection a lot shall have the following minimum area and width: Minimum Requirements' Lot Area Lot Width Use (sq. fi)" Acres (ft.) a. Single- 54.450 1'/, 150 family dwellings b. Two-family 108,900 2',5 200 dwellings c. 3-family 163,350 3¥, 250 dwellings d. 4-family 217,800 5 300 dwellings e. 5 or more 261,360 6 350 families plus one acre (43,560 sq. ft.) for each dwelling unit in excess of 5. Includes 7,5 of the area of abutting dedicated right-of-way. · ' Individual lot square footage may vary uP to 1%. 2. In a cluster housing development conform- ing to Section 21.45.190, a lot that is not part of the common area shall have a minimum area and width in accordance with that section. G. Minimum yard requirements: 5O ft. 1 .front yard: 2.side yard: 25 ft. 3.rear yard: 50 ft. 'See the supplementary district regulations for additional setback requirements. Maximum lot coverage by all buildings: 30%. provided that a cluster housing development under Section 21.45.190 shall conform to the maximum lot coverage requirements of that section. Maximum Height of structures: unrestricted, except that structures shall not interfere with Federal Aviation Administration Regulations on airport approaches. Parking. Adeq~Jate off-slreel p;~kif~g sha,~l provided in connection with any p(;rmilted use. as specified in Section 21.45.080 Loading. Where applicable, off-street loading lacilities shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of the supplementary district regulations. Ground cover. All areas not devoted to build- ings, structures, drives, walks or off-street park- ing facilities or other authorized installations shall be covered with one or more of the follow- ing: lawn grass, shrubbery, trees or other suit- able ground cover materials. (Adapted from GAAB 21.05.050G, am AO 80-27, AO 81-67S. AO 82-54). 21.40.090 R-7 -- Intermediate Rural Residential District. The following statement of intent and use regula- tions shall apply in the R-7 district: A. The R-7 district is designed to encourage Iow- density residential development, and is intended for those land areas where large lot development is desirable as an adjunct to the more typical urban and suburban residential zoning districts. B. Permitted principal uses and structures: 1. single-family, two-family and multiple- family dwellings. (Only a single principal structure may be allowed on any lot or tract); public, private and parochial academic ele- mentary schools; 3. high schools with primarily academic cur- ricula, provided that principal access to such schools shall be directly from a street of Class I or greater designation upon the Official Streets and Highways Plan; 4. parks, playgrounds, playfields, public build- ings and uses in keeping with the character and requirements of the district; 5. family residential care. Co Permitted accessory uses and structures: 1. home occupation, subject to provisions of the supplementary district regulations; 2. noncommercial greenhouses, gardens, stor- age sheds, garden sheds and toolsheds, pri- vate barbecue pits; wh,le the dwelling is bmng conslructed. (Only a s~ngle principal structure may be allowed on any Iol or tract); a. Before a mobile home will h(~ permitted, the owner et the property or the person intending to occupy the mobile home shall secure a permit from the adminis- trative officer. Such permit shall only be granted upon a signed statement by the permitteethat a permanent dwelling will be constructed wilhin 18 months. b. In the event that a permitted residential structure is damaged by fire, earthquake or olher natural cause to the extent that it is uninhabitable, a permit may be issued for occupancy of a mobile home during the period that the structure is being rehabilitated or repaired, but in no event shall a permit be for a period greater than 18 months. c. Only one mobile home during the con- struction or repair of a permanent dwel- ling shall be permitted on any parcel of land. public, private and parochial academic ele- mentary and secondary schools; parks, playgrounds, playfields, public build- ings and uses in keeping with the character and requirements of the district: the raising of vegetables, produce, fruit crops, nursery plants, and the like, including a temporary stand for the sale of products grown on the premises; family residential care. Permitted accessory uses and structures: 1. home occupation, subject to provisions of the supplementary district regulations; 2. noncommercial greenhouses, gardens, stor- age sheds, garden sheds andtoolsheds, pri- vate barbecue pits, workshops; 3. private garages; 4. the outdoor harboring or keeping of dogs, animals and fowl in a manner consistent with the requirements of all Titles of this Code. Paddocks. stables or similar struc- tures or enclosures which are utilized for the keeping of animals other than dogs shall be at least 25 feet from any lot line; travel trailers, in a sate and orderly manner and separated by al leasl 25 leer'from any property line; 6. family care. Conditional Uses. Subject to the requirements of the Conditional Use standards and proce- dures of this Title, the following uses may be permitted: airstrips and heliports; utilities substations; churches and synagogues, along with the cuslomary accessory uses, including par- sonages, day care and meeting rooms: Planned Unit Development; natural resource extraction for subdivision development only, on tracts of not less than five acres; privately owned neighborhood community recreation centers in keeping with the char- acter and requirements of the district, pro- vided the center is oriented to a particular residential subdivision or housing project and that the uses within are delineated as conditions to approval; 7. quasi-institutional houses; 8. 24 hour child care and day care facilities. Prohibited uses and structures: any commercial, industrial or similar use not of a character indicated under permitted uses and structures, or permitted by Condi- tional Use; storage in connection with trade, service or manufacturing activities; quonset huts; any use which causes or may reasonably be expected to cause excessive noise, vibra- tion, smoke, dust, or other particulate mat- ter, humidity, heat or glare at or beyond any lot line of the lot on which it is located. "Excessive" is defined for these purposes as a degree exceeding that generated by uses permitted in the district in their customary manner of operation, or to a degree injur- 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alask. a 99503 - 2'77-023]. !~ca'tion ,,,~ot 5 Top ~iev, - DBPTH CL{SSIP ICATION ~ISTBI.I Sheet of L~,O. ~b.~ erator, J. Mac~k Subdivision 'L~ DATA I~GE hq3 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25- Peats, Saturated Coarse sandy Gravel, Gig - 85 Silty Gravelly 'Sands SM - 250 Wet below 11 feet Bottom of test hole Gravel Sand Silt Clay Organic Conte,t Peat Prost Water Performed For Le.al qescrintion: Lot This ~orm Renort~ Soils 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P B & J Company 0ate Performed Block_~Subdivision~ yes 7/31/76 Ransom'Ri ge~q~vision Percolation Test yes nenth Feet Soil Characteristics Topsoil Silty Sandy Gravel to a Silty Gravelly Sand (GM-SM) moist 10~ 12 - Bottom of ~est Hole 16-- 20 - Was Ground Water Encountered? yes Iy Yes, At what Denth? - 12 feet Readinq Date Grnss Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Dron inches inches I - 7/29/~- 0 19-1/2 0 7/'-------~ 30 hrs 40-1/2 __ 7/31/76 0 18-1L2 0 7/31/76 3.0 hrs 26-~_~ 8-1/8 ' 3.5 hfs 29~§/4 .9-1/4 Percolation Rate 1"/30 ~linute Prnnosed Inst~lat{6~: Seenaae Pit __Drain Field__ Deeth of Inlet De~th To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench Cm~.ENTS: 250 square ~e~T~inag~e area required per bedroom. Ground water---~o~low IX ~eet.