HomeMy WebLinkAboutRANSOM RIDGE S-3738 "ONE TEST IS WORTH A THOUSAND OPINIONS" 3919 SPENARD ROAD. SUITE A · ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 o 277-O251 June 3, 1975 P B & J, Company 3204 Lois Drive Anchorage, Alaska Re: Sub~ 99503 Investi( ~ion on Gentlemen: As per your request, our Company performed a soils investigation on this Project. A total of 5 test holes were drilled to a minimum depth of 15 feet with a Mobile B-50 Drill mounted on a tracked Nodwell. The soils were visually classified in the field by Jim Mack of our Company. The location and the results of the test borings are enclosed in this report. In general, the soils encountered on this property consist of coarse gravels and sands. The silt content varies from less than 5 percent to more than 15 percent. The ground water levels were between minus eleven and twelve feet below the existing ground surface throughout the subdivision. The type of soils encountered in this subdivision are usable for on-site sewage systems. If you have any questions of if we can be of further assistance on the above project, please contact our office. Very truly yours, JDM/dt CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB James D. Mack Laboratory Manager I I % 1 ! ! Q I ! ® Test Hole No. 1 Ransom Ridge Subdivision June 2, 1975 Depth in Feet From To SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 2.0' -Organic Overburden 2.0 15.0' Coarse Sandy Gravels (GP-GM) Subrounded particles to 5" diameter. 5 to 10% minus ~200 Mesh Bottom of test hole: 15.0' Free Water Level: --~ 12.0' Test Hole No. 2 Ransom Ridge Subdivision June 2, 1975 Depth in Feet From To 0 1.0' 1.0 18.0' Bottom of test hole: Frost line: F~ee Water Level: SOIL DESCRIPTION Overburden Sandy Gravel (GP) Subround particles to 3" in diameter 60% Gravel size Less than 5% minus ~200 Mesh 18.0' None ~12.0' Test Hole No. 3 Ransom Ridge Subdivision June 2, 1975 Depth in Feet From To SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 1.0' Organic Overburden 1.0 12.0' Coarse Sandy Gravel (GP-GW) Subrounded particles to 4" diameter~ Less than 5% minus #200 Mesh 12.0 15.0' Medium coarse Silty Gravelly Sand (SM) 15 to 20% minus ~200 Mesh Bottom of test hole: Free Water Level: Test Hole No. 4 Ransom Ridge Subdivision June 2, 1975 Depth in Feet From To 0 2.5' 2.5 4.0' 4.0 10.0' 10.0 15.0' SOIL DESCRIPTION Organic Overburden Coarse Gravel (GP), Moist Subrounded particles to 4" diameter Sand (SW-SP) Moist Occasional cobbles Gravel and Sand layers (GP-SP) Bottom of test hole: Free Water Level 15.0' 11.0' Test Hole No. 5 Ransom Ridge Subdivision June 2, 1975 Depth in Feet From To 0 2.0' 2.0 15.0' SOIL DESCRIPTION Organic Overburden Gravel and sand layers (GP-SP) Subrounded particles to 4" diameter Bottom of test hole: Free Water Level: t5.0' 12.0' Z ~) Z © ~ 0 CO ,I I~1 7 0 o~ t' (,0 0 I~1 rd') .0 0 0 0 0 POUCv~ u u50 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 279-2511 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN. MA YOR DEPAI4TMENTOF HEALFH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (2516 East Tudor Road~ August 26, 1976 Tryck Nyman & Hayes 740 I Street Anchorage, Alaska Attention: Les L. Brattain File No.: 6-20 ~.-~- I Subject: Ransom Ridge Subdivision On Site Sewerage Treatment Plants Dear Mr. Les Brattain: This Department has reviewed the recent soils test of 8/22/76. As submitted, all lots. as platted (2-1/2 acres) will require a sewerage treatment plant on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and septic systems on Lots 6, 7, and 8. The above conditions meet with this Department's approval. JWL:lmp cc: Joe Blair, H & EP TRYCK Head office/~ !Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501/907-279-05 Cable TNHANCAK/Telex 090-25332 NYMAN 6-HAYES; ENGINEERS / PLANNERS / SURVEYORS 8027.0 AuguSt 23, 1976 Department of Environmental Quality Municipality of Anchorage 2516 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska Subject: Attention: Gentlemen: 99503 Ransom Ring9 Subdivision Mr. John Lynn Attached please find a copy of the perculation test taken near the property line between Lots 2 and 3, Ransom Ridge Subdivision. As discussed in our meeting with you of last week, this additional test will complete the information necessary for you to issue a letter on Ransom Ridge Subdivision soils for individual sewer treatment facilities. If you have any questions or comments on this matter, please contact us. Very truly yours, TRYCK, NYMAN & HAYES Leslie L. Brattain, P.E. LLB:la cc: PB&J, Inc. Performed For P B & J Company tenal qescriDtion: Lot2&3 Block This Form Renort$ Soils ~eDth Feet Soil Characteristics T~psoi± Gravelly Silty Sands moist to 6 feet, 6 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Date Performed Subdivision Ransom Ridge Percolation Test (SM) increasing moisture to 9 feet then wet at 10 feet ~roun~.~ ~a ter~ -- 14-- 16 18 8/22/76 yes Was Ground Water Encountered? yes I¢ Yes, At what Denth? - 10 feet Readinq Date _8/ 76_ 8/22/76 _ 8/22/76. 8~_~76 Gross Time Net Time Denth to H20 inches 24 Net Droo inches 0 27 3 3.5 hrs 28 1 4.0 hrs 7_~_8__ Percolation Rate 1"/35 )linute Prnposed Installation: Seenaoe Pit Drain Field De~th of Inlet Denth To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench Cm~?ENTS:___2_6.5._S~_u~a_r_~_f~t_~.r.ain~ga_a/2e~g_Leguired~par__b~~ Test Performed B¥~__~~__~_~/~;~ ~-~ ~?~z~d~.. Data fertified B~: CONSTRUCTION~,^~,__ TESTT~n Performed For Lenal qescrintion: Lot 5 · This Form Renorts Soils Loq 22D4 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P B & J Company 0ate Perf0r~ed 7/31/76 _ Ransom Ri ge~~-~ivision Block, Subdivision__ yes- Percolation Test yes nenth Feet ne Soil Characteristics m~' TOpsoil Silty Sandy Gravel to a Silty Gravelly Sand (GM-SM) moist 10~ 12 Bot~~ 18 2O Was Ground Water Encountered? ye~--- I¢ Yes, At what Denth? - 12 feet F ReadinQ k Date 7/31/76 7/3i-7~[ 7/31/76__ 7/3!Zgi 7/31/76 Gross Time Net Time 30 hfs 3.U hrs 3.5 _hr_s 4.0 hfs Depth to H20 [ inches 19-1/2 - 4o-1/2___ 2 6 - .5_~_8_ 27-_3~4 28-'3/~_ ¸'1 Net Dron inches 0 9-_1/4 lO-1/~ Percolation Rate 1"/30 )linute Prnposed Inst~q%tion: Seenaoe Pit Drain Fi'eld · Deoth of Inlet Denth To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench r~VENTS: 250 square ~6~-~nage area required per' bedroom. ~ ' Ground wa---~er--'f--~-~~. Test Performed By ~,~,.7 _ / .-~m~.g D Mack Da ta Certi fi ed BY: CONSTRUCTION TF57 Date: 7/31/76 Performed For P B & J Company Lenal qescrintion: Lot 6 Block .. This Form Reoorts Soils Leo 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 oate Performed__ Subdivision Ransom Ridq~_ Subdivi~_j~ Percolation le~t ..... ~es nenth Feet UC 4- st 6 ne ~8 Soil Characteristics ~-Y~p s-o il Silty Sandy Gravels (GP)z~m 10 Bottom of Test Hole 14 16 18 · 20 ,,- Was ground Water Encountered? I¢ Yes, At what Denth? ye~ ~?~ - 12 feet Date Gross Time 0 Net Dr0n inches 0 0 Readinq 7/30/76 7~3d/~ 7ff 31/'Z6 Net Time 60 min Denth to H2 inches 28 96 ................................. 30 m~n 43 50 in'tn 4 9-2~.3 60 m~n 52 PePco'[a ti nn Rate 1"/4 Hinute Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field . Deoth of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench Co-PENIS: 100 square feet draina.g~ area recLqired per bedroom. Ground water below 12 feet. //-, .... O J'] '*'"'~ 4~'%- Data Certified By: CONSTRUCTION TEST Test Performed By_:'/~--,;'~ f,',~ ~ -"- LAB 7 7hT~eJ D Mack Date: ....... Z/;}1./'[6 ........ 5u~.~eet: ~ Ri~ SL~OI¥1SlO~ SOILS cc: Roll Stricklafld - Eflvfronmental £agfaeertfl9 Haaager cc: aohn 611va~ - PlanMng TO TRYCK NYMAN E HAY6S TELEPHONE 279-0543 FM - 126-0-9-73 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ~, Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~For approval [] For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections 19 [] Resubmit__copies for approval [] Submit copies for distribution [] Return corrected prints __ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE J~NVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIO~ RECEIVEI :' COPY TO SIGNEU: Hole No. lA Location L~t DBPTH 1 2 3 4 5 CIASSIP lCAT ION SYSTi~.{ A'IUNIoPALI'rv Or- ANCHORAQ5 DEPARTM?N? OF HEALT~ & .~NVIRONA IENT~ L PROTFCNo~ 277--02~1 RECEIVED Sheet of W.O, ~ --~erator J- D~te ID~Ser 23, 1975 Cl ie~~''~-~-J Co. pro jec~Ransom Ridqe Mack I SAMPLB DATA LJ{GEND ~round 8 "rlter -11' 10 12 13 14 ~5 1 17 20 21, :22. 23. ~4. 25 Peats, Saturated Slightly Silty Sandy Gravels GP-GW-GM (180) Silty Gravelly Sands SM (250) Moist becoming wet below 11 feet Bottom of test hole Gravel Sgnd Clay Organic' Con~ent Peat Water Table Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-023~ 2204 Cleveland Hole No. 3A Location Lot 3 Yop Elev Sheet of WoO. ~ _-~e~ator J' Mack Dl~e bec~em er 23, 19~5 Clien~ ~-B & J Co. ,,. Projec% Ransom Ridge --~bdivision Ground Water Level @-11' DI~PTH CIASSIP ICAT ION SAMP DATA LEGEND PEEl' SYSTBI~ 2 ? p Gravel 5.:4 t Sandy Gravels 6 ' ~ughout depth Sand 9 GP-GM J 13 ' '~ Wet' below ~1 feet 16 ' ~ ;. ~ntent 17 ' Bottom of test hole 20' 21 FZoS% 23. 24. Watez 25. Table 2204 cleveland 'Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 l~ole .No. 2A Lo¢&t xOll Lot 5 ~L~op ]Llev DItPTIt IaRRT CLASSIP lC, AT ION SYST~ Peats, Saturated Grolnd Wat~ Levek @-11' 7 8 9 t2 13 14 15 16 17, 18 19 20' 21 22 23 rse Sandy Gravel, GW - 85 Silty Gravelly Sands SM - 250 Wet below 11 feet ottom of oXe Sheet of W.O. N~'I--6'~erator_J. Mac~ Date ~mb_er__~: ~q~ .- ClientI f B & J Co. Project_ Ransom RidGe Subdivision SA~PLB DATA Gravel Sand Silt Clay ~§anic Content Peat PEost 25. Table DI T~ I ' I LL ~ 0 ~ (/,, o3 0 I 7 CD 0 o~ ____ ~¢f. 164th AVENU~~ 2B LEGEND (~ FOUND 31/4~ALUM CAP MON IN MON.O~SE, AS NOTED NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT B / f~_ 172nd AVENUE NOTES I. LOT ~B IS RESTRICTED TO A SINGLE DRIVEWAY TO 6OLDEN ~,4/SK.4 USA FED~i~AL CREDIT UNION, Ben*ficiory NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT / ,! VICINITY MAP SCALE RANSOM RIDGE SUBDIVISION SUBD)VISION OF LOT S RANSON RIDGE SUBDIVISIONS238) LOCATED IN THE SE I/4 SECTION 5, TlIN, RSW S.M. ALASKA CONTRACTING ENGINEERS 8~ASSOCIATES 8220 BRIARWOOD STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 9950~ ~49-2:407 y~OJI' I a~ JULY, 1985 I~oo~ 575 e~,~ 19 MAR~/~ ]wO~o 85-20 I S-8185 t' ~ 164th AVENUE I 5000' SEE DETAIL : ~ 5A 5B ~"" ~.. 17and AVENUE LEGEND FOUND $~/4"ALUM CAP MON. IN MON.C~E, AS NOTED. · FOUND 5/8"REBAR. · FOUND NAIL NOTES L LOT SB IS RESTRICTED TO A SINGLE DRIVEWAY TO GOLDEN VIEW DRIVE. T/F/CA TE OF OWNERSHIP and DEDICA 7-10N RANSOM RIDGE ~BDIVISION ~CATED IN THE SE l/4 SECTION 5, TIIN, R3W S.M. ALASKA CONTAINING 2.238 ACRES CONTRACTING ENGINEE~ ~ASSOClATES 8220 BRIARWOOD STREET i 1985-2203 LOT 5 RANSOM LOT 6 RIDGE SUBD. LOT 8 LEGEND U N SUBDIVIDE D NO?~RY ACKNOWL£DGEMENT~,~.,.£.i,~ ~ PLAT APPROVAL thi~Plat a,~v~dadaybYoi the J~J~,Munlcipa/ Platting 19~.~Auth°rity ACCEPTANCE OF DEDZCA TION NO TES TAX CERTIFICA T/ON CURVE SCHEDULE 7 NOTAR y's ACKN0~LED~EM~ENT DTI001406 PLAT APPROVAL RANSOm' R~DGE SUBDIVISION LOTS ] THRU LOt 4, LOT 5 LEGEND LOT RANSOM RIME ROAD LOT 6 LOT I ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICA TI'ON CER T/F/CA TE OF O~NERSHIP and DEDICA T/ON / (we), hereby certify that I (w~] hold the herel~ specified Property i'nterest RANSOM RIDGE SUBDIVISION, LOT 2~A, 2-B TAX CERTIFICATION All rea] property taxes levied by the Municipality of 1984,4594