HomeMy WebLinkAboutROSEBUD Block B Lots 25 & 26 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM July 17, 1973 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Rolf Strickland Chief Sanitarian Susan E. Dickerson~5-~' Sanitarian I ~ Waiver Request Lots 25 and 26, Block B, Rosebud Subdivision I recommend that the waiver request in the attached letter be disapproved. At present the semipublic well serving the subject location is 75 feet from a neighboring cesspool. Public sewer is available but only at considerable cost. Since the facilities of AAA Rental include only one toilet room, I would recommend the use of a portable sanitary building until such time as the business vacates these premises. lb Attachment: (3) June 8, 1973 PHONE 272-6578 - 4600 SEWARD HIGHWAY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99§03 GREATER ANCHOrAge: Mr. Cliff Judkins 3330 C St Anchorage, Alaska Dear Sir: 99503 We understand we are in violation of the health code by using an existing cesspool on the property, which we are leasing, at 4600 Old Seward Hwy. At one time this past winter our sewer line froze and allowed sewage to flow on the ground. This problem was corrected. We are in the process of begining construction of a new store at a new location on International Airport Road, which has city sewer facilities. We anticipate moving to that location in approximately one year. 'At which time the present structure will be moved or dem- olished. We ask to be granted an ~xtention of one year at the present location with present facilities with the condition that we maintain the pre- Sent system to prevent any problems that might jeopardize the health of employees or customers. Your serious consideration will be greatly appreciated since the cost involved in putting in se~er in this area for one year would not be economically feasible. ROH/bjf CC: Susan Dickerson 3330 C St Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Sincerely, · R.O. ~olt, O~ez' AAA Rent-All GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGh . DEPARTM EN~ ?~/~N ME~A~ UALI~ May 16, 1973 C k I R L A N W A T Mr. John C. Stetenfeld Real Estate Counselor Alaska Pacific Ventures 4624 Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99502 SUBJECT: L[~?~llock B, Rosebud sUbd~vision~~ Dear Mr. Stetenfeld: Your letter of May lC, 1973 has been received requesting an extension of .eighteen (18) months for compliance with the requirement that your building on the Seward Highway be connected to the available public sewer system. During our discussion of the subject matter, you indicated that your firm would be vacating the building in the very near future and that it would not be reoccupied at.that location and, if by some remote possibility, it was to be reoccupied at that location, it would be connected to the public sewer prior to such reoccupancy. It was my understanding, at that time, that "the very ~ear future" met this summer season. In reviewing the matter further, I have been advised by my staff that the existing cesspool violates the minimum permissible distance requirements to a semi-public water supply as prescribed by State law. It would not be possible for us to grant an eighteen (i8) month extension of the compliance time, considering the encroachment on the semi-public well. If the time specified in Miss Dickerson's letter is not sufficient to allow you to resolve the problem, please contact us and we will attempt to assist you Cn laying out a specific time schedule for compliance. Such sewer ser- vice is available to the property without crossing the Seward Highway and the time provided should be adequate to resolve the problem. Sincerely, rn cc: Susan Dickerson ~// ALASKA-PACIFIC VENTURE HONOLULU OFFICE: 1575 SOUTH BERETANIA STREET HONOLULU, HAWAII 96814 PHONE: 949.4209 ' ANCHORAGE OFFICE: 4624 SEWARD HighWAY ANCHORage. ALASKA 99502 PHONE: 272-6496 May 10, 1973 Mr. Cliff Judkins, Director Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Cliff, This letter is to confirm our conversation of a week ago regarding the April 6th, 1973 letter from Susan Dickerson of your department. . As I explained, the use of this building is temporary. W~ are in the process of selling the entire 2 acre parcel and in all probability the building will be removed~ I therefore request an extension of 18 months for compliance with the requirement to connect to public sewer. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for your assistance in the matter. Sincerely, JOHN C. STETENFELD Real Estate Counselor for James W. Y. Wong JCS:fb .>ul>ject: Lots £L:, 26, Block 'd, Rosebud S/L. 2, r,:,:inspect;ion of ~nc SL~bjecC pr~?erty on ~"rii r~:v,e..~l~d co licnce wi'-~ this :,',' ~., soffic 1 n~ F~sll,swi '~ f'ecei~.~ of n~ ::~ ~his lett,~r, yo~ will ~:~ve ..~,)/s Jo co .Tieg~]: ~. co~;:t,2ction LL> ?ubiic sewc~r. Faiiur$ co;.,ply ~i~h this notice ;~ilt result ia eroi::pC coart Sincerely, js IECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~ (plus postages)) POSTI~ARK ', SENT TO OR DATE · STREET AND NO. ~ ~ ~ci~~'---' ~ RE~R~ ~ With deiNery to ~ddressee only ............ RECEIPT ~ 2 Shews to whom date and where deliver~d ,. 35¢ %~R~~O~Cy ............... ~ ~FEC~AC DmVE~Y (~ ;.qui,ea) ..................................... ~ ...... ,ue,m~Ner enVFRAGE PROVIOEO~ (See other side) John S Le~e~lfeld C. or, struc~.!on S~rvlces, !nc. Subject: L24, Blk. B, Rosebud S/D Dear Hr. Ste~.eJ~.fel4: ,lrticle VI. Tho suu3=ct lot is currently s~:rv~c by a cosec, eel, but is available ~o ~]ublic sewer, ii'~ ad~i~'iun Lo~s Z4 .: ~n,] ,~6 are serwJ by ~ ~.,)-i~ulic ~ull which is 75 f~feC fro:-; ~he ccssgoul on L,]t 2,1. Upon receip: o'f ti)is letter, you wilt i~aw.) thirty (30) days obtain a per~:~it to connect to public se~.~cr. This p,:-r~i;; is in proi..p'C legal ~c~ie~ ~o ilisL:re co.~)li(~nce. Sinceraly, Susan E. [~ick~rson S~ni ~a ri ~,n Js cc: R. [,tri cki,nd 5Et'tDER: Be ~ure to fdllow ir~trucfions on *~lher side , PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (~4.ddltlor~l ¢~ge~ required for t~se ~1 Showto whom, date and eddr~ ~ Del~ver ONLY ~ ~ where de)ivered ~ ~ ~ ~ to addre~ee /~ ~ECEIPT ~ ~ R~eived the humored ortici~ describ~ below ..... ~ ...... !E'>!~R~A~ ~L N At AiRP'3RT RO~D ~-~ '"." ~{::' '-s' x~-- TR 5 ' ' / ' "" 5 ' , TR t ~ ~ ,..:~-1;' .. '..~ -. - hj .:"., ... ~ ' ~. ~ ~.,~' .' ~, -7"-~-~-~-F:w ~ ~ ~-/,X ;: City Built Mains G.A.A.B. Owned Mains Olher Mains, . Manholes. - -- Clean Out Lift Statiori Service Co nn ecliors Asbestos Cement Concrele Casi Iron Steei Corrugoled Metal Pipe Steel Pipe Velrified Cla~, Pipe Wood Stave Pipe Creosoted Wood Ste~ ~' Concrete Lined SteeJ Aluminum Corruaate,~ ~-~';~ 7'-73