HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot 125A, 125B MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: S-7758 July 2, 1984 July 20, 1984 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: COMMENTS: - .' ....... : ...... S 7..7 5 8"Ju'~. '~ s i984',' '~ PRELIMINARY SOIL REPORT FOR LOTS 125A & 125B RUSS HARMON S/D SECTION 9 T15N RIW PREPARED BY: DOWLING & ASSOCIATES 804 E. 15th ANCHORAGE, AK'99501 JOB NO. 83-1010 MAY 17, 1984 INTRODUCTION This report documents a preliminary soil investigation conducted at BLM Lot 125 Section 9 T15N RIW. The field investigation was oerformed on May 15, 1984 under the supervision of Bill McClintock, Engineering Geologist. Three Backhoe trenches were excavated at selected locations on the property by the owner Russ Harmon and another hole where a Perk Test was completed by S&S Engineers, using a John Deere 450C backhoe. SITE DESCRIPTION This 5 acre parcel is located off Birchwood Loop Road and near Jayhawk Drive in Peters Creek. The subdivision is located on the westerly slopes of Peter Creek. It is covered with a good stand of Birch and Spruce. There is a buitdin§ on the NW corner of the tot with an existing well and septic system. The roaa (existing) serves the building at the NW corner from the west and a newly constructed road (Helluva Street) has been constructed from Jayhawk Drive. GEOLOGY Three test holes were dug. The two on thin, north (TH2 & TH3) showed big rock__s ~at'6.5 feet and 4 feet respectively. Although the oossibility exit1 seotic's'~stems in ~ither location; test hole #1 shows good GM materials to 9.5 feet and essentially a good location for a seo~ic system, with a small amount of overburden over~$ilty sandy gravels. Visual i~soec~on would reflect moderate rate of percolation. (See subsequent test in general area by S&S ~ngineers/test hole included in this report~') CONCLUSION The tests seem to ~pdicat~,th~t.~on%,site ~ater a~d septage disposal wou'ld o~smno problem within ~ne sOUthern'9 portion 6f the newl.v formed Lot. Recommend t~at Departme~Of Health and Environmental Protection approval be acquired Prior to use of both water wel! and septic disposal s.¥stem. / / PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAG~ ,~ PERCOLATION DEPARTMENT C F HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRO'! ECTION TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG -- PERCOI~AT ON TEST ~.07- /' 7~ / SLOPE / SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTEF] ED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 14 15- 16 17 18 19- 20- Gross Depth to . Net. Date Time Time Water Drop TEST RUN BE~EEN FT ~ FT COMMENTS SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST / [] PERCOLATION DATE P RFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5- 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SLOPE E YES, AT W~AT Net Depth to Net Reading Time W, ater Drop PERCOLATION RATE [minutes/inch) FT AND -- FT / CERTIFIED BY: PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION; 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 '14 15 16 17- 18- 20- MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH'AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264~,720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST DEPTH? [] PERCOLATION / DATE PERFORfO: Tfs',q.. IZ .X SLOPE SITE PL~ f Reading · D Time Water Drop - PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN . PT AND . FT ~/~/ .%. PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 10- 11 12- 13- '14 - 15- 16- 17- 18- 20- MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE SITE PLAN I Il ENOOUNTER, Nn ][ O P = IF YES. ATIf ~AT' DEPTH? PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS 7-~___~ PERFORMED BY: ~,'ff (minutes/inch) . F~ AND FT CERTIFIED BY: L.)L:I'Alt'JM~.N ~ u, I I L~,~,/~T%H & 'ENVIR. ONMENTAL PROTECT~,N · PR,. ,'NSPECTION CHECK SHEET . '":~'"" ". ~'."'; !. TYP CAL: TRENC?i ' '~'""' ON' LEVE ~ TOPOGRAPHY 264-4720 'INDIVIDUAL TO TANK 100' MINIMUM WELL ' ' CLASS A, B DISTANCES: PUBLIC Over 25 Service or More Than 15 Connects TO TANK 200' TO TRENC~ 200' CLASS C PUBLIC - Under 2 Service or Less Than 15 Connects TO TANK 150' TO TRENCH 150' TO TRENCH 100' i~i., ,, plat. Adequate engineering Minimum 5' ¢ast iron are requi~ed into:undisturbed soil(4" 4" CAST. LRON CLEANOUT ./' ;.'-;',, CLEANOUT WITH ART OHT CAP ALL CLEANOUTS MUST COME AT.. LEAST TO GROUND LEVEL ~l : PERFORATED PIPE INSTALLED LEVEL'[D ' Public wells must have dedicated protective radius-recorded on the S/ plans pipe) Plastic Pipe ASTM D3034 may be used in place of the cast iron. MINIMUM 2x gravel depth Perforated Pipe (Perforations olid Pipe with cap Perforated Pipe SEEPAGE TRENCH INSTALLED ACCORDING TO..SO,~ T.EST 0. ~:,: ;! '? '.:,; ::" '~ · SEPTIC TANK MUNI ClPALiT)' APPROVED r, INLET AN0 ~UTLET OF ~EPTIC TANK WATERTIGHT Q TRENCHIINSTALLED ' t'~ ACROSS SLOPE ' ':' PER~'OR~TED PIPE LEVEL LINE BETWEEN",TANK:~.ND; '-, HOUSE 2% .~o.'6% SLOPE 00' MINIM JM FROM TANK AND TRENCH TO RIVE~, Bottom of seepage trench 4' Excavation to - Minimum above water table lot line · And 6' minimum above bedrock ( ) RAKE SIDEWALLS 8EFOREINSTALLING GRAVEL ~ · , , ,,, .,,,,, , , .... ...:--'"'"',.'$ ;.;. ;,;.' ,u LO .~, ,~,,. ~ ' ........ ~"..'.!?'~' · . :: ' . ,.~. .~:-. ','..~,~ ... · , ~. ,~\~ ,.',,., . ..... ~.~. . . .... .~. :.,~,..~i?~ .~5..: ~' , , PERFQRATEO~ ,. ', o,-,, = 4'- :'.~.' , ,~ ~.' SCREENED GRAVEL ~ .... ~ ~ ., ~~'.'~.' ..,. .: ..~;~,: .;ji. ,: /i:.: ~ .i, (.. , : .:' ,,' .'. !.... ~.RE,.INSPECTION CHECK SHEETq HOUSE ,: , n LEVEL 5' CAST IRON INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL ~,STIRON REQUIRED WHENEVER LINE CROSSES UNDER DRIVEWAY [] 4" CAST IRON SIPHON PiPE WITH AIRTIGHT CAPS [] Crib' or Log o o ' ;.:,. O O ' ...'. o oI GRAVEL BACKFILL [] CRIB 4' MINIMUM ABOVE WATER TABLE [] 6',V NIMUMABOVEBEgROCK[] MINiMUM,WELL DISTANCES: mO PIT :~ O0".n NE. O a ,,' u,,do';- , Or Less ThanhlS; ConneCts , mO TANK i00 -(.) TO PIT · 150 h~'??' 75'-~00 '. O~LY CaST ';<;~,"IRON 'SEWER LINE :!~"?'PUBLIC 7, Over 25, j --Service:or Hore "~'-::u;TO TANK 200 "':~00';200' DULY '; CAST;IRON SEWER , LINE. ' "~ -~oo ,.'?~o souRCE' ."~ 'NOTE'. '~ 0b ~Ia Z~U>~' '"~';:m.:;FROM' TANK ,AND ~IT % RIVER, LAKE, OR ' ' ' Individu 4"SEWER LINE [] CONSIDER OlSTANCETO AREA WELLS & SEWER SYSTEMS PiT EXCAVATION BASED (~N SOIL TEST [] .. :,SEPTICTANKMUNICPALITYAPPR~VED[] . :' ./ · , ' OUS // INLET & OUTLET MUST BE WATERTIGHT \ TANK L ' , CRIB '; '~.V.' ,' ~ .:' '.. SEEPAQE PIT GRAOE: 2'~ER ldo V," PER FOOT EXCE PRECEEOIND TAN'~ SHOULO NOT EXC[ 6" PER 100' 0i TER RAINS ID SCREENED GRAVEL ½' 2%" 20' MINIMUM TO NEAREST LOT LINE ; cLdon of a aborato:/y*tcst ng procedure ff Ihe log ~c udes soils utopias. / ~ : *- ~'r :*' an ' ~ : obmrva onorsamp ne' .' -,' . ~, ' r: ' " ' ~ : "2 '" ' ' ' ' ' ' , · : ' " · ' ~' - 2 ~ ~' ?'~" ]:'.~: 2' "' 3' ~ . ~ " Organ C Cfntent -- usually descr bed as Pear ~ sometimes includes prop~;rtion~'are appt~ximale'a[~dl'm~ificationl tO the Ifil group due to Muck - a modifier u~d tn d.cnbe very son, sem1.orgamc deposits sttatifi~atloi~ inch ' below ~ peat dcpostt. . . ~ organlc pardcIe~ nearly or fully disint~rated. sea, hal frost depth ~s degribed by drilli~ ~ctlon and/or -- ~h~ time of drilling. ~mund'- ocher than fiost llne. described by ~mpZe~, usually ption of ice content, often will include modified Unified Classification for (rosen ~ils -this is ~ special ca~e re,ted Level -- The free water'le{el rioted durifig drilling. This soils requires observation wells or p~ometer instulladoni, used only ut :,,.,': ~1: tube 3'~.'auger ) 2'1; ~u~er fl r. of blows o~ a'J 40'~e~ht free falling 30" to -- ' ~ (~50 hollow ~tem 6%8~, Largo particle~ age 8olctlbed ind~ectl split ~poon 6"~ the number ofblow~ for a 12" zdwnce ' :.~:,act~on of th~ dr~bng and ate t~fetted to a~ cobblg~1 3.,to 8 t.or ],,bydefinitjon. the~tandatd. . - , penetration. '.;.' ~, bould.s 8"+ Therefore whcu rcyi~win8 the gradation shcets,.if any, (~-. : .: ,. : · , il'. ': the desctiptlofi.~n thc,bole log mu~ be ~6nsideted for affindfcation of~ ':~,d% ~- natural moisture content of the soil ~mple, usually not % Unified'Soil' Cla.ifi~atiun.'[~*~This'ls ,:tWo letter ~ode,'See Umfied ~le ~ ' Classification ~heet for f~th.'d~finition,'~ l&,some ca~s AASHO and/or' '~, to 2" spl~t spoon driven into the soil by 140 pound FAA ~o c as~ fica~ one may be shown as ~cll as ~he unified, . weight a disturbed sample, .,, · , .' ,~ ,''-;'; ' ' , :¥., '~' ~,'::/'-:. ~ thin wall tube "Shelbyt~u~ toobtain und~turbed samples -., ~. :' ' .' ' : ' ' ~; ~ '~ grab disturbedsampleftoma~erfllghtsorwallo~trench. P na ~a mo s ute conte~t ~e erred le be la. ha~ ~b~dc ~mit. :' ?.: h: '~; ':g:~'~? ~ cut ~mple undi~t~bed s~mple from wail of trench. , P~' ~a n o~ ~e co~te~'. ~ bt ~d io b~ between pb~t ¢, an~' qu~,,~ ':: ;~"~y, _ Stre~8_ - a ~ful indicator of a ~il's cbyey ~r~ct~on. "L~* ~';t~a ~mo~ ~ ~onten bg~d o'be l~eag~r than J~uid [ mit 't ]" :~ Gtou~ r The umpire ate,-p aced ntu apparently s~mflar groups ba~d ~ . ;' i ~ '~'~: · ~ .: ;% 3%- . . ~: []~' . ';..; ,: /' , c2 ~.,30 co O~ a~d Iextu~e and arc arbitrarily assigned a group letter. Further SOIL:' CLAS$1FICATI6N CHART GRAVEb 70 80 90 ' 100 ';';~: ,..~'~: BY.WEIGHT NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3% FINER THAN 0,02 mm, · ,u, GROUP5OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: , . GRAVELLY 5OIL5 CONTA N NG BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN 0,02 'mm. ~,NDY 5OIL ~TAINING BETWEEN 3 AND ! 5% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. ; ,. ;5 CONTAINING MORF THAN ~'0% FINER THAN a,02 mm, AND SANDY 5OILS i.['- ("XCEPT FINE SILTY,,SAND5} CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER TILIAN 0.02 mm, b,' CLAYS W TH PLASTICITY' NDEXES OF MORE THAN 12 'EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS 'a~i'AL~L'SIL;TS'INCI~UDING SANDY SILT~. , (.. , ; ' '! '." :.~--: · .;['.. · ILT~' SANDS CONTAINING MOR~ THAN 15,~'FINERTHAN 0.02 mm. ::';i; '" '~: CL~AVS WITH ' CITY INDEXES OF LEss THAN 12, : ' ' ' · ~ ~f~y C H E C K L I S T ~ onedx ;' Ddt ~--~ WASTEWATER DISPOSAL Public Sewer Community Onsite Sewer Soil tests stamped by engineer, signed, dated, iden~if~ad, etc.; /~_~_~ Sufficient soil tests to characterize minimum of 50% of subdivision / / w z in probable absorption field areas; ~ Soil test locations accurately identified; f//gz~ Parc test data adequate; // ~)- Groundwater monitored for 90 daysl With i~st month 0ccur~ing tf ~ between June 1 and October 15; t ~ Accurate topographic map; y Slope <25% in general region of original and replacement sites; D.E.C. approval of community system plans (if applicable); Bedrock outcroppings or shallow depth to bedrock; Sufficient setback from creeks, major drainages, other water bodies; Sufficient setback from cutbank or bluff;  ~ Sufficient setback from probable private well locations; Sufficient setback from community well(s);  Sufficient setback from curtain drains; - Curtain drains installed and ground water monitoring results shown; - Thorough site visit (walk-through) completed; _.~ Minimum proposed lot size meets with DHEP and Zoning criteria; One original plus two replacement sites delineated for each lot, while maintaining all separation distances between replacement sites, property lines, water supplies, water bodies, probable building structure location, cutbanks, bluffs, etc., and in areas having less than 25% slope; WATER SUPPLY Public Water Community Water ~family Wells D.E.C. approval of community water supply; Known water supply problems in the area; Water rights applied for from DNR for community wells; Meets all separation distances; Sources of contamination identified (dumps, chemical storage sites, etc.; Adequate water supply and acceptable water quality; Review conducte~~w ~// KB5/ej/D18 Date VI $1 N ,PLmT 01 H;3~I lB 3d. IH/R VOl o ~S~-z o