HomeMy WebLinkAboutKRAMP BLK 1 LT 117/
May 12~ 3.977
Silas llaqler
Star Rout8 A Box 1535T
2~nchoraqe, Alaska 99507
SubJect: Permit Ex[~iration
A permit issued by this department for well and/or on-site
sewer installation on Lot 1 Block 1 Kramp Subdivision has
e×pired, since the issue date exGeeds one(l) Year.
7n th{~ event you still plan to install the w~ll and/or on-
site s~wer system, a new pe~it is required. ~he original
soil test may be used. to obtain a current permit.
If the well has been drilled, a well log should be sent
to this departm(~nt to document th~ installation dat~e.
you have any questions re~:~ardinu the above matt(~r, please
contact this office imm~diately at 264-4720.
Senior Envtronme]]tal Specialist
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April 29~ 1977
S'~ar Rout~ A Box i535't'
Anchora~e, Atask~ 99507
~ubjoct: Permit E×piration
A perh~!t issa~d by th!.;~ dopar~bm~nt for well and/or on-site
sewer installation on I~t 1 Block 1 Krupp Su)~ivision has
~)xpi):ed since th(~ ~ss'~te date exceeds on¢~ (1) yea~.
tho event you still plan to install the well and/or on-
the well has b~e.n drille~]~ a well log should be sent
this depart~rtent to docu~aent the ~.nstallation date.
If you have m%y queat.t.ons :ro.qarding the above mat:tor, :please
~o not hesitate to contact this offioe i~m~.ediately at '.279-
2511, 0xtension 7.24 or 225.
Brown sandy silt
Gray fine sand (SP)
slightly silty by 11'