HomeMy WebLinkAboutKRAMP BLK 2 LT 9Kr'o m p. 0% / z7 [:,E.:Pf:tRTMEI"~]" OF' HEF:II...TH FIND ENVIRONHENTIRI... PRO'f'[{C:TION ]: ]!: 2::: C~ C :E;TREET, FINE:HOF.'.RGE:., FIL. FI'.E;KI"fl S,':~e'2;~)2~: 274-45E~':L II...-II I~Z: It_,,.. 11 .... F" EE: ~." t1""1t ~: "!''~ 0 E E:OHRNI'.,IEff.,I~ BOX 8~9fl..85 CORNIER OF ELIZRE:ETH ,E',. LE!,.IIS L.EGRL LOT HINII','ILIhl [:,IE'f'I::INC:E FROM HELL TO Fliq'.r' SEF'T'IC 'f'RNK,,.'I:.;'RCKi::Ir'3E F'LRNT .TR SOIL IqE,.=,.RF I'I~N S'¢IEvI"EM IS :l..Oe~ FT I::'OR R F'RI',,,'R'I"EI4ELL FINE:, 2-:'.OE~ F']' FOR R I::'UBL):C WELL. P.IEI..L LOGIE; I','IU?.;T E:E RE'I"LIRNED TO THE DEPFIt;..'THENT [4ITHiI'.,I 2::0 E:,R'¢S OF THE I,.IELL COMPL.ET I ON. ::..:;PEC I F' I C:RTI ON'.:.!; RND CCff.4E;'f'I;~'.I...IC:T 1 O1'.4 [:, I I::IGRRM2; RRE FI',,,'FI I L..RE:L.E 'i"O INSURE F'ROPER ,'1:I'4 2; T FIL,. L F:I T .'1: O N. I CEI:;.':'I"IF'-~' "f'FIF~]" I RM FFIHII_IRR WI'f'H THE I~'E'.;!_IF..Ei'IEr.4]::, F]I';:: ON-:E;;iTE ..,E.I.-IE[,,.::, RN[:, WE. LLz, I:::1S '.E; [ii] T F O I,;.': T H E:'~.' T I-,I E I',1U 1'41 C i P FI L I T'¢ O F I::1N CH O R FI G E F:I N D 1,41 I.,. L I N S TR L L I N R C E: O R D FI N C E I.,.lI]'l-I THIE COl}E:. ~; :r '3 N E:[:,. ..................................... I SE;liE[' r. cw.-..z...'.~'-.~. ,:.: . ............... fiFt-" < <l ; BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR a DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION a Telephone: (9o7)274-2533 y address: 437 E. Street Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99501 January 19, 1984 Mr. Alfred E. Sunquist, P.E. Anchorage, Water & Wastewater Utility 3000 Arctic Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Sunquist: Subject: Kramp LID X6146 Waiver Request RECEIVED .SAN 2 3 1984 Anch. Water & Wastewater Enaineerina Div. The following waivers are granted for the horizontal separation distances between private wells and public sewer lines and manholes. The waivers are conditional on the fact that the sewer line and manholes be constructed as dictated in your waiver request letter, same subject, dated December 8, 1983. Lot 6, Block 3: Waive horizontal well to sewer line separation from 75 ft 50 ft. Waive the horizontal well to manhole separation from 100 ft to 95 ft. Lot 5, Block 3: Waive horizontal well sewer separation from 75 ft to 60 ft. Waive the horizontal well to manhole separation from 100 ft to 75 ft. Lot 4, Block 3: Waive the horizontal well to manhole separation from 100 ft to 95 ft. Lot 5, Block 2: Waive the horizontal well to sewer. -line separation from 75 ft to 70 ft. Lot 9, Block 2: Waive horizontal separation between well and sewer line from 75 ft to 34 ft. Waive horizontal separation between well and manhole from 100 ft to 75 ft. Sincerely, C:� Bruce E. Erickson Environmental Engineer BEE/msm