HomeMy WebLinkAboutKWIK LOG BLK 4 LT 160 .3 0q 311 I~' LI/Mty ,o F~ ,O P o 3 ~ D 1,3 ~: 7, 7 Cf-;,,v~levef PLAT, ARm Nor SHOWN HEREON, g.~ 1- CD~ITAI, VS I1, IL~, ~,~ PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION PLAN hereby certify that I have surveyed ~e following des~i~ prope~y' L~ L~~~_ Anchorage Recording Precinct, Alaska, and that the improvements situated ti~ereon are within the prope~rty lines and do not overlap or encroach on the property lying adjacent thereto, that no improvement~ on erty lying adjacent thereto enm'oaeh on ~e pre~se~ m ~uesfion and that there are no roadways, trammi~ion ~nes or other ~sible easemen~ on said pro~qy except ~ ~cat~ h~eon. Dat~ at ~orage, ~aska ~Wl~'r V. LO~SB~Y Eng~eers, S~veyors & Planne~ :t: E:Fii:F;::'i";I;F::'"r' "IHFI'T F:'()I';;:'f'H E:"r' 'I"HE; I'll..II",I];C'I;PRI...:I."I'"i" (:;il:::' F:II",I(;:I"I(;.tf;;:t::IGE, 2': ;I; I.,.t ]; I .L. ;I; NSTI':II...I.r. THI!; S"r'?I'EI"I ;1:I",1 I':IE:E:OI;'.DRNCE; I.,.I :[ 'f'l'l 'THE I:::tF::'PI ,, :1; CFII",IT I::ll'"ltii!;L. ]; I:':1 F::'I';~', ;I: E:I'II::II:;.':D :;'.::!;LIE;fi) ~::'," i(.-'~/....,.........~ ................ t( ....... r,,~ ........ ~' ................................ ~ ::: ........................................................... PoSt Office ~3,ox 203 Anchor,:!~ge ~ Alaska 99510 Subjec'L'~ Kv?ik Lng Sub~ivisio.u Accordin9 to thi.~ da!parturient' s water sample monitor llst have no% as yet receiv~d a water s~n~q?!e for the above fl'uDjec~, well sy~cm~ for the month of J~tly~ 1977 and Oc~ob~r~ Our ~¢ecor~is indic, ate that you are responsible for. t'urnin9~ ...... ~' ~ e~: ple~se obtain a water sa~pling If yOU l~ve not dc~'~e ~o ~s y .~ . bottle from the State Lab~ 527 iJ~'~s't 4th .Avenue~ as soon iff you are no lon~.¥er in ~haz'ge of the subject water system, changes. If there ar(~, any f~l}:th.er questions, please co?.tact this office at 264~4720 O~:, ~:'h the above address. Thank you for your Ce-oper~':tion in this matter° $i~}x:erely ~ LiJ1 j i.. ' Co, ri:roi Of f ice.~: August 26,, D, Miller Post f.~Offtee Box 303 Subj{~ccz: K?~J,.k Lo9 Subdivision According ~o thit:~ d~partn~e.n't's watc~r sample moniter w~ haw-~ not a~ y~:~t :received a wate~r sample for the above subject w~3,1 systan'. ~or the month of July, 1977, Our records 3.nc~icake t~.~ak yot% are. responsibl~, for turnzng these ~la1,,datory sawq~tes in for the subject wa%.er system. voit ].l%tv,..~ l.~ot- c~_o1%~ so as yet, pl. ease o.~eain a water sampling boi'.t:.le from 'i;,h~ State bab~ 527 East 4th Avenue, as soon as ~.,ossib'.Le and r~%turn the sa~,.'~ple to the ~ama address ~or analysis. you a~:,. n~ lc~.~.%-fc:u' in ohar?e of the subj~.ct, water syste~]l~ ple:.tse not;ify %is ±~mediat~ly to any name and/or address are any furt:h~.~.r ¢8l~stions, pl~ase contact 'hhis 279~253. t~ ey:~ension 22,~., or at t:he above addre. SSo Thank you for your c,o-oparatton tn 'this mat:t~r. Sincer~'~.ly, Lynn Bringle Principal )~:nviro.tmtc-ntal Control Officer POSTMARK OR D^'r£ return receipt requested · SENDER: Complet~ iteml I. 2, amt ~,. Add your address in th~ "RETURN TO" spac~ on tel/er,ge. 1. The following aerviee is requested (cheek one). [] Show to whom and date delivered ............ 15 [] Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. [] RESTRICTE,D DE, LIV'ERY. Show to whom and date delivered ............. 65¢ [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and'address of delivery'85¢ LJB/ljh Sewer and Water 2, ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: D. Miller Post Office Box 203 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 ~. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. [ CERTIFIED NO. ] INSURED NO. 1 102275 I (Always eblaln signature of addressee or agent) I have received the article described above. SIGNATURE ~E] Addressee U] Authorized agent /DATE OF DELIVERY : / ~' r ji~SrM~h 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: ~CLERK'S / 401 t~ast 36th Avenue Anchorage ~ Alask~ SUDJECT: K~t~ Log beater S,~pply r~'J~liS office has received a co~lplaint on the subject w~te.r supply. complainant said that the water supply was surgino and that the last tiara>, that sur§l~g occu~dd they were without water, ! believe ~elli Plumbing is on 24-hour call for tho subject well. l called their office and they informed ~h that they found ',;everal dtscrep-, ancies. Th~se simuld be corrected. The t.~ell t$ sea,i-public and n~,st supply a sufficient a~munt of wa~er ~o all users. If it does not then the ot~ners are in violation of present health codes. Please look i~to this ma~t(~r so ti~a~ it w111 be tah~n care of iim~ediatel~t. If you haVe a~y quesi~ions please feel free to contact me at 274-4561, extension i37. Sincerely, Robert C~ Pratt, E~wlronmental Control Offt(:er I i [ ReP/ko NUISANCE COMPLAIN'F FORM Complainant's Name: Street Address: Phone No.]~/J-~/o~_ Box No, Description of Complaint: ..... ~~ ...... z . Name of Person Against Whom Complaint -is Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: Owner's Address: I certify that such stateme .ts is true to the best of my be- lief and knowledge. I request that the foregoing matter be invest'i- qated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken, I am willing to testify to the facts stated 'in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. Complainant REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN Investigator: Date ~L~Ac t I nves ti ga ion Taken: , ob DATE COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: Establishment GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality SEMI-PUBLIC WATER SDPPLY INSPECTION REPORT __Date of Visit Mailing Address Title Mobile Homes Trailer Pk Campgr'd__Motel/Lodge___School__Other No. Connections Population Served Use(gpd) "As Built" Plans Available? Date Constructed Source: Storage: (Type and Capacity) Spring Reservoir Surface Well: Dug Driven Drilled Loca t i on ~ Size .~ ~ Depth Static Level Screen Type Casing ~'~/ Pressure Tank Other Distribution: Pipe Size_ Pressure ~ ~,m/ ~' //~ · Treatment: Casing Depth Chlorination Rate Pump Type Pump Elevation Residual Chlorine Water Tests: Are Chemical Residual Chlorine Bacteriological_/~:- records kept of operation and Frequency tes ts ? Source Protection: Subject to flooding Casing or cover sealed Floor drain piped to surface discharge Premises clean Other Note: (Yes) (No) Source location in relation to: (sketch below) 1. Sewer pipe, septic tank, drain field, cesspool, privy, drainage course, stream, pond, lake, garbage, animals. 2. Adjacent basements, building sewers, rodent and vermin harborage. 3. Distance to public water system. REMARKS DATE: ,-'J'Ui]¢ 19, 1970 GRE/ JR ANCHORASE AREA BO, UGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STRI:ET · P. O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 FROM: Clifford P, Judkins, R,,So Administrative Dir<;ctor TO: John ~4, BsplLuld Borough Ch~drmal SUBJECT: ~WO'~' Constr~tion Projects CONFIDENTIAL 'Iho attached n~morandm~ was written as a result of conditions that tva cmmot allow 'to occur from the standpoint of public health. Similar probl(,~m$ have occurred in the past m~d verbal discctssions have not alleviated them° hrhile I certainly tmderstand snd accopt the fact that soma interim hardships m~d environ~ntal insults ara unavoidable during the constmctioa ph~e of tho sawer projects and that they arc justified by tho and rosult~ the exposure of the public to tho health hazards c-rooted by al~ linking rmv sewage to pond up in [mci{yards m~d ~sdmrge into local streams is neither necessary nor justifiable under any circui,~tances. 'lhe t,:hola Borout. O~ server project uss broul~)lt about to eliminate the health hazards created by the improper disposal o:E human wastes; it seet~ ridiculous that the project could cause the sa~uo p:roblen,~ l:hat it is designed to elir, inai:e. CI)J: DATE: Jl~e 19~ 1970 GRE, ER ANCHORAGE AREA BO UGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P, O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 FROM: Clifford P, Judk~s, Administrat:lYe Director TO: Robert Horriss, t'.g., Director of Pt~lic Vlorks~ SUBJECT: Kwik Log ~ Hollowbrook Sewer Const:mction It has been brouzglt to my attention that tim excavation work for the 24" E-]. trLmk al.ong l,itt].e Campbell Creek hrm caused the failure of at lemur two (2) on-site sewage disposal, systems, Upon imspection of the systems ~ I fomxd that the excavating work had exposed portions of the systems m~d that as a result, raw sewage was being disdmrged to the surface of the ground, creating a large~ green, odoriferorm pond and then r'mming into Little Cvanpbell Creek. %~hile questioning ?coplo in the area, I fom~d that this conditiou was created last year. i observed small childrens and house iu~t footprints in 1:'he sewage. Practices sud'~ as that described above, exposing the pta>lie to untreated tkmal wastes, presents a serious threat to the health of the people in the communil;y and cannot be tolerated by this Departtmn't ~ It: is reqtmsted tha.t tim~ above described conditions be in~ediatety co~rected and that action bo 'taken to prove'hr tho reoc(stllwettco of such conditions. d~.,J.Ltt engineers that this office will Please advise presm~t and future contractors and '-*," ,' }mriodically inspect all excavating work in and a.rotmd populated are~ and will 'take legal aO;im~ where necessa~ to protect the health of the p~(Lic. CPJ: rjr cc: John Ho Asplund 'rhSs is 'to s~.~ppl~mont our to].ephono conversation of Septt~mber 8 ;<egardtng 'th~ latest davolop~ont tn flooding of H'c, .~ollos' property,. As I told von~ the we't area,~ having tho ~a~e potential damage 'that dividers took place o.;.~ Mr,, Belles~ p~'oporty ra~!'lex' than in the ~t,i!it, y oagement~ a~6. it now appears that the t~ot'~ses oonneo,t, Lo t.]l~ Water supply properti~mo Spooifioally~ the covenanLs ~.,ofe:c~;oO main aoross khi~ property appear0 to cons'bitute 2%0 p,.~rpos-:', of this l[.ei:i;o~¢ i~ to fo:cmalizo ou}? coaver~;ation einko:c ?.o 1.) reiocabe l:,he wa~o~t ~::rv'ioe line onto i-;he ],and ~z~u~h Health DoD~nent 327 d~!e Street ~chor~.ge, J~.a~m to thc we~l house ~i it im possible that item t~ to :~aich ! ~ ao~:~!~_ug n~self ~ ~v~c ?~ti~ ~ e~t eas~ ~ f~ ~ve on~- ~ able ~ obta~ ~e. ~=e re~i~ ~n~s i-~ ~~s l~ ~ ~ ~d a ~ e:2oerience ~~ is ~ ~d ~ m~J.~s~d-~ ~es f~ d~~t ~nv~sat~n. ~'i~ is ~~ ~d~i~ ~ do r~t as ~t ~.~. ~e ~.~as ~esta~ ~ o.~o ~ ap~ecia~ ~e val~ of ~ ~,~n~uc ~re av~ilable ~ers f~st ~ still ~s not ~ t~~ ::~er o:nor is Lu c~ thought ~u:.t the o~.co~nt ~;eu~ h~_ve ~ ~t~od ~r no:; but ~t ~e ease. ~ ~nr~LuL~ ~ o~ is ti~ u: ~ .~n est~. ~.~ /a~on iu ~'~ssible ~ de~,.l :.;i~ c~ =ne of ~ze he,ms ~ a '~r f~ ~m ~t ~;hi~ he c.m read~ _,~Tt i:-~ :'lid tho easo~t ~lod ~at w~. T~ a:a ~eav~xg ~ ~ at ~m ~ne~ ~nd ~