HomeMy WebLinkAboutKELLEY #1 S-4594 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE N'UM.B~..~, S-4594 PETITION FOR ~EZONING SP£C~AL fixc~P'r~orq YACATfO,~ R E6U8 DI~/, ,SION DATE RECEIVED oFLOt 2A of Kelley No. 1 Subdivision - a resubdiv of Lot 2 a LO[ 30Y Kelley No. 1 Subdivision COMMENT TO PLANNING BY 0'~%pber 19, 197~oR MEETING OF November 3, 1977 S-4594 -- Kelley Subdivision No. 1--The Municipality of Anchorage has received a petition from Wilfr±ed Scache to resubdivide approximately 1 1/2 acres from 2 lots into 1 lot. The petition area is located east of Petersburg Street~ south of Dowling Road and west of Quinhagak Street. Approved subject to: 1. Entering into a subdivision agreement for grading and ditching of Petersburg Street. . .4 VII .,X; 71-O14 (9/76) Plat Status: GRoJ~R ANCHORAGE AREA BOi. lO~'~ West Northern Lig~zts 5oulevard Anchorage~ Alaska 99503 Date; 7/7/70 BOROUGH: Engineer Public Works Departluent Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street ~ames TM~ Assessor J~ask~ Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage ~atura! Gas Corp. Ccntral Alaska Utilities Chugacb Electric Association CITY OF Ai{C~iORAGE: Fire H~rshal Hunicipai Light & Power Department. Property Management Officer Public Works Dapar[~nent Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer Water U~ility GAB Teleco~uunications~ Inc. Matanuska Electric Aosociatiou ~iatanuska Telephone Association Assistm~t Superlnte)~dent of Mails Re: Subdivision Description of Property: 1.13 acc + in S~, Sec~ designebed I{elly Sub° 3, T12N, R[~'[~ S.M., Alaska, to be Owner: Mike Barry & Co Joe Kelly Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning a~ Zoning Co~r~,isoion fo~ the_proDo~;~d. ~ ~ .... subdivision:~_ .... ~.°f subi~ect property. Attached is ~ copy of ~e proposed plat. Uill you please submit yoar comments in wrtting~ specifying any easements or other '~-equirements that your department or agency may need. If we do not hear from you by__ ~/~J?_7.0~_ _, we will assu,~c that you do sot wish to submit any comments. If you have no further use for the attac'hed print, please return it with your comments. Planning Department Enclo$%%re GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 W. NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PLAT STATUS: FINAL DATE: June 15, 1966 Borough Tax Assessor ~B~orO~g~H~e~l~tbD_g~partment Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Chugach Electric Assoc., Inc. City of Anchorage Fire Marshall City of Anchorage Traffic Engineer City of Anchorage Telephone U~ility City of Anchorage Public Works Dept. Charles Harvard Alaska Railroad Spenard District Alaska Dept. of Highways Central Alaska Utilities Matanuska Electric Assoc. Matanuska Telephone Assoc. Asst. Superintendent of Mails City of Anchorage Property Management Agent City of Anchorage ~Mnicipal Light and Power Dept. City PlanniFg Coordinator Re: Sub divi s ion/- 4~4*A~n~/- ~A~n-- Description of Property: Gentlemen: Lot 44 and 280' of Lot 47, Dowli~g Sub., to be des.ignated Lots 1-7, Kelley. Sub., No. 1 Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed of subject property. Subdivision Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements .or other mequirements that your department or system may need. If we do not hear from you by June 27:, 5966 assumte that you do not wish to submit any comments. we will Our next scheduled meeting after above date will be Very truly yours, Planning Assistant NOTE: 1/1g/66 If you have no further use for attached plat, please return with your comments. JUN 15 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT FINANCED THROUGH TO BE INSTALLED BY SOIL TEST F~ESULTS NOTE: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL TEST COMPLETION DATE ANTiC'PATED d u ~-,e ~'r- ~ '~/7 ~q o A~ FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. TYPE MINIMUM DISTANCES, REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE P}T SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALl SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE PIT TO NEAREST LOT LINE, WELL TO SEPTIC TANK DRAIN FIELD WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TANK DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK, , SEEPAGE PIT TO RIVER, LAKE. STREAM. DRAIN FIELD CAST IRON ~NTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP Of EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SO]L, 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PiT FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. TYPE . DIAGRAM OP SYSTEM January 3, 1978 Wilfried Stache 106 East 8th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Su~ect: Lot 3 Kelly subdivision, Addition 1 A permit issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired° Permits are issued on a calendar year basist as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal ordinance. If you have drilled the wellt a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely~ Health and Environmental Protection Sewer and Water Section I:,E]:'F:IR I' HE N'- ['~:'~ HEFiL..'TH FIN[) Eri" 'v' F'C F,If"iEN f :IL .F~4}:)'I'LCC:'I* i ON :~':: I'_. ' _c;I'Rb:E: F., FINF:HF F.'R 31::~ FtI-C c:":i ::~:: 7 9 -;:> ~ '1_ J. I.J.JC:Fi I 1 CIN HILFiRtEE:, _, h ...lIE %0 E; E .... FI ..a.d. ....9 '::tlJRI';~:E F:'E.'E'T '.-]~ L[::NG'iH L:,]f'[EN2;IZN 2; 'f~ I..-ENF~ ,4.~FEEI')\ OF' 'IHE iFIE [_:,I:zF"IH OF' I-:1 FF~:b:NCH EIR F'I"i ):~/ THE' :[2;I"RNCE BE'I"HEI~/THE~: SL.IF:FFICIF- OF 'TI-gE · ~E';'E; 12; NC 2F{' L,.Ii[','i'H F;'OF; ' :~:ENt:~. . ~ I. _/ ........ . .... IHFz; C'ffRFt'v'EL DEF'TH i2; THE r,'l:[~. 1HUH DEPTH OF GI-4hlV~L.. /~bYI~IEE:N file L~UIFMLL I .LI-h-- I::IN[:, i PiE: E:O f"l OH EIi:: E',:-:',C:FI,, Fll' I DN ,:. I N FEEl' ::,. HGR ['IF~'¢ilZif.,t,. :E:[~ if'~%}~L_~E[:)i. Il RT THE: FE:Rt"iI'I'] EE 'E; OF[ION, , ~SUE, JEL. I' .................. ILl IHE ~lll-ill:; f,ll:~[f.4][:'f'J[~f'~i;[:[;' Fil3RFE:HENT t~; F.~:t:]t. JII(.E[;,. iF R MR:ENI'EF~RNC:E 'I[CNi i~:, NOT [:::EF'T 'j:tJRIRENT k'fglJ f']Rk' E,E F['.LCI;:!LIZt(:E[:, 'FO ~:NLRt('J]~tE THE ~;CIZL :'Ti-N :.~:,ILP1 FIN[),'")Ft ~¢EIl. J f'tR~.d E,E _.,L.I..,.JE_.] TO [:,[~,r'l':E'-I'I'~ON. HIN.I:MUf'i [¢].::, Hf-4_.E BEYI.,J[£EN R 14E:.LL FIN[) RF`I'T' Lli'`i-.:,_ I E. z, EI-4H.~E [:,IL:i;I':'Cd::;F'R.. 2;'t"-:;TEr'l It.':.; ::LEi'<) FEEl F.'OR f::l F'i:;~tT[~z'FI-I'E !diEi_J_ ':iR 200 FEET For4'. FI PUBLIC: klELL O iHEi:.¢, i(:Ei:;R..IIREHENi'2; i',1t.:¢¢ RI':'F'L.~r'. c_:dz, b:j'j:'[F.[i:RI'iUN:;5 FINE:, I.~;Oi".,t5']"[;.:'LIl::;'l'[l:l~',[ F~*,,,'f:l Z L..i::IEiILE T[J 1 N-. LIRE I:'ROtZ'ER I N2;'I'FILLFIrl' I I FIM F:'HHZLtRi"~: HI]H ti-lb. ..E..:~JIF~:.i'IEM :, F'OR Of.`I-~;I'TE _,L.L!EF.'.. I::INI) F'CIRtH E, -[,cid: f,ltJNIC:II.:'FIL, t I'T~ ElF' .. ..,k..,l Ell IN FI[]:COR[:,FINC:E HZTH 1HE Cl'lE:,Eq. 2: I HI[II..L iN:STRIJ.- THE ': ": ' - UN-..,iIE. E;EHiER :,T._IE.H f'iR'¢ IF:' YHE :~:: i L.F`I..bN.:,IPNL. THRF 'IHE : : ,-,,,;'' , RE~:]t..IZF'.E iENL.RI~'J3EFtEN'T R. Ii~,iL:'E:Nt..:E .[:5 REf'IL:~[:>Et~EE:' '10 ZNE:LIJE:,E/?I"iORE ~;~;~NEe:,: -,7.5;q-5 ..... } . [qf; F L .[ C;I:~ N'I I.'.l .[ LF[i. 2[ [([: I h':: LIE..' El . _[:H I E...-.L---- .............. Pouch 6-650, 99502' - 2518E. ~udor Road Anchorage, Alaska This fom reports:' So, is log ~/ ' Percolation test lO- ll -- 12-- 13- - 14--- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRON~{ENfI'AL PROTECTION ~Ias ground water encountered? ~'~5 If yes, at what depth? I I J Reading Date J GroSs Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Drop Percolation rate m~nute, i ~' Proposed installation: Seepage Pit "/' Drain Field ' :i I~ep~h of Inlet . Depth to bottom of pit or trenrh ' ~, i;~ . P~r~o'rmed By:.~_'~ //~'~-~z~//~S'/~--~/ Certi¢i~cr'B-y~-"~ ~ Date: ?--/2-77 .'~' C Zl August ~ ~.3; 1979 Senior Environmental Control officer Lot 4~ 5 ~Kelley Subdivision - ~andatory Hook'~uP As of this date, Mr. Snider has not legally hooked up to the pubiic sewer. He has been advised by Sewer utility that he illegally Dackf~lteu his connection and has been ordered to expose the pipe, ~Iowever, ~. Snider has not contacted Sewer Utility for inspection. Se~,,z~r Utility is requesting legal action. S~ider is subject to a disconnect order at this time~ ~ld has no other method for sewage disposal. I have enclosed copies of Sewer Utility's correspondence to Snider an(l ~I.E.P. Lynn Lindq',ais t Senior ~.~nvironmental Control Officer LL/ljw POUCH ~'-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 279 2511 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (825 "L" Streetl March 7, 1979 Robert W. Snider, Jr. 6200 Petersburg Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Lot 4, 5 Kelly Subdivision #1 Under conditions of recent legal proceedings, this department delineates the following requirements; (1) A contract from local cesspool companies be presented within one(l) day from date of this letter. (2) Pumping of the cesspool must be on an as-needed basis and no sewage shall flow upon surface of the ground. (3) The pumping contract must continue until the residence is connected to public sewer. (~) In the event public sewer does not become available by October, 1979 an approved septic sewer absorption system must be installed under current permit requirements. If an absorption system is not feasible as indicated by soil tests, a 3,000 gallon holding tank must be installed. If there are any further questions, office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Lynn J0 Lindquist Senior Environmental Code Officer LJL/ljw please contact this CC: Ken Norman Subdivision File O0 091 W W