HomeMy WebLinkAboutKINCAID HEIGHTS Lots 7-11 Tract A Plat# 93-104 S-9364 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: April 13, 1993 Department of Economic Development and Planning Zoning and Platting Susan Oswalt, On-Site Services~~- Amended Comments, S-9364 Kincaid Heights After meeting with the engineer and surveyor for this development, agreement was reached on requirements not yet satisfied. Subsequently, the applicant has submitted additional information. We do not object to the plat at this time, provided the following conditions are imposed: 1. Provide water monitoring results through a seasonal high water period. 2. Unless contradictory information is provSded indicating there is no surface water, we request that 100' protective surface water setbacks be shown on the final plat in two areas. /so/496 REPORT ON SUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS K!NCA!D HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Prepared For Mr. Donald Thornlow 6000 A Street Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Prepared By A.W. Murfitt Company 13810 Venus Way Anchorage, Alaska 99515 · Phone 345-2737 June !5, 1993 Job 92-237.0! TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Description of Fieldwork 4 3.0 Description of Site 4 4.0 Subsurface Soil Conditions 5 5.0 Results of Testing 6 6.0 Roadway and Drainage Design Considerations and Recommendations 9 6.1 Roadway Embankments 9 6.2 Drainage 10 6.3 On-Site Waste Water Disposal 11 6.4 Closure 13 LIST OF PLATES PLATES 1 and lA: Site Plans, Test Boring and Percolation Test Locations. Drainage Cell Locations. APPENDIX A: Test Boring Logs. Plates 2 to 10 APPENDIX B: Grainsize Distribution/Soil Classifications. Plates 11 to 17 APPENDIX C: Percolation Tests and Sol! Logs. PLATES 18 to 35 APPENDIX D: Symbols and Terminology. Plates 36 and 37 , I 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the finalized results of an investigation of subsurface soil and foundation conditions for subdivision roadway design, drainage, and on site septic systems which exist at the Kincaid Heights Subdivision in Anchorage, Alaska. This subdivision consists of approximately 20 acres located in the E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N R4W SM in Anchorage, Alaska. The purpose of this investigation was to obtain the necessary and sufficient subsurface soil condition data for the submittal of a Preliminary Subdivision Plat which includes the design of subdivision roadways, drainage, and an evaluation of the subdivision soils for on-site septic waste water disposai, all in accordance with Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) Design Standards. The scope of our work, was outlined in our written proposal of August 31, 1992. The work consisted of drilling seven (7) road borings for soil classification and water table measurement, two (2) borings for subdivision drainage water disposal, thirteen (13) borings for water monitoring for on-site waste water disposal evaluation and thirteen (13) borings for percolation testing throughout the proposed subdivision. A total of twenty two (22) PVC, slotted standpipes were installed to depths of aplproximately twenty feet to allow future ground water level observations. The work also included subsequent laboratory soil testing to evaluate soil grainsizes and frost c!assifications as well as the insitu soil moisture contents. Our geotechnical investigation at this site was completed pursuant to verbal authorization to proceed from Mr. Donald Thornlow, the property owner, in the fall of 1992. A preliminary report was prepared, dated February 19, 1993, summarizing the results of the preceding scope of work. The lot sizes were subsequently adjusted prior to preliminary plat submittal, submitted for preliminary approval in April of 1993, and five (5) additional soils borings with percolation tests were done on April 2 through 6, to satisfy MOA subdivision requirements for a percolation test on every proposed lot. In addition, ground water level monitoring was done through May 15, 1993. This final report represents all the work done to date on this project. We understand that the lots in this subdivision will be for single family dwellings and have a piped water supply system (Municipality of Anchorage, AVWVU) and on-site septic systems. The intent is to have an all weather gravel access road designed to Municipality of Anchorage standards with no utilities in the actual road way ernbankments (water, gas, telephone, and electric in the road right of ways). Roadway foundation design co~.siderations and recommendations presented in this report have been developed from our field observations, test hole drilling, our laboratoq/ testing, and a review of the Municipality of Anchorage, Geotechnica! Hazards Assessment of Study of June, 1979 as well as previous work for on site septic system designs in nearby subdivisions. This report, along with the supporting data plates, has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Donald Thornlow and his authorized agents in the development of the Kincaid Heights Subdivision. Use of this report by prospective design professionals and/or contractors in the preparation of contract documents should be for information on factual data and not as a warranty of subsurface conditions. This document has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No other warranty, express or implied is made. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written permission of those named herein or the author. 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF FIELDWORK A total of forty-five (45) borings were drilled at the approximate locations and elevations shown on the attached Site Plans, P!ates 1 and lA. Note that the percolation test procedure requires two borings at each location. The test borin9 locations for the road borings were staked in the fie~d by su~,,eyors from Alask,3 Land Developmen;,~ Services. Access road (cul de sacs) alignments have been revised since the fie!d work was done. The drainage and percolation boring locations were located by survey after drilling. Boring location ground surface elevations were referenced to existing Municipality of Anchorage topographic data. The drilling was contracted to Denali Drilling, Inc. of Anchorage, Alaska by Mr. Thornlow. The borings were advanced by means of a Nodwell (tracked carrier) mounted, CME-55 drill rig, utilizing 6 inch outside diameter, continuous flight, solid stem auger. Disturbed auger cuttings were sampled from the augers as drilling progressed in each boring. No relatively undisturbed soil sampling, using split spoon and/or tube sampling devices, was done for this investigation. Mr. Allan W. Murfitt, P.E. of this firm logged all holes, conducted the field percolation tests, and measured ground water elevations. The field drilling work was done from December 4 to 8, 11992, and on April 2, 1993. Percolation test casings (4 inch diameter, schedule 80 PVC pipe, slotted for 6 inches at the test zone depth) were also installed at this time. Visual records (logs) of the soils encountered in the field included soil type, color and consistency, soil thermal regime, drill site vegetation and drainage, the presence/depth of water in the soil profile while drilling, and the ease or difficulty of drilling. Soil samples recovered in the field were packaged in moisture tight containers and returned to our Anchorage laboratory for visual examination and testing. Ground water levels were measured on the day following drilling (december 9, 1992), February 4, April 6, April 22, May 10, and May 15,1993. The percolation tests were done on February 4 and 5, and April 6, 1993 by Mr. Murfitt and his engineering assistant. The percolation test soils were soaked with water the day prior to running the actual falling head percolation test. The Logs of the roadway and drainage borings are shown in Appendix A, Plates 2 through 10, appendedto this report. Laboratory soil testing included soil classification or grainsize analyses, and moisture content determination. These test results are shown on the boring logs opposite the corresponding depths of drilling and in Appendix B, Plates 11 through 17. The soils and percolation boring logs with test results are shown in Appendix C, Plates 18 through 35. Soi! samples were recovered from all borings and have been retained in our laboratory for further examination and testing, if necessary. 4 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF SITE The terrain in the subdivision consists of hummochy, kettle and kame (hills and depressions) topography of alluvial fans and cones. The site is located approximately one mite south of the Anchorage International Airport. The near surface soils are generally mixtures of SILT and fine SAND with trace amounts of GRAVEL. Deposits may also have been wind worked. No bedrock outcrops were observed nor excepted within several hundred feet of the surface. The site is generally heavily treed with large (over 50 feet) stands of birch, cotton wood, and white spruce. A relatively small number of large tree blow downs were observed and the area shows scars of an old (over 100 years) forest fire burn The more poorly drained areas in the upper areas of the west side of the site have small growths of aider and devils club vegetation. Surficial vegetation consists of Peat, grasses, small shrubs and forest litter. In general, site drainage appears to be good, witl~ seasonal preoipitation being absorbed by the site soils and vegetation. Two wet drainage depressions are located at the northeast and southeast ends of the property, immediately west of Ingram Street, however, no standing water was observed in them. Field observations at the southern drainage, indicates that beavers have attempted to construct a foundation for a dam in the area of Boring D-1 and Percolation Boring 8. This appears to have been abandoned as subsoils do not appear to allow water containment. Access to the proposed subdivision is off Kincaid Road at Ingram Street (scheduled for improvement). Based on the Municipa!ity of Anchorage Ge¢.echnical Haz~ards Assessment Study of June, 1979 the site is classified as Seismic Hazard Zone 2, or a moderately !ow ground failure susceptibility. The site is classified ~s Wind Hazard Zone 2, or a high wind area (strong funneled "Chugach" winds). These areas a~'e subject to one or two 50 mile per hour winds per year, with occasional gusts to I00 miles per bot.,i-. The site has the lowest potential for surface drainage problems. The site has a moderste potential for permafrost conditions (perennially frozen ground), however, no frozen ground, excepting seasonal frost, was encountered in our borings. A more complete description of the significance of each of the zones and their effect on development is presented in the referenced study. 4.0 SUBSURFACE SOIL COND!'IiONS Tile logs of the borings appear on Plates 9 through I0 and: Plates 18 to 35. An explanation of symbols and terminology used to describe the soils encountered in each boring is contained on Plates 38 and 37, In Appendix D. The objective borehoie depth was 20 feet, and readily achieved. Drilling was classified as easy in all bbrings. The study area soils are predominantly mixtures of SILT, SAND, and small amounts of GRAVEL. These deposits are typical of water worked or alluvial soils and normally consolidated by previous ice sheet loadings. Soils also exhibit wind working or sorting. Soils at the site are generally SILT and fine, poorly graded, SAND mixtures which are interbedded or layered, with trace inclusions of GRAVEL. Clean (less than 10 percent SILT) SAND deposits are isolated and expected to be more prevalent along the west side of the subdivision, in the higher elevations. No clean GRAVEL deposits were encountered in our borings. Drilling of the deposits was relatively easy in all cases. The predominant soil types observed by our boring technique are a SILT (ML) with SAND, SANDY SILT (ML), and SILTY SAND (SM). Organic soil cover appeared to average 1 foot in thickness and consisted of PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (eL). Seasonal frost varied from 6 inches to I 'foot in the borings in the December drilling program and varied from 1 to 2.5 feet in the April driliir~g program. Ail sites were relatively undisturbed and had approximately one foot of snow cover, r~!o groundwater tables were observed in any of the borings after the completion of drilling. Wet soils in the upper 8 to 10 feet of the soil profile, were only observed in the t~¥o drainage borings. Water levels were checked the day after drilling and as previously described. No perennially frozen ground (permafrost) was encountered in any of our borings, however, this does not preclude the occurrence below the depth of our explorations or, at other locations in this subdivision. 5.0 RESULTS OF -I*ES'I'ING The results of field and laboratow tests are shown opposite the corresponding depths of drilling on the Boring Logs, Plates 2 to 10, the grai.~size distributions, Plates 11 to 17, and the percolation test soil logs, Plates 18 to 30. Soil samples were classified according to the Unified Soils Classification System presented on Plate 32 and the Textural Classification System presented on Plate 33. Near surface soil frost classifications varied from F 2 (moderate frost susceptibility) to F 4 (high frost susceptibility). The mean appears to be F 4. The near surface, predominant roadway subgrade soil type is SIL'f' (ML.), exciuding any substantiai roadway cuts. For roadway design, a subgrade soil frost classification of F 4 shouM be used. Near surface soil moisture cor',ten!s ui~der the ORGAN!C layer, indicate relatively dry to wet soil conditions. ~l'he values vary from 6.0 percent in Bet!rig 7 to 30.6 percent in Boring 1 (adjacent to the drainage depression at the northwest corqer of the intersection of Kincaid Road and Ingrain Street). Soils below the 7 foot are §enerally classified as moist with values less than 20 percent. The higher values are found in the siltier soils. Percolation test results indicate ti~at all of the lots in the subdivision are suitable for on-site septic waste water disposal. The resultS have been tabulated on the following page. SEPTIC SYSTEM SOIL RATINGS PERC DEPTH SOIL TYPES, APPLICATION RESERVE TEST # (ft.) RATE (min/in) (gpd/sf) AREA (sf) 1 9.0- 9.5 SM, 11 0.8 12,000 2 8.5 - 9.0 ML, 53 0.45 16,000 I 3 I 8.5 - 9.0 ML, 4.8 0.45 16,000 4 [ 9.0 -9.5 SM, 12 0.8 12,000 5 I 8.5- 9.0 ML, 50 0.45 16,000 6 7.0 - 7.5 ML, 50 0.45 16,000 7 9.0 - 9.5 ML, 47 0.45 16,000 8 6.0 - 6.5 SM, 33 0.45 16,000 9 7.0 - 7.5 SM, 22 0.6 14,000 10 I 7.5- 8.0 SP, 6 0.8 12,000 11 i 10.5- 11.0 ML, 46 0.45 16,000 12 i 7.0 ~ 7.5 ML, 36 0.45 16,000 13 7.0- 7.5 ML, 30 0.6 16,000 14 4.0 - 4.5 SM, 13 0.8 14,000 15 6.0 - 6.5 SM, 20 0.6 14,000 16 . 4.5- 5.0 SM, 14 0.8 14,000 17 4.5- 5.0 SM, 20 0.6 14,000 18 ,~ 5.0 - 5.5 I SM, 22 0.6 14,000 Ground water level observations indicate that the lots do not have a near surface water table within the 20 foot exploration depth. The on!y water tables observed were at the southwest corner of the intersection of Kincaid Road and Ingrain Street or the drainage test hole D-2 and road boring TH 1. The free water ponded in this area had not entered boring D-2. Drill cuttings mounded around the hole prevented the water from flowing down the hole. The ground water level observed iri boring TH I corresponds to the free water surface elevation of the ponded water immediately west and adjacent (approximately 8 feet away) to the Ingram Street road embankment. The ground water level measurements are summarized in tabular form, on the following page. GROUND WATER LEVEL ELEVATION SUMMARY BORING #, 12/9/92 2/04/93 4/06/93 4/22/93 5/10/93 5/15/93 ELEV. (ft.) I DRY TH1, 172 DRY I DRY I D__R_Y 167.2 167.0 .TH 2, 175 ,, _~. .h " DRY DRy TH 3. 187 TH4, 202 -J _ ,; .... TH 5, 181 TH 6, 171 ...... TH 7, 205 .... D-l, 165 .... D-2, 170 .... 151 152.7 152.2 PH 1, 18.3 r '~ ...... '' DRY: DRY DRY PH 2, 182 ...... . ' " pH '~ 185 ........ PH 4, 207 PH 5, 200 " I .... PH 6, 190 ........ PH 7, 187 " _. " " PH 8, 172 ........ PH 9, 181 ...... PH 10, 210 ...... PH 11, 217 " PH 12, 200 .......... PH 13, 196 _ ' ....... __ PH 14, 189 ........ PH 15, 216 .... PH 18, 178 ,, i .... PH 17~ 189 PH 18 1q5 ...... Test hole elevations shown in the preceding table are shown to the nearest foot. 6.0 ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of our field investigation, subsequent laboratory testing, ground water observations, and a review of ,available site geotechnical hazard data as well as previous adjacent on-site septic system design data, the following recommendations are submitted for consideration in the design of subdivision roadways, drainage, and on-site waste water disposal systems. The site is situated in an area of Anchorage with a relatively Iow seismically induced ground failure susceptibility. The sire aisc is expected to have the lowest potential for drainage problems in the Anchorage area. The site appears to be free of permafrost but has a moderate potential for isolated permafrost and is located in a high wind area of Anchorage. Accordingly, the developer must assure himself of these associated risks with respect to all phases of subdivision development. 6.1 ROADWAY EMBANKMENTS Existing site subgrade soils are capab!e of supporting quality roadway embankments providing all Organic so!!s and sof~, water ~'aturated soils are. removed from the embankment foundation areas. All ~"oad~,,.(ays should be designed and constructed to the basic Municipality of Anchorage Standard Specifications, 1984 and The Design Criteria Manual, 1988 (or most recent editions). Minimum embankment classified fill depths suggested in these documents vary 'from 1.5 feet on an F I subgrade to 3.3 feet on an F 4 subgrade. Recent studies (December 1989)by the Municipality of Anchorage, Depadment of Public Works, suggest that these minimum depths may be inadequate to ensure satisfactory long term performance if asphaltic concrete pavements are desired Embankment fill thicknesses on the order of 6 feet have been suggested. Aisc, utility i;"~stallations (water; gas, etc.) in embankments result in dissimilar soils and resulting uneven road surfaces through out the year (frost heaving/settlement). Soils in this subdivision are relatively consistent and are generally to F 4, with no groundwater~ Soils aisc appear to be relatively permeable and will absorb seasonal precipitation. ~n this regard, we recommend that all embankments be designed using an F 4 subgrade soil c!assi~ibation, in~additio,% water:running adjacent to embankments must be carefully channelled to prevent hydraulic erosion, seasonal icings, and embankment saturation with resulting seasonal frost action (heaving): .Seasonal icings, however, do not appear to be a current problem at the site in view of the absence of near su'rface ground water. Culverts and drainage structures must be' designed to accommodate peak flows without over topping embankments and eroding fills. Roadway cuts in the SILT soils of the area appear to be stable at back slopes of 2.5 to 1. Exposed cut slopes should be revegetated and appropriate water flow energy dissipation structures (stilling basins) installed to prevent hydraulic soil erosion. Exposed embankment subgrade~, cleared as recommended, should be recompacted to a minimum density of 95 percent of the rqaximum-density for that material as determined by the ASTM Test Procedure D-1557 or the equivalent AASHTO %180 Specification. We recommend that subsequent classified fills be placed on a: Filter Fabric (over the prepared subgrade) such as Typar 3401, Mirafi 500X or an equivalent fabric to prevent fill dissemination to the existing SILT subgrade soils. The fabric should be placed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Subsequent class!fled fill lifts should be placed in maximum 12 inch layers and compacted to 95 percent,of the maximum density for that material as previously specified. : Manufactured rigid, polystyrene board insulations may be used to reduce classified fill embankment thicknesses to the Muni.';Jpa!ity of Anchorage Standard Specifications, if desired, however, this should not be necessary in the absence of ground water at the site. Significant seasonal frost heaving !s expected in the natural subgrades if water were present at the seasonal frost front. Seasonal frost penetrations of 7 to 9 feet may be expected in the roadways in this subdivision. In this regard, we suggest a minimum embankment subgrade thickness of 4.0 feet of non frost susceptible (NFS), Type 1, classified fill (well graded SANDY GRAVEL/GRAVELLY SAND). 6.2 DRAINAGE Field observations to date, indibate the subdivision vegetation and soils appear to absorb seasonal precipitation. There- are two drainage basins at the site. The one located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Kincaid Road and Ingram Street appears to be wettest of the two. Water appears to pond in this area in the early spring after breakup and before the seasonal frost leaves the ground. A f!oating debris line, however, was not evident during our site reconnaissances last year and no free surface water was observed during our field drilling work. The second drainage basin along Ingrain Street appears to drain into the subgrade soils. There are no drainage structures through the road embankment on Ingram Street and drainage east of this Street appears to be adequately handled by these site soils. There is no evidence of water ponding on the east side of the road. i Both soil profiles at the potential drainage pond locations have relatively free draining SILTY SAND deposits at the 12 and 11 foot depth horizons, respectively. These depths correspond to respective ground elevations of 158 and 154. A slight inccease in peak discharge volumes, however, will probably result from this development, if necessaw, and as an alternative to a storm drain, a vertical trench drain is recommended to drain any po,.'e~itial ponded Water in these areas. The trench drain depth at boring D-2, appears to be thirteeq (13) fset using a bottom of trench 4 feet above the measured water table elevation of 153 and the other trench bottom at boring location D-1 approximately fifteen (15) feet deeP or deeper as no Water table was observed to the 25 foot exploratio, n depth in this area. Drainage observations recorded for the 1993 breakup period at the site in the two pond potential areas described previously, indicated that no ponded water occurred at location D-1 (Station 8+50 on Ingram Street) and that ponded water occurred at southwest corner of Kincaid Road and Ingram Street. The ponded water was essentially free of sediments or a bed load, and was measured at a meximt~m depth 0f !5 inches. The pond covered an area of approximately 2,000 square fe~t; iand had infiltrated the sub soils or dried up by the first week of June 1993. Area residents,report that the pond ~s usually gone ~n 4 to 6 weeks after breakup. , ~ For the purposes of analyses, surrounding properties has bee considered extraneous to the pr drainage effect on this proper approximately 900,000 square Ingram Street and cell two, a aIong the south end and west! approximately 5,000 square feet. and the analysis is subsequently this quantity of run off water. I ' ithe topographic site plan, Plate 1, of the subdivision and ,Sivided into five drainage cells. Cells three, four and five are )j~ct and lie to the east of Ingram Street which has no apparent Yl nor is this development expected to affect it. Cell one, ---gt, drains to the basin at the intersection of Kincaid Road and ).r,bximately 870,000 square feet, drains to the second basin side of Ingram Street. Both basins have been sized at Drainage analysis for a ten year return indicates a small flow lescribed. The existing drainage basins appear to assimilate RUNOFF ANALYSIS ASsume: Anchorage Internatio~ For 10 year storm. Residential, Single F~ Subdivision Vegetatedl Light Run Off Coeffici~ Rainfall Intensity Coe Rainfall Intensity 0.22 where: Airport data. ly @ I per acre. unfrozen ground. ~ts, 0.30. ;lent 1.0 ~/hr. (10 yr.) Mean Annual Precipit?ition 18.9 inches. For Drainage Basin at Corn¢i of Kincaid Road and Ingram Street. A = drainage are; p = mean annual T = mean min. J~ St = area of lake F = percentage ~ (~25 =0.65Ml.025DI.e2 I 94A °'949p°'762 M= · (St+1)°'~92(F+1)°'448 D=- 3.91 A 0.072( T+30)o.141 = 0.032 sq. miles 3tn. = 18.9 in. ~ary Temp. = 4 °F (Anchorage) (t) (Rational Method USGS) pond as a percent of total basin drainage area = 0.556 otal basin area that is forested, assume 90%. 11 therefore: Using the M = 0.327 D = 3.047 Q25 = 1.76 ft3./sec. run off data given on the previous page, this would result in a volume of approximately 142,000 gallons of water and a pond approximately 3 feet deep in a 5,000 square foot area. The pond area may have to be increased to accommodate the MOA 1 foot depth criteria. 2. Assume same for drainage for the basin at the southern end and west side of Ingram. The flow appears to be relatively small and could be handled by the existing 5,000 sf. drainage basins in both locations if a vertical drain system were installed at both locations. A vertical trench drain is considered to be more effective than the standard Municipality of Anchorage dry well detail. In this regard, we recommend that a vertical trench drain be installed at both locations. The drain at Kincaid Road and Ingrain Street should consist of two 50 foot legs constructed at a right angle with each leg paralleling respective roadways. The other drain, although all current observations indicate that flows are absorbed, can be 50 feet in length and parallel Ingram Street at or about Station 8+50. Both drains should be adjusted to meet the micro terrain and in set at least 15 feet from the toe of the roadway embankments. As previously described, the depth of the respective drains should be 13 and 15 feet with a minimum width of 2.5 feet. The trench should be lined with a filter fabric such as Typar 3401 or the equivalent to contain the trench backfill (prevent fine grain soil infiltration to the trench). The trenches should be backfilled with a Type C filter soil as per the Municipality of Anchorage Standard Specifications. The Type C backfill should be capped with a layer of filter fabric and a two foot lift of filter sand placed over the top of the filter fabric and mounded approximately 6 inches above the final surface grade. We estimate, based on site soil percolation data in the SAND, that approximately 5,000 gallons per day will be absorbed at the 100 foot drain and 2,500 gallons per day at the 50 foot drain, both drains having 12 foot minimum head on the absorption media. Conservatively, ponds should be absorbed in twenty to thirty days in this configuration. Note that this considers the drain system only and does not account for the natural absorption in the basins. We do not recommend that the organic soil mat be removed from the drainage basin areas. In this regard, care should be taken to minimize disturbance to the surficial organics in the immediate area of the drain during construction. Soil conditions, when dry in these areas appear to be capable of adequately supporting tracked construction equipment. 12 6.3 ON-SITE WASTE WATER DISPOSAL On-site septic waste water disposal appears to be feasible on all lots in this subdivision. Due to the general interbedded hature of the SILT and SAND soils encountered, we recommend the use of deep trench leacl minimize the use of manuf percolation test results alon summarized for preliminary I tabulated, however, can be been designed and located ~ field systems. This allows absorption in the soil layers and will ~ctured insulations in limiting seasonal frost penetration. The with a proposed trench size and septic reserved areas has been )t sizing and septic system design purposes. The reserved areas reduced substantially once each individual lot septic system has )n the property. In general, there are no wells to the north, west, and south within 200 feet of the subdivision. Three (3) wells fall within ~ 200 foot radius of this subdivision and they are located in the Kincaid Acres Subdivision,Jimmediately east of Ingram Street and south of Kincaid Road. These wells are shown on the Preliminary Plat for The Kincaid Heights Subdivision (not included in this report). Two of the three wells shown are located in excess of 120 feet from the Kincaid Heights Subdivision property lines. The 100 foot well radius from the well across from Lot 8, Block 2 falls appr systems can be built withir development on this lot will must be a minimum of 100 )ximately 7 feet into the eastern property line of this lot. No septic 10 feet of the property line and, accordingly, septic system possible. All new septic systems developed in this subdivision .~et from any adjacent well. 13 6.4 CLOSURE It is very important to ensu[e that the installations described herein are constructed in compliance with not only the Municipality of Anchorage regulations, but also the preceding recommendations and design specifications and accordingly, should be under the scrutiny of a competent geotechnical engilneer. This individual will be able to respond to unanticipated site conditions which may not have beenl,accounted for in our investigation. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered and cannot be fully determined by performing test borings. Such unexpected cor~ditions f~requently require that additional expenditures be made to obtain a properly constructed project. Therefore, some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential cost~ Respectfully submitted, A.W. Murfitt Company Allan W. Muffitt, P.E. Civil Engineer 4977-E A. W, MURFITT COMPANY Consulting Engineers & Testing 13810 Venus Way ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 (907) 349-7531 JOB SHEET NO, CALCULATED BY CHECKEO BY SCALE DATE A. W. MURFITT COMPANY Consulting Engineers & Testing 13810 Venus Way ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 (907) 349-7531 CHECKEDBY. DATE SCALE APPENDIX A ~. LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT # 1 ~ ~' ~''~ ~ ~ Z EQUIPM£NT: CME 55, Nodwell, 6" SFA LABORATORY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~o ~VA.ON~ F/~' .AT~, 12/03/92_ ~ 0 A~ea stripped, edge of ~ng~m Road. SANDY SiLT (NL) l~gh~ b~o~n, ~e~, F 4, easy d~l~ng. } GRAVEL lense, 6". [ Grainsize 30.6 ' SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist. 8 18.2 I ~o SANDY SILT (ML), light brown, moist. 12 14 GRAVEL Lense, 6". 16 ll .3 Total Depth 18 Ft. Hole dry and open rfitt toc OF "ORING/T[ST Pit8 ] PLAT[ Thorn]ow; Ing~1m-KincaJd Subd. CONSUEI'~G ~G~ & T~[ING 2 I0~0.: 92-237.0] A~PR.: A~H t)Ar~: 02/0]/93 ANCHORA6E ALASKA ~, LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT # 2 lABORATORY ~ ~o ~ ~o :~ ~ ~ EL£VaTIOM~ I~' DATE,' 12/03/92 TESTS 0 Area stripped, edge of Ingrim Road. SILT (ML) with SAND, light brown, F 4, Grainsize 26.1 2 wet. Easy drilling. GRAVEL lense, 6". l~.l · SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist. 10 GRAVEL lense, 6". SILT (ML) with SAND, trace fine GRAVEL, light brown, moist. 18.5 16 18 Total depth 19 Ft. Hole dry and open afte~ drilling. Standpipe 3/4" PVC installed. 20 Thornlow~ Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. CONSULTING F!NG~ & T ,FSTING IOBNO.: 92-237.01 3 APPI~,: AWM I)AT£: 02/0!/93 ~NCHORAGE ALASK2 ~ LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT # 3 ~. ~'~ P~ ~ £QUII'M£NT: CME 55, Nodwell, 6" SFA LABORATORY ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ IhT' laATE, 12/04/92 PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and red brown, wet. SILT (ML) with SAND, light brown, F 4, moist. Easy Drilling. Grainsize 18.8 GRAVEL len'se, 6". GRAVEL lense, 6". 13.6 16.0 Total Depth 19 Ft. Hol, e dry and open after Il drilling. Standpipe 1 PVC Installed. lvm ntt l-°-L'~,_~omp ~y_r~-~'-al~ toa oF BOI~ING / lEST PIT # ,3 PLATE Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & TESTING ~. IOI~ NO.: 92-237.01 Al'lYt,: AWM PATE: 02/01/93 ANCHORAGE ALASKA CME 55, Nodwell, 6" SFA o ~PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and mm~ , ,~ red b~own, wet. II IIIszLT (~L) with SAND, light brown, wet, ]}IIF ~ [asy drilling. Grainsize 18.1 . lense, 6 . ~1" PVC installed. ~o- Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. APrR.: AWM PAT~: 02/01/93 ANCHORAGE ALASKA ~ ~ LOG OF BORING/TEST PIT # 5 ~' ~'~ ~ ~ z £QUIPMENT: CME 55, Nodwell, 6" SFA TESTS ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ DArm PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and __ red brown, wet. SANDY SILT (ML), light brown, F 4, wet. Easy drilling. Grainsize 23.0 GRAVEL lense, 6". 10.6 SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist. Clean SAND, trace fine GRAVEL, moist. 1 Ft. lense. 16.1 Total Depth 20 Ft. Hole dry and open afte~ drilling. Standpipe l" PVC Installed. Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. CONS~T~G ~GIN~ ~ }OBNO.: 92-237.01 6 APPR.~ AWM DATE: 02/01/93 ANCHORAGE ALASKA ~ ~ LOG OF gORING ~' ~ ~z ~ ~ EQUIPM£NT: CME 55, Nodwell, 6" SFA LABORATORY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EtEVAHON: ~?lI DATE: 12/03/92 TESTS ~ ~ ~ O~ ~P[gl (Pt) and 0R¢~IC 5Ikl (0k), dark and 2~1 red brown, Grainsize 20.1 qXIIIIIIsAUDY SILT (OL) trace GRAVEL, light brown, 4~]]]1]F 4, wet. Easy drilling. 6~ ]i~]]GRAVEL lense, 6". ll.7 8~~~I~~~I~SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist. 12 11.1 16 lotal ~epth 20 It. Hole dry and open after 20~dr~llSn~. StandpSpe 1" PVC ~nstal]ed. A~ ~rfitt ~m~ to~ o~ ~om~ / ~[s~ m~ ~ 6 Thorn]ow; In~e~m-K~ncaSd Subd. CO~SHEr~G F~G~ ~ T~G IO~NO.: 92-237.0] Al'PR.: ~.['~M DATE: aP/rtl/qq ANCHORAGE ALASKA f .~. LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT # 7 ~. ~ ~ ~ EQUIPMENT". CME 55, Nodwell, 6" SFA LABORATORY Z ~) _ TESTS ~ ~ ~g~ ~ m~' z~ ~ ~ ELEVATION: 0-. --~1 PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and ~ red brown, wet. " SILT (ML) with SAND, trace Fine GRAVEL, light brown, moist. 2- Grainsize 6.0 , SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist, F 2. 4- , Easy drilling. 7.0 , ' SILT (ML) with SAND, light brown, wet. 10- . GRAVEL lense, 6". , SILTY SAND (SH), light brown, wet. ,,_ Total Depth 19.5 Ft. Hole dry and open 2o i after drilling. Standpipe 1" PVC instld. ~.~.~vr ComJrany_ LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT # 7 PLATE Thornlow: Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. CONSULThNG ,ENGINF~E1LS & TFSEING IOffNO.: 92-237.01 8 APPR.: AW.~ DATE: O?/nl/q3 ANCHORAGE ALASKA ~ LOG OF BORING D-1 ~' ~ ~ EqUI?MEN~': CME 55, Nodwell, 6" SFA PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and ~ red brown, wet. SANDY SILT (ML), light brown, wet. 15.1 SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist. SANDY SILT (ML), light brown, wet. SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist, easy drilling. 16.8 SANDY SILT (ML), light brown, trace fine GRAVEL, wet. Total Depth 25 Ft. Hole dry and open after drilling. Standpipe 1" PVC Installed. CONS~T~G ~G~ ~ T~G IOB ~O.~ 92-237.0] : ~ APPR,: AWM DATE: 02/01/93 ANCHORAGE ALASKA .~. LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT # D-2 ~, ~'~ ~ ~ EQUIPMENT'. CME 55, Nodwell, 6" SFA _ ~z ~ ~ z LABORATORY ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ELEVATION: ~o' DATE: 12/08/92 TESTS ~ ~ m o : ~ ] PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and ~ed ~row~ wet. SANDY SILT (ML) t~ace fine G~AVEL, light brown~ wet. 4~ Fine GRAVEL lense, 6". 6- 22.2 8- Saturated at 8 Ft. Fine GRAVEL lense, 6". 10- 12- SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, wet, easy drilling. 14- 16- 18- Hole dry after drilling, Slough to 19 Ft. 2o Total Depth 20 Ft. Standpipe 1" PVC Instld ~.~.~w~vmm~~"r ~o~ OF BORING / TEST PIT ~ D-2 pLATE Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. CONSULT~G ~G~ & T~G ~o~o.: ~-~3~.o~ ~0 APP,.: AWM DATE: 02/01/93 ANCHORAGE ALASKA ~ ~ LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT # 0-2 LABORATORY TESTS ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~wnon~ ~o' ~Arm 12/o8/92 PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and ~ed brown, wet. SANDY SILT (ML) trace fine GRAVEL, light brown, wet. Fine GRAVEL lense, 6". 22.2 Saturated at 8 Ft. Fine GRAVEL lense, 6". SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, wet, easy drilling. Hole dry after drilling, Slough to 19 Ft. Total Depth 20 Ft. Standpipe 1" PVC Instld Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. AmPR.: AWM DATE: 02/01/93 ANCHORAGE ALASKA ~ ~ LOG OF I~ORING / TEST PIT # ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EQUIPMENT: CME 55, Nodwell, 6" SFA LABORATORY ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ 12/07/92 TESTS ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PEAT (Pt) and OR6ANIC S~LT (OL), dark and red brown, ~et. SILT (NL) wi-~h SAND, ~ace Fine 6RAVEL, 11gh~ brown, moist. Grainsize 6.0 SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist, F 2. Easy drilling. 7.0 SILT (ML) with SAND, light brown, wet. GRAVEL lense, 6". SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, wet. !12;7 Total Depth 19.5 Ft. Hole dry and open after drilling. Standpipe 1" PVC instld. Thornlow: Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. lOB~O.: 92-237.01 8 APPR.: ~.~ OAr~: n~/~l/g3. ANCHORAGE ALASKA APPENDIX B GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT Thornlow; Ingrim- Kincaid Subd. LOCATION OF PROJECT Anchorage, AK SAMPLE NO. 1-1 TESTED BY E.S. JOB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING/ffi~STt~NO. 1 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 4 to 7 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 01/07/93 GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO I FINE SILT CLAY MEDIUM PERCENTAGES 2.1 31.6 66.3 U.S. standard sieve sizes I 1 O0 8O w 60 SOIL DESCRIPTION Grain diameter, mm SANDY SILT (ML)~ natural moisture 30.6%~ F 4~ 32.3% -0.02mm. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SANDY SILT (ML). OTH ER TESTS PLATE A.W. Murfitt Company_ 11 CONSULTING ENGINEERS & TESTING GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT Thornlow; LOCATION OF PROJECT SAMPLE NO. 2-1 TESTED BY E.S. Inqrim-Ki~caid Subd. AnchOra§e~ AK JOB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING / I:E.S~-P-ITC, K~] 2 DEPTH OFSAMPLE ? tn ~ Fi- DATE OFTESTING {ll/~lT/q3 GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO J FINE SILT CLAY MEDIUM I PERCENTAGES 0.3 17.6 82 1 U.S. standard sieve sizes I 100 8O 2O SOIL DESCRIPTION o Grain diameter, mm SILT (ML) with SANDs natural moisture 26.1%, F 4, 33.2% -O.02mm. SOILCLASSIEICATION SILT (ML) with SAND. OTH ER TESTS PLATE A.W. Murfitt Company_ co~suLT~ ,m~EE~ ~ Tm~ 12 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. LOCATION OF PROJECT Anchorage, AK SAMPLE NO. 3-1 TESTED BY E.S. JOB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING/l:[-5-TqqT~q<~. 3 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 2 to 3 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 01/07/g3 GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO J MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY PERCENTAGES 0.2 21.2 78.6 U.S. standard sieve sizes I SOIL DESCRIPTION 8o 60 4o 2O Grain diameter, mm SILT (ML) with SANDs natural moisture 18.8%~ F 4~ 37.1% -0.02 mm. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SILT (ML) with SAND. OTHER TESTS PLATE A.W. Murfitt Company GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. LOCATION OF PRO]ECT Anchorage, AK SAMPLE NO. 4-1 TESTED BY E.S. JOB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING/TEDT-PI-T NO. 4 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 2.5 to 4.5 Ft, DATE OF TESTING 01/07/93 GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO I FINE SILT CLAY MEDIUM I PERCENTAGES 0.0 25.4 74.6 U.S. slandard sieve sizes I Grain diameter, mm SOIL DESCRIPTION SANDY SILT (ML), natural moisture 18.1%~ F 4, 27.5% - 0.02 mm. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SANDY SILT (ML). OTHER TESTS PLATE A.W. Murfitt Compan 14 CONSULTING F2qGINEERS & TESTING GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. LOCATION OF PROJECT Anchorage, AK · SAMPLE NO. 5-1 TESTED BY E. S. JOB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING / T'~S~PPtT NO. 5 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 3 to 4 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 01/07/93 , GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO J MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY PERCENTAGES 0.5 35.6 63.9 U.S. standard sieve sizes 100 SOIL DESCRIPTION Grain diameter, mm SANDY SILT (ML), ~natural moisture 23.0%, F 4, 31.3% -0.02 mm. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SANDY SILT (ML). OTHER TESTS PLATE A.W. Murfitt Company_ 15 CONSULTING ENGINEERS & TESTING GRAIH SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT ' Thornl6w; Ingrim-'Ki'ncaid Subd. LOCATION OF PROIECT Anchorage ~ AK SAMPLE NO. 6-1 TESTED BY E.S. JOB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING / I~T~TI' NO. 6 DEPTH OF SAMPLE DATE OF TESTING 2 to 3 Ft. 01/07/93 GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO ] FINE SILT CLAY MEDIUM I PERCENTAGES 3.0 42.0 55.0 U.S. standard sieve sizes I 100 SOIL DESCRIPTION 8O 6O 40 2O 0 Grain diameter, mm SANDY SILT (ML), trace GRAVEL, natural moisture 20.1%, F 4, 24.2% -0.02 mm. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SANDY SILT (ML), trace GRAVEL. OTHER TESTS PLATE A.W. Murfitt Company_ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. LOCATION OF PROJECT Anchorage, AK SAMPLE NO. 7-1 TESTED BY E.S. JOB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING/q'I~$1:PYT-NO. 7 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 2 to 3.5 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 01/07/93 GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO I FINE SILT CLAY MEDIUM I PERCENTAGES 3.3 70.7 26.0 U.S. standard sieve sizes I Grain diameter, mm SOIL DESCRIPTION SILTY SAND (SM), trace GRAVEL, natural moisture 6.0%, F 2, 10.4% -0.02 mm. SOl[CLASSIFICATION SILTY SAND (SM)~ trace GRAVEL. A.W. Murfitt Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS R TESTING OTHER TESTS PLATE 17 DEPARTMENT OF HEA, LTH & HUMAN SERVICE'~,~~. ~ 'TEST NO. I *t~ ........ ~q,~ PERFORMED FOR: D. ThoPnlow: P~ope~ed Ing~am-Kinc~id SDhd. DATSPERFORMED: Fph~U~y 4/R:'lq~3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: [ Township, Range, Section: E 1/2 N~ 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N 1 2 3- 4- 5- 6- 8- 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19- 20- COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SLOPE , SITE PLAN HqW sm AK. No S IF YES, AT WHAT OL DEPTH? ; p E Depth lo Waler After Monilorlrlg? none Date: .~.. I N ~L .AA Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time ~1~ { W) Water Drop I ~)os}9~ t;zo er~ o H ~.?~'" o 2 " I ', q& l::'t,4 Z5 Uq,o" Z,~" TEST RUN BETWEEN __ (~ .FTAND %,5 FT SoAK Fee. C, HoUg PERFORMEDBY: A.W. Murfitt Company ~ Allan W. Murfitt ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 72.008 [Rev. 4/85) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN .ATE'. 825 "L" Street, Anch&age, Al~k~ g9502-0650 ~OIL~ LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST t,~',. ~o.?z[-~ ,,..~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: :Town~hip, Range, SecUon:E 1/~ ~ 1/~ N~ 1/4 SEC 9 ~LOPE SITE PLAN ~ S~ 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10- 11 Aep,IL. WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED~ IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? N0 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- S ST~. c~U '~Ot71% O~ Oeplh 10 WaNt After · IY~oniterlnD? Rone Dale: 2/4/93 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time (m~'~ Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~'~ . (minutes/inchl PERC HOLE DIAMETER (o" TEST RUN BEI'WEEN ~"~ FTAND °)'0 FT 5O4KP¢£.0 flOL~ (~Joqfq3 PERFORMED FOR: D. Thornlow: Proposed Ingrab-Kincaid Suhd. ~' ~,~' o.*,o .... '4~, lip DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICE'~~~~ 5 L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0050 ~~~ ?.~' SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Fphruary z1/5, 1993 ,Township, Range, Section:E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~1- 13- 17- 20- WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNI IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? SLOPE SITE PLAN 1{4~J sm AK, No 0epth lo Waler After Moflilodng? R 0 '/l~ Dale: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time (rn;n) Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER COMMENTS ~~ ~ O,~ GPO/sp , ~ ~ ~ W F~. PERFORMED BY: A.W, Murfitt Company ~ Allan W. Murfitt CERTIFY IHAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN 72,008 {Rev, 4/85) MUnicipality of Anchorage ~, 825 "L" Streel, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 ~4~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: D. ThdPn]d~ P~opd~ed [ngPa~-K~nca~d ~uhd. DATE PERFORMED: F~Hm~ap~ 4/~_ 1q93 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~Township, Range, Sectton:E 1/2 NN 1/4 NN ]/4 SEC 9 T]2N ~(P~ ~ ~ld [[bT(9~)~ SLOPE SITE PLAN ~4N sm AK. 10 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED;) NO IF YES, AT WHAT 12 DEPTH? 13 Depth to Waler Dller Nonil0rlng;' none Dale; 2/4/93 14 ~J~O~/.~ I.~S~ Io" Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time ~ Wa{er Drop 16- ~ ~ ~, · ~7- 18- ~ ~Q' ~ ~ ~ PERCOLATIOI RATE ~ ~ Iminules/inchl PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~ 'x TEST RUN BETWEEN ~'~ FTAND ~,O ET ~0~ ~ ~O~ COMMENTS. ~Lt~lO~ ~ 0,~ GPD/S~ . ~E~ ~E~CH ~ ~ ~ P[RFOR~EDaY: _~.~, HUPf~[[ Company · ~ Allan ~, NuPf~ CER~IFY ~HAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN 72.008 (Rev. 4/85) : DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVIC~ ~'~-~'~ 825 "L" Streel A.ch~rage, A aska 99502-0650 ~; SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: D. Thornlow: Proposed Ingram-Kincaid Suhd. DATE PERFORMED: Fnhr,ary a./R; 1~93 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 5 6 7 8 9 10- 11- 13- 14- 15- 16. 17. ~8- 19 2O COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER· ENCOUNTERED? DEPTH ZOFt. Slotted PVC Monitor Instld. ~zlmql~ --Jole dry l~)o~lq3 Township, Range, Section:E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T]2N SLOPE SITE PLAN Rqw sm AK. I N ;E[ St ~D;VI',,IOI Pi '~N IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH;) ,,r Del]Ih Io Waler After ~onltorlng? none No Dam2/4/g3 Reading Date I Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time (min Water ill. i Drop in. ube PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN Application Rate o,~GPD/SF. ! ;5~3 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER Deep Trench below ? Ft. Septic Reserve Area H,~0oo SF. : PERFORMEDBY; A.W. Murfitt Compafly ' ~ Allan W. Murfitt ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 12-008 (Rev. 4/85) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN DATE'., 22 25 L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502~0650 PERFORMED FOR: ~. Tho~n]o~: P~oDoged _ * . [n~am-E~ nca~ d Suhd, DAT~ PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TownsEip, Range, Section: E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7- 8- 10- 1 13'- 15 16 17 18 19 20 SI~mpL~ 7 l-o 71s' WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? Depth lo Water Aller Monilorln§? none , SLOPe SITE PLAN R4N sm AK. SE[ St BD]VI! I01 PlAN No Gross Net ) Depth to Net Reading Date ; Time Time(miaWater in. Drop ube . . 9EPTH ~9 Ft. COMMENTS Application Rate O,NsGPD/SF. 5lotted PVC Monitor [nstl d. I~Jo? [clz. PERCOLATION RATE ~O {mmules/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" - _ --tole dry /z]oElclz TEST RUN BETWEEN '7 FTAND, 7,~ FT .Sr)~,t~. tO'C. I~bL',:S oz},~q[q~ Deep Trench below -/ Ft. Septic Reserve Area IG,ooo SF. PERFORMED BY: A.W. Murfitt Comparly · i Allan W' Murfitt CERTIFY THAT TItIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WI'TN ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: Z//~/[¢3 23 72-008 IRev. 4/85) PERFORMED FOR: D. Thorn]nw: Prnpe~Rd ~ngram-Kinc~id Suhd. · .. .... pallly el ...... age ¢;, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN 8ERVlC~ 825"L" Street - ~' .... ~ -) d . '. .: .,~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST TEST N0, ~ -..~ ~ ~?/~'OF~SS~G'~: .j' DATE PERFORMED: F~hru'~5 a/R, '7993 LEGAL DESCRIPTION; 2 3 4 6- 7- 8- g- 11 12 13 14 16 16- 17- :18- 19 20- COMMENTS Township, Range, Section:E 1/2 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N SLOPE SITE PLAN J~4~ Sm AK. WASGROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ~0 SEE SIBD]VI! IOI PLAN IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? DEPTH I~ Ft. Slotted PVC Monitor Instld. --Hole dry Application Rate o,W~GPD/SF, Daplh 10 Walar ~ller Monilermg? DoRe Dale: 2/4/93 Reading Date ~ Gross Net Depth to Net Time Tim. (min. ) W.~a~ in. D,op in. '2. : Z:zt ~ Z3 Hq,S- ,S 'ubo PERCOLATION RATE , ~7 (minules/inchJ PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" Deep Trench below ~ ~t. Septic Reserve Area I~,oooSF. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICEr' ,~,~~ PERFORMED FOR: D. Thnrnlow: Proposed Ingram-Kinchid Suhd, DATE PERFORMED: Fohruary 4./[: lq93 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 2 3 4 5- 6- 7- 8 9 10 12 13- 14- 15, 16. 17 COMMENTS Township, Range, Seclion:E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N SLOPE SITE PLAN R4W sm AK. WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? " IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth lo Water After Monllorlflo? none Reading No Dele:2/4/q3 SEE SLBD]VI! IOI I~1~ bL~~, x,:['! )Li- \lo~ Date DEPTH ZOSFt. ~lotted PVC Monitor ube --[nstld. )~J o~J~z PERCOLATION RATE dry 17~1o~7_ TEST RUN BETWEEN Application Rate OH~GPD/SF. Time Net l'ime (min. Depth to Water i n. Drop i n. 0 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 ~' · . FI~AND ~'~ FT ~0~,1~ Jg~(~C ~OL~ Deep Trench be]ow Ft. Septic Reserve Area IBi~Oo SF, PERFORMED BY: A.W. Murfitt Compap¥ ~ Allan ~/. Murfitt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT 0N THIS DATE. DATE: ~-//'~/~,--~ Munlclpallly of Anchorage .K ·., ~'~;~,;. -'- ~.';,o.~, .~ DEPA.R.T, .MENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERV CE~.~~ , ; 825 L S reet Anchbra~e A ~ ~a~n~ n~n ~:J;~"~',~ '" ' SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ~t;~", ~.,,~7~, PERFORMED FOR: D. Thornlo~: Pr~pDsed Tngr~m-Kinc~i~ ~Hhd. DATE PERFORMED: F~h~H~ry ~ , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Township, Range, Section:E 1/~ N~ 1/4 N~ 1/4 SEC 9 ~ O~C %ILT ~OU~ SLOPE mT~ PLA~ Hq~ sm AK. 4 ; .... 5 ~. 7 WAS GROUND WATER , ENCOUNTERED? No Depth I~ Waler ~ller Gross Net,J) Depth to Net Reading Date : Time Time (mil~, Water in. Drop iR. ube ~ 14- 15 18 17 __ DEPTH IQ.SFt. 2o- ;lotted PVC Monitor I ns t I d. ) ~J O ~lq ;~ PERCOLATION RATE ~'~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" le dry Iz(0~(~. TEST RUN BETWEEN __'7 FTAND -'J,~ FT ~J~JO~.)~C. 4J0LE O~J~q[~] COMMENTS Application Rate O,bGPD/SF. Deep Trench below g Ft. Septic Reserve Area tH~o SF. PERFORMED BY; A.W. Murfitt Company · I Allan W: Murfitt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 2///~/~3 26 72-008 {Rev. 4/85) PERFORMED FOR: D. Thornlnw: Proposed Ingram-Kincaid S.hd. ~ '*.'~- .~ . · .. Municipality gl Anchorage ~;..~,~-~,.~, ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVIC~~:~ ~ .... . ~,.. . DATE PERFORMED: F~hruary 4/R: lqg3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ! 2 3 4 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11 13- 14 15 16 17 Township, Range, Saction:E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED;) : SLOPE SITE PLAN RqW sm AK. No SEE StBD]VI.< IOf FLAN ~,2tU~ ~ ~,ff~ Iorl- 207 Gross Net,I) Depth to Net · Reading Date ~ Time Time (rain Water iD. Drop in. DEPTH ~o~ Ft. ~lotted PVC Monitor 6" [nstld~ 1~o-7 qz PERCOLATION RATE ! (O (minules/inch) PERCHOkEDIAMETER ' --tole dry. ~Jo~lq~ TEST RUN BETWEEN i 7,5 FYAND ~.0 FI ,~,~K~ ~F~C ~gtE D~JOq[(]~ COmmENTS Application Rate O.B GPD/SF. Deep Trench below ~ Ft. Septic Reserve Area 12t~m~o SF. PERFORMED BY: A.W. Murfitt Comp~py ' ~ Allan ~/. Murfitt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PEflFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ~N THIS DATE, DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) 27 PERFORMED FOR: D. ThRrnlnw: PrDposed ]ngram-Kincaid Suhd, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICE'~..~~ ~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ~,~j% N~. 47~-y ......~-.~ DATE PERFORMED; F~hm~a~y ~/~ q993 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 3 w__ 4 § 6 7 8 9 10 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17 19 20 COMMENTS Township, Range, Section:E 1/2 NN 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 TI2N WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? SLOPE SITE PLAN 114N sm AK. ~EtpLSU~tVI I0 · fleplh lo Waler After Moflilorlflg? none bale: 2/4/93 Gross Net Depth to Net Reading, Date :, Time Time(min.: Waterin. Dropin, 3 ~ ~:so P~. ~b f600 7,7s- ube ~ Application Rate o,hS-GPD/SF. DEPTH 19,SFt. Slotted PVC Monitor [ ns tl d. PERCOLATION RATE -- tole dry TEST RUN BETWEEN Deep Trench below Ft. Septic Reserve Area I~B~ SF. PERFORMED BY: ._A.,W. Murfitt Compapy I Allan ~. Murfitt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ^CCORO^NOE ~,T, ALL ~T^~E ^.o ~..,~..~ ~,~,..s,..~t ~...,~.~..~,~: ~/~.3 28 72-008 (Rev, 4/85) i .......... Munlc~pmiw o; ancnorafle DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICE'~~ 825 .... ' L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ~?~'% ~; 4vy-~ .;..~ff ........ '~Z~ '.~n~l~,,."~? /~/ ~U, I~ ~D~ : ......... · ~. '" ' PERFORMED FOR: D. ThdPn]ow: Peopdsed Ingpam-KineMd Subd, DATE PERFORMED: Fvhvu~vy ~/g: ~993 LEGAL DESCRIPTION; TownsHip, Range, Section:E 1/2 NN 1/4 NN ]/4 SEC 9 T12N 0~Gh~tC Si LT(OL] = SLOPE SITE PLAN R4W sm AK. ! 2 3 4, 6- 7 8 9 10 12 13 14--- 15- 16- 19- COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO ~P YES, AT W.AT Deplh 10 WRier Alter Monilerlng? none Dale: ~/4/~ Readin9 SEE SLBDIVI.~ IOI PLat- :lb: 5t ;Lb /A' ON - fZ.'~ DEPTH Iq.SFt. Slotted PVC Monitor Instld. I~lOnJqz --tole dry )TfoSIq~ Application Rateo,q~GPD/SF. Date Gross Water in. Net Drop in. 0 O,ff Net 'rim, (min. IlO,;~ ube PEBCOLATION RATE ~ TESTRUN BETWEEN '7 Deep Trench below (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 61l -- FTAND 7.~ F1 SO~K ~'('(~, J{OL~ O~Oq(f3 Ft. Septic Reserve Area 16,00o SF. PERFORMED BY: iA.W Murfitt Compapy i Allan W. Murfi~t CERTIFY IHAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 IRev. 4/85) Municipality Gl Anchorage ~;, *,~,~,~ ~. ~.,,~ ..... :~ v ~ H~ALTH & HUMAN B"RVI~.~~- -~--,.~ · -~~~~~ DEPARTmeNT OF 8OIL8 LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST '~",.,~.,,~ ~".~?'~ ...';,:~'~,~,,__ PERFORMED FOR: D. Thornlow: Proposod Ingram-Kincaid SNhd. DATE PERFORMED:__F~hrHary 4/E; !993 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10- 11 13- 14- 15- 16- 17 '18 19 20 coMMENTS Township, Range, Section:E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N WASGROUNOWATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH7 DEPTH I g,~Ft. Slotted PVC Monitor Instld. I ~_.1 o~lqZ. Iqole dry i~_Jo~llq& Application Rate 0,6 GPD/SF. SLOPE SITE PLAN R4N sm AK. SE~ Si 3DJ VI'.,I01 PI kN No DeoIh lo Waler After MonilerJng? RORe Dale: 2/4/g3 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time (min w,t,~ in. Drop in. ube PERCOLATION RATE ~ 0 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" TEST RUN BEIWEEN '~7 FTAND ~'~ FT %b[~n:~- ~;~t~ a~10q[% Deep Trench below Ft. Septic Reserve Area J(o,~O SF. PERFORMED BY: A.__~W; Murfitt Compa,y ~ Allan ~. Murfitt ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT 'ON THiS DATE. 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN DATE: zlt [ t 30 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN 825 L Stree, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 PERFORMED FOR: D. Thnrnlow: Proposed__~pnaid Npi~h~. SlJhd.' DATE PERFORMEDL 4/Q2/g3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Kincaid Rd. & Ingrain St. Townshlp, Range, Sectlon:E 1/2 flW 1/4 NE 1/4 SEC 9 T12N No IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTHi' Del]Ih Io WaiST Aller Gross Net Depth to. Nat Reading Dele Time Time (rain We[er 111. Drop ube PERCOLAIION RATE / ~ Iminute$/InchJ PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 --FOIAL DEPIH I%¢Ft. Hotted P¥C Monitor tnstld. , tole dry AuCa~ ~lL~,~6~e~, c ~ ~ g ~ G,Is~to ~Le. TEST nUN BETWEEN ~, O., Fi AND,r ~ 1~, ) ~T~ COMMENTS Application Rate O, OGPD/SF, Septic Reserve Area I~)OboSF. PERFORMEDRY: A.W. Murfitt Company ~ Allan W. Murf~k~ CERTIFYTHA. T~HISTESTWASPERFORM£DIN ^CCORP^NCE Wn H A-L SIAl[ AND MUNIOIRA~ gUIg~UN~ IN ~¢F~gT gN ltll~ gBl[, hal" ~/O' 7//~ ~ ' , . .. MUmc,pnllly of Anchornge DEPArTmENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVIC~~: 825 'L Street, Anch6rage, Alaska 99502-06~ "~.~t SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMEDFOR: D. Thornlow: Proposed ~inc~id U ' . P~ ~h~' ~Hhd,' OATS PERFORMED LEGALUESCRIPTION: Mnca~d Rd. & [ng~am St, 'Townshlp, nange, Secllon;E 1/2 I 2 3 4 6 7 8 9. ti 13- 14- 16- 17-- 18- lg- 20- SLOPE SITE PLAN ~q~'l sm AK. WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO ;ElSt 3D]VI! I01 ~Lc r5 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? pO u:,,: ~/q7/9_3 Ueplh Io Water ~fle~* Reading Date Gross Net Depth to, Net Time Time (min. ) Water IR, Drop in, I JJlOf~/CL~ '7:// ~.. 0 107,~ 0 ~ 7,'3~ Io /08,~ ~ 7:~ ~ / 07.~ ~ - 7,,~ /~ / 07.~ .~ ube rOfAL DEPTH zo Ft. Slotted PVC Monitor Instld. .~0.,1~:~0[~0~.~ ~6'~5OL~L~G~j~iESTRUNBETWEEN ~.0 FTAND COUMEN]S, Application RateO,~GPD/SF. Septic Reserve Area I?)ooo SF. PERCOLATION hATE . ~ ~ * imlnules/tnch) PERO HOLE DIAMETER ~'~ FT PERFORMED BY: A.W. Murfitt Company , Allan W. Murfttt CER?IFYTHAT/THIST~$TWASPERFORMEDIN ACCORDANCE WI ~ H ALL S~fA~E AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE'. PERFORMED FOR: D. Thornlow: ProDos,d Kincaid Hplght~: gRhd: DATE PERFORMED:~/02/93 ' L~ALU~SCnm~,ON: K1ncMd Rd, & Ingram St, Townshlp, Range, SecUon:E 1/2 NN 1/4 NN 1/4 SEC 9 TI2N 1 2 3 4 § 6 g- 11 13- 14- 15 16 17 18 lB 2O WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? Oeplh lo Water Aller Monllorlng? nomle m:~/q7/93 ;EISI )D:VI!I01 __ Lo ~, COMMENI§ Reading Date Gross Noir Depth to. Net Time Time (IllIl~. F Waier lrh Drop in. z /o:qa~ Io ~s, zs ,~ ~ /o,.~/o ~.~o ,7~ ~ //m/~ // ~7. z~ ,~ //:~ ~ gO ~.~ /.Z~ 2 i /n~o~ /~ ~.7~ o,~ ube rOTAL DEPTH ZOFt. Motted PVC Monitor [ n s El d. PERCOLATION RATE / &'/' ' (mlnules/Inch} PERO HOLE DIAMETER 0,~ GPD/SF. Septic Reserve Area /~o~o PERFORMEDRY: A,N, Murfitt Compally ) Allan W. MuPftf.~ . CERTIFY IHAT/)'HIg T, EST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WI, H ALL $,ATE AND MUNI(;IPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON 1HIS DATE. DALE', , , 8~5 'L 81reel, Anch6rage, Alask. g9502-0650' ¥.'~t All.. w. SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ~r~ ?.. ,%4;'~;-[ PERFORMEOFOR: D. Thornlow: Proposed Kipn~d H~f~h~uhd.'DATEPERFORMED:~_ L~AL o~scnmnoN: Ki ncaid Rd. & Ingrain St.: lownshlp, RRnge, Secllon: E 1/2 NW 1/4 NWl/4 SEC 9 TI 2N ~ SLO,m SITS ~A~ R~W Sm AK. 0~c S? nchorage, AK 1 2 3- g~ 10- 11 13- 14 18- 17 18 19 20 WAS GROUND WATER IF Y~S, AT WHAT DEPTH~ tOTAL DEPTH ~o Ft. Motted PVC Monitor [nstld. Ueplh Ia WRier Alier Monllmlng? _I~0 D e 'I'' SEE StBD]VI.~ IOI PL AN No $ L O P ,at,: .,~/07/93 Reading Date Gros~ Net Depth to Net Time Time (min. ~ Water in. Drop in. ube PERCOLATION RATE ~,(~7 ' {minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" , Jole dry ,~ . ~- .~X~ILL,~OD~LL. cm~ ~% ~ %~LlO Rf.I~J~EST RUN BETWEEN . COMMENiS. Application Rate o. GGPD/SF. Septic Reserve Area (%begSF. PERFOnMEO.Y: A.W. Murfitt Company ~ ~ g~RTIFYIHATJHI~T~TWAOI~BflFOflMBBIH 825 "L' SIreel, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-065~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ct~.'., r%4s,z~.~ ,:.~ ...... .' .',g ,EnFonmEo ~on:~. Thornlow: Proposad ~pcaid ~pighf.~ uaaauo~scnmnon: Kincaid rd. a Ingrain St. townshlp, aange, Secllon:E 1/2 flW 1/4 N~ 1/4 SEC 9 T12fl 1 ~eA AK ¢ VI', I01 2 4 { 3 - Deplh lo Water Alter Monll~rlng? noue Date: Reading Dale Gross Time 'rime (mtn, I Water itl. Drop I ~lOGIq~ ~ ', zT~ 0 Io/,~ 7 ~ ~',~q~ // /~ ubs 14- 17 19 FOTAL DEPTH Ft. 2o Hotted PVC Monitor lDstl d. PERCOLAIION RATE "~'.'~' (minutes/inch} PERO HOLE DtAMETER 6" 'g,q. ltL',k)OO~JELb, )?~'oY'$OUO~Lt,13U~'~P_tESTaUNBEtWEEN :57',0 Ft~nO 5',5'. FT ~:~-SoaL 04-10S/c/3. COMMENTS .. Application Rate Septic Reserve Area ~ff,(~O SF. PEHFORMEDBY: A.W. Murfitt Company i Allan W. Murfttt CERTIFY1HATtHIStESTWASPERFORMEOIN ACCORDANCE WIIH ALL $1AIE AND MUNIO~PAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON IHIS DAli:, DAli:: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: March 17, 1993 TO: Department of Economic Development and Planning Zoning and Platting THRU: FROM: SUBJECT: John Smith, P.E., Program Manager, On-site Services Department of Health and Human Services ~uoc~+ Susan Oswalt, On-site Services ~0 Department of Health and Human Se[~ices Request for Comments on Subdivision(s) March 22, 1993 The Environmental Services Division, On-site Services Section, of the Department of Health and Human Services has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-9364: fl. Kincaid Heights Subdivision The following deficiencies have been noted on the proposed plat: Percolation testing has not been performed according to the standards outlined in AMC 15.65. Soil tests are not provided for Lots 3, 5, 8 and 9. The soil test on Lot 11 is not in the appropriate area; a new test will be required. Water monitoring will be required through a seasonal high;water period. The minimum lot size requirement is 40,000 square feet; however, several lots may need to be adjusted to accommodate the shortage of available reserve area. Provide DHHS with identified reserve areas of less than 25% slope. Areas shown as storm drain reservations will be treated as surface water and will require protective setbacks to any reserve areas. Applicant is required to identify and locate all on-site sewer systems and wells within 200' of this development. We will require an accurate topographic map. This plat does not meet minimum filing requirements as outlined in AMC 21 and 15. We are unable to completely evaluate the project due to submission errors and omission of required information. In addition, we feel that due to the potential for surface water impacting development of on-site disposal systems, this project should be delayed until spring when proper evaluation can be made. We request that this plat be returned to the petitioner. Department of Economic Development and Planning March 17, 1993 Page Two S-9326: S-9361: S-9362: S-9363: Dimond Industrial Subdivision No objection to variance request. Sandwood Estates Subdivision Prior to final approval, provide proof that any remainng structures with sanitary facilities are connected to public sewer and water. Well and sewer system will also be required to be properly abandoned prior to final plat. Bonnie Cusack Estates Subdivision No objection. South Addition, Anchorage Townsite Subdivision No objection. SO/ljm ~R-18-93 THU 11:17 P, O1 Municipality.._ ANCI IORAGE, ALASKA 9951,q-66SO ~,~,~ TELEPHONE: {907)343'4222 Anchorage DEPART~gNT OF COMMUN~ P~NING AND DEV~LOPMENT I4aroh 18, 1993 FILE COPY Alaska Land Development %William TUCker 1401 West 34th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503 RE: ~-936~Kincaid Heights Subdivision In reviewing the proposed subdivision case, the Come, unity Planning Staff has found it to be deficient in supplying Or showing the following required information (Land Use Regulations Sec. 5. Title Block Srrors Drafting Errors or' Omissions 7. Flood plains and Water Areas Existing Struoture~ or Features 9. Peripheral Area Inf0rmatiqn,~ 10. Tqpo D a_t.~ 11. Soils Tests ' 12. other Specif ~c Oml .~ ~i0ns_ 21.15.110(B): 1. Zoning 2. Existing Easements 3. Public Improvements ~ Utility Lines _~_Water Sewer Other 4. Roads and Drainage Information Specific Omissions~ see attached copy of DHHS memo dated March 17, 1993 outlining eight areas of concern. These items must be addressed to DHHS ~atisfaction prior to rescheduling this plat for public hearing. l'~,qR-18-§3 THU 11:18 ?, 02 Alaska Land Dev. S-9364 Page 2 This case has been disqualified and will be closed out in accordance with Sec. 21.15.115(A.) unless we receive a written reque~= for postponement or withdrawal of this matter. If you have any qus~tions, please let us know. Sincerely, T. Weaver, Jr. Platting Officer Don Thornlow 6000 "A" Street Anchorage~ AK 99518 File P, 03 Zoning an~ Dep&~tment o£ Health and Human ServiCeS .~,f~ ' Dep~r~men~ o~ Health ~nd Human So e~ ' March 22, ~993 TH~ Environmental Services DiviSion, On-site Services Sectio~ the £ollowing cases an~ has these The ~ollowi~q ~eflcienc~es have been no=ed on ~he 4. T~e minimum lo~ size rcq~t=emen2 ~s 40,000 to be ad,us=ed ~o acco~oda~e the 155S than 2S% ~=ea=ed as surface wager and will require . ~. We w~11 requ~9 an accurate .~opog=aph~ map. aS o~=lined in ~C ~ace wa~e~ impac~tmq aeveloPmen~ of on-si~e until spring when prope~ evalua~i0n can be made.' ~eti~ioner, P, 04 and ~lanning M&~h ~Tt 1993 San4wood ~st&tm$ Subdivision . ~oOf tha~ any and No objection. South Addition, A~ohorage Townsit~ Subdivision No objection. so/ljm MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION VERIFY OWN: A. Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letler or number per block. Do not write in the shaded blocks. 1. Vacation Code 2, Tax Identification No, I-] I"1'1'1 '1'1'1°1 1 3. NEW abbreviated legal description ('r12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34), 4. ~?~N~ abbr~vlat~d ~gal d~scriptl~n (~2N R2W $~ 2 ~ 45 ~R ~H~RT $UB ~LK $ L~ ~4) fu~I ~9ai ~n back paga' 5. Petitioner's Name (Last- First) 6. Petitioner's Representative c,ty A,u¢l.m~-A..~e... state AK Address 140t City ~C~ S~te 7. Petition Area 8. Proposed 9. Existing Acreage Number Number Lots Lots 10. Grid Number 11. Zone 12. FeeS 2~ZZ 13. Community Council .~A~r) ~-.6 B. I hereby certify that ~m~(I have been authorized to act for)the owner of the propedy described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates~re tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to adJ~'.~strative Si¢/atur;-- *~ents must provide written proof or authorization. Municipality of Anchorage PLATTING BOARD AUTHORITY APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Phone N U mbe~~ ~'~'~1 ~ Legal Description of Property Involved:~~ Present/Future Use of Property This is a request for a variance from Section DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Date Received Case No, Approved Conditions Hearing Date ACTION Denied of the Land Subdivision Regulations, This variance is for: A, The existing situation is: B, The granting of this petition would permit: -~-'~Ot~%~'~k)~-q'tOtJ ¢5F each o f the conditions in detail, using additional sheets if necessary, ordinance would clearly be conditions are: ~.-~--~ ¢¢ ~,O,A , ~-~ l~r~- ['J% gg~ ~0~ 2. That the granting of the specified variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the area 3. That such variance will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan of ~g~J~uth~zed)A~"' -- Signature of Land Owner PRELIMINARY REPORT SUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS PROPOSED KINCAID HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Prepared For Mr. Donald Thornlow 6000 A Street Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Prepared By A.W. Murfitt Company 13810 Venus Way Anchorage, Alaska 99515 Phone 345-2737 February 19, 1993 Job 92-237.01 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Introduction Description of Fieldwork Description of Site Subsurface Soil Conditions Results of Testing Roadway and Drainage Design Considerations and Recommendations PLATE 1: APPENDIX A: APPENDIX B: APPENDIX C: APPENDIX D: Site Plan, Test Boring Locations. Test Boring Logs. Plates 2 %o 10 &rainsize Distribution/Soil Classifications. Plates 11 to 17 Percolation Tests and Soil Logs. PLATES 18 to 31 Symbols and Terminology. Plates 32 and 33 3 4 4 6 6 This report presents the results of an investigation of subsurface soil and foundation conditions for subdivision roadway design, drainage, and on site septic systems which exist at the proposed Kincaid Heights Subdivision in Anchorage, Alaska. This proposed subdivision consists of approximately 20 acres located in the E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N R4W SM in Anchorage, Alaska. The purpose of this investigation was to obtain the necessary and sufficient subsurface soil condition data for the submittal of a Preliminary Subdivision Plat which includes the design of subdivision roadways, drainage, and an evaluation of the subdivision soils for on-site septic waste water disposal, all in accordance with Municipality of Anchorage Design Standardsl The scope of our work, was outlined in our written proposal of August 31, 1992. The work consisted of drilling seven (7) road borings for soil classification and water table measurement, two (2) borings for subdivision drainage water disposal, thirteen (13) borings for water monitoring for on-site waste water disposal evaluation and thirteen (13) borings for percolation testing through out the proposed subdivision. A total of twenty two (22) PVC, slotted standpipes were installed to depths of approximately twenty feet to allow future ground water level observations. The work also included subsequent laboratory soil testing to evaluate soil grainsizes and frost classifications as well as the insitu soil moisture contents. Our geotechnical investigation at this site was completed pursuant to verbal authorization to proceed from Mr. Donald Thornlow, the.property owner, in the fall of 1992. We understand that the lots in this subdivision will be for single family dwellings ~}d have a piped water supply system (Municipality of Anchorage, AWWU) and on-site septic systems. The intent is to have an all weather gravel access road designed to Municipality of Anchorage standards with no utilities in the actual road way emb~]kments (water, gas, telephone, electric in the road right of ways). Roadway foundation design considerations and recommendations presented in this report have been developed from our field observations, test hole drilling, our laboratory testing, mhd a review of the Municipality of Anchorage, ~eotechnical Hazards Assessment of Study of June, 1979 as well as previous work for on site septic system designs in nearby subdivisions. This report, along with the supporting data plates, has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Donald Thornlow and his authorized agents in the development of the proposed Kincaid Heights Subdivision. Use of this report by prospective design professionals and/or contractors in the preparation of contract documents should be for information on factual data and not as a warranty of subsurface conditions. This doclmlent has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotec}mical engineering practices. No other warranty, express or implied is made. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written permission of those named herein or the author. A total of thirty five (35) borings were drilled at the approximate locations and elevations sho~n~ on the attached Site Plan, Plate 1. Note that the percolation test procedure requires two borings at each location. The teat boring locations for the road borings were staked in the field by surveyors from Alaska Land Development Services. Access road (cul de sacs) alignments have been revised since the field work was done. The drainage and percolation boring locations were located by survey after drilling. Boring location ground surface elevations were referenced to existing Municipality of Anchorage topographic data~ The drilling was contracted to Benali Drilling, Inc. of Anchorage, Alaska by Mr. Thornlow. The borings were advanced by means of a Nodwell (tracked carrier) mounted, CME-S5 drill rig, utilizing 6 inch'outside diameter, continuous flight, solid stem auger. Disturbed auger cuttings were sampled from the augers as drilling progressed in each boring. No reletivelyundisturbed soil sampling, using split spoon and/or tube sampling devices, was done for this investigation. Mr. Allan W. Murfitt, P.E. of this firm logged all holes. The field drilling work was done from December 4 to 8, 1992. Percolation test casings were also installed at this time (4 inch diameter, schedule 80 PVC pipe, slotted for 6 inches at the test zone depth). Visual records (logs) of the soils encountered in the field included soil type, color and consistency, soil thermal regime, drill site vegetation and drainage, the presence/depth of water in the soil profile while drilling, and the ease or difficulty of drilling. Soil samples recovered in the field were packaged in moisture tight containers and returned to our Anchorage laboratory for visual examination aad testing. Ground water levels were measured on the day following drilling, and on February 4, 1993. The percolation tests were done on February 4 and 5, 1993 by Mr. Murfitt and his engineering assistmmt. The percolation test soils were soaked with water on February 4, 1993, prior to running the actual falling head percolation test. The Logs of the roadway and drainage borings are shown in Appendix A, Plates 2 through 10, appended to this report. Laboratory soll testing included soil classification or grainsize analyses, and moisture content determination. These test results are shown on the boring logs opposite the corresponding depths of drilling and in Appendix B, Plates 11 through 17. The percolation boring logs and test results are shown in Appendix C, Plates 18 through 30. Soil samples were recovered from all borings and have been retained in our laboratory for further examination and testing, if necessary. This proposed subdivision site consists of hummochy, kettle and kame (hills and depressions) topography of alluvial fans and cones. The site is located approximately one mile south of the Anchorage International Airport. The near surface soils are generally mixtures of SILT and fine S~A~ with trace amounts of GRAVEL. Deposits may also have been wind worked. No bedrock outcrops were observed nor excepted within several hundred feet of the surface. The site is 4 generally heavily treed with large (over 50 feet) stands of birch, cotton wood, and white spruce. A relatively small number of large tree blow downs were observed aod the area shows scars of an old (over 100 years) forest fire burn. The more poorly drained areas in the upper areas of the west side of the site have small growths of alder and devils club vegetation. Surficial vegetation consists of Peat, grasses, small shrubs and forest litter. In general, site drainage appears to be good, with seasonal precipitation being absorbed by the site soils and vegetation. Two wet drainage depressions are located at the northeast and southeast ends of the property, immediately west of IngramStreet, however, no standing water was observed in them. Field observations at the southern drainage, indicates that beavers have attempted to construct a foundation for a dam in the area of Boring D-1 and Percolation Boring 8. This appears to have been abandoned as subsoils do not appear to allow water containment. Access to the proposed subdivision is off Kincaid Road at Ingram Street (scheduled for improvement). Based on the Municipality of Anchorage Geotechnical Hazards Assessment Study of June, 1979 the site is classified as Seismic Hazard Zone 2, or a moderately low ground failure susceptibility. The site is classified as Wind Hazard Zone 2, or a high wind area (strong funneled "Chugach" winds). These areas are subject to one or two 50 mile per hour winds per year, with occasional gusts to 100 miles per hour. The site has the lowest potential for surface drainage problems. The site has a moderate potential for permafrost conditions (perennially frozen ground), however, no frozen ground, excepting seasonal frost, was encountered in our borings. A more complete description of the significance of each of the zones m~d their effect on development is presented in the referenced study. The logs of the borings appear on Plates 2 through 10 and Plates 18 to 30. An explanation of symbols and terminology used to describe the soils encountered in each boring is contained on Plates 32 and 33, In Appendix D. The objective borehole depth was 20 feet, and readily achieved. Drilling was classified as easy in all borings. The study area soils are predominantly mixtures of SILT, SAND, and small amounts of GRAVEL. These deposits are typical of water worked or alluvial soils and normally consolidated by previous ice sheet loadings. Soils also exhibit wind working or sorting. Soils at the site are generally SILT and fine, poorly graded, SAND mixtures which are interbedded or layered, with trace inclusions of GRAVEL. Clean (less than 10 percent SILT) SAND deposits are isolated and expected to be more prevalent along the west side of the subdivision, in the higher elevations. No clean GRAVEL deposits were encountered in our borings. Drilling of the deposits was relatively easy in all cases. The predominant soil types observed by our boring technique are a SILT (ML) with SAND, SANDY SILT (ML), and SILTY SAND (SM). Organic soil cover appeared to average 1 foot in thickness and consisted of PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT F' Seasonal frost was observed varied from 6 inches to 1 foot in the boring. All sites were relatively undisturbed and had approximately one foot of snow cover. No groundwater tables were observed in any of the borings after the completion of drilling. Wet soils in the upper 8 to l0 feet of the soil profile, were generally observed only in the two drainage borings. Water levels were checked the day after drilling and February 4, 1993. No perennially frozen ground (permafrost) was encountered in uny of our borings, however, this does not Preclude the occurrence below the depth of our explorations or, at Other locations in this subdivision. The results of field and laboratory tests are shown opposite the corresponding depths of drilling on the Boring Logs, Plates 2 to 10, the grainsize distributions, Plates 11 to 17, and the percolation test soil logs, Plates 18 to 30. Soil s~mples were classified according to the Unified Soils Classification System presented on Plate 32 and the Textural Classification System presented on Plate 33. Near surface soil frost classifications varied from F 2 (moderate frost susceptibility) to F 4 (high frost susceptibility). The mean appears to be F 4. The near surface, predominant roadway subgrade soil type is SILT excluding any substantial roadway cuts. For roadway design, a subgrade soil frost classification of F 4 should be used. Neat' surface soil moisture contents under the ORGANIC layer, indicate relatively dry to wet soil conditions. The values vary from 6.0 percent in Boring 7 to 30.6 percent in Boring 1 (drainage depression area). Soils below the 7 foot are generally classified as moist with values less than 20 percent. The higher values are found in the siltier soils. Percolation test results indicate that the proposed subdivision is suitable for on-site septic waste water disposal. The results have been preliminarily summarized on Plate 31. Based on the results of our field investigation~ subsequent laboratory testing, ground water observations, and a review of available site geotechnical hazard data as well as pr~vi0us adjacent an-site septic system design data, the following recommendations are submitted for the roadway design at this site. 6 The site is situated in an area of Anchorage with a relatively low seismically induced ground failure susceptibility. The site also is expected to have the lowest potential for drainage problems in the Anchorage area. The site appears to be free of permafrost but has a moderate potential for isolated permafrost and is located in a high wind area of Anchorage. Accordingly, the developer must assure himself of these associated risks with respect to all phases of subdivision development. Existing si~e subgrade soils are capable of supporting quality roadway emban~nents providing all Organic soils and soft, water saturated soils are removed from the embankment foundation areas. All roadways should be designed and constructed to the basic Municipality of Anchorage Standard Specifications, 1984 and The Design Criteria Manual, 1988 (or most recent editions). Minimum embankmeat classified fill depths suggested in these documents vary from 1.8 feet on an F 1 subgrade to 3.3 feet on an F 4 subgrade. Recent studies (December 1989) by the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Public Works, suggest that these minimum depths may be inadequate to ensure satisfactory long term performance if asphaltic concrete pavements are desired. Embankment fill thicknesses on the order of 8 feet have been suggested. Also, utility installations (water, gas, etc.) in embankments result in dissimilar soils and resulting uneven road surfaces through out the year (frost heaving/settlement). Soils in this subdivision are relatively consistent and are generally to F 4, with no groundwater. Soils also appear to be relatively permeable and will absorb seasonal precipitation. In this regard, we recommend that all embankments be designed using an F 4 subgrade soil classification. In addition, water running adjacent to embankments must be carefully channelled to prevent hydraulic erosion, seasonal icings, and embankment saturation with resulting seasonal frost action (heaving). Seasonal icings, however, do not appear to be a current problem at the site in view of the absence of near surface ground water. Culverts ~ld drainage structures must be designed to accommodate peak flows without over topping embankments and eroding fills. Roadway cuts in the SILT soils of the area appear to be stable at back slopes of 2.6 to 1. Exposed cut slopes should be revegetated to prevent hydraulic soil erosion. Exposed el~)ankment subgrades, cleared as recommended, should be recompacted to a minimum density of 95 percent of %he maximum density for that material as determined by the ASTM Test Procedure D-15§7 or the equivalent AASRTO T-180 Specification. We recommend that subsequent classified fills be placed on a Filter Fabric (over the prepared subgrade) such as Typar 3401, Mirafi §OOX or an equivalent fabric to prevent fill dissemination to the existing SILT subgrade soils. The fabric should be placed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Subsequent classified fill lifts should be placed in maximum 12 inch layers and compacted to 95 percent of the maximum density for that material as previously specified. Manufactured rigid, polystyrene board insulations may be used to reduce classified fill embankment thicknesses to the Municipality of Anchorage Standard Specifications, if desired, however, this should not be necessary in the absence of groand water at the site. Significant seasonal frost heaving is e~pected in the natural subgrades if water were present at the seasonal frost front. Seasonal frost penetrations of 7 to 9 feet may be expected in the roadways in this subdivision. In this regard, we suggest a minimum embanlment thickness of 4.0 feet of classified fill (well graded SANDY GRAVEL/GRAVELLY SAND with 0 to 10 percent minus #200 material). !, Field observations to date, indicate the subdivision vegetation and soils appear to absorb seasonal precipitation. There are two drainage basins at the site. The one located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Kincaid Road and Ingram Street appears to be wettest of the two. Water may pond in this area, although a floating debris line was not evident during our site reconnaissances last year and no free surface water was observed during our field work. The second drainage basin along Ingram Street appears to drain into the subgrade soils. Both soil profiles at these locations have relatively free draining SILTY SAND deposits at the 12 and 11 foot depth horizons, respectively. These depths correspond to respective ground elevations of 158 and 154. A slight increase in peak discharge volumes, however will probably result from this development. If necessary and as an alternative to a storm drain, vertical dry wells could be constructed to drain any potential ponded water in these areas. The preliminary dry well depth appears to be on tile order of fifteen (15) feet. Perforated, 24 inch corrugated metal or high density polyethylene pipe could be used for this purpose. For the purposes of analyses, the topographic site plan of the proposed subdivision and surrounding properties has been divided into five drainage cells. Cells three, four and five are considered extraneous to the project and lie to the east of Ingram Street which has no drainage structures in the roadway. Cell one, approximately 900,000 square feet, drains to the basin at the intersection of Kincaid Road and IngramStreet and cell two, approximately 870,000 square feet, drains to the second basin along the south end and west side of Ingram Street. Both basins have been sized at approximately 2,500 square feet. A very preliminary drainage analysis for a ten year return indicates a small flow and has been included with the site plan, Plate 1. The existing drainage basins should be able to assimilate this quantity of run off water. On-site septic waste water disposal appears to be feasible in this proposed subdivision. Due to the general imterbedded nature of the SILT and SAND soils encountered, we recommend the use of a deep trench leach field system. This allows absorption in the soil layers and will minimize the use of manufactured insulations in limiting seasonal frost penetration. The percolation test results along with a proposed trench size and septic reserved areas has been summarized for preliminary lot sizing and septic system design purposes. CLOSURE It is very important to ensure that the road way foundations are constructed in compliance with the preceding recommendations and design specifications and accordingly, should be under the scrutiny of a competent geotechnlcal engineer. This individual will be able to respond to unanticipated site conditions which 8 may not have been accounted for in our investigation. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered and cannot be fully determined by performing test borings. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to obtain a properly constructed project. Therefore, some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential costs. Respectfully submitted, A.M. Murfitt Company Civil Engineer 4977-E A. W. MURFITT COMPANY Consulting Engineers & Testing :[3810 Venus Way ANCHORAGE, AL.A,$KA 99515 (907) 349 7531 CH~OK~D~Y SCALE DATE 7 ...... : ........ ~,~ ................ , ~ ....... ~z~ ~ ~k~, , ............................................. i ~ "~ ", I ~ ' I I ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ 'q'~ { ; 7 ............................. *' ~"Z' ~" -: ........................ fi-'-'?' !--'"~'"', ~. i.~ ~ · ..................... ........... ~1~ 2 [v~ ~ j ~ ~{~)l"; (~i '.~/~) i '~ ........................ I ........ ~ ........................ "'~ "'"'"' ; ................ ,'"'"' 'V" ' i """ ,'"" ~ ~ ....... ~ '~ i ..................... ~ .............. :"-"~ ................................... ....................................... ~..- ~-,,,: .......... I--.-....+ · ~ -i .... -..i...-.. ~ - ~ ~'~-:- ·. i · .......... ~ , ~ 0 ~ [':~i'v" :' .......... i'" '"x .......... ":'"'"i '"' '" F"'"' "~:'"W ~ S~'"~ .~ ~ ~ ~;'""z'"'":[ .................... :-'":~ ....... ':'""~: ...... ' ........ ~ i'""~ t~ ~-. '1-' ................. [ .................. ....................... ,7''~ ............. , '"'"'" ~ i i' ~ (i~zl~~ ..................................... ]~) ~'r"-"-~ (g~O ~ ~ ~fl/~v~ ' ~N J' '}( '?~ ~/~g~ '"'"" [ ................. . . ~ IV"' ",'"": ......... ~."'" ".i i ii ,/ [i i :x = ~ -' ! J i' ..................................................................... ~ ................... ';3'1'""2' '"'"'""1 "-'"'~ '- ~4 ~ ~ , ~ ~ ......... : ............................ < .............. T ................................................ ................... -'-: ......... t i ~' ~ } '~ '[ J: · .. ~j ~ ~,= ..~' ~ ~ I~; ........ , : , : ........... ,i ~0,~ i~ . ~ J ' ~'; ~]:~ '~ ~ / ' ' I~,~, i i j,, ~ ~ i ill' i i ~ ~ i , I,, ~ ~ ~ L ~ ~=~ ! , ~ ~ ~'~ ~i r-~ , , ~-~ I C I ? APPENDIX D r~ I~ ~ ~ I I I ~ C~ I , ! ~ ~ I MAJOR DIVISIONS I TYPICAL NAMES ~, _~ GRAVELS GP ~ ~ SILTS AND CLAYS IIIIII ~; SILT~ AND CLAYS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOIL5 ~ ~ ~T~OOTHERHICIILYOR~NIC~tS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM KEY TO TEST DATA AW. Murfitt Company Consulting Engineers and Testing Job No. 92-237.01 Appr. AWM Date 02/15/9 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TEST DATA PLATE 32 so t CL^SS Hc^T oN CH^ T ' . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAVEL ( + ~4 SCREEN ) % BY WEIGHT Corps of Engineers Frost Design Soil Classification and USCS Equivalent Grouping PERCENTAGE FINER ~PICAL SOIL ~PES THAN 0.02 MM~ UNDER UNIFIED SOIL FROST GROUP SOIL ~PE BY WEIGHT CL~SIFICATION SYSTEM NFS * Gravel Sand Mixlur~ < 3 GW~ GP~ SW, SP F I Gravelly Soils 3 to 10 GW, GP, GW - GM, GP - GM F 2 (a) Gravelly Soils 10 1o 20 GM, GW - GM, GP - GM (b) Sands 3 to 15 SW, SP, SM, SW-SM, SP-SM F 3 (a) Gravelly Soils > 20 GM, GC (b) Sands, except ve~ > 15 SM, SC fine silty sands (c) Clays, PI < 12 CL, CH F 4 (a) All silts ML, MH (b) Ve~ Fine Silty Sands > 15 SM (c) Clays, PI < 12 CL~ CL - ML (d) Va~ Clays and CL and ML: other fine-grained, CL, ML, and SM; banded sediments CL, CH, and ML; CL, CH~ ML, and SM · NON FROST SUSCEPTIBLE Consulting ~ngineors and Tosting Job No. 92-237.01 Appr. AWM Date 02/15/9 SYSTEM Munlclp.llty of Anchorage ~.~/~ ~. ~ ,' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN ~ERVlC~~,,' ~.:.~ ~ 825 ",L" Street, Anchbrage Alaska 99502-0650 ~'~ AII.n w. ~mu ~ .~ P~FO~M~ ~OR: D. Thornlow: ProPosed Inoram-Kincaid SHhd. _DATE PERFORMED: FPhr.ary a/R_ '!093 LE6AL OESCmPT~ON: ~Township, Range, SecUon:E 1/2 NW l/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N 3 4 9 10 ~ ~ ~e~, WAS GROUND WATER No ~O(s~. ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH;' ; ~ Deplh Io Water Aller 13 - Monllorlng? none Date: ~.. Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time [t*~) Water Drop 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- lg- 20- ~;11%~i~% ~ ,~ ~ PERCOLAIlON "ATE ~ {rain.les/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMEIER . -- ~t~ ~ ~qz TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ FT AND PERFORMSDBY: ~.~, ~U~f~%t ComDaRy ' I Allan ~. Nu~ CERIIFY~HAT~HIS~ESTWASPERFORMEDIN ACCORDANCE WllH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE' ~' 18 825 ':L" Street, Anchbrage, Alaska 99502-0650 - PERFOR~EOFOR: D. Thornlow: Proposed Jngram-K~nca~d Suhd. DAT~PERFOR~ED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Township, Range, 8eclJon: E lj2 NN lj4 NN lj4 SEC 9 T12N SLOPE SITE PLAN H4~ sm AK, I N 3 4 5 10 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED1 11 IF YES. AT WHAT Oe~lh Io Wale~ Rller 13 Monil0rlng? none oale: 2/4/93 Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time (.,m {.-,'~Water Drop I 'z(o~J,~3 I:~t. v~, o U~L.Zs ' o 3 ~;~ ~ II~,~s" I,~" 14 15 16 17 18 ~%~ ~ ~%~ PERCOLA11ON RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BEIWEEN ~'~ FTAND ~,O F~ S~K~C ~g~ ~OqJq3 PERFORMED BY: A.W, Murfitt Company ' ~ Allan W. MllP~i[f CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN Munlclpallly ol Anchorage '¢'-...~';~ ~ . ' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVIC~~.~ ~ .... · . :~ . 825 L Street, Anchorage, Alaska g9502-0650 ~;~;:;;d,, : ~'~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST t~?.. ~%4~z~.E ...~ ...... ;. ~ ,~ ~,, p~OF,.~S~v ;~ PEaFORMEDFOa: D. Thopnlow: Ppoposed Ingpa~-Kincaid Subd. DATE PERFORMED: ~PhPlla~y a/~:'lqq3 LEGAL DESCmPT~ON: ~Township, Range, Sectlon:E 1/2 NN 1/4 NN ]/4 SEC g T12N SLOPE 81TB PLAN R4N sm 2 3~ 5- 6- IF YES, AT WHAT 13- M0nlt0rln~ none Oa~e 2/4/93 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time (.r~ n) Water Drop ~ " ~', Z7 F~ ~5 li~,5 ~,o" 14- 15- 16- 17 18 Rbb~ D~ I~0~ PERCOLATION RATE ~ ~ (minule~inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ TEST RUN BETWEEN ~,5 FTAND ~,O FT ~O~ ~ ~ PERFORMED BY: A.W. Hurfitt Company ~ " CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN , 20 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVIC~~.~ ~ .... . , .~ "~'~.~"~ ~ 825 L Street, Anchorage, Alaska99502-0650 ~ ~ AIl~nW ~udiH · ~ SO;LS TEST N0. % '~&~7"~ ....,,~x~ PERFORMED FOR: D. Thornlow: Propo~od Ingram-Kincaid Suhd. DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19--- 20- Township, Range, Section:E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTEREDI IF YES, AT WHAT ~eplh I~ Water Aller Monilerlng? RORe NO SITE PLAN R~r[~ sm AK, Reading I, Date Grose Net Depth to Hal Time Time ~n) Weter Drop COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: A.W. Murfitt Company I Allan W. Murf~tt ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE, ~4~O ~C, ~ ~ [~ PERCOLA]ION RATE I ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN 2 1 IJ Municipality of Anchorage ~°~J ~'~'"~' 825 "L" Stree Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 '¢ '¢~ Al'~ ~ ¢ '. No 4977E ~ ~ ~ ~OILS LOG -- PE~OOLATION TE~T ~,~ ., '. -' .' ~, TEST N0. ~ ' ,~;Z~'.~,"~,,,- :..:, PERFORMED FOR: D. Tho~n]o~: Proposed [ngram-Kinca~d Suhd. DATE PERFORMED: F~hru~ry ~/R= LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Township. Range, Section:E ]/2 N~ ]/4 N~ ]/4 SEC 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 17 18- 2O WAS GROUNO WATER ENCOUNTERED? ~O IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? COMMENTS eLOPE SITE PLAN R4N sm AK. DEPTH ~o Ft. PVC Monitor Instldl dry Application Rate o.~GPD/SF. E Depth b Waler Aller Monllorlng? none Date: 2~ ! Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date i Time Time (min, ) Water in. Drop in. ube PERCOLATION RATE ! ~"0 (minules/inch} PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~'~ FTAND ~'~ FT ~O~{Z. Deep Trench below '7 Ft. Septic Reserve Area I~0oo SF. '. IJ , Munlclpallly of Anchorage ~, g ', DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICE~ 825 "L" Street. Anch6rage, A aska 99502-0650 ~.'~ AIl~n ~ Mur~i~ ~ 801L8 LOG--P~a~OLATIOHT~$T ~,, ,.. ' ' .' ~ b TEST N0. G : ' ~%,,;t'"~':k~;: ~nFO~D ~om D. ThoPn]ow: Proposed Ing~am-K~neaid Suhd. DATE PERFO~MED: Foh~,m~y ~/R; LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Township, ~ange, 8ection:E 1/2 N~ 1/4 NH 1/4 SEC 9 2 3 4 § 6 7 8 9 10 1! 12 13 14 16 17 19 2O %kmPL~ 7 t~ ~7,s WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ,F VES, ATW.AT COMMENTS , Depth to Waler Allei' MonilerlnD? nORe I' N ;El SU]D ~I:;IOi FL iN FOTAL DEPTH 19 Ft. ~lotted PVC Monitor [nstld, I~}o? --4ole dry Application Rate O.q§GPD/SF. Date: Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date ; Time Time (rain Water in. Drop I o~o~lq~ z:2~ P~ O llq,-Ts o 3 ~ ~.~q w6 I~b.~s I,S 'ube : ~ ~ PERCOLATION RATE I~'~) (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" TEST RUN BETWEEN i'7 FTAND '7,..~ FT .~U. ~o_(.. IJ~0[.J~: O"&.ID~'~[~ Deep Trench be]ow -/ Ft. Septic Reserve Area IG,ooo SF. ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN E~FECT ON THiS DATE. DATE: 23 PERFORMED FOR: D. Thornlow: Proposed Ingram-Kincaid Suhd. ......... 825 "L",Stree,, Anch6rage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST . Fph~',ary 4/g, '1q93 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5- 7- 8- 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18- 19- 20- Township, Range, Section:E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N SH-~' I'¢~sc ~/- SLOPE SITE PLAN R4W sm AK. WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? ~e]- ,~o~, S~ )'~s~. Deplh la Waler After ~. Monilorlng? node Reading Date ' Gross Net ) Depth to Net ' Time Time (mtn Water in. Drop in, I ~-~1~S~% ~-I: ~3m1 o ~ ~z,~ 0 ube DEPTH ZO.SFt. Slotted PVC Monitor --Instld. ~ --Hole dry COMMENTS Application Rate O,H~GPD/SF. Deep Trench below PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minules/inch PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN EIETWEEN i ~ FTAND (~'~' ET ~0~1~-.. ~-..~, Ft. Septic Reserve Area I~,~} SF. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVlCE~.~..~ 825 L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOIL~ PEHFOHMEDFOH: D. ThornTon: PPoposed ~ng~a~-Eincn~d LEGAL DESCHIPTION: Township, 2 3- 5~ 6- 7- 8- g~ 10- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 19 20 COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER ,. ENCOUNTERED? NO s IF YES, AT WHAT : L DEPTH? pO ; E Depth lo Waler Aller Monilerln[l? Rorle Date: 2/4/93 : SLOPE SITE PLAN ]{4W sm AK. I N SEE SLBD]VI~ I0l t~ ~L~/^'i OH - ~ :.~,' Gross Net Depth to Net Reading. Date .~ Time Tim. (min. ) W.t.r in. Drop 3n.' DEPTH Slotted PVC Monitor nstld. I~JO~{q~ PERCOLATIONRATE ~ (minules/inch) PERCHOLEDIAMETER 6" dry Izlo~(~& TESTRUNBEIWEEN ~___ .FYAND Application Rate 0,~GPD/SF, Deep Trench below ~ Ft. i i Septic Reserve Area IH~o SF. ~-~ PERFORMED BY: A.W. Murfitt Company i Allan ~ Murfit~: CERTIFY THAT THIS TES/ WAS PERFORMED IN '1 ; ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 2//'~/~ 26 IJ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH a HUMAN SERV Cg~d.~ SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST ....... P~RFORM~D FOR: D. Tho~nlo~ P~oposed [ng~a~-K~ncaid SRbd. DATE PERFORMED; F~h~u~r~ ~/~; '!g93 LEGAL DESCRIPTION'. Township, Range, Section:E 1/2 N~ ]/~ NN ]/4 SEC 9 Tl~N 1 2 3- 4- 5- 6- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17- 18- lg--- 20- I N SEE StBD]VI.< IOf )TAL DEPTH )~ Ft. Slotted PVC Monitor Instld. l~lc771q z --Hole dry ~Jo~blq~ WAS GROUND WATER: ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Deplh Io Waler After Monllorlng? DoRe COMMENTS. Application Rate 0.~ GPD/SF. Reading Date ;: Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time (min.i) Water in. o,op in. I ozJOsl'l~. 'Sr~,/P~ 0 II G,.S O ube ~G 6"- PERCOLATIONRATE (minules/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST nUN BETWEEN ~ 7. ~ F~ AND g.O FT ~a~ ~aRC get~ o~oq~q5 Deep Trench belo~ S Ft. Septic Reserve Area [2l~:~ SF. PERFORMED BY: A.W. Murfitt Company ~ Allan W. Mlmfltt CERTiFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PEREORMED IN ^Doo.o^.~E w,m ^LL STA~E ^.e M...C,~^~ G.,DEL..ES.. EE.E~T"O. m,S D^TE. ~^~E: ' ~/~/'?~ 27 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST '~ ?. ~' ~777_ ...,~ TEST NO. ~/ ~ ~'/IOFESStO~O" PERFOR~EDFOR: D. Thornlow: Proposed Ingram-Kincaid Subd. DATE PERFORMED: FPh~'ua.y a/5; ' ! 993 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7- 8- 9- 10- 11 Township, Range, Section:E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N WAS GROUND WATER ' ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Deplh Io Waler ADer MonDodng? none Dale 2/4/93 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18' 19- TOTAL DEPTH 19,SFt, 20- Slotted PVC Monitor [nstld, Hole dry COUU~NTS., Application Rate O,V%GPD/SF, SLOPE SITE PLAN I{4W sm AK. I' N ;E~ SI ~D] VI!;I01 Fi ~N Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Data i Time 1-ime (min. ) Water in, Drop in, 'ube PERCOLATION RATE ! L~ ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" TEST RUN BETWEEN IO,~.FTAND ll,~) FT ~(l~S~e~O- ~OL.~: Deep Trench below Ft. Septic Reserve Area I~ SF. PERFORMED BY: A.W. Murfitt Company i Allan W. Murfitt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ~)N THIS DATE, DALE: 28 PERFORMED FOR: D. Thornlow: Proposed Ingram-Kincaid SHhM. Municlpallly of Anchorage ~' '~V~'"')/]' ~'~'~ · ' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICE'~~~ . 825 "L".Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 ?~~%~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ~;?~", "~; O{~-E ,,:~ TEST N0. IL l.~,qo,.,.~ ~ ~ DATE PERFORMED: F~hr.ary 4/R; ' ~ qq3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ! 3- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14-- 15- 16- 17- 18 - 19- 20- COMMENTS Township, Range, Section:E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 TI2N WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ; SLOPE SITE PLAN R4H sm AK. No IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? p ~ E Deplh to Waler Alter M0nil0ring? none Date: ~ Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time (min, ) Water in. Drop in. 'ubo 'OTAL DEPTH Iq,SFt. Slotte~ PVC Monitor Instld. --Hole dry Application Rate o,~GPD/SF. PERCOLATION RATE '~ ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" - TEST RUN BETWEEN i '7 FTAND '"7.,.~ FI ~OA~. ~7~19-,6 HOL~ Deep Trench below 5' Ft. Septic Reserve Area I~tOC~:~ SF. PERFORMEOBY: A.W. Murfitt Company ~ Allan W. Murfit~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THiS DATE. DATE', 72.008 Iflev. 4/B51 PERFORMED FOR: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ! 7 I, 9 11 15--- 20- Munlclpallly of Anchorage D~PARTBENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN 8ERVICE~~~~ sOILs LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST TEST N0. I ~ Thornlow: Proposed Ingram-Kincaid Suhd. F~hmt~r~ 4./R; '1993 Township, Range, Section:E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 T12N WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SLOPE SITE PLAN R4N sm AK. No I N SEE SLBDIVI.~ IOf r L &N 4~4 ~ ,'~/AlIO~' 196 S L IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH;' : P Deplh Io Water Aller Monitoring? ~ Dale: 2/4/93 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net , Drop in. Time Time (min. ) wa,e, in. .~ v %:S% '~0 lt'7,'5 'ube DEPTHIq,¢Ft. Slotted PVC Monitor Instld. I ?-~[ o~)(qZ~ ~0 dry 12~oql~ ~ Deep Trench below PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS. Application Rate 0,~ GPD/SF. (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" Ft, [I Septic Reserve Area I(o,(~O SF. PERFORMED BY; A.W. Murfitt Compapy ~ Allan ~. Murfitl~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ~)N THIS DATE. DATE: Zltt'['7 3 30 .. .... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVIO~k.~~ 825 "L" Street, Anchbrage, Alaska 99502-0050 ¢.'{~ Allan W. M~[~ , ~ ~. .'~ 8OIL~ LOG ~ PE~OOLATION TEST ~ ~,.../~ PERFORMED FOR: D. Thornlow: Proposed ffilqcaid ~Pightm glJhd: DATE PERFORMED:~4/02/93 ,_ . I 2 3 4 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Deplh Io Waler After P,40nlbrlng? none D,te: _,~/O~/93 DEPTH 1~,5 Ft. Slotted PVC Monitor Instld. PERCOLAIlONRAIE J 3 Gross Net Depth to, Net Reading Oete Time Time (min. . Water 1R. Drop 6 6t~ q fi~ t o ~Z.~ ube ~ole dry Au~ [16I~JEU. ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,15~ktO ~, 1EST RUN BETWEEN Appiication Rate O,~GPD/SF. Septic Reserve Area/~)~ SF. {minule$/Inch) PERO HOLE DIAMETER 6" .^.D ~,s. ,T P,~s,~L o41orlva '31 PERFORMEDFOR: D. Thornlow: Proposed, ff~ncA~d H''~,~h~-~Uhd:DATEPERFORMEDL~/o2/g3~. LEGALDE$CRIPTION: Kincaid Rd. & Ingrain St. 'lownshlp, Range, SecUon:E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 9 'T12N SLOPE SITE PLAN ~J'J $111 AK, -- ~[~o~k)k~ Anchorage, AK WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED1 NO IF Y~S, AT WHAT DEPTH~ Oeplh Io Waler Aller Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date T{me Time (min. ) Water in. o,o. in. z 7~z/ ~ to t07.~ 'ube 14 - SI(-T' ~ FIv~ G~.A~L 15- 16- 17- 18- G~l~q%~. Lt.~%g ~,O~ 19- TOTAL DEPTH zo F~. 2D---Slotted PVC Monitor I ns t ] d. PERCOLATION RAIE 2 ~ imlnulee/Inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER . 6" ,~O..~[.~:~OOD~),~t.,U~ ~d~{)'~SoLtDF/t.~ja~J~iESTRUNBEiWEEN 6,0 FTAND ~'~. FI COMMENZ8 , Application Rate O,b 6PD/SF. 32 Septic Reserve Area ~V,0o~ SF. pEnronu~oev, A.W, Murftt~ Company i Allan W. Mur~t~ _ OERTIPVIHATTHIBt~BTWABPB~PORMB~IN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVIC~ 825 "L",Street, Anchorage,' Alaska 99502-0650 ~f~; SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: B. Tho~nlow: P~oposed ZngPam-K~nca~d guh~. OATEPERFORMED: Fphr,ary 4/~;'!993 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS Township, Range, Sectlon:E 1/2 NN 1/4 NN 1/4 SEC 9 T12N SLOPE SITE PLAN }{4N sm AK. WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? FOTAL DEPTH Iq Ft. Slotted PVC Monitor [nstld. I:lo:lqz ;El SU)D: VI:;I01 No Deplh Io Water After Monllsrlng? none Dale: , Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date ~ Time Time/rain Waterin, Drop 3 v ~;~B~ ~0 I1~,F t,~ ube PERCOLATION RAIE /1l"7 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 611 4ole dry I~jo8Jq~., f~IifnUNI~I~tWi~I~N .~,?) ~A~ .~f ~'~K t~F~.C HOL~ o~[oqJwg Application Rate O~sGPD/SF. Deep Trench below ~' Ft. , Septic Reserve Area l~,oooSF..; AOOORD^.OE.,T.. STATEA.OMD.,C,.^LGU.OELt. E ,.E EECT'ONT., O^TE. DATE.y/ Z/IJ/ '3 24 ,-'T, ~.;,~"' ~"-.;' .',s; · ~,.'_-',' ..* ~*~ "o . r' ' Municipality of Anchornge ? DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN 825 "L" Slree, Anc brage, Alaska gg502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST t,~,'... ~.~?~ ...'~ TEST ~0. I~ ~ ~e~, PERFORMED FOR: D. Tho~nJow: P~aBO~d-. E'3n~d' HP~gh~Suhd: DATE PERFORBEO:~JB~/93. ~ ...., LEGAL DESCRIPTION: K~nca~d Rd. & [ng~a~ S~, Townshlp, Range, Secllon:E lJ~ NH lj4 NN 1/4 SEC 9 T12N ~&~T~& 0~'?. Anchorage, AK SLOPS 81TH PLAN tl i IF YES, AT WHAT 12 DEPTH? geplh lo Waler Aller 13 Readin~ Dale Gross Net Deplh to Net Time Time (1~11ll Waler iR, Drop in, ~ /1:~ ~ ~.~ o 'ube - 14- 15- 16 - 17- Ig- TOTAL DEPTH ~OFt, 2o---Slotted PVC Monitor Instld. PERCOLAIlONRAIE / ~ IImlnules/InchIPERCHOLEDIAMEIER . 6" COMMENTS L Application Rate d,~GPD/SF. ._ ' .......... 3,3 SepHc Reserve A ea/ o SF, PERFORMEDBY: A.W. Murfitt Company ~ Allan I W ' Murf~tt ACCORDANCE WIIH ALL $1AFE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN FFFECT ON '~HI$ DALE, CERTIFY ~IA_T THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN o^ E: [J DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH A HUMAN SERVICE~.~ ~ 825'L" Streel, Anchbrage, Alaska 99502-0650 ~t AI~. w. ~m / , ~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ¢~*'. u~. 4,'zz-, ..z~ TEST NO. I~ . ~,~o,..,,,-~t~' ~' PERFORMED FOR: D. Thorn]nw= P~opo~ed- E~nc~d Hp~Oh~- S,hd.' DATE P~RFORME.D~~ LEGALDESCRIPHON: K~ncaid Rd. & Ing~am S~. Townshlp, Range, Sectlon:E 1/2 NH 1/4 NN 3/4 SEC 9 TI2N 1 2 4 6 ?- g- lO. 11 12 13 14-- 15 18 17, 18- 19- 20--- IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? SLOPE SITE PLAN R4H sm AK. ge, AK '" WAS GROUND WATER NO Depih to Water Aller Monllorlng? J3_one stero (42) 0,,,: _~/q7/93 ;EfSI )D:Vl)I01 ,L~ DEPTH LO Ft. Slotted PVC Monitor Instld. Reading Dale Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time (Illin Water in. Drop ~ { /o:5~ ~O ~R,~ /.~ 7 V /1: IL'~ ~o ~fi.~ /,~ 'ube PERCOLATION RATE . ~ (;7 ' (mlnule$/lnch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER , Hole dry . . _ COMMENI$ Application Rate ~ GPD/SF. Septic Reserve Area ~4-sooo SF. PERFORP,4EDB¥: ,A.W. Murfitt Comuanv m Allan W. MJ~t~ 0lfflIIFYIHAT.TUJ~TI[STW^§PI~flI'OflM§DtFI ¸Ir ~unlclpallty ol DE~A~I~E~T OF HEALTH ~ HU~*" SERVIC~~~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PEnFORMEO FOR: D. Thornlow: Pt'oposP_d- ~r~d ~e'[gh~' S,,hd; DATE PERFORMEOL.~.____ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Kincaid Rd. & Ingram St. 'Townshlp, Range, Sectlon:E 1/2 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC g T12N ,_~-- ~ ~c~o~age~ AK SEE SLBDIVI I0 L~ fl 7 g- lO - ~ ~l~ [~V] WAS GROUND WATER ~ ~ G~% I%k~ ENCOUNTERED; No · III 12 ~ ~ ~Z~ DEPTH~ 13 Deplh 10 Waler ~ller 14 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time (m~ water 17- ~ ' ~ : 0~ ~ /01, ~ 0 m. O 9'13 I0 19 [0TAL DEPTH F~. 2o ~]o~ed PUC Honi~o~ ube lns~ld. PERCOLAZION HATE ~ ~ ' {mlnutes/lnchJ PERt HOLE DIAMETER ~{~ ~"~UO ~L~,~TESTRUNBETWEEN ~O F~AND ~, FI ~5~ 0~/0~ CO~N]S A~pl~ca[~on EaLe ~GPD/SF. 35 SepLlc Reserve A~ea ~W,~ SF. PERFORMED BY: ~.W. Hu~f~[ Company ~.Allan ~. ~lJ~ CERTIFY3HATTHIS3ESTWASPERFORMEDIN ACCORDANCE WU H ALL STALE AND MUNIblPAL GUiDELiNES in EFFECT ON THiS DATE. DATE: APPENDIX D ~ ~ SANDS~ ~o HaES I~)o~t¥ GRADED ~ND~, GRAVELLY SRND~ ~!' MORE ~N H~F SP~ SM ~ ~ SILTS AND CLAYS OiC~Y~SlL~WlTHSt~CHIP~TI~n ~ ~ MH O~AIO~CI~S H~ SAVOY ~ S~tn ~1~ ~ a SILTS AND CLAYS m ~ I~RGANtC C~ ~ HIGH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM KEY TO TEST DATA ~ M~R ~mg~y so~L CLASSIFICATION CHART PLATE Consulting Engineers and Testing AND 36 JobNo. 92-237.01 Appr. A~H Date 02/15/9 KEYTOTEST DATA ~ ~ SANDS~ NO EINE$ I~)OIL¥ GRADID ~ND~, GRAVILL¥ SAND~ ~i' MORE ~N H~F SP~ ~ ~ SILTS AND CLAYS O~C~Y~SlL~WITHStlCHTP~TIO~ MH SILTS AND CLAYS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS o lo 20 30 40 ,0 60 70 80 90 ~RAVEL ( + ~4 SCREEN ) % BY WEIGHT Corps of Engineers Frost Oesign Soil Classification and USCS Equivalent Grouping PERCENTAGE FINER ~PICAL SOIL THAN 0.02 ~ UNDER UNIFIED SOIL FROST GROUP SOIL ~PE BY WEIGHT CL~SIHCATION SYSTEM NFS * Gravel Sand Mixlur~ < 3 GW~ GP~ SW~ SP F I Gravelly Soils 3 lo 10 GW~ GP, GW- GM~ GP- GM F 2 (a) Gravelly Soils 10 to 20 GM, GW-GM, GP-GM (b) Sands 3 lo 15 SW~SP, SM, SW-SM, SP-SM F 3 (a) Gravelly Soils > 20 GM, GC (b) Sands, except ve~ > 15 SM, SC fine silty sands (c) Clays, PI < 12 CL, CH ~ 4 (a) All silts ML, MH (b) Ve~ Fine Silty Sands > 15 SM (c) Clays, PI < 12 CL~ CL - ML (d) Va~ Clays and CL and ML: other fine-grained, CL~ ML, and SM~ banded sedlmenls CL, CH~ and ML~ CL~ CH~ ML~ and SM · NON FROST SUSCEPTIBLE Consulting ~ngineers and Testing Job No. 92-237.01 Appr. AWM 'Date 02/15/9: SYSTEM ALDS ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES~ INC. 1401 WEST 34TH AVENUE P.O. Box 9~g~5 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 (907) f158-f1788 April 7, 1993 D&pt. of Community Planning P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 RECEIVED Municipality of Anohorage Dept. Health & Human Servicos ATT: Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer REF: S-9364 Kinhaid Heights Subdivision 'Gentlemen: Regarding your letter of 3/18/93 and DHHS memorandum of 3/17/93 on the referenced case, the developers~ representatives have met with John Smith and Susan Oswalt of DHHS to determine what additional information they felt they needed. We submit this information herewith, copies being fo~,arded to DHNS for their review. Please continue the Municipal approval process for this case. We intend to contact DHHS directly to confirm adequacy of this infor- mation. If your department has any questions, please call. ~_ASK_A LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, INC. illiam R. Tucker, President cc: Susan Oswalt, DHHS [] A.W. Murfitt Comp_any_ CONSULTING ENGINEERS & TESTING 13810 Venus Way * Anchorage, Alaska 99515 .. Telephone (907) 345-2737 * FAX (907) 345-3264 April 7, 1993 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 RECEIVED APR 8 199~ Municipality of Anchorage Dei3t, Health & Human S¢ r vi.c,e.s RE: Soil Percolation Test Procedure Using Auger Type Drill Rigs Dear Ms. Oswalt: Pursuant to our discussions on March 18, 1993 on the Proposed Kincaid Heights Subdivision, site soil percolation testing procedure, the following dialog has been prepared to document the procedure used in our work at the site. Our client specifically requested that a soils exploration drill rig be used to perform exploratory soils work in this subdivision as opposed to the use of back hoe excavation equipment in order to minimize test pit excavation damage to the site. This firm has used soils drilling equipment to perform on site percolation testing since being founded in 1979 as well as other established firms such as Alaska Test Lab, Inc., J.M. Lambe and Associates, Inc., R & M Consultants, Inc., etc. The procedure used in this evaluation is described as follows: A suitable site is selected, meeting MOA on site septic disposal field criteria (property set backs, slopes, drainage, etc.). A rotary drill rig is used in conjunction with 6 inch diameter solid flight (or hollow stem) auger to advance an exploratory test hole (minimum depth 14 feet) to select suitable soils percolation test strata and install a ground water level observation standpipe. The standpipe usually consists of 1 inch diameter PVC pipe which has been slotted below the 5 foot depth horizon to allow ground water access. The top of the hole is sealed with soil and graded to prevent surface water flow infiltration. The drill rig is then moved away from the exploratory hole, approximately 5 feet and another hole ddlled for the percolation test. 3. The percolation test hole (6 inches in diameter) is then drilled to the desired depth, a sample of the desired soil recovered from the auger. The augers are then with drawn and cleaned of all cuttings and rerun down the hole clear any sluff and clean the side walls of the hole. A piece of 4 inch PVC pipe is then prepared by saw cutting diagonal slots over the bottom 6 inches of the pipe to allow free water flow to the side walls of the cleaned hole. The pipe allows approximately a 1/2 inch space between the side wall and pipe circumference and prevents the hole from collapsing as water is added. The pipe is then inserted in the hole and approximately 2 inches of gravel (1/2 inch minus to plus 1/4 inch) placed at the bottom of the hole through the pipe. The pipe is then with drawn a few inches to seat the gravel at the bottom of the hole. The gravel is intended to prevent soil scour in the hole as the water is added. The percolation test is then conducted using the MOA guidelines. The water levels are recorded from measurements taken with a steel tape to the water surface, aided by a flash light. We along with other design professionals in the soils engineering community in Anchorage have been using this test procedure for a number of years. We are satisfied that this procedure allows for the adequate design of on site septic waste water disposal systems. Yours truly, A.W. Murfitt Company Allan W. Murfitt, P.E. Civil Engineer 4977-E APPENDIX A · LOT 7 L 4 E AF KINCAID HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION PLATE lA LABORATORY E JLOG OF BORING/TEST PIT #,,l J£QUlPM£NT~ CME 55, No_dwell, 6_SFA IEtEVATIONt iT.Z' DATE: 12/03/92 Area stripped, edge of Ingrim Road. SANDY SILT (ML), light brown, wet, F 4, easy drilling. GRAVEL lense, 6". Grainsize 30.6 6 18.2 SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist. 12- SANDY SILT (ML), light brown, moist. 14 GRAVEL Lense, 6". 16 ll .3 18 Total Depth 18 Ft. Hole dry and open after drilling. Standpipe 3/4" installed. A. L Murfitt Compa ry_ CONSULTING ENGINEFA1S & TESTING rOt;NO.: 92-237.01 APPR.: AWM PATE: 02/01/93 2O LOG OF BORING/TEST PIT# 1 Thornlow; Ingrim-Kin'caid Subd. ANCHORAGE ALASKA PLATE 2 LABORATORY TESTS Grainsize 2 26.1 LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT # 2 EQUIPMENT,. CME 55, Nodwell, 6" SFA ELF. VA?ION: I'~I . DATE: 12/03/92 Area stripped,'edge o{ Ingrim Road. SILT (ML) with SAND, light brown, F 4, wet. Easy drilling. GRAVEL lense, 6". 15.1 SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist. 10 GRAVEL lense, 6". 12¸ SILT (ML) with SAND, trace fine GRAVEL, light brown, moist. 14. 18.5 16, r, Murfitt Compaary_ CONSULT~G I~GINI~ .H1S & T ,F~STIi~G /oBtvo.: 92-237.01 At'PI(.: AWM I)AT£: 02/01/93 18- Total depth 19 Ft. Hole dry and open afte drilling. Standpipe 3/4" PVC installed 2o LOG OF BORING 'TEST PIT# 2 Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. PLATE 3 LABORA?ORY TESTS Grainsize 18.8 ILOG OF BORING/TEST PIT #~,~ and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and red brown, wet. SILT (ML) with SAND, light brown, F 4, moist. Easy Drilling. GRAVEL lense, 6". 6 GRAVEL lense, 6". 10- 13.6 14 16 16.0 2O Total Depth 19 Ft. Hole dry and open afte~ drilling. Standpipe l" PVC Installed. A.x~. Murfitt Com~a~w I Loc oF Bor,nc / TEST PIT # ~ -I Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. CONSULTING '~NGiN ' ,~,RS & TF. STING 'OBNO,: 92-237.01 [ PLATE LAB ORATORY TESTS LOG OF BORING / TEST PiT # ~ £ UlFMENT., CME 55, Nodwell, 6 SFA ------ ELEVA~ION~ ~ ~ArE~ 12/04/92 0 PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and red brown, wet. SILT (ML) with SAND, light brown, wet, F 4. Easy drilling. Grainsize ~18.1 GRAVEL lense, 6".. ll .7 SILTY SAND (SM), trace fine GRAVEL, light brown, moist. 14 13.6 A.-~. 1Vhrfltt gom._pm~ CONSUUI'ING ;I~NGINEERS & '1' 'ESTING IOBNO.: 92-237.01 APP~.: AWM ~)At~: 02/01/93 111. GRAVEL lense, 6". Total Depth 19.SFt~ Hole dry and open after drilling. Standpil 1" PVC installed. 2O Thornlow; Ingrim-Kin¢~id Subd. ANCHORAGE ALASKA LABORATORY TESTS Grainsize 23.0 0 PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and __ red brown, wet. SANDY SILT (ML), light brown, F 4, wet. Easy drilling. ]RAVEL lense, 6". 10.6 SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist. 10¸ Clean SAND, trace fine GRAVEL, moist. 1 Ft. lense. 12' 14 16¸ 16.1 18. A.W. Murfitt Compare CONSUEH]NG ENGIN: ,I~ & TESTING 92-237.01 ArP~.:_ AwN DATE; 02~3 ¥otal Depth 20 Ft. Hole dry and open afte~ drilling. Standpipe l" PVC Installed. 2O LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT ~ 5 PLATE ThornloW; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. ANCHORAGE ALASKA 6 t^ or^tor¥ TESTS Grainsize 20.1 LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT # 6 EQUIPA, IENT'. CME 55, Nodwell, 6" SFA ELEVATION: I-~11 .DATE~ 12/03/92 PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and red brown, wet. SANDY SILT (OL) trace GRAVEL., light brown F 4, wet. Easy drilling. GRAVEL lense, 6". ll .7 8 SILTY SAND (GM), light brown, moist. 10¸ 12. GRAVEL lense, 6". 14- ll .1 16 18 A.W. Murfitt Comp_m__ _ CONSUUI'ING I~GIN ' ,EER$ ar TE.gI'ING IOBNO.: 92-237.01 AI'PR.:_AW~ DA l E: ~ 20 LOG OF BORING [ TEST PIT # 6 Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. ANCHORAGE Total Depth 20 Ft. Hole dry and open after drilling. Standpipe l" PVC installed. PLATE Al ASKA 7 LABORATORY TESTS _~ I LOG OF BORING/TEST PIT ~. 7 ~ U ~ ~tu JECIUIPM£NT: CM.E 55____2_, Nod_well,_~6- SFA 0 PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and red brown, wet. SILT (ML) wi.th SAND, trace Fine GRAVEL, light brown, moist. Grainsize ~6..0 SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist, F 2. 4 Easy drilling. ' 7.0 SILT (MT) with SAND, light brown, wet. 10 GRAVEL lense, 6". 12, SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, wet. 14- 16 ~12J7 18, ,A.W. Murfitt Comp_m__ _ CONSUEI'ING :ENGIN: ,EF~ & I'E,gI1NG IOI1NO.: 92-237.01 ArrR.: AWH O A ~m __02LO329B~ 20 LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT # 7 Thornlow: Ingrim~Kincaid Subd. ANCHORAGE Total Depth 19.5 Ft. Hole dry and open after drilling. Standpipe l" PVC instld. PLATE 8 LAB ORATORY TESTS LJ _~ ~ ] LOG OF BORING D-I 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~ ELEVATION: I I ' DATE: ~ ~ :~ u ~ ~m ~ ~ ~. I0~ ' 12/08/92 O- PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and red brown, wet. SANDY SILT (ML), light brown, wet. 5- ' tttl 15.1 SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist. J 16.8 10- 15 25=i 30- SANDY SILT (ML), light brown, wet. SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, moist, easy drilling. SANDY SILT (ML), light brown, trace fine GRAVEL, wet. Total Depth 25 Ft. Hole dry and open after drilling. Standpipe l" PVC Installed. 35 Murfitt I 92-237.0l ~API'R.: AWM DATE: 02/01/93 4O LOG OF BORING D-1 Tho~nlow~ Ing~tm Kfnea~d Subd. ANCHORAGE ALASKA PLATE 9 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTS s LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT ~,. D-2 I£QUII'M£NT.. CME 55.__._~, N_odwell____~_, 6' SF_____~A ~ I£1.EVATiON: '-~?0' ' DAT£: 12/08/92 PEAT (Pt) and ORGANIC SILT (OL), dark and red brown, wet. SANDY SILT (ML).trace fine GRAVEL, light brown, wet. Fine GRAVEL lense, 6u. 22.2 Saturated at 8 Ft. 10 Fine GRAVEL lense, 6". 12. SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, wet, easy drilling. 14- 16 18, A.W. Murfitt Comp __ _ CONSULTLNG 'ENGINE ,ELL5 & T 'ESTING IOB NO.: 92-237.01 2O LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT # D-2 Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. Hole dry after drilling, Slough to 19 Ft. Total Depth 20 Ft. Standpipe l" PVC Instld PLATE 10 ArPR.: AWM PAr~: 02/01/93 ANCHORAGE ALASKA GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PRO/ECT Thornlow; Ingrim- Kincaid Subd. LOCATION OF PROJECT Anchora'ge, AK SAMPLE NO, 1-1 TESIED BY E.S. /OB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING/~rl~$Ti~fl=NO. l DEPTH OF SAMPLE 4 to 7 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 01/07/93 1 oo 8o SOIL DESCRIPTION GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO J FINE SILT CLAY MEDIUM I PERCENTAGES 2.1 31.6 66.3 U.S. standard sieve sizes I 20 0 Grain diameter, mm SANDY SILT (ML)~ natural moisture 30.6%~ F 4~ 32.3% -0.02mm. SOILCLASSIFICAIlON SANDY SILT (ML). A.W. Murfitt Company_ CONSULTING ENGINEERS & TFXFING OTHER TESTS PLATE 11 GRA IN SIZE D15 TRIB U TION PROJECT Thornlow; LOCATION OF PROJECT SAMPLE NO. 2-1 Inqrim-Kincaid SUbd, AnchOrage, AK TES1 ED BY E.S. JOB. NO. 92-237.,91 BORING / ~FE-S-T-P-I~¢,I~. 2 DEPTH OF SAMPLE ? tn 3 Fi'. DATE OF TESTING fll/[17/q3 GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO I MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY PERCENTAGES 0.3 17.6 R~ 1 U.S. standard sieve sizes SOIL DESCRIPTION o ~ I 60 I I i Iii'i ' ' !i m I [ I I , I~, , 40 I i I ,I '~ , I '11 , I i I I ill i I ill o ~1 i, , ,,, , , ; , Grain diameter, mm SILT (ML) with SAND, natural moisture 26.1%, F 4, 33.2% -O.02mm. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SILT (ML) with SAND. A.W. Murfltt Company_ OTHER TESTS PLATE coNsuLT~C, ~N~ ~ TrSr~ 1:2 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT Thornlow; In.grim-Kincaid Subd. [OCAEION OF PROJECT Anchorage, AK SAMPLE NO. 3-I TESTED BY E.S. JOB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING / I~EST-H~ ~q<9. 3 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 2 to 3 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 01/07/93 SOIL DESCRIPTION GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO I MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY PERCENTAGES 0.2 21.2 78.6 U.S. standard sieve sizes I ' 20 ]I [ I , , o I I II I II I ~ I I I Grain diameter, mm SILT (ML) with SAND, natural moisture 18.8%~ F 4, 37.1% -0.02 mm. SOILCLASSIFICA'IION SILT (ML) with SAND. GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PRO~ECT Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. LOCATION OF PROJECT Anchorage, AK SAMPLE NO. 4-1 TESIED BY E.S. lOO JOB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING/TES-T-PFF NO. 4 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 2.5 to 4.5 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 01/07/93 GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO J MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY PERCENTAGES 0.0 25.4 74.6 U.S. slandard sieve sizes I 8O SOIL DESCRIPIION 20 o Grain diamelert mm SANDY SILT (ML), natural moisture 18.1%, F 4~ 27.5% -0.02 mm, i J SOILCLASSIFICAII©N SANDY SILT (ML). A.W. Murfitt Compa__~_ OTHERTESTS PLATE ? (~-o~su~7~ ~.~~ - 14 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT Thornlow; LOCATION OF PROJECT SAMPLE NO. 5-1 In~rim-Kincaid Subd. Anchorage, AK TESTED BY E.S. JOB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING / T-[S~F-Ht: NO. 5 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 3 to 4 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 01/07/93 GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO I MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY PERCENTAG ES 0.5 35.6 63.9 U,S. standard sieve sizes I 8O ~ 60 2O SOIL DESCRIPTION ol Grain diameter, mm sANDY SILT (ML), natural moisture 23.0%, F 4, 31.3% -0.02 mm. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SANDY SILT (ML). OTH ER TESTS PLATE Murfitt Company_ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION ?ROIECT Thornlowl Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. lOCATION OF PRO]E[T Anchorage, AK SAMPLE NO. 6-1 '1 ESl'ED BY E.S. JOB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING / TL~Tl~T NO. 6 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 2 tO 3 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 01/07/93 GRAVEL : SAND COURSE TO [ MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY PERCENTAGES 3.0 42.0 55.0 U.S. slandard sieve sizes I 1 oo 80 20 SOIL DESCRIPTION o Grain diameter~ mm SANDY SILT (ML), trace GRAVEL, natural moisture 20.1%, F 4, 24.2% -0.02 mm. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SANDY SILT (ML), trace GRAVEL. OTHER TESTS PLATE A.W. Murfitt Company_ 16 CONSULTING F2qGINEERS & TESTING GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PRO}ECT Thornlow; Ingrim-Kincaid Subd. LOCATION OF PROJECT Anchorage, AK SAMPLE NO. 7-1 1ESTED BY E.S. JOB. NO. 92-237.01 BORING/~fi~$1: ffYT-NO. 7 DEPTH OF SAMPLE 2 to 3.5 Ft. DATE OF TESTING 01/07/93 GRAVEL SAND COURSE TO J FINI~ SILT CLAY MEDIUM I PERCENTAGES 3.3 7O.7 26.0 U.S. standard sieve sizes I 100 8O 2O SOIL DESCRIPTION Graln dianleter, mm SILTY SAND (SM), trace GRAVEL, natural moisture 6.0%, F 2, 10.4% -0.02 mm. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SILTY SAND (SM), trace GRAVEL. ~.vr x ~ , ~ J OTHER TESTS J PLATE 'fitt ~'~ ,v,u, Compa~ I · I - CONSULTING ENGINEE ~ "" APPENDIX C