HomeMy WebLinkAboutKASILOF HILLS BLK 4 LT 20LOT Post'lt"' brand fax transmittal memo 7671 c..~ p t MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DE ~TMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SER', ES Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SFWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT TANKS SEPTIC [~J HOLDING TYPE OF SYSTEM TRENCH [] BED ougmai glade ~-, C? F'r ¢. W, DRAIN ~ OTHER 'Y.., C) FT ~-,CD FT wELLS i~l'z- [ > ¢~: 5, PRIVATE [] OTHER fldentifv) FT REMARKS: DISTANCES ~ TO FnOr WELL SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION FIELD WELL LOT LIN[ FOUNDATION F';~t)~, -'¢"~.:.0 t. c~ _- AS-BUILT DIAGRAM ~Show location ol well sephc system, properly lines, loundat:on. : : ., ,. q : ;.~!:,y: ~,. ~_L_____ cerlily Ihat Ihis inspectioo was pedormed according lo all Municipal and State guidelines in elleci on Ihis date: MUNICIPALI1 Y OF ANCHORAGL: :~ARI'MENTOF HEAI,TttAND HUMAN S,. /ICES Envlronmonlal Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephor~e 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGF DISPOSAL SYSTEM ANf)/OFt WELL INSPECTION REPORT -- -- ' / T DISTANCES TANKS SEPTIC [] H OtJ')ING TYPE OF SYSTEM TRENCH [] BED [~ W. DRAIN J] OTHEI1 ........ ~ 7~, ~ F r {~: ,~FT WELLS PRIVATE REMARKS: OTHER (ldentifv) FT S ,'~ S Engineering ........ E .':"';' '[%'~ I::',::,_.~: ~:~,~;,w.2.L.~lask'a 9957]' Municipal anti $[alt, gu~dsline~ Jfl eJltcl on lbs flae; !l'"'l! !iii ~i",,Ii % tel;: ]Z IF:::" ~¢::~rl~ IL... Z]l: "I1" %'"' I);i;;.~ I1:::::: ~¢::i,~ li'",,il CJ: I','""li 112]I IF;i;: ¢:-'~ CEil ll.}i!!iJ ;OI!]:::'AR]'MEIqT OF' Hli!:AL.I'H AND IENV]:I::;,'[)NMlii]"ITAL PRE}TEt;TI[)I'q iil?.~] I.. S'I'I:;~I.ii;E't', ANC:;HOI:;:AGE, AK 9950:1. 2 6 ,el..-..q, '? ?. () S&!ii; Iii;l',lG ]: I',IIEtER I I',IG S R El :1, 9 6 X IEAGL.IE RIVli!]::;:~, AK 99577 694'"2.979 SLIBD I V X !iil I I]lq ~ I':::AS I I... OF H I L.L.S SECT I Ol',l: 24 TOWN.C:H.I ;1: F:' ',~ :];2zl. O0 (SIi,!,, I:-"1'., OR .,.'j, L..O'T: ;::.'. ') BL..CIC;K ,", 4 121',f RAI'.I(::~IE: 3W l)J];'I:::l'[']..I 'J'[] F:'-' ]: I:;"IE EI[)'I'TC}I"I (I::':'T m, ) GF;.'AVtEL. DIiii:I';:'"I'H (F-T',, '['O'FhI,. DI~]:::'TH (F:"I',,) GF;h':'l'v'liii]... I.,',J ]: ])"J'l"l (t:::'T., [:';RAVIEi].. I...E]qG'ITI (I:::"F,) GF;:AVIiii:I_.V[)l.,.,tH'.tli~: (CLI. YDS,, T AI',.IK SIZIE (~(1:1 :l: I.. I::;:AT ]11'q(.¢ (S(:,:!. I:::':1'., /CDR' 3 ,, 5 .t,:.~- 0 ,, 5 4 ,, 0 2 ?. () 54 ,, 0 '.":,~Zl.. C) :i., 250.0 .~..x. 2 .(I. ,',,:'!: · ~' ~(' :Oli:~:l:::"fl'i '1"0 I:::' :I11:'[ii: :t30'r'r'E~l',l .::: 3 ,, 5 F:"T., RIEQU ]: RES :[ NSUI,,.A'T :1:0t',1 · ~:~-.x. J[}t:ii:F"l"l.I TO I:::'.l:l:::'[i: BOTTOM < 4, () I:::'T,, MAY )~..~.GF;,'AVEI... L.EI',IGTI,.! > 7,% F:'t'. I:~:IEQLJII:;eL!iS MUI.,.]':[I:::'I.,.I!E RUNS (blOT I!:X[7;EIi!i;D]:I',IG 75 F:'T,, E:ACI-I) .~(-,1.::. "l'hixlK MUST I.-,IAVIE AT I..E:A!iFI' TWCI CCH"II::'ART'Mtii:IxFI]il; :J. ,,',[ Cdi'l {' ,','~fil J ], J. i:':t P ~..q :i. '1'. Ii '~'.. h 6? p (:.})CJL.t J, r'. ~:;:,lit~;:?[~'J'.. t~; f' C)I" (]l"~ .-..iv ~. '[. ~:}:, !~(.L.)t.l(z.)J' !5 Ed"Ici W(.:.~ ~[ ]. ~'cH"t:.h t::)y 'Lb(.::,:. Mut'~:i.(:::~,pal:i. ty J::)[' Anch(::H"-ag¢:,:. 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Il::' A L,]:F:']' !iYI-Ff'llOIq IS :[hl.i"'f'('fl.,I,.IEi) II',.I AN ARIEA C;(']VIji::RED BY MOA BU]iL..:C)ING "lTll:i!]q f I ) AIq .....Ir, L(, I I ', .r CAI,.. F:'[ii:l::~]'l:l: T' AhlD I NSI:::'IECT:!:EII',! I"It, JS'l ):)I!E C)B"I'A II',[tED; (.:~:.) AS..<SLJ]: LTS W I I.L I'.IE) Ir BliL A!::'pRC)V[;D~ t;'J]TTI~OLJI' AN IEL.Fii:CTI::;,' ]: (;Al.. I hI,%I'::'ECT :I: Olq f:.:[!'.:l:::'l]Fdl' i', Ahl:O (:]!;) 'l'Hlii: tii:l_.Ei:E; I'R :[ CAL. I,~,I(L)I::",'K .,Ft[i'~!iFI ]()Ii!i: )~'C)l"ql:ii: B."/ A L. :[ [,]I:!!]",ISIED i!!],..I:i:L;TI::;: ]: C I ~]F.I ,, '.: .L ..'4' ,*:::..> ~- ~._ F'~I "f"L I f'Al' II" ~ "'~D~,~ 1' I[)T i'J I~ ] t',lG/' J. ~,.:..,L. ,....t) t.., -- ' , "~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 826 L. Street. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST [] SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: DATE PERFORMED:,,~'I _\C~ - ~,~. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4- SLOPE I -F SITE PLAN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: 72-008 (6/79) WAS GROUND WATER SL ENCOUNTERED? '"'~ ~-~ '~ O P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? ~ ~..a~ /~ Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ '7, '~-'~ (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN ~. ,~T' FT AND ~ '~ =T CERTIFIED BY: DATE: ,-, SUBJECT: /x~ ~ C.>4PUTATION SHEET DATE: SHEET BY_ CKD OF /~2. / MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT, OF HEAl. TH & BNVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ~m~~: c/~ z. 6: r~ 0 31986: /~o ; ~ Zl~ 3-7~. ~/-~/z= SUBJECT: /_, ~ 0 C...MPUTATtON SHEET DATE: SHEEr BY_ CKD __ OF oW NlunicipaHtYo¥ Anchorage P.O. BOX 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519--6650 (907) 264.-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES June 20, 1986 Robert A. Shafer, P.E. S & S Engineering SRB 196X Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Subject: Lot 20 Block 4 Kasilof Hills Subdivision Dear Mr. Shafer: Recent alterations in the drainage ditch along Rezanof Circle do not meet the intent of your drainage proposal submitted to this department last March. In a drawing attached to the drainage proposal you indicated that water would be routed down the east side of Rezanof Circle. At the present time water is running on the west side of Rezanof Circle and then westward along the approximate north boundry of the subject lot. The septic system on the subject lot remains in violation of the required 100 foot setback to surface water. Furthermore, as a result of these recent alterations, the septic system on Lot 21 to the north does not meet setback requirements either. In addition to these problems, it appears that the drainfield on the subject lot may be partially submerged in groundwater. Approval of the existing septic system has been revoked until these problems are rectified. Sincerely, Stephen S. Morris Civil Engineer On-site Services SSM/ljw cc: John Dunham, Building Safety Robert Hammond 100 W. International Airport Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 ROBERTA. SHAFER March 2, 1986 CIVIL ENGINEER 694-2979 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVALS SEWER & WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS SEWER & WATER INSPECTION ENGINEERING STUDIES AND REPORTS WELL INSPECTION & FLOW TEST SITE PLANS ROAD DESIGN SOIL 'rEST PERCOLATION TEST STRUCTURAL & MECNANICAL INSPECTIONS ON SITE WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN Munici')a].ity of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ATTENTION: Steve Morris REFERENCE: Lot 20; Block 4; Kasilof Hills Subdivision This letter will confirm our discussion with Mr. Robert Hammond on the referenced site on February 25, 1986. It is Mr. Hammond's intent to work with the road service district responsible for Rezanof Circle to have the road borrow ditch cleaned and a positive slope established that will allow the continued drainage as shown on the attached sketch. It is our understanding that the on-site waste water disposal system installed on Lot 20 cannot be made operational until the present glacier situation on Lot 20 has been corrected. It is further understood that development of Lot 20 depends entirely on the removal of the glaciation potential. Poor to inadequate drainage along Rezanof Circle has created this problem and must be corrected this suumner. I believe this letter confirms our discussion and substantiates Mr. Hammond's intent to do all within his power to have the problem alleviated. , If you ~r~tt~ire additional information please contact us. / ~DBERT A. SHAFER, P.E. ROBERT HAMMOND /RAS/ss 100 West International Airport Road Suite BZ Anchorage, /%laska SRB 196X EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 p- 10:(30 . /9 SUBJECT DATE ME~I~AI~E RETURN TO "~""~ SIGNED SIGNED ',r I ~ , :1 SEND PARTS 1 ANI) $ INTACT - POLY PAK (50 SETS) 4P472