HomeMy WebLinkAboutKIEFFER Block 2 Lots 1, 2 & 3 FHA Form No. 2084c Revised Aug. 1954 FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION SUBDIVISION SEWAGE DISPOSAL REPORT For use where sewage disposal is to be by means of septic tanks with subsurface disposal fields Form Approved Budget Bureau No. 63-R548.5 FHA O~e ........................................................................ . A,ff~ress ............................................................... Subdivisio~ F~l~ NO .................. Name of sponsor ..... _(teorge. JL_.S.tebb:lxm .......... ~ .......... Address Name of subdivision ............... X~ffe~. ........................................................................................................ Location .......... Lo~--]~---2s--.~----o£-. ~] c~k..2 ......................................................................................................... Number of acres .............Proposed typical lot areal...2~___0~__ sq. ft. Maximum number of bedrooms per lot _._ Water supply from: [] Public system. [] Community system. [] Individual wells. Date ........................................... Signature of sponsor .......................................................................... Instructions to 'Sponsor: 1. Percolation tests shall be made and tabulated below by a LICENSED EN§II~EEI/ OR QU~JoIFL~IO 8/~IT-~dlIk~. 2. The Report, together with the required topographic map, shall then be submitted for review and analysis to the ................................................................................................................................... Health Department. (To be filled out by FHA office) Instructions to Engineer or Sanitarian: 1. An adequate numbe~ of tests (at least one to an acre) to indicate, clearly the soil conditions throughout the subdivision shall be made. 2. Each test hole shall be located by a key number on the topograph~ic 3. Results of the percolation tests and the requested additional information regarding subsoil conditions shall be recorded in the spaces provided below. Percolation Test Procedure Percolation tests shall be made in the manner prescribed in the FHA booklet, nMinimum Require- ments For Individual Water-Supply and Sewage-Disposal Systems% in effect in the state in which the proposed subdivision is located, l~ercolation tests shouldbe repeated until the time for two successive tests does not vary more than 10~ the last o~ which will be assumed to represent the stablized rate o£ percolation. The stablized rate is the time in minutes required for water to fall one inch. The rate for each test hole will be entered opposite the test hole numbered below. J~O~: Because many seasonal factors affect the results of percolation tests, Judgment is required in analyzin~ these results. If the tests are not conducted during a set season they should be re- peated until the moisture conditions of the soil approach those obtaining durtn~ the wet season. In no case shall tests be ~de in filled or frozen Erotmd. ~here fissured rock formations era en- countered tests shall be ~ade only ur~ler the direction a~d supervision of the State Depart~nt of Be&lth. ~s? Horn STABILIZED RATE T~s~ Ho~ STABILIZED RATE TES? H0m STABILIZED RATE T~s? HOLa STABILIZED RATE I ............................ 11 ............................ 2i .......................... 31' - .......................... 2 ............................ 12 ............................ 22 ........................... $2 ........................... 3 .... , ....................... 13 ............................ 23 .......................... 83 ........................... 4 ............................ 14 ............................ 24 ........................... 34 ........................... 5 ............................ 15 ............................ 25 .......................... 35 ........................... 6 ............................ 16 ............................ 26 .......................... 36 ........................... 7 ............................ 17 ............................ 27 .......................... 37 ........................... 8 ............................ 18 .......................... 28 ............................ 38 ........................... 9 ............................ 19 .......................... 29 ........................... 39 .......................... 10 ............................ 20 .......................... 30 ........................... 40 ........................... Give information on subsoil conditions to a depth of at least 6 feet ........................................................................ Give information on water-table elevations .......... .U.~_o.__'~.. .......................................................................... The above tests made by: Signature ..................................................................................... Title ......... Address ........... Date 2084 c SUBDIVISION SEWAGE DISPOSAL REPOR~i 2084c SUBDIVISION SEWAGE DISPOSAL REPORT To be filled ou'l- by the Public HeaH'h Au'l'hori'l'y desi~nol'ed on ~h¢ face of this form under Instructions to Sponsot We have examined the above results of the percolation tests and other information developed in connection with this subdivision. It is our opinion that the tract as a whole is: [] Suitable for the use of individual septic-tank systems provided: 1. The subdivision is laid out so as to provide on each building plot a gross area of ~00 sq. ft. per bedroom suitable for constructing a subsurface disposal field. 2. The tract~ or portions of the tract designated, conforms to the following conditions: 2 bedroom house - 100 feet of tile in three foot ~Lde trench 3 beth. corn House - l~0 feet of tile in three foot wide trench If a ~e~p. age oit is to be used, additional information on sub-so:L1 conditions to a depth of 12 feet must be subz~itted. [] Unsuitable for use of individual septic-tank systems for the following reasons: Suggested alternate methods of sewage disposal ........................................................................................................ It is understood that the conclusions rendered on this report do not cover the installation of the individual septic-tank systems. The design, construction, and installation of each system should be based upon specific conditions affecting each building plot. Alaska Division of Health Public Health Authority ......... ~.w ............................................................................................................................. T~is ~o~m in ~upJicefe, foBef~er wJf~ f~e accompa,yJnB JopoBraphic map. s~eJJ ~e ~efurne~ fo ~e Fe~eraJ HomsJ,B A~m]nJs~rafJon O~ce ~esJBnafed on ~ace o~ ~ ~otm, aider concJusJons ~y f~e HeaH~ Auf~etify ~ave ~een 39654-P Rev. 8/54 F~A-W&sh., D* O. ADAMS · CORTHELL · LEE CONSH[TIN ~ ENI~INEE RS HARRY R. LEE August 4~ J960 \v//O 3 3 J 4 Mro George Ro Sfebbins Box 3886~ Star Route B Spenard~ Alaska ?ROJECT~ Percolation Tests ~ t. ot$ 1~2-3 of' B~ock 28 Kteffer Subdivision Dear SIr~ borings and percolation tests per~or~¢d st your requcsJ' ~ the subject sit~ 1'h¢ J'¢sf holes were ~ogg¢o by the visual unif'ied closstficafion system ~nd tl~e percolation tests were per~ ~ormed Jn strict ~ccordance with the FHA publ Thc fesf hoJ~ were bored [l(~ar the south end of the lots on their approximate inter-Jot ~ou~d~rJes~ This procedure placed }hem ef the lowest ¢tcvafJon~ The stg~ niTica~f soils were sandy silts ISM) near '~h¢ surface under-, These soils should cause no unusua! -FoundatJoJ~ pr6bJems and may be expected fo be ~on~rosf~suscepfJbt¢ i~.fhc u~i~orm sflnd zone, Very truly ¥ours~ ADAMS I~ CORTHELL ~ LEE HR L/m a Enc J s ~