HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot 13, 15 ^pti1 30, I~7~ Hr. ~alter Faran G18 Cherry Street Anchorage, AlaSka SUBJECT: Lot 15, and portion of Lot 13, Kluane Terrace [states Dear ~ir. Faran: This office recently investigated a co, plaint of overflowing sewage at a trailer located on the south side of the subject property. An attempt was made to conduct a dye test, but since the tenant was the resident in the second trailer could not allow ~e to enter. Overflowing sewage is in direct violation of Borough Ordinance 16.45o040, Paragrap~ ^. This office cannot approve a system ~htch doesnot have a septic tank. Public se~er is not yet available to this lot so a proper o~stte system is required. Please contact this offic~ within five days to discuss a remedy for this situation. Failure to comply ~Iththts notice ~tll result in legal action. Sincerely, Susan E.~ DlCkerson, Sanitarian SEg/ko certified no. 740436 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED iVlAlL~30~ (plus postage) SENT TO POSTMARK OR DATE STREET AND NO. P.O., STATE AND ZiP CODE OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES  1. Shows to whom and dote delivered ........... With delivery to addressee only ............ 65¢ RECEIPT 2. SHOWS tO whom, date and where delivered .. 35¢ With delivery to addressee only ............ 85~ RETURN SERVICES DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... SPECIAL DELIVERY (extre ~ee required) .................................... PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (See other side) Ap~. ]~7~ 3800 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL C-".[ATE~ A~':CHORAGE ARF-.A ~:)RO:.JGH - HI[ALTH D EPAP, TMEI~J,, In reply refer to: #1442 Mr. Clifford Judkins Anchorage Borough Health Dept. 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Ak. April 20, 1968 Dear Sir: I would appreciate it if you,' or someone in your office, would answer the following question for-possible publication in my column. Please have the answer signed by the individual and indicate if it would.be permissible to use his name in print, II this subject is no~ within your province, would you be so kind as to suggest to whom the question should be sent? Here' is ~he question: One of the Kluane Terrace residents ord6red to vacate his .'premises plans to install a chemical toil.et, tn order to ' remain on his lot, An offtce~ of the health department said this would be a satisfactory solution. Do you agree? Also, he says that he is willing to put a septic tank (over) ~easeuse ~ space(and thehackoftheahee~, ff necessary)~ryouranswer. SEE; Back for reply. [] Do no~ use my name [] You may quote me GREATER A~CiiORAGE AREA BO;-.OUG~. 104 West i~orthern Lights Boulevard Anchorage. Alaska 99503 S- 2119 Plat Status: Fina~ Date~ 9/8/70 BOROUGH: Engineer Public Works Department Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Hig~ays Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association CITY OF ~-~iORAGE: Fire ~farshal ~funicipal Light & Power Department Property Management Officer Public Works Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer Water Utility GAB Telecommunications, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska Telephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails o Resubdivision Description of Property: See attached plat. ~rl Bell Gentlemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Plam%ing and Zoning Commission for the proposed resubdivisionI of subject property. Rttached is a copy of ~e proposed plat. ~fill you please subrmit yon~ com~en~s in writing, specifying any eesements or other requirements that your department or agency may need. If we do not hear from you by. 9/~5~.0 .. you do not wish to submit any comments. .. , we will ass~ne that If you have no further use for the attached print, please return it~with your comments. Planning Department Enclosure The a~:ta~h~d le~er w~ also ~n~ to ~be foli~wfng 8~15 R~ng~vi~w Donald E. O. Box 2~M, K!u~e Kluane Lane Michael 0 Z~,~ao~f ~W'~ 22~ Mm. Doyle 708 Ch~ ~'y Lot ~t The c~a::~ ~c,l ~: l,:,c~-t¢.'~ too clc~'e /-o plu~ the line ~*u.nntn~; ~t)'the FROM: TO: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT: ........ .~,....E.,.~. I~-. ~- SUBJECT: DATE OF MEMO: ......... ~ ....... :~..,~.:~C XJZ.,~. ...... DATE ANSWER RECEIVER: .... ~a,.~ ~¢ &~¢.~--J~ ........................... REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE ~' ~0'R'iNFoRMATION ~.- ONLY FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OTHER GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH SUBJECT: ........... ~__ -, ---~ -:.-:.-.,- ........ :x'"~' --"'x FROM: DEPARTMENT: ............................ ~ 1~ ......... ~' ............... DATE OF MEMO~ ....... ~ ...... xv.~.~--.-..-'--'-''~ ......... DATE ANSWER TO~ ~~T .,-----~-~--~::r--~ ........... ~:':' ................................................................. RECEIVER: ~ ~]~ :-,--'""':'~ ........... REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE ~ PREPARE BACK-UP NFORMATION FOR INFORMAT ON ONLY ~ U ANSWER ~ CALL ME BEFORE YO FOR IMMED ATE ACTION ~ NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION ~TMER ~..~ ~-~ ...... ~ ........................................ ~ ~ -~- ' ~ ' .x.~ .............. /.-: ............. ~ ......... ~ ............................. ~ leo MI :._ ~.: .................. ..: ................... ~ ............................................. -~ ~ , ~ ~ ~-~ ~ 1 ~ (~' ~ , · ~*'~ ..... ~:'-~ ~::,. ........................... ' ................ ~'& %~ ~c~l ~~ . ....................................................................................... ~ ........... ~ ........ ~_. ....................................... ~.. ... ~. .~:~. ~:,~ ~....~ ............. ~: ..................................... ~ ................. .~ ~ ~ .~ ~ .~,~, ........ ~. ~.~ : ............................. : ................................ 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