HomeMy WebLinkAboutKLUANE TERRACE TRAILER EST #1 LT 24 GREATER::ANChORAGE AREA BOROUGH 3500 TUDOR ROAD POUCH 6-650 ANCHOrAGE, ALASKA 99502: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON m ENTAL~:Q LIALIT¥~ March 21, 1972 Mr. Arthur Covell 719 Kluane Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Subject: Sewage Problem on the S 1/3 of Lot 24, Kluane Terrace Trailer Estates Subdivision. Dear Mr. Covell: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality received a complaint on March 8, 1972 regarding the sewage problem at the subject address. After responding to this complaint it was found that there was a sewer plug in the line serving your trailer. This sewer plug is located approxi- mately under the trailer now owned and lived in by the Howells and caused the sewage to back up under your trailer and flood across the road. This sewage became an immediate hazard to the Central Alaska Utilities public well located across Kluane Drive. For this reason, the water service to your property was terminated on March 17, 1972. You are hereby officially notified that this property is to remain vacant until such a time as the sewer line serving this property is repaired. These repairs are to be coordinated with this Department and to be inspected by this Department prior to burial. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please con- tact the undersigned. Rolf R. Strickland, R.S. Assistant Director st ~arcn t7 1972 Fro Robert Smith Vice President Central Alaska t!ti!iti~s 2326 Spe~arr! Roa<) Ap, cl~orage, Ala~;ka 99F,~3 tot 2q, Kluanc: Terrace Trailer Poar Mr. Smith: proble~n oa thc s~h.!cci, ropc'r?y h~: baC~'ed ~ in 'th<~ s~er lit~r.~, ,1,~o~ n public w:~ll on ~"olnin(: ~)t, ogertv across Kl.tnn:~ gut ~)~partmont considers this an t~rgqnt situa~;ion an4 has acted accordi}!glv ~,o ~,ff?ct correction ~,~, have: scrane~,~ all the sew- !.,~ There ~' ' r .... anO disin¢oc':cd " ,~':+'?e is still '~h~ probl::m-~'~' sho~lJ t~e li~:'' ¢~o:~in ;)tu~ nnd sewage cuase contamination, Tho'Roto Root,ir service t',~a?. sewer lin~ saic~ th~s iq w~ry likely t;r~ ha~v,::'n attain. ~}e are askin~ you~' coo-~eration in light of the sit.~at~on ho ~ ice to thr' subteet, pro~erty until the problem with m()~ate s, rv .... ~, t~, i' 'ic~ h:, fr~rm'ina~ed th~ sewer line is coPrect~d. He as a serv o ~ wi dvls; you whe:~ ~t~¢ s~wcr line today, March t7, 1~7,:, and we II a ~ , ..... problem is correc(:ed. ~d~rrh ?! ,. lO7? 717 Klua~c- Thrive K!uanc, Terrace Trailer Estaf.'~s Subdivision. The Greater Anchoraqe Area Boro~lnh, !~e~.artm'~nt nf ~ualit'/ rotc'ired a com~'~'}air~t co~'~c?rr'~i ~n ~erflowinq s~,w.~ thr. ~u~iect r, ro~F,~i'v ~n ,,arch 1~72. ~ ~. ...... "~ this cm:~?laint iE was fm.~nd " ~ the: ~, ..... r line tn,t 1 )ca..~d ap~roXirdAte-l:~z ~nder:yaur residenc~,~ and. from ~herr~ ~h,;~ S~,wame ODes itli;o '~ r, cre,,~h sewer:lat, r~l thc~ ov~':rfloutr~g sowafm ru.~ninn across th.r: r~ad and co~d':~C~ within close rroximi~¥ Of t,~: C[~ntrAl Alaska Utilities ~]ublic w~il located actress ~,luane nr~ve, "~hig DeT~ari;F:ont wrc~t{ alte''> " Central a, lgskm Y~,~l,it~es requesti~ that the water s{~rvice be terminated fid 'the subject lob untt~ such a tilne as ~hts c, ffice You are hereby officially notified that the: subject is hot to be rend'ed, leased, or o~hewwise occupied until such a time aS the ~ewer line ~erving this pron~ffl:y~is properly re-. paired You are also noti~ie< that ~.nes~. repairs are to " ' , .... ~ ..... total coord'inatAd wi'th this Oe~)a~tment and inspac~Jd in tn hackfilli~)q ef 3T:y sewer lines. Sfncerelv~ Role R. Strifk!~nd~ R.S. ~$sistant Director l~,~GI:lj j FOi~ Cf';JfflFiEIj IV~AII---30¢ (plus postage) OR DATE DE[JV~ -- ~ delivery to addressee only .... ~ ER TO ABDRESSEE ONLY ............ ~ .......................................... 45¢ POD Form 3800 ~0 I~SURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED~ (See oilier side) July 1989 riOT FOR INTERNAfIGNAL MAIL SENDER: De sure fo follow insfruefiens e . ~'-~'~ASt; FURNISH SERVICE' ...... --"~'~'~-- , .ko) u~olC^TED BY CHECKED LgLOCK(s) J ~ (Additional charges veqltired for these services) [ ~ Show to whom date and address L LJ where delivered  -~ Deliver ONLY to addressee RECEIPT ' -- Received fhe numbered arflc{e described below ~fST~~ ~~-E~-~ s~ ............... SHOW WNE~IVERED (Onl~ if re / / ~O~AL CONSERVATION -~~:' ~ - '--~ / WILLIAM A. £GAN, GOVERNOR ROOM 222 -- MACKAY BUILDING 338 OENALI .STREET -- ANCHORAGE 99.;01 July 20, 1971 Doug Grooms, Civil Engineer GAAB - Dept. of Public Works 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subj: 1971 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, KLUANE TERRACE TRAILER ESTATES, ADDITION 1, 2, 3, AND 4. Gentlemen: The plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for those features with which this Department is concerned. This approval is given with the understanding that all manholes be provided with rungs. Yours truly, Kyle J. Cherry Regional Engineer KJC/mw cc: Rolf Strickland BECEIVEI} JUL 23 1971 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH FROM: TO: FOR INFORMATION ONLY FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION DEPARTMENT ................... .. SUBJECT: INITIATED BY: ~"L, Un~S~"CO~ ............ ?Z~ ................... DATE OF MEMO DATE ANSWER DEPARTMENT: ....... P~'blle'" WO~k8 ....................... ............ :~: ............ REQUESTED: REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE ~' PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION ~% CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER ~~ NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION : -.~ -.J Ir~rln- .Beck ~.- O,~m, ex, i it zs thms depsmtments mquest that the s~3ecg lot be connected to ~he avaiI~ie sanz~,y sewe~ as s~n as poss~le~ : ,~'~arch 21, 1972 Mr. Arthur Covell 719 Kluano Drive ~ '~ the S 1/3 of Lot ?J Kluanc T.qrrace Suhinci:: Sewaoe ) robleh, on ..... Trail~r Estates Subdivision. Dear I'!r. Cove;l! ~ The nr~ater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality receive.":', a comE~laint on ~%rch q., Ig72 regard'lng the sewaoe r, rob!~=m at %be subject address. ~.fter respouding this complaint i'~ was found that there was a sewer ~lug in the line sc. rvim~! your t[ailr-r. Thi~ sewer ntum is located matolv ~lndor t$~e trailer now oNn~[~ and lived im by ~he and ceused the sowaF~e to back u~> unde. r your trail~r a~.i flood across '~:h~ ro.=~. Thi~; sewage became a~ immcdiato hazard the telettra! ~laska Utili'~ies rub!it well located across Kluane . ~ ' , ~;he s~rvice ,/our ,ro~ ~rive For '.his reason water ~,o . ~, -mc, was terminated ~n ~-':arch 17~ !972. You are hereby officially notified that this mroperty is to remain vacant ~ntil such a time as the s~wer line serving this property is reDaired. These repairs are to be coor,'{inated with this !)(-r, artm:~r.,.i: and to be inspected b.¥ this Department nrior to burial. ,~,, ouestions regardin,~ this matter pleas~ con- Should you have a..,. '? .. = tact 'the undersigned. Sijre~rels,, ' Roll R. Strickland, R.S. Assistant Director st RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL~30¢ (plus postage --$TRE£T AND N~. ' ,5 /I '-/ /~./? ~ : P.O., ~TE AND ZIP CODE - OPTI~f~VICE~'FOR ADDITIONAL FEES REIURH 1. Shows to whom and date ~elivered ........ :... ZS~ 1 With delivery to addressee only ............ 65¢ RECEIPT 2, Shews to whom, date and where delivered .. 35¢ SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ 85¢ DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... 50~ SPECIAL DELIVERY (2 pounds er less) .......................................... 45~ POSTMARK OR DATE 'OD Form3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (See other sid, July 1969 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL - .... .:,. .. ua'..-~ 'Fc. rra¢c 'l'raii-~~ ~- ~ .... ~ ~s~ates. i'~,'~i.'a! Qu~li~:y ~.,'i~;!~r~ to F~xnress o!~r ~npr~.cia'~:ior for your GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROU¢It Department of Environmental Quality March 16, 1972 Borough Attorney Legal FRn~.l: S UB,'~ECT: Timothy L. Rumfelt Sanitarian Overflowing Sewage on Lot 24, Kluane Terrace ~states Subdivision, Addition #1. On .-."~arch ~., 1977 this office received a complaint from the ~r~ater Ancl~orage Area Borough, Public ,~H)rks ~)epartment, con- cornine over!=towinq sewage on the sub'iect lot, Upon ins?ection, )ira Rumfelt observed sewage flowing over the west end of said lot and crossing Klua~e Drive to wii:i]in 60 feet o~ a Central Alaska Utilities ~ublic wellhouse. On ~arch 9, 1972 ~,Ir. Rumfelt dye(! the sewer system of ~,Ir. ~ob Ho~ell, owner of s~id lot, re~, to determine if his trailer was involve~. On March 10, 1972 )~r. Rumfelt dyed the sewer system of Hr. Covell, who is renting a trailer space on said lot, blue. 'This dye was added approximately lQ hours after said system was steamed open, On March ll, 1972 Mr. Rumfelt observed blue dye present in the sewage crossing the reed. At that time, Mr. Rumfelt a)so ob- served a pool of sewage beneath Mr. Covell's trailer, and sewage effluent flowing from the connection of the trailer's plumbing Borough Attorn~ March 16, lg72' Page Two and the underground sewer line. On March 13, 1972 a five day warnin§ to repair the service line was issued to Mr. Howell's son, as Mr. Howell is presently ab- sent from the state. A one day warning to abstain from using tile sewer until completion of re~air on the service line was issued to Mr. Covell. On ~arch la, !97~ Mr. Rumfelt observed and talked to a Rotor Rooter employee who was working on ~r. Covell's sewer service line. He stated the line was either broken or blocked by rodks 2q feet from Mr. Covell's trailer and woul(~ close again soon. Uoo~l bei~ notified o'~ these findings hy ~r. Rum{elt, Mr~ How- ell's son stated he had telephoned }lis father and his father had instr~cted him not to rer~air the li~e. In evaluating this situation the following should be noted: ~. tqr. Covell'$ trailer and over¢lowing sewage is uphill from a Central Alaska Utilities nublic well. ?. The dye traces show the path of thc sewaoe to be down tile hill, crossing the street, and flowing approximately 60 feet from the Central Alaska Utilities public well towards Chester Creek. 3. Any grooving in the roadway, perpendicular to satd roadway, between Mr. Covell's trailer and the Central Alaska Utilities well could resul~ tn funneling the sewage straight t.o the well. 4. Only temporary work has bee~ performed on the said sewer system, thus further failure is assured. Mr. Howell will not Borouoh Attorn( N~rch 16, 1972 Pa~e Three allow his son to perform permanent rf~pair on the line. In summary, it is this official's opinion that Mr. Covell's water mu~t be shut off until permanent repair to his service line has been completed. If this is not done the situation may worser~ with the contamination of a Centra~ ~laska Utilities public well. May 19, 1972 r,ir. Bob Howel 1 717 Kluane DriVe Anchorage, Alaska g9504 Subject: S 1/3 of Lot 24, Kluane Trailer State Subdivisim) Dear Hr. Ho,Jell: The Greater Anci~oraae Area Borough, Department of Enviro~mental Quality inspected tiie subject lot on or about Hay 15, 1972. The lot was vacant at the time of the inspection, thereby the conditions as set forth in the letter of April 3 lg72 have been satisfied. , l.~e wish to advise you, however, that prior to reoccupancy of this lot, a line shall be run from this lot to the Borough sewer line o)) Kluane Drive. Should you have aF~y questions regarding this matter please contact the undersigned~ ' Sincerely, Roll Strickland, R.S. Assistant Director bb Case# GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL HOT-LINE .AME: ADDRESS: S~(---) ~~..~2 DATE: ~ . PHONE: xx~, . - ~ : ~'. VIOLATION LOCATION ~/ REFERRED TO: FIRE DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS PLANNING DEPT. JUNK SECTION~ AIR POLLUTION SEWER & WATER DISPOSITION: v ~2~~~ CALL BACKS: ~/ - / Imm .DAT.E: __I__/__ INVESTIGATOR COMMENTS' NUISANCE COMPLAINT FORM Street Address: ~/~ ~/~./~I/ q/f/., Phone No., ~-)~ °,,~/~Box NO. Description of Complaint: ~ ~'~//~/~:~.~p /[:'~,~, ~ -Name of Person Against Whom Complaint is Made: Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: Owner's Address: Phone No. Location of Complaint: ,:C:/~' :~ .~[ ~j: ~?D~ ...... ,,. ~ __ -' ., ~ ~.~ / "' //5/ Person Receivin~ Complaint: %~[Ca" ~t~(~E ..... Date: .?, I certify that such statement of facts is true to the best of my belief and know- ledge, I request that the foregoin~ matter be investigated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken, I am willing to testify to the facts statod in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. Complainant REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN l~nvestigator: late Investigated: ction Taken:. ~E COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES ;:, ~a~m of person requesting approval 2. 't~,~ of property,,owner 4. NumL~r, '.o~ b68rooms in house 5. ~;ater,,Analysis: a. Bact~z, ia]~ b. Detergent _t a. Type ............ ~" b. Depth ~ Casing Size i existing or proposed Dis?ncc from well to close t 1. S wer llne ',' ,' 2. Septic tank 3. Seepage Area . I6 ~, Cesspool' /> ,.' 5. Property Line 6. Other sources of possible contamination, i.e., creeks, lakes, houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc. Sewage disposal system. a. Age of system b. Septic tank capacity in gallons c. Name of septic tank manufactu~e..r 1. If "home made" show diagram on reverse side of this form. d.' Disposal field or seepage pit size and type 1. Distance to property line to house foundation e. Percolation~.Test'~esults f, Percolation Test performed by Use the reverse side of this form to show diagram. Diagram[ should include -the following information: p?operty lines~ .well location, house location, ~6~otle tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, and direction of ground slope. 9. The ir~for~tion on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant Date Signed TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPART~.~ENT PEP. SONNEL above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, subject to the ~6'llowing con~,i~'ions: Conditions: The above described s~a~litary facilities are disapproved for the following Approval is valid for one year following, the date of approval. CPJ:cw