HomeMy WebLinkAboutKLUANE TERRACE TRAILER EST #1 LT 25 W 45l/z o~der, of ~hi~ ~pavt~nt ~ha~ ~he own~ of th~ p~opePty on which hazard involved, eesmpool thu~ elimtna~fn~i ~he hazard to the ehild~n tn the ar~a and applioabl~ cod~ and ordina~eea. Chief ~mitavlan No. 276287 No, 276286 276285 oo ,,-, ~ ~ .................................................. o .................................................. ~o, 276290 N0,276289 No. 276288 oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,' .................................................. RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--20~ 1// EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES Return Receipt / Deliver to Shows to whom Shows to whom, ·[ Addressee Only and when when, and where deltvered delivered [] 50~ fee [] ~o~ te~ [] 3s~ POD Form 3800 I~10 INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- Nov. 1904 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL POSTMARK OR DATE ~ee other side) RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--20~ SENTTO ,/ ' STNEET^.DNO, CITY. STATE, AND ZIP CODEx EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES delxveted delivered [] 50~ fee [] ~o~ fee [] ss¢ POD Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOV. 1964 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL POSTMARK OR DATE See other side) RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--20~ SENT TO . ~.~ 77 CITY, STATE. AND ZIP CODE EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES to whom Shows to whom, Addressee Only delivered delivered [] 50~ fee [] 10~ fee [] 35~ fee POD Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- Nov. 1964 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL POSTMARK OR DATE *See other side) RECEIPT FOR .CERTIFIED MAIL--20~ S.T TO ',PO'MA K CITY, STATE. AND ZIP CODE' ,~ EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES Return Receipt Deliver to delivered deh'vered [] 50~ [] ~o~ fee [] 3s~ POD Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- See other side) Nov. 1964 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL Mr. and Mrs. George Taurfatnen 8415 Rsngevtew Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 SUBJECT{ Sewase Disposal Kluane ?efface Subdivision Dear ~r, and Mrs. Taumiainen{ The s~ect sewale disposal system is connected via an overflow pipe to a sewer system which was causing pollution ,to Chester Creek and which p~esentsd a health hazard to the people in the community. The said system has been destroyed by the property owner at the ~quest of this D~partmant{ consequently, sewage from your premises, which enters the ove~flow pipe conneoted to this system, discharges above the surface of the ground in the vicinity of Lot 21N, Kluane Terrace S~bdlvleton, The above condition creates a hazard to the health of the people in the area end is, therefore, declared a public nuisance tn accordance with Section 1275, Pa~t ?~ Subchapter 115 Chapter ~, Title ?, of the Alaska Administrative Code as adopted by the Greater A~chora~e Area BorouKh Code of It is the request of this office that the above cited nuisance be abated ~ithin 7 days after receipt of this notice. Abatement can be accomplished by severing the overflow~tp~ or by pumping your cesspool as to prevent sewage from flowing to the surface of the ground. We suggest that you make con,act with Central Alaeka Utilities to determine if it is possible to connect to the sewe~ line which lles directly across the s~reet from your premises and if possiblem to make that connection at the earliest feasible date~ If it is not possible to connect ~o the available sewer line, it is the recommendation of this office that the premises be vacated u~tfl such time as adequate sewage disposal facilities become available. Mr. and Mrs. Taumiatnen Pa~e 2 April 17, 1968 We ~ealfze that your husband is in Vier Nam and will not ~eturn for a month or so~ consequentlYa we will allow the p~emises ~o remain occupied until his return provided that the overflow pipe is ~eve~d and that you~ system is maintained in a manner that will prevent sewage from flowing to the surface of ~he ~oua~. If we may be of any assistance in th~s matter, please feel f~e to ~o~taC~ uS, DAVID R. L~ DUNCAN, M. D. Medical Director CPJ/err BY~ Environmental Health Director Civilfm~ -~,~+=~v ~-*-~ral Office RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--2O~ EXTRA SER¥1OE$ FOR ADDITIONAL FEES Shows to whom Shows to ~zho~n, / Addressee Only delivered delivered [] 50~ -fee POD Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOV. 1964 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL POSTMARK OR DATE See ogher side) IN~RUCTIO~S TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Show to whom, date, and ~ Deliver ONLY address where de ivered I I to edd[essee (Additional charges reqtdred for these se~ice$) REGISTERED CE~I'IFJED ~10. INSURED NO. DATE DELIVERED RECEIPT Recefved the numbered article descril~ed below. k[GNATURE OR NAME OF A~il 17~ 1968 N~s. Elizabeth C~aft 8qll Rangeview Avenue $~eho~a~e, Alaska 99504 Serving Beauty Shop and Residence of Lot 95W~ Kluaue Tek,ace Subd. Dea~ t{~s. Pursuant to ou~ lette~ of April $~ 1968~ eonce~ning t~e sub~ect system~ investigations by this office have determined that the sewage disposal system se~vila~ the sub~ect p~epe~y is~ in fact~ co, netted to the sewage syste~ which wa~ discha~ging nea~ Chester C~eek, The system at Cheste~ Creek has been filled ~ and the line ~o it has been plu~ged. The sewage ~ now backing up unde~ one of the t~alle~s a~ the lower end cE the line. Dye placed in your sewe~ has showed up in the sewage effluent coming from the above mentioned tvatle~ space. Under the authority of Section 9-?1~ ~eate~ Anchorage Aves ~ovough O~dinance No. 214, the pev~z[t ~o~ your beauty shop has been pended until such time em an approved method of sewage disposal is p~ovided. Sectton 9-72, of the above sited Code~ p~ovtdes that yo~ may appeal the above a~tion of this Department by filing a w~itten notice with the Borough Clerk within 10 days afte~ the effective date of the license suspension. We suEgest that you make immediate co~tact with Central Alaska Utilities~ Inc., to determine if a~z'anEements san be made to connect ~ou~ p~emfses to the sewe~ line directly across the Toad f~o~ p~operty and that you make immediate a~a~emeats to have the overflow pipe ~unnfnE f~om yo~ cesspool to the ove~flowing sewe~ system severed and plugEed and that you then keep the eesspeol pumped in such a manne~ that will prevent sewage f~om £1owtng to the surface of the E~ound. Mrs, Elizabeth Craft Page 2 April 17, 1968 If it is found to be impossible to connect to the available sewer line, then it would he the recommendation of this office that the premises he vacated until such time as adequate sewage disposal facilities can be provided. Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, M. D. Medical Dtreeto~ CPJ/srr Civilian Military Referral Office BY, Environmental Health Director RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL 20~ CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE / EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES del, vered delivered LJ 5o~ fee POD Form 3800 No INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- Nov. 1964 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL POSTMARK OR DATE See Driver side) ~' "INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOY E r--'l Show to wMm date, and r-'q Deliver ONLY I gJ ~ddress where delivered [_.] to addlessee L (zldditional charges requ!red/or these services) RECEIPT Recdved the numbered article described below. I:[EGISTERED rio, INSURED NO. . SiGNATURE~)R HAME OF ADDRESSEE,,~(-~'I4~/~]~F~X$~%/UUa~n) SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only April 24, 1968 Mr. and Mrs. Craft 8411 Rangevtew Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 SUBJECTs Jo's Hair Stylist Lot 25W, Kluane Terrace Subdivision Addition No. 1 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Craft: This letter is to certify our receipt of a copy of Mr. Palmer's agreement with Central Alaska Utilities to connect to the available sewer liner our inspection of the new seepage pit system, a~d to verify that the sewage system serving the subject establishment and rssiden~e has been disconnected from ~he overflow system that was discharging at Chester C~eek. Your beauty shop license is hereby reinstated. Please be aware that should the new system overflow to the surface of the Brcund or should the planned connection fail to he made within the next 60 days, this office will he forced to take appropriate remedial action. Sincerely~ DAVID R. L. DUNCAN~ M. D. Medical Director BY: Environmental Health CPJ/srr ACCOUN! ~ TOTAL ..................$ I TOTAL- ........ ---r--"~i,r' ,,- ' Hll~v~c! ~OCAT OHS J , ASSESS,q.ms,- ' f CO(~ WATER BY W COO~ SEWER BY S PLACE NORIl-I BY N term "lervke exMnl~ Bdef~d os ~ ~t oft~ wa~r or ~er syt~m em~ lr~ ~ ~m ..... T~p ~ ...... ~r SIZE ......... PAVEMENT BREAK TOTAL .................. $ SERVICE LOCATION~ CODE WATER BY W CODE SEWER BY S PLACE NORTH BY N TOTAL ................. $ ASSI~SSMENTS WATER DOWN PAYMENT BALANCE SEWER DOW I~1 PAYMENT BALA~E ~X).gQ ~ " ~atea April 2J~, 1~ ~