HomeMy WebLinkAboutMCMAHON BLK 3 LT 18NtcNiahon lock Lo1' 18 - 017-042 -18  O Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department i~ ~ Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program, 4700 Bragaw St. ~ ~ P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Page of www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Permit Number: 0SP101118 PID Number: 017-042-18 Name: Jeanmarie Crumb Wastewater System: [] New [] Upgrade Address: 4050 Furrow Creek Road Anchorage, AK 99516 ABSORPTION FIELD Phone: Number of Bedrooms: 345-6912 3 [] Deep Trench ~'1 Shallow Trench [] Bed [] Mound [] Other: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Soil Rating: Total Depth from original grade: .8 GPD/Ft~ 15.2 Ft. Block: 3 Lot: 18 Subdivision: Depth to pipe bottom from original grade: Gravel depth beneath pipe: McMahon 13.2 Ft. 2.0 Ft. Township: Range: Section: Fill added above original grade: Gravel Length: 1.5-2.5 Ft. 80 Ft. Well: [] New [] Upgrade Gravelwidth: Numberoflines: Distance between lines: 5 Ft. I - Ft. Classification (Private, A, B, C): Total Depth: Cased to: Total absorption area: Pipe Material: Existing Ft. Ft. 480 Et~ ASTM D3034 PVC Driller: Date Ddlled: Static Water Level: Installer: Date Installed: Ft. PCN, Inc. 8/17-19/2010 Yield: GPM Pump Set at: Casing Height Above Ground: Ft. Ft. TANK SEPARATION DISTANCES [] Septic [] Holding [] S.T.E.P. [] Other: T~To Septic Absorption Lift Holding >ublic/Private Manufacturer: Capacity: Frern ~ Tank Field Station Tank Sewer Line Anchorage Tank 1,000 GaL Material: Number of Compartments: Well >100' >100' N/A N/A >25' Steel Two Surface Water >100' >100' N/A N/A ~ / LIFT STATION Size: Manufacturer: Lot Line :>5' >10' N/A N/A Gal. "Pump on" level at: "Pump off' level at: in. High water alarm at: Foundation >5' >10' N/A N/A in. in. Curtain Drain None Noted Pump Make & Model Electrical Inspections performed by: Remarks: Existing Septic Tank Decomissioned in Accordance With BENCH MARK Location and Description: Municipal Code. Existing Absorption Trench Abandoned Garage Slab Assumed Elevation: in Place. 100.00 Ft. Inspections performed by: A. Harala Dates: 1st 6/17,18/2010 .~2.~ C)t- /A/ ;;. Development Services Department Approval ..:,,~' · 49T__H ~%,~', .... Conditional Approval Date: ~-,~Q.,,.~.JL,_~ ~ ,~ '~'~ AAIC..~AEL E. ANDERSON Permit Number: OSP101118 Municipality of Anchorage DEVEOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 Elmore Road Anchorage, AK. 99519-6655 - 343-7904 Page 2 of 3 PID No. 017-042-18 FURROW CREEK ROAD McMAHON SUBDIVISION LOT 18, BLOCK 3 31.189 S.F. Existing Well  FCO A B C S1 34.8' 64.4' S2 35.7' 57.8' C4 59.4' 54.3' C5 30.6' 45.3' M1 66.9' 47,5' M2 31.0' 48.0' LEGEND S1 - Septic Vent C4- - Cleon Our. M2 - Monitor Tube FCO - Foundation Clean Out TH - Test Hole Thre, q Bedroom Home 10' UTIL ESMT. S 88'05'00=E 164.26' PLAN AS BUILT SCALE 1' = 30' 1 ~0.93 C5 C4 Municipality of Anchorage DEVEOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 EImore Road Anchorage, AK. 99519-6655 - 343-7904 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System or Well Inspection Report Permit Number: OSP101118 Page 3 of 3 PID No. 017-042-18 --102.5 106.8 106.7 Existing Grade Geotextile Fabric ---~ Drainfield Rock 91.9 89.9--2 85.4 8/16/10 No Groundwater 83.5 J 80' (Trench Length) Steel Pin 91.9 PROFILE AS-BUILT No Scale ~700 DEPTH (feet) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LOT 18, BLOCK 3, MCMAHON SUBDIVISION JEAN MARIE CRUMB PROJECT No.: TECHNICIAN: A. HARALA LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PERFORMED FOR: DATE: 8/IO/2010 TEST HOLE A OB/OG SILTY GRAVEL W/SAND GM/SM BOH @ 19.7' PARCEL ID#: WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? __ IF YES ~ WHAT DEPTH? DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING: DATE OF MONITORING: SLOPE No NONE SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN /4% _._.-.-.-.--- DEPTH TO DATE READING GROSS TIME NET TIME WATER NET DROP (MINUTES) (MINUTES) (INCHES) (INCHES) TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 8/16 I 14:12/14:42 30 2.38/5.00 2.62 2 14:43/15:13 30 2.50/5.00 2.50 3 15:14/15:44 30 2.25/4.75 2.50 PERCOLATION RATE: 12 (MIN/rNCI-I) PERC. HOLE DIA. 8 .(INCI-I~S TEST RUN BETWEEN: 14 FT. and 15 FT. STEEL PIN DRIVEN 1.9' COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. STEEL PIN DRIVEN TO VERIFY THE ABSENCE OF BEDROCK. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: /4/11/2011 I On-Site Wastewater Disposal System Permit MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On-Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 EImore Road, PO Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Telephone: (907) 343-7904 Permit Number: OSP101118 Tax Code Number: 01704218000 Work Type: Septic Upgrade Permit Effective Dates: July 21, 2010 to July 21, 2011 Design Engineer: ANDERSON ENGINEERING Subdivision: MCMAHON Site LegalAddress: MCMAHON BLK 3 LT 18 G:2835 Owner/Address: CRUMB JEANMARIE L 4050 FURROW CREEK ROAD ANCHORAGE AK 995162828 Site Mailing Address: 4050 FURROW CREEK RD, Anchorage Lot Size in Sq Ft: Total Bedrooms: 31189 3 This permit is for the construction of: Y Disposal Field Y SepticTank N Holding Tank N Privy N Private Well N Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80). 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation. The engineer must notify the Development Services Department at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24 hours). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must either: A. Open and Close on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Date: Date: Municipality of Anchorage ONSITE WATER. & WASTEWATER PROGRAM CHANGE ORDER PERMIT # OSP101118 PID No: 017-042-18 SUBD McMahon TRACT BLOCK 3 LOT 18 CONTACT PERSON Michael E. Anderson, P.E. PHONE 522-7773 FAX 677-7766 PLEASE GIVE A DESCRIPTION OF THE CHANGE: The flow line from the house was much lower than anticipated resulting in a lower flow line to the absorption trench. We have redesigned the trench to be.F~'long x 5' wide x ~'~ effective depth. The total depth will be 14' below grade. The test hole will be deepened to verify no bedrock or impermeable layers are within 6' of the bottom of the trench. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE On-Site Reviewer: Comments Issued (date) Review Time (hours) HOURLY RATE $130 TOTAL TO BE PAZD~~_~ DATE PAZD //~ RECEZPT # FURROW CREEK ROAD McMAHON SUBDIVISION LOT 18, BLOCK 3 31,189 S.F. Existing Well Gravel Driveway / 1~0.93 fCO 1 000 Gall Sept c Tank LEGEND SV - Septic Vent CO - Clean Out MT - Monitor Tube FCO - Foundotion Clean Out DV - Diverter Valve TH - Test Hole Thre, q Bedroom Home ."~ Long x 5' x ,4? Effective Depth Absorption Trench 10' UTIL ESWI'. S 88'05'00'E 164-.26' SITE PLAN SCALE 1' = 30' CO LOT 18, BLOCK 3, McMAHON SUBDIVISION DESIGN FACTORS: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Three Bedroom System 5' Wide Trench System Perc. Rate: 13 Min./Inch 1.000 Gallon Septic Tank Application Rate: .8 GPD/SF 4' Drainfield Rock $ Bedrooms X 150 GPD/.8 GPD/SF (Application Rate) = 562.5 SF Absorption Area 562.5 SF/5 SF/LF*,g'(Red. Factor) = ~ LF Trench Length TH EREFORE: Construct a New~,,,Long x 5' Wide x,~ Effective Depth Absorption Trench Flow Line Elevation in Trench to b~:O; Below Original Ground Surface. Total Depth to be 14.0' Below Existing Ground. Provide 4' Cover Over Septic Tank and 3' Cover Over Absorption Trench. Place Diverter Valve to Tie In Existing System. Natural Backfill Geotextile Fabric ~ O 4" Perforated PVC (Holes Down) -- Drainfield Rock TYPICAL 5' WIDE TRENCH SECTION NOTE: Grade Area Over Trench to Drain Away. Minimum 4' Separation From GroundWater. M,n,mum 100, Separat,on From Wells ,n the Area. Minimum 100 Separation From Sudace Water or Streams Parcel I.D. 017-042-18 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 www.muni.org/onsite (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEWER/VVELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Property owner(s) Jeanmarie L. Crumb Mailing address 4050 Furrow Creek Road, Anchorage, AK Site address 4050 Furrow Creek Road, Anchorage, AK Day phone Zip Code 99516 Zip Code 99516 Legal description (Sub'd., Block & Lot) McMahon Subdivision, Block 3, Lot 18 Legal description (Township, Range & Section) Lot Size 31,189 Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms Three (3) THIS APPLICATION IS FOR (~] all that apply): Absorption Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage [] THIS APPLICATION IS AN: Initial [] Upgrade [] Renewal [] I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: (Rev. 11/05) O Waiver Fees: Date of payment: Receipt Number: ANDERSON ENGINEERING P.O. BOX 240773 ANCHORAGE, AK 99524 522-7773 677-7766 (FAX) July 9, 2010 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Subject: Lot 18, Block 3, McMahon Subdivision Septic System Design and Permit Application Impacts to Adjacent Properties Dear Onsite Services Engineer: The existing absorption system on the subject lot has failed and must be upgraded. We are therefore requesting a permit be issued for the upgrade of the septic system to accommodate the three-bedroom home on the lot. The attached Site Plan and backup documentation identify the location and configuration of the existing and proposed septic system. The existing 1,000 Gallon Septic Tank will be uncovered, pumped, crushed and backfilled in place. A new 1,000 Gallon Septic Tank will be placed at the location shown. The existing absorption trench system will be left intact and tied to the new system with a flow diverter valve. Also identified on the plans are the locations of the existing well on this and adjacent lots and adjacent septic systems. No conflicts exist between the proposed septic system and the wells on this or adjacent lots. Protective radii are shown to the adjacent wells. Drainage arrows are shown indicating the current drainage patterns. The drainage patterns will be maintained after construction. The test hole recently placed on the lot indicated silty gravel with sand (GM/SM). The percolation rate was determined to be 13 minutes per inch. We have designed the new trench to be within the 30' radius of the current test, with an application rate of .8 gallons per date per square foot. We are proposing to place a 36' long trench with an 8' effective depth. The total depth of the system will be 12'. The test hole was placed to a , depth of 18' and has remained dry since construction. The ground surface on the lot slopes slightly to the east in the area of the absorption trench. The trench will be placed parallel to the contours of the ground as much as possible and in conformance with design criteria. A minimum of 100' will be maintained Lot 18, Block 3, McMahon July 9, 2010 Page Two between all components of the septic system and the proposed well and from any surface water in the area. If the system is constructed in accordance with our design the following statements apply: The system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverse impact on the wells in the area or those to be constructed in the future. The system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverse impact on existing septic systems in the area or those to be constructed in the future. The system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverse impact on reserve space, either surface or subsurface, on any lots located in the area. The system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverse impact on drainage patterns in the area. The current drainage pattern will be maintained. Sincerely, Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments Well Exiaflng Weell Existing Sep~c I ~ x~ CREEK ROAD /~ 5 24 DOROSNIN AVENUE AREA SCALE 1' = 100' Existing Well FURROW CREEK ROAD McMAHON SUBDIVISION LOT 18, BLOCK 3 31,189 S.F. Grovel Driveway FCO 1 000 Gal Sept c Tank LEGEND SV - Septic Vent CO - Cleon Out MT - Monitor Tube FCO - Foundotion Cleon Out DY - Diver~er Volve TH - Test Hole thre,~ Bedroom Home 56' Long x 3' Wide x 8' Effective Depth Absorption Trench TH1 10' UTIL ESI~I'. S 88'0~ SITE PLAN SCALE 1' = 30' LOT 18, BLOCK 3, McMAHON SUBDIVISION NUMBER 2 DESIGN FACTORS: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Three Bedroom System DeepTrench System Perc. Rate: 13 Min./Inch 1,000 Gallon Septic Tank Application Rate: .8 GPD/SF 8' Drainfield Rock 3 Bedrooms X 150 GPD/.8 GPD/SF (Application Rate) -- 562.5 SF Absorption Area 562.5 SF/16 SF = 35.2 LF Trench Length THEREFORE: Construct a New 36' Long x 3' Wide x 8' Effective Depth Absorption Trench Flow Line Elevation in Trench to be 4.0' Below Original Ground Surface. Total Depth to be 12.0' Below Existing Ground. Provide 4' Cover Over Septic Tank and 3' Cover Over Absorption Trench. Place Diverter Valve to Tie In Existing System. Sit Natural Back~ GeotextileFabric 4" Perforated '~ PVC (Holes Down) -- Drainfield Rock TYPICAL DEEP TRENCH SECTION ~ -----~--SCA~--~-~~ -- ~ ~.o~'~...~....~;o. NOTE: Grade Area Over Trench to Drain Away ~"~ ? Mnmum6'S ................ ' ~ ..-' 49th ~parauon from ~,eorocK. ~.....,~ .............................. z.....g Minimum 4' Separation From Groundwater. ~ ~ .~~ Minimum 100' Separation From Wells in the Area ~,'~H'~,~;'~'.'~,;~;:RS~'~""?'~ Minimum 100' Separation From Surface Water or'Streams.-'$.'~'-. No. 4700 DEPTH (feet) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 20. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT BRAGAW STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-0650 I SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 18, BLOCK 5, MCMAHON SUBDIVISION PERFORMED FOR: DATE: 6/16/2010 PARCEL ID#: OB/OG SILTY GRAVEL w/SAND GM/SM BOH @ 18' JEAN MARIE CRUMB PROJECT No.: TECHNICIAN: WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? __ IF YES ~ WHAT DEPTH? DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITOR.ING: A. HARALA SLOPE No NONE DATE OF MONITORING: 6/29/20t0 Professional En[qnee~ Stamp: SITE PLAN SEE SiTE PLAN z,.% ~ DEPTH TO DATE READING GROSS TINE NET TINE WATER NET DROP (MINUTES) (MINUTES) (INCHES) (INCHES) TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 6/18 1 17:19/17:49 30 8.38/10.75 2.37 2 17:55/18.25 30 8.44/10.69 2.25 3 18:37/19:07 30 8.44/10.75 2.31 PERCOLATION RATE: 3 (MrN/n'4CH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 8 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 5.5 FT. and 6.5 FT. COMMENTS: TEST HOLE PRE SOAKED PRIOR TO TEST. TEST PERFORMED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPLE GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 6/2 8/2010 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT: LOT 18, BLOCK 3, MCMAHON SUBDIVISION GENERAL: The scope of this project includes the excavation to pump, crush and backfill the existing 1,000 gallon septic tank currently on site. Work also includes the placement of a new 1,000 gallon septic tank at the location shown and the construction of a new 36' long X 3' wide X 8' effective depth absorption trench at the location also shown on the Site Plan. The distribution line in the trench will be placed at 4' below the existing ground surface. Total depth of the trench will be 12' below the existing ground surface. The new absorption trench must be placed a minimum of 100' from all private wells and any surface water in the area and 10' from the water service line on the lot. A minimum of 3' of cover is required over the absorption trench. A flow diverter valve must be placed and the existing absorption trench system tied in for future use. Construction shall be in accordance with the approved site plan, design drawings, Municipal Permit with any special provisions or conditions, and all applicable State and Municipal Wastewater Disposal Regulations. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all underground utility locates and for the layout of the septic system and verification of the location of all lot lines. The Contractor must also verify the location of wells in the area and assure that the separation distances are met. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, the contractor shall be responsible for final grading areas subsequently depressed from soil settling. Property owner shall be responsible for revegetation of affected areas unless specifically agreed otherwise. Contractors installing wastewater disposal systems must be certified by the Municipal Development Services Department Building Safety Division On Site Water and Wastewater Program for system installations. Owners installing their own systems must receive prior approval from the On Site Water and Wastewater Program before beginning system installation. SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION 1. A new 1,000-gallon septic tank must be procured from an approved source and installed at the location shown. 2. A septic tank is to be constructed by a certified septic tank manufacturer. Construction shall include two 4" cleanouts for pumping access. Lot 18, Block 3, McMahon July 9, 2010 Page 2 of 3 3. The septic tank shall be sufficiently bedded to prevent settling or shifting of the tank. 4. All standpipes on the septic tank shall extend a minimum of 12 inches above final grade. 5. Tanks installed without 4' of cover shall have a minimum of 2" of direct burial insulation. 6. A foundation cleanout shall be installed one to four feet from the building foundation. Two cleanouts are required between the tank and the drainfield. 7. Final grading over the tank shall be such that a positive slope exists away from the septic tank. DRAINFIELD CONSTRUCTION: 1. The drainfield shall be constructed to the dimensions shown on the design. The bottom of the trench shall be within 2" of level. Distribution piping must be placed level with perforations down atop a level bed of drainfield rock. Rock should then be placed over the pipe to provide a minimum of 2" of cover. 3. A silt barrier or geotextile fabric must be placed between the drainfield rock and the natural soil backfill. 4. Monitor tubes must be 4" in diameter and installed at the locations shown on the design. The portion below the distribution line must be perforated. o Contractor shall verify the septic tank and drainfield are a minimum 100' away from any private water wells in the area, 150' from a Class "C" Well or 200' from any community well. Direct bury insulation must be placed over the distribution system if less than 3' of backfill depth is available. Finish grade over the trench must be mounded to prevent settlement or depressions. 7. Grade area surrounding the absorption trench to drain away. A minimum 2' of accepting soil is required below the drainfield rock for a 5' wide trench. Contractor shall verify this condition prior to placement of the rock. All pockets of unacceptable materials must be removed and replaced. Lot 18, Block 3, McMahon July 9, 2010 Page 3 of 3 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Septic tanks must be constructed by a municipally approved septic tank manufacturer. 2. The following pipe materials are approved for use in septic system installations in the Municipality of Anchorage: Cast Iron (perforated and solid), ASTM D3034 or P.V.C. (perforated and solid), ASTM F810 or H.D.P.E. (perforated, but not solid) and ASTM D2662 or A.B.S. (perforated and solid). 3. Insulation shall be at least 2" thick extruded direct burial polystyrene (Dow Chemical Co. Styrofoam HI or equal). 4. Septic tank inlets and outlets shall be fitted with watertight couplings (Caulder, Fernco, or equal). 5. A permeable geotextile fabric (Typar, Mirafi or equal) must be installed between the final drain rock layer and the native soil layer. 6. All drain rock shall be .5" to 2.5" in diameter with less than 3% passing the #200 sieve. INSPECTIONS: Municipal Ordinance requires a minimum of two inspections. These inspections must be conducted under the supervision of a professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The first inspection must be conducted after the excavation of trenches, beds or pits and before the installation of any gravel. A septic tank may be set in place, but may not be backfilled. The second inspection must be conducted after the placement of the geotextile fabric, gravel, distribution piping, standpipes, cleanouts and insulation. No backfill should be in place at the time of inspection. Contractor shall provide a copy of all field survey layout and construction notes for use in preparing the certified as-built of the completed system. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME PHONE [] NEW LEGAL DESCRIPTION Well Absorption area Dwelling DISTANCE TO: I Manufacturer ~ ) ..... I Mater~l \ [E~q, capaciw in gallo~s IF HOME.DE: ' Inside length DISTANCE TO:IW X,~. Dw°llin9 Manufacturer ~ I We] DISTANCE TO: I X '~ '3 No. of lines . I Length of each line~ ] Type of crib DISTANCE TO: iClass ~'~ Depth ~ Building foundation DISTANCE TO / Driller Sewer line NO. OF BEDROOMS >ERMIT NO. No, of compartments Liquid depth PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in gallons Material Foundation Nearest lot line /~= Total length of lines _~Z~ Trench width .~'~ (o inches Material beneath tile (~:*)~ inches Depth PERMIT NO, ,C~ib~epth I Total effective absorption area Building foundation Nearest lot line Distance to lot line Septic tank PERMIT NO. Distance between lines Total effective absorption area PERMIT NO. Absorpt on area(s) OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING INSTALLER REI~AR KS 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) LEGAL RPF'L !CRNT LOCW!"Z ON L. EGF~L FURROI,! '.]:RI<' RD L'?': B2:: i"iCi"!RI4ON ':5.'% L_OT 5; t ;.'!'E ;?0000 :.i;I'5:.UPRE FEE'F .'"iRl:-::fNi N NUI"!E:EER OF BEDROEI?E5= 3: SOIL_ ?ki~:' REE.¢JIRED E;i;;:;E OF "FHF :-"-.';E*!L. d,.-,-., ,,,..g , fd:.. 5.;:¥'5;TE:N ~"'"r'i, h~: LEN(.TT'H [:'INEI"4SION. IS THE LE:I"413TI'{ ,' --'*~'~ ................... P';'[:''~''' i;lP' '[[.11i:: "'r",gri'J'"~.I: ........ 71lq' [:,RFii,~ "'"'~'~- ' ,, '*T:"~.i"'. ' ,,t .... [:,itE;TRNCE E~E71'I,.!EE?'.~ THE 5;U~?.ii'!"~CE OF rE THE i.~:.r,h OF ,n ,~¢.,',lt.r-, OR Pi]' iS '~'~: ~'' 13~:O1_t~.~[;, 'l~i'![:' THE -~-~ ...... '*" I Fl.: r_ ...... ~, ~ I ].t. '4 .... E,.J, !L.,,~ OF -' V -- ""-" "-' ~ -" ,:' TN ""'-~'~'", 'T',-I.ERE IS N:) 5ET 14IDTH FOR TRE?.,iE:HES. urn. ~, mL. T, ,. ~-,. THE TI..{F ..... GRR',,,'E! .... t:.! t!-! 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DE!:'EN[)!i'.,iG UF'ON THE T?F'E OF F'i..!BLiC NELL.. Erl-HE.R REg!LI!REI"!ENTS i-'1!::i'~.' RPPt_?. SF'E,:;:iFiCFFFiONS i%4D C:ONSTRUCTiON DiRGF;'.FiI'"iS FIRE LRB[_E TO INSURE F'F.:OP!ER INSTRLLFF!"ION. i CEF..'T I F'"r' THFIT ~L: i a!"l i"'-RI"!iL.!RR !4!TH THE REg!UiF:'.E?'iENT'.::~; FOR ON'-S!TE ':SE!,iERS RN[:' t4E[_LS tis 5;ET FORTN E:'./ THE ?'ILINI C:iPI:![..IT"r' (3? RNCI"iORRGE'. ;2: Z I,.iiLL INSTRL. L THE S'¢STE?I IN RE:CORDRNCE I,.ilTH THE: CODES. /ii:: ! UNDERSTFrND THRT THE ON-.SITE SEI4ER S'¢STEN R ES; ! DENC~5 ,qL~f'!ODEL. ED TO _ !~.,iC L..U[:,E I:!F'F',.~ I C,-tN'," 'T ~ il'tiZ. TH ,'r ~'~ i' iX,. i.'-~4: I '.~5:E-;UEC, El' ...Di:YFiE_ _i 'v"3:. ;?. ANCHORAGE AREA BC'"-'%UGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME //"~//'¢(2Y"//'Z/ ////.,/d/: MAILING ADDRESS LOCATION'''~2//d'~:~'~ff''~J ~'¢/¢~ /"~/¢~'~/"~'~t. EGAL DESCRIPTION PHONE SEPTIC TANK: .,./)w /l<d/// ' DISTANCE /,¢¢¢./~¢~/~ ~//Z¢¢~¥¢/ FROM WELL '-~// - MANUFACTURER INSIDE LENGTH -- INSIDE WIDTH MATERIAL LIQUID DEPTH ~ NUMBER OF ,.~;/~d'~-~' COMPARTMENTS / __.LIQUID CAPACITY _/,/~L~ GALLONS. SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS __ LINING MATERIAL ~'~b~ ~'~/Z~CRIB SIZE: DIAMETER BUILDING FOUNDATION~1¢', NEAREST LOT LINE /~a~/ ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION / DIAMETER ~ OR WIDTH ~ LENGTHc~'~ DEPTH ."~-~/'~-'~:~'~ // / DEPTH ~ DISTANCE FROM: WELL TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) ,~ /~ SQ. FT. WELL: TYPe ;~/'7'~ ::~'~/~ON~STRUCTiON BUILDING NEAREST FOUNDATION LOT LINE CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE SEWER LINE TANK SYSTEM APPROVED DISAPPROVED REMARKS DISTANCES: PIPE MATERIAL: LOT S LO P E: ..-f-Z/cZ'/C2"Z/~ REMARKS: ~2'/47-~gc/'c?-,'~k':~' ¢/J ¢/,<~ DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM G.A.A.B. Form No. EQ-031 GreaTer ANCHORAGE AREA BorOUGh ~ PERMIT NO. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3330 "C" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 274-4561 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM m APPLICATION AND PERMIT iNSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE Pit TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED FINANCED THROUGH TO BE INST~LLED BY SOIL TEST RESULTS /~0 ~ ~ MAiling ADDRESS 2;) ~/~ ~-/~C/~ ~ PHONE DRAIN FIELD , OTHER NOTE: THIS PERMIT IS. NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL. TEST COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED FINAL INSPECTION: 2,4 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK SIZE /00 0 ~. TYPE ~/ 0~~ SEEPAGE AREA SIZE /~ /~ ~ ~ TYPE MINIMUM DISTANCES, REQUIRE'~ENTS: ~:~ '~ FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT ~0 SEPTIC TANK ~/~- f , SEEPAGE PIT ~/~'-- ~., DRAIN FIELD TO NEAREST LOT LINE. WELL TO sePtiC TANK /~) SEEPAGE PIT / ~O / DRAIN FIELD /~)E} / ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. WATER MAIN TO SEPtiC TANK /0 / ~) SEEPAGE Pit DRAIN FIELD , SEEPAge PIt /~ ~) , Drain field TO RIVER, LAKE. STREAM. DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC: TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT FITTED WITH AIRTight REMOVABLE CAPS. GRAVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. OR LICENSED DESIGNER I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF 28-§8 AND THAT THE ABOVE GREATER ANJ~t~ORAgE AREA BOI~OUGH ORDINANCE NO. '"%". /~ OA /~/ ,/7 '7"~ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE .- R&M Civil En#ineer$ ,lAMES W. ROONEY, P. Eo ~IALCOLM A. MENZIES, P.E., ES. JAMES H. WELLMAN, P.E. ENGINEERING & GEOLOGIL. AL CONSULTANTS 229 EAST 51st AVE. - P.O. BOX 6087 - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA'99503 TELEPHONE 907--279-0483 TELEX 090--35419 G~lo£ist$ Lanrl Surveyors RALPH R. MIGLIACCIO [~ L*'~£ER ANCHORAGE AREA I~EPT, OF FF BOROUGH August 8, 1974 A & M No. 462062 Rappe Excavating 8001 Arctic Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Re: 'T~st Hole and Soil Log Report for Sanitary System Lot 18 Block 3 McMahon Subdivision Dear Mr. Rappe: We are submitting herewith the test boring results and our comments regarding soil conditions encountered at the subject site. This investigation was performed in accordance with your request of August 6, 1974, and those procedures outlined in a letter dated September 13, 1971 by Mr. Rolf Strickland of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality. A single test hole was put down within the Log 18 area for the purpose of defining general subsurface Soil conditions for the proposed sanitary system. Excavation was accomplished with a tractor-mounted backhoe and. the test hole was extended to a total depth of 14.0 feet below ground sur- face. The final log prepared for the test hole has been included in Drawing A-0t. Ground water was not encountered in the test hole. We appreciate being given this opportunity to be of service, to you. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours,. R & M ENGINEERING &i GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. ~,TR:kd xc: GAAB TH-1 8-7-74 ORGANICS 0.5' SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) GRAVELLY SAND (SP) 3.5z 4.51 SILTY SAND (SM) 6.5' GRAVELLY SAND (SP) 9,01 SANDY GRAVEL (GW) NOTE: 14.O' NO WATER TABLE Test hole excavated with tractor-mounted backhoe. R Engineering ~ Geological Consultants Inc. ANCHORAGE FAIRBANXS ALASKA RAPPE EXCAVATING LOG OF TEST HOLE ANCHORAGE,ALASKA · ; il ' ', D~R~N- ~F HEALTH A~ENVIRONMENT, ;PROTEC~T/ION.~ \~3 ~25 '-L ~tr,~£C~0~choraa~., Alaska 99501~ '~-' X ,~ ~t e Rece be ~1: Time . -~2: Time ~ ~ ~3: Time Date 10~ Wed. Date /~- ? ~7 ~/~%5 Date insp~ ~A ~' Insp ~[~ ins Buc h z · REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES 1. Lending Institution Request: Alaska National Bank of the North Mailing Address: Phone: 278-4581 Property Owner: Timothy I. Miller Mailing Address: Star Route A Box 1568Q 99507 Phone: 344-7555 3. Legal Description: Lot 18 Block 3 Mc Mahon Subdivision 4: Single Family Residence: ~x~~'~' Number of Bedrooms: ~ Three Multiple~ Family Residence: ( ) Number of Bedrooms: Well System: Permit ~ Construction Individual well (~ Community/Public System ( ) Depth of Well Well Log on File ( ) Bacterial Analysis e e Sewage Disposal System: Permit # Septic Tank Size Absorption Area On-site System (x) Public Utility Ins%ailed '!~ Installer ~p~ Manufacturer Soils Rate /~ Material ~z2~ Distances: Well to Septic Tank to Absorption Area %o Sewer Line Nearest Lot line Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line Page. Department of Health and Environmental Protection Request for Approval of Individual Sewer and Water Facilities Legal Description: Lot 18 Block 3 Mc Mahon Subdivision Affadavit Attached: '(') Letter Attached: ( ) Approved: Date: Disapproved: C~-~v ~~ Date: Department worksheet: ~ 'MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE iO: L~?~./?~/ ' ~ ~__~ Department of Health and Environmental Prote~tfo .. ~f6~ 825 L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ....  264-4720 Q]'F ii · [-'~ '-~equest for Approval of Individual Sewer and Water Faci~ities' 1. Property Owner: ~ ~r~J ~7 ~,'~/FF Mailing Address: ~. ~ /~ ~ Phone: .~-~~ o o Mailing Address: Phone: Lending Institution: Mailing Address: Phone: Realtor/Agent: Legal Description: Single Family Residence: Multiple Family Residence: ( )~'~ Number of Bedrooms: ( ) Number of Bedrooms: Water Supply: If Individual Well, well depth If Community System, name of system Individual Well (V~ Public/Community System ) Sewage Disposal System: On-site System If On-site System, date of installation: (/ Public System ( *NOTE: A well log is required on ALL wells drilled since 6/75. If on-site sewer system is over two(2) years old, an adequacy 'test is required by this department. A fee of $25.00 must accompany each request before processing can be initiated. 3/77 October 31, 1977 Star Route A Box 1568-Q Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: Lot 18 Block 3 Mc Mahon Subdivision On aduquacy test conducted by this department on the above ~ubjeot sewer system has failed. This department will require the sewer system to be upgraded so that it will f%mction adequately for a three(3) bedroom dwelling. This upgrade will need to expand the seepage area to the following specifications~ (a) The trench length must be thirty(30) feet. (b) The trench depth must be fourteen(14) feet. The trench i~uet have a gavel backfill of ~iv~(5) feet. A permit from this department must be obtained before any upgrade wokk is begun. ~his department will grant a temporary approval of the above subject sewer and water facilities if sufficient f~nde are ezcrowed to cover the ~ost of the upgrade and m%y inter~ pumping of the septic tank that maybe required, providing the upgrade is finished b~eethe end of the next constru~tionsseason. If there are any fur~er questions, please contact this office a~ 264-4720. Sincerely, Cory Wtllis,~RoSo Sanitarian Paul T. Barrow Area Inc. Realty 3300 C Street, 99503 -Alaska National Bank of the North Mortgage Loan Section 3301 C Street, Calais II 99503 ! AND $ WITH CARBON~I~CT -' Redi~orm ~ - SEND PARTS 4S 469 PART $ WILl. BE RETURNED WITH REPI,Y DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP