HomeMy WebLinkAboutLITTLE BEAR BLK 2 LT 4 PERM I T RPPLICANT ED RINNER LOCRT I ON B~'~LH _.E '- ;'' , - -l-' LEGAL L. 4 B2 LITTLE BEAR SUBD [:,EPRRTMENT.' c HEALTH FIN[:, EN',,,' ! RON',IENT? 1. F E I EL: ~ I JN 25±0 E. TUDOR RD.., RNCHOF.'FIGE, IRK. >.:.~507 276-222'_1. 8)]:10 I.,.IELL_,LE~ r':F'd LOT SIZE 8400 %6dJRRE FEET MINIMUM DISTRNCE BETWEEN A WELL AND ANY ON-SITE SEHAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEH IS ±EIEl FEET FOR R PRIVATE WELL OR 200 FEET FOR A PUBLIC NELL WELL LOGS RRE REQUIRED AND MUST 8E RETURNED TO ]"HE DEPARTMENT I,.IITHIt",t 3:6 [:'FLYS OF' THE WELL COMPLETION. SPECIFICFITIONS RND CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAMS FIRE AVAILABLE TO INSURE PROF'ER INS'FRLL. ATION. I CERTIFY THAT 1: I RM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS AND WE/.,.L.S RS SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE. 2: I WILL INSTALL THE SYSTEM IN RCCORDRNCE WITH THE CODES. ...... ................... RPPLICRNT ED RINNER ISSUED E:~r __DFITE ...... ~ .......... F'EF.:M I "1" NO. I)EPRRTHEN'T ,...F HEFIL.]]~'t Rlql} E:N'v'IROt'-,IHENTRL. ,RO"f'EC:]-'ION ;~i'.5::l..E~ E. TLI[:,OR F.:[.':,.., RNC:HOF-,'FIGE., RK. ~..-.11 EL:-': L. ILF" .LFZ D-T-.: ~"""I] ][: ']1 .... ,:1 '?G]~::i.:~:.~ .'.', [:,FITE OF C: C) F:" F:IPt::'I... ]: CRbtT I.... O Ii:: FI T I Ii) N L.E)]iI::I L B~EP~:' BEFIR F'LFICE: L4 E!:2 LITTLE E',E:FtI~E: Si..J[EID ::}.':}7:::I.E~ 14EL..L.."SL, E'~-' CC)LII:~:T L.O'T' ::]; I ZE 8,~:!.~Z~E'~ SI]:!LtlaRE FEET HIi'qlHIjM [:,tSTFINCE 8E'I"t.,IEEN f:l I.,.IEL.L FINE:, F:IN'.? ON-SITE SEI.,.IFIGE: [:,ISF'OE;F:IL S"r'STEM ]:'.':T, 2.~ZiE~ F:EE'T' F:'OR R PF.'.:[VF!TE 14ELL OR ~:'('.:~ FEET F"OF.': NELL. LOGS F:IRE RELT!LIIF.'.E[:, F:IN[:, HIJS]" DE.. RETLtRI',IE[:, TO THE [:,EPFIRTMEN'T' !-,.ti:THIN ]i:E~ [:,FI"?'.'.C, OF TIdE I-,.tELL COHF:'L.E'T'ION. SPEC :1: F I CFIT :[ Ob,IS F'tN[:' C:ONSTRUC:T I ON [:' :[ RGRRHS F:IRE FI',,,'FI .): LFtE'4...E 'T'O ]: N:E;L.tI:RE F:'I:;~:OPER ]: NS'1"FtL..LR T ]: ON. t CERTIF:'Y THFIT ::L: I f:lt"l FFiMII._iRR WiTH THE RE~L::IUtREHENT'S FOR: ON-S;]:TE :E;Et4ER'.E; RN[:, 14ELL.:E; FIS SET FORTH r:?'.r" THE HUN I C I I::'RL I T"r' OF:' FIt",!CHOF..'FIGE. 2: 1i: t4tL. L. :[t',IS'T'FIL. L '1"HE S"r'STE:H :I:N FIC:COI';-:[:'FINCE b.l:["l"H THE CO[:'F.T.S. '.E; 11: GNEi}: I:::IF:'PL I CFINT El::' R I :11 :E;'.'~i;IJEE:' B"r'. .................................................................................... L}FITE .................................................. :[ I",I:L':F'ECT I ON H :i: STOF.:"r' '- S:;Eb. IEF.: & E~ SEI'tEF:: 2 b. IIEL.t..' I F,ISP E~ !.,.IELL. LOG [:,FI'I"E ~:.~ [:,R ]: L.I...E:.R Z Z 0 #i: Time Date Insp ,~=,MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORA ~.~ DEPARTMEi OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMEh PROTECTION u4 70 825 L Street, Anchoraae. Alaska 99501 264-4720 9:30 a.m. #2: Time Date Received: September 19, 1977 #3: Time 9-27-77 Tuesday Date Date Prat% Insp Insp REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES 1. Lending Institution Request: Mailing Address: 2. Property Owner: Mailing Address: Alaska National Bank of the North 3301 C Street, Calais II L.J. Sebring Star Route A Box 1540C 99507 Phone: Phone: 344-3069 3o Legal Description: Lot 4 Block 2 Little Bear Subdivision 4: o o Single Family Residence: ( Multiple Family Residence: Number of Bedrooms: Three Number of Bedrooms: Well System: Permit # Individual well (x) Conmmnity/Public System ( ) Depth of Well Well Log on File ( ) Construction Bacteria]. Analysis Sewage Disposal System: Permit # Septic Tank Size Absorption Area On-site System ( ) Public Utility ~) Installed Installer Manufacturer Soils Rate Material Distances: Well to Septic Tank to Sewer Line Nearest Lot line to Nearest Lot Line to Absorption Area Absorption Area Pa~3e T-~o Department of Health and Environmental Protection Request for Approval of Individual Sewer and Water FacilitSes Legal Description: Lot 4 Block 2 Little Bear Subdivision Cor~merlt s: Affadavit Attached Disapproved: Letter Attached: ( ) Date: Department Worksheet: '- ' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGL ' ' "'' ' ' · i'~ IDepartment of Health and Environmental Protection' ,' ~//~~ i ' 825 L Street, Anc!}orage, Alaska 99501 .... "~ ~[t~W~} 279-2511, e~t. 224, 225 ~'~:'' V i?:!i Facilities · ~ ~-~-~-r~/equest for Approval of Indlvzdual Sewer and Water m Property Owner: Phone: Name of Buyer: Mailing Address: Phone: Lending Institut~ion: ~. ~ Y~/~' Mailing Address: ~/~/_---f ~.~/~'~_z~~~ ~ Phone: Realtor/Agent: ~(~r ~~ Mailing Address: Phone: Legal Description: Street Location: Single Family Residence: Number of Bedrooms Multiple Family Residence: ( ) Number 6f-Bedrooms: Water Supply: *Imdividual Well (~ Public/Community System ( If Individual Well, well depth ~ If Co~mmunity System, name of system Sewage Disposal System: On-site System ( ) Public System If On-site System, date of installation: *NOTE: A well log is required on ALL wells drilled since 6/75. 3/77 06~122~0)' Rev. 1973 DATE ALA . DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL S' ',CES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH INDIVIDUAL AND SEMI-PUBLIC BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS Lab No. OFFICE INDIVIDUAL [] NAME SEMI-PUBLIC [] CHLORINE RESIDUAL PPM REPORT RESULTS TO ', ;-~ ). ADDRESS CITY ADDRESS OF SOURCE ZIP CODE COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF WATER IS AN iNDIVIDUAL SUPPLY SAMPLE COLLECTED BY -" · !" /":'~ DATE COLLECTED ) : ~ ' TIME COLLECTED / ' ~'i~J Sample Collected From ~[~] Kitchen Tap [] Bathroom Tap [] Basement Tap [] Other (Hst) Well- [] Dug [] Driven [] Drilled SOURCE: [] Spring [] Cistern [] Other__ Dug Well or Cistern Construction: Walls--[] Wood [] Concrete [] Metal Top -- [] Wood [] Concrele [] Melal LOCATION: [] In Basement [] Basement Offset '? E]ln Yard [] Other Building Sewer DISTANCE TO: or Other Drainage Pipe Feet. ' Tile Seepage Cess~ Field Feet· Pit Feet. Pool __ Other Possible Sources of ContaminaHon MATERIAL: Building Sewer - [] Cast Iron [] Wood [] T~le [] Plastic Joint Material - Type GENERAL: Does Water Become Muddy or Discolored? When? [] Bored [] Tile Brick or [] Open Top [] Concret~- [] Under House Septic · Tank Feet. Feet. Privy __. Feet. [] Fibre [] Asbestos Cement [] Yes [] No Diameter of Well Depth P~et. Well Casing Material Diameter Depth Length of Water Depth Drop Pipe From Bottom Feet. Offset in In Utility PUMP LOCATION: [] In Well [] Basement [] In Basement [] Room On Top [] Of Well [] Other PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness Suspected? New Source of Supply? [] Yes [] No READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE Analysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Questionable [] Sample too long in transit; sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. P/ease send new sample. [] Bottle broken in transit, please send new sample. SANITARIAN'S REMARKS [] Yes [] No Repairs to System? [] Yes [] NO Signature o,s-],~2o (b) BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Rev. 1973 '' ~ : i" Time Received ~' , am ~ ' Date Received ~ ~ : ~ .pm Lab./ No. - Lactose Broth 10cc 10cc 10cc 10cc 10cc 1.0cc 1.0cc 24 Hours 48 Hours ........... " Brilliant Green , 24 Hours 48 Hours EMB AGAR Laclose Broth, 24 hrs. 48 hrs. Gram's stain Coliform Densily (Most probable No. per 100cc) MF Results Reported by ?':-~ ' This analysis indicates Coliform Organisms to be: Date, . "' j' p.m,