HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOYE Plat# (Withdrawn) S-3941 DE/~'~"TMENT oF ENVIRONMENTAL QU'. iTY PLATTING OR PLANNING ~ '70 ~ NING CASE REVIEW CASE NO. Date Case Received By Suspense Date Comments to P]annin9 DepaPtment Fop' Planning & Zoning Commission Mee~ino Date ROUTING ~nvironmental Engi~neering Air Pollution Noise Environmental Sanitation Mr. Rolf Strickland Chief Sanitarian 3330 C. Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Lynn v.: Wallace P.E. 4839 Tampa Circle Anchorage, Ak. 99504 February ll, 1975 Dear Mr. Strickland; Re: S-3586 Loye Subdivision The soils test holes for this subdivision were excavated prior to the new requirement to located the holes as close as possible to the expected drainage area for each lot of the subdivision. Without the lots being sold and the owner or architect deciding exactly where the house will be located, it is only possible to conjecture where drainage areas might be. The similarity of soils found in the three test holes and the lay of the land assures me that the entire area on lots #1 & #2 will be suitable for sanitary sewerage systems. Since it is most likely that the homes would be built near Berryhill road for driveway access, it is therefore more likely that the soil would be GP for lots 1 and 2 as shown on the soils report. At best the soil would be the same as evidenced in test holes #1 &#2, and at worst, if the drainage areas were located at the far south end of the lots, the soil would be GM similar to that found in test hole #3. The drainage area available for lot #3 is south and east of the test hole location, but observations made on the Eagle River Road excavations along the south extremity of lot #3 and comments by the excavator who has lived in the area for 20 years convince me that similar soils to those found in test hole #3 are found in the rest of the lot and that additional test holes are neither necessary nor warrented. I therefore conclude that the information contained in the soils report is accurate over the entire subdivision area, and should be sufficient to satisfy current requirements. cc Don Lucas Richard Burr 4839 Tampa Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99504 January 13, 1975 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning Department 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Attention: Subject: Mr. Paul Carr Soils Evaluation and Related Items - Loye Subdivision, : %q Resubdivision of TR 3B, Donald C. Schroeder Subdivision, Addition #1 Dear Mr. Carr:. The following information concerning the soils conditions for the proposed Loye Subdivision located on.the Eagle River ~oad in · Eagle River, is submitted to satisfy the requirements of GAAB Ordinance No. 112-72A, Chapter 21; and Title 18, Environmental Conservation, 18 AAC 72.060 of the State of Alaska. Test hole logs and project location maps follow the text. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: The approximately 3.8 acre parcel to be subdivided is located six miles east of the Glenn Highway on the Eagle River Road. The property is overgrown with alders and small bl;-ch as a second growth after having been cleared for homesteading. The topography is generally sloping to the south becoming steeper near Eagle River Road to the south of the properts. EXISTING WELLS AND SUBSURFACE DRAINFIELDS: The location of existing wells on or near the parcel to be subdivided are shown on the project location map. Water has been located in this area approximately 85' to'llO' below the surface. Neighboring sub~ divisiom(not shown on map) have wells of sufficient capacity to supply domestic needs. The existence of reliable'water sources in this geological area has been proven sufficiently to borough officials in the immediate past. Previous chemical and bacteriological testing of existing water sources has indicated that drinking water quality standards are satisfied. FIELD EXPLORATION: On November 14, 1974, three (3) test holes were excavated on site to depths of 17', 17' and 16~ respectively. The hole locations are shown on the location map. All holes were excavated by Hamann Construction Company of Eagle River, Alaska, using a Case 680c backhoe with a 1/2 cy bucket. Direct observations were made on soil strata and grab samples were taken both during and after excavation. S }.5 8 6 MAR ,1 1975 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Page 2 January 13, 1975 Test hole placement was made on each of the three tracts in insure that soil conditions were as expected. There is more than sufficient room on the tracts to locate water and wastewater facilitie§. GEOLOGY: The Eagle River drainage area is located within the Chugach Mountains that border Cook Inlet. These mountains are a complex mixture of deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary and igneous rocks deposited during the late Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras. Five major Pleistocine glacial advances along the consequent or subsequent lacustrine and alluvial deposits greatly influenced the present topography of the area. The surficial geologic unit of the site appears to be part of the Eagle River cut as it worked through the late Pleistocene lateral moraine deposits. The till of this deposit is commonly sandy and stoney with cobbles common. Broken rock an~ sand predominate but silt and rock dust are ever present. Cobbles and rocks are rounded rather than angular. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS: The ground cover over the site generally consists of one to ~wo feet of organic cover underlain with silty sandy gravel for another two to three feet. The surficial deposits of silty gravels or sandy silty gravels are interspersed with cobbles. The ~pper layer of material is of medium density and th~ lower level of harder density as evidenced by the effort of the backhoe during excavation. Below eight feet the ground was compact hardpan. The soils in general can be classified as GW/GM by the Unified Soil Classificaqion System. The hardpan appears to be a GP soil. The gravelly soils contain about 60% by weight gravel or cobbles with the remainder sand and/or silt. Groundwater was not encountered and there was no visible e¥ide~ce ~f ponded water; rather, the soil appeared to be well drained but compact. . CONCLUSION: Sufficient exploration has been accomplished on this small subdivision for the intended use with individual on-site water and sewer facilities. Each tract has sufficient acreage to allow for replacement soil absorption systems should the initial system fail. Greater Anchorage Area Borough Page 3 January t3, 1975 The soils are suitable with respect to foundation bearing capacity within the range of conventionally applied bearing pressures for residential continuous concrete footings. If other than conventional loads are anticipated, professional help may be required to design the foundation. The sloping terrain must be considered in any foundation system. Please contact the undersigned if any expansion or clarification of these data is necessary. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOiqO3GPi DEPAREMENT OF ENVIR~AL QUALITY MEMORANDUM FROM: SUBJECT: Paul Carr Planning Department February 17, 1975 Chief Sanitarian Subclivision plat review for March 4, 1975 The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of 'Environmental Quality has reviewed the proposed plats listed below and has the following cc~anents. A. Plats having public sewer and water available and meeting our requirements. 1. S~3591Centuryvillage # 3 2. S-3590 Wesley Jack Subdivision 3. S-3589 Burston Subdivision 4. S-3588 Center Subdivision and Thc~pson Subdivision 5. S-3595 Collegegate East # 5 6. S-3587 Pleasant Valley. Public sewer and~aterwill need to be made available to all lots to meet our requirements. This can be handled through the subdivision agreement. 7. S-3495 Donna Lou Subdivision Plats not having Public sewer and water and meeting our requirements. 8. S-3593 Nettleton Subdivision # 1 Specific information (soils, water topo) will be required when the land is further subdivided. 9. S-3592 Valli Vue Estates # 2 The properties are served bypublic water and on-sitewaste disposal. This is a simple lot tine shift and does not affect the useable area of either lot. Paul Carr DEQ Comnents February 17, 1975 Page Two 10. S-3596 Loye Subdivision The lot size, soils conditions, slope and water availability are all acceptable for d~velopment of a single family residence on each lot. C. Plats not meeting our requirements. 11. S-3594 Nigh Subdivision The property is not served bypublic sewer or water. The soils report submitteddefinitely shows the soil is not suitable for on-site waste disposal. This property is zoned industrial and can not meet our requirements until it is served by public sewer and water. This case has been discussed with the engineer and petitioner. 12~ S-3583 Townsend Subdivision The properties are served bypublic se~er. Under current laws and ordinances any zoningdensitygreaterthan R-1 or R-lA is required to be served by public water. This property will not mset our requirements until all lots are served by public water as well as public sower. This case has been discusSed with the engineer and petJ.tioner. Rolf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian RS/sr cc: Dennis Gardner Public Works Department / /// l