HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot A2G GRE~,t~R ANCHORAGE AREA BORud6H Department of Environmental Quslity 3330 C S~reet Anchorage, Alask8 gg503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL INSIDE LENGTH MANUEAC~URER INSIDE WIDTH_____ NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID CAPACITY /~. GALLONS. DISTANCE FROM WELL ~,~:~FOUNDATION ABSORPT,ON AREA ;?¢? SQ. FT. DEPTH; TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE /~/,~L_ TOTAL LENGTH _NEAREST LOT LINE_ OF LINES TRENCHW,DTH;3¢'N. TOTALEPPECT'VE LENGTH OF EACH LINE ~;~ ( DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE__ 7~ IN. ABOVE TILE ~/--~ IN. WELL: TYPE CONSTRUCTION __ DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: BUILDING NEAREST NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE FOUNDATION ., LOT LINE__ SEWER LINE , TANK,-- SYSTEM CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES APPROVED DISAPPROVED REMARKS INSTALLED BY: - /~'~'~f~' SEWER LINE DEPTH: PtPE MATER1AL~ LOT SLOPE ~-/,&~""~"~ ~,~.a~ ~. REMARKS; 2 Form EQ-032 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM ~ - ' G.A.A.B. - I"'F::F::'I:::IF:"I'II"'IF::'I",I'F . r' HE'RI 'T'H t:::II"tD EHV I F:C I"II"IE:I"!"I"I~::IL F::'F: :: "l"~::;: TI 0 "1 ~ ~A~' ;2 7' 6;-2 ;2 2:1. ....... ~...:., i~. ~ iF :.. ~ :. ...-, ............. LOi~]:!:::t'l"]:l':;ill",l .t....[.b ~t'"I I'"1, I!2 LiE(~iI:::II .... I, FI;;'!ii; f'IC:D()ktEL, L.. I'"II::;I::.::IMt...It"I NI...IhIE:I.~i;F;i: ()F l~!:lEl)l;;i%u)t"19.'; ..... :~i: TH,S; LENGTH [)1' I'"IiEI'.,IS 1' Oi'.,t I :!'~; THE L...I~i~.I'.,IGTH < I i'.,I I:::EliE'T' ) OF THIE TI:;?.tEI'-,ICH OF;: DF;~I:::I I t'.,11::: I EL..D. }'HIE t:;:,EF'TH OF::' t:::1 TI:;;:IEt'.,fE;H OI"'4: F'IT IS 'THIE DtS'T'I::It'-,tCIE t.:?,IE'T'HI:i!%t'.,t THE; :~i;i...lt:;?.l:::l::i(7;tiii: ([tF;: ']"t'..IL~!~ GF;?.OIJt'qD I:::tND 'T'HIE I~ii:CrT"T'OH OF:: THE EXE:I::IVI:::IT:IiOI",I (;[1'.,I F::IEIET). "I"PIIEF;i:I~.]; ];S !'.,lEI SIiZt" I.,.t'I;I;)TH FI)F?. 'T'F;i%NC:Hl!ii2iii;. 'T'H!i~ (;iiF;.-!F::IVIEI.... I;;:,lili:l:::'"l"l...l I S THE M II'-,I t MUM DIEI:::'TH (:;iF Gi:;;'.l::l'v'l~i%. I~i!:E.:TI.,.II!EIEN Tt..-IIE Ett. J'T'Ft:::IL.L I:::' ! F::'E I:::It'.,ID THE BO'T'TEd"I OF' "I"HIE EXC:I::IVt:::I'T'IOI'.,t ':: IN F::EIET). De/~rtment of HeaI~th~and Environmen~Protection 2516 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 276-2221 , ~ S()ll~S [,()(1 I'.I';I{()I,AT.I()N TIiST _ ~/~ / /~. Performed for~_ :~~,~:~z~:--~ ....;):~ '.-: ............. This for~ reports: Soils log ,-~ verco~a~on ~es~ Depth Feet 6- 9~ ll 12- 13- 14 - - ~as 9round ~a~cr encountered? .............. If yes, at wnaL de.)th? Rcadin§ Date Gross Time Net Time L)eDth to Water Percolation rate minute. -Proposed installat~--~-:--~-e~a--.qe Pit Drain Field Depth of Inle~ -. '. L]ept~--t-O"}~b~-t-o'm-'~[r-pi t or. tr(mcn .l::Q-OqO (6/74) GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 W. NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. GREATER AI'4C,,©RAG~ AREA ANCHORAGE, ALASKA BOROUGH-HEALTH DEPARTMENT PLAT STATUS: FINAL DATE: February 17, 1966 Borough Tax Assessor ~.0~ P_J!Eh ~alth Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Chugach Electric Assoc., Inc. City of Anchorage Fire Marshall City of Anchorage Traffic Engineer City of Anchorage Telephone Utility City of Anchorage Public l~orks Dept. Charles Harvard Alaska Railroad Spenard District Alaska Dept. of Highways Central Alaska Utilities Matanuska Electric Assoc. Matanuska Telephone Assoc. Asst. Superintendent of Mails City of Anchorage Property Management Agent City of Anchorage ~nicipal Light and Power Dept. Re: Subdivision/ R~l~b~~_I/ag~t.J.o~ Description of Property: E 1/2 Lot A-2, Siefkem Sub. ~ to be designated McDowell Subdivision Gent lemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed Subdivision of subject property. Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other reqnirements that your department or system may need. If we do not hear from you by March 1, 1966 assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. we will Our next scheduled meeting after above date will be Harfch 9, 1966 Very truly yours, Planning Assistant NOTE: If you have no further use for attached plat, please return with your comments. 1/1B/66 4509 E. Hobart Drive I~esa, Arizona 85205 February 26, 1975 Dr. Leroy Reed Dept of ~nvironmental QUality 3500 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska Dear Dr. Reed, We have three lots in ~cDowell Subdivision, a resubdivision of Siefker Subdivision No. 2, located between O'Ealley and Huffman Roads. ~¢r. McKee assures us that since these were pZatted before the R-6 zoning was introduced, they can be sold as home- sites at this time. Can you tell me what the procedure will be for a new owner to build on the property? Soil tests, cess pool requirements, and such. I am trying to do an honest marketing job. When we set the price, we should consider the cost of the buyer to establish his home on that land. Thank you. Sincerely, Caro ~cDowell F'Ile: 4-.1 I~arch 5, 1975 4609 £. Hobert 0rtve Hesa, /~tzon~ 85~06 Sui~lect: 14c~11 Subdivision Dear Hr, ~11: Thts department r~celved year letcoe eencernt~g the ~el~t lots tn ~ svb~Kt su~tvtsi~, ~ stze of W lots as ~ ~t~ t~ can ~ ~ve1~ er ~t. 1~ a ~11 ~nnot fit ~ a lot, ~e' lot ~t ~ ~vel~ ~ su~tvtd~ bef~e ~ R-6 z~1~ ~l~t ~ ~ l~rge en~gh ~o ~$t~lly ftt ~t~ a~ s~r SYs~ on If ~ lest t~ lots ~ ~ld. ~e~, ~ ~u~ ~ld t~ ~ lots tf ohr cmst~tt~s w~ ~. The other math consideration Is the type of set1 tn vhtch the sw system ~ouTd he tn~tslled. If the soti was such that & s~stea could not be Installed, the lots could not be developed, tftthout $otls tests on the lots, tt ts tmpesstble to COll tf the lots can be ~eveleped er mt. £nc~sed ts an tnfermatloo sheet ~hlch gtves Mntmum dfstonees f~om the ~e11 Co the se~er system. l~* you I~ve en.y questions regarding the above, please 4o~;not hesttaco to contact thts efftce. St~eerely, Lynn S. toad Santterlan Z! C,~IVGE STREET_.. .> ,. ? - ozz=~ 660.22 CA ~tG E 3[0 30 ' ~0' UTILITY EASEMENT · I '*':.~ :~';: STREET NOOII'OO"W. -3~0.04-- ~ 150.00 r 150.04 ~, Vr CANGE S TREE T