HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIGHLAND BLK 1 LT 2I3 i 0 2.. h'iF:l::.:;]:l"lLJiq ['.,{I. Ji'qlil;',El:;i: (::lF' I~i:[ii:C,f~:(:;ll::li'q:ii!; .... :;ii: 'l"Hli~; I:;;'.I!:L'QLI :lZ I;;i:1~ii;[:, S iii ;!!:tiiiZ Ot::: THE :F~I;)Zt; L. F:llii~S TI...IE: L.I~i;i'.,I(3'I'H 'H'"ll!i! IZ:;,lii;f::"l"l...I (;Il:= I:::1 TI:;;fl!!;I'.,ICH O1:,:". F']i"I'\ (31:~:()lJl'.,ll) I:::11',11) "!"l.'ll:!!Z BOTTOI"I O1:= THE THEI:;i'.E ;1~ :~i; 1'.40 SIE'~" I.,.I Zl; DTH I:=O1:;i: "H:~:IEi', ]"HE GI:~:!::I',,,'IE[. DEF'TH ;I;:ii!; TI'"t~:_; t'"I;I:I',I;I~I'"ILIH I:::It'.,ID THE E~OTTOI'I OF "f'HliE iF;iii; ii~!iii;Z !(;;;;;!! I1_...it :;t!i; I1::;~i:; IlEii: IE;:,, i:iiiiii;; ll!iEZ F:::" '"tl'* ]I;; THE I~i:EZ'l'l-,.lli~]!ili;l",l "1'1..-IIi~i SI...II;~:F:'I:::I(i;:Ii!!Z O1:= THIE ). 1'"i :1: I",t :t: I'"I1...11"1 [)]: :i!i;TI:::II",ICE: EfliliZTF.II:i:El",l FI I,,.IELI .... :;I.I;i:.n;!]~ i::'lFJ:l'!i:"l' I::'(:ll:;~: I'::1 I:::'I:;iI:I:',,,'I:::I'I"E: NE:M,.,. :iii;t::;'l!il:(::: :i: l=' :1: (]::I:;:IT :1: Ol",f:!~; I:::11",1[) COl'.,l!i!;"l'l:;'.t...l(.Yl" :1: I'.,I S T I:::1L I_. FI'I" ]: I;:1 I'.,I. \ \ F;:" IE~:i IF, if.: It'"'1t ::I11: '"il "-,,,,' II:::::II h... '~1t:: II=:~ ~ :ii C:l:~iil:;i:TZl:l:::~'r~ "I"HI=I'I" ;:1.; :1: I:::11'1 F'I:::IH :[ I... ]i I::11:~: 14:11 TH "I"HI!~: I='(:)I:;~:"I"H tiii:"~" '[HIE I"'11..,11",1 :[ C: ]: I:::'Ftl... :1: "l""r' 01:::' 2: :1: I.,.I :1: I..I... :1: t",l:iF]'l::ll...l.. '1'['"1[~:: S"r':iii;'l'[!i:l"'l ::ii:: :t' I.,.Ih,ll:::'E:l:;:::!ii;Tl:::ll",ll:::' THI:::IT THE: Ol",l'"":i!i; ]: 'I"E: I:;i:E:::i; :t: I:)llii:i",lCE :1: !!i; Oi:)IEI...I~:I:) "1'O :1: I",ICIJ...IIZ::'E t:31'.,I.....S:!:"l'lili: !!i;li~:l.,.IE!iF;i::i!i; I::11',tl)I.,.llili:!...I....S I:::t:i!i; Sti!i:T April 27, 1978 ~77214 Earl Struck Post D~:zic~ Box 4-~1326 Anchorages. Alaska 99509 Subject ~- Permit Expiration A permit issued by this depar~nent for wall and/or on-sit~ sewer instal] at~ on on .Lot 2 Block 1 has expired since the issue date exceeds on~(1) year. In the ewmt you still plan to ins~;.a].t the well re%d/or on-site sewer system, a ne~.~ permit is requ. ired. The oriqinal soil test may be used to obtain a current per)nit. ~f the well has been drill,]d, a wall ].ou should be sen~. to this department to doc~u,~nt the inskallation date° If you have any questions regarding %he above please contact this office i~an~ediateiy at 264-4720. Sincerely,. Les Senior ~]nviromnen{~a! Specialist 3'.ai IX J n GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmon%al Quali'chy 3500 Tudor R.ad, Anchm:age, Alaska 99507 279-8686 Date Received '~// Time of Inspection Date of Inspection REQUEST FOR AP~oROVAL OF tND.T. VZDUAL SEWER & ~"IATER FACILITIES Address~ _~ ........... ' ~ : 5. Type of Facility ~o be Ivspected: Number of Bedrooms: 6. Well Data: 7, Se~aqe Disoosal B. D. Bacterial Analysis A. Ins%ailed g. Installer g, Septic Tank: 1, Size ........... 2, Manufacturer D. Seepage Pit: 1. Size 2. Material ,...u Disposal F~e].d: ( ,es .- '- Total Length of Lines Distances: Bo Well To: '3~,rr~-C-"F~ .............. , Absorpt;ion Area ~,'~ }6 , Sewer Lines , Nearest, Lot line ~(2 , Other Contamination . ~ Foundation to Seot~c Tank ";, Absorption Area.._~. [~ Absorption Area to Nearest I.o% Line ~_ ~;> ~ aeCfaest for Approval of 3 Page Two Approval Valid for One Year From Date Signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I certify that the information contained in this request fo].' approval to be a true and accurate representat~.on of the subject sewer and water facilities located Signed Date 10-55 - 5M ' Lab. No.. INDIVIDUAL WATEB SUPPLY Sou%hcentz'ai HeEler, '~ 4- ~1~i ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF H~ALTH omc~ DATE Section of Sanitation and Engineering ACTION ON BEQUEST FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL WATE~ ANALYSIS from the Individual Private Water Supply serving ~, ~.~ ~ ~.~De ~eceived, and examination ha~ been completed. Records in this of/ice indicate this Individual Private Water ~upply ia be oi ~ Satlsiaciory~Questionable Unsatis/acto~y sanitary status. Analysts shows this SAMPLE to be Satisfactory. Questionable Unsatisfactory. If an "Unsatlsfacioryf' or "Questionable" status is indicated above, yon should take immediate action as recommended b~low. 1. Boil or chemiccdly treat your water supply to protect you~ family from water-borne diseases as outlined in en- closed leaflet, "Drink It Pure." 2. Improve your sp~ing- 5es bulletin H~E-6-2 3. Improve your cistern -- See bulletin HSE-6-3 4. Improve your dug well- See bulletin H~E-6-4 5. Improve yonr driven well -- ~ee bulletin H~E-8-5 6. Improve your drilled well- See bulletin H~E-8-8 7. Relocate your well to a safe locattan in relationship to your sewage disposal system-- 5es bulletin H~E-15 8. Bottle broken In transit, please send new sample. 9. Sample too long in transit; sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable Please send new sample. 10. Contact your nearest [] Local Health Department or [] Alaska Health Department, Sanitation office for bulletins, consultation, crud c~ssistance. 11. This is a surface water source and subject to pollution by man and animals. An approved wate~ supply source should be developed. !t'~am Form Must Be Filled Out Completely. INDIVIDUAL WATBR SUPPLY AI, ASKA DI/PARTMENT OF Section of Sanitation and Engineering Please Look on I~ever~e of Sheet for Sample Colleotil Instructions, Request for ,Bacteriological Analysis Water sample collected (Name of per~on collecting sa p e) f fDate) (Time) Water sample collected from ~Kltchen tap; ~ Bathroom tap; ~ B~ement tap; ,~ [ [ · / Addr~s ~remi~e where ~ource ~ l~a~ed ............. ~ ............ ~....~ .................................... '4...~.~L..{...:-.~~ (~r.) ~ , ......... ......... ............... (Name) ~ ibex No. or etreeL ad,ecs) (City) Please place ~n "X" in ~he box before l~m8 which b~g desc~be your wa~er supply: SOUEOE: Well ~ ~ Dug, ~ Driven, ~ Drilled, ~ Bored ~ Spring, ~ O~em, ~ Ogher (lisg) ............................................................................................................... ~ Cree~, ~ River, ~ Lake, ~ Pond .................................................................................................................. DUO ~LL To~ ~ ~ WooO, ~ ~oneroge, ~e~al, ~ Open Top LOCA~ON: ~ In basement, ~ Basement offset, ~ Under no~e, ~ In yard Other ..................................................................................................................................................................................... DISTANCE TO: Building sewer or other drainage pl~....~.feet, Septic ~nk ...~ ....... feet, Tile field .............. feet, Seepage pit/~....feet, Cesspool .............. feet, Privy ..............feet. Other p~slble sources of contamination (l~t) ............................................................................................................................................. ~,~: Building sewer ~ ~Cast iron, ~ Wood, ~ THe, ~ ~bre pipe, ~ Asbestos cement ~oint material -- ~pe ....................................................................................................................................................... GE~R~ I~OR~ON: Does water become muddy or discolored7 ~ yes, ~ no When7 .................................................................................................. ~ .................................... Diameter of well ............................ ~ ........... '.........depth .......... ~ ............................................ feet Well casing material ............ ~ ................. ? ....diamete~ .................... depth .................................. Length of drop pipe ........................ ~. ...................................... : ................................... Water depth troln bot~m . L.~. .......................................................... ~....~.~..~'~ P~p location: ~ In well, ~ Offseg ~ basement, ~ In b~ement ~ ~ utility r~m, E3 On top of well ~ Other (l~t) ........................................................................................................ Do you s~pect illne~ frown th~s supply? ~ yes, ~ no Remarks: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... PLEASE DRAW A SKETCH ~ ~ SPACE BELOW. ~I~ ~CH SHOULD ~HOW LOCATION OF HOUBE, WA~R SUPPLY SOURCE, SEPTIC TANK, SE~R, DRA~ L~S OR O~R SOURCES OF PO~ON ~D DIST~OES BE~N ~AT~ SUPPLY SO~OE AND ~OF ~OVE FAC~. SAMPLES MUST BE SUBMITTED IN CONTAINERS PROVIDED BY [j.,HF. ALASKA DEPAR~;MEI~ OF HEALTH~ 7 July 19~9 705 ~ 6t:h Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Re ~ LoI: 2~ ~lock l, ll;[ghland Subd. COro KlaCC Rd. & [;sward lliway Dear An inopection of the above capt;loned residence was made Wednesday, July 1. A large 750 gallon concrete ~eptic Conk ha~ baen in,tailed ~d backfillaa according to current requirement~, The sept:lc t~k tnstallat~o~ meets with our approval. Tha monies held in escrow ma~y be raleased for the payment of this work. JLW:pb cc: 8~evenaongxcavattn~ Co. Joe L, Walker 12 January 1959 Veter~ms Admlnistrabion Loan Guaranty Division 7th Avenue and Olive Way Seattle 1, WashingS;on /,TT~NTION: Grayce ~iorger Loan fhmrsnty Reviewer DL 126217 BAA ~]~eller, Goodie f~y~r~ G~orge B. Fatterson ^n inspection of the above captioned rom~dence was made in Novembor ].958. It wa~ requested that a septic tank be in~ stall, ed or money for its installation be held in escrow. Other~i~e t!m premises meet all requlr~,w~ent~ and is approved. Joe Walker San~ tarian J W: pi:, DATE