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MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT 1P"oNE NAME MAI LING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCFIIPTION LOCATION Dwelling DISTANCE TO: ~_~ ,~ Manufacturer ~__,_~] Liq, capacity in gallons IF HOMEMADE: Absorption area Top of tile to finish grade Insidelength d I~ Material Width DISTANCE TO: Dwelling · Manufacturer Material Well Foundation ,~ ~. Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO: ~,'-~ ~ No. of lines Length of eac ~ I ne,__ ~)~) Total length of lines '~O Trenc ~ width 3o Width Well ~ Depth Length Type of crib DISTANCE TO: inches Material beneath tile inches Depth NO, OF BEDROOMS PERMIT NO. No. of compartments Building foundation "Driller Liquid depth ~] I ~i ___ PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in gallons PERMIT NO. ~ 9~O ~, ~C~ Distance between lines ~[~1~ Total effective absorption area 4~7.Q ___ PERMIT NO. Crib depth Total effective absorption aroa Nearest lot line Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(si OTHER PI P~.~MATERIA L8 SOIL TEST RATING INSTALLI:R FIEMARKS DATE LEGAL 't'l..l!tiZ !..EiZf'.,t(!i"l'H [::, :1: t'"lE!:i'.,!!i!; :1: O!'.,I :!: :!ii; 'I'I..IE l..liiZhtC!i'T'H ,:: J: I'.,I I::'l!i:[!:'t' ::, Eft:: 'l'F.IliiZ 'I"F:f!:I'-,!C::H 't"l...l!ii: I::,EF:"TH (Z)F::' I:::1 "l"l:~:ffZ!'.,!E:l.I OF:i: F::':!:'I" :[:!i; 'THE:: I:', :l: ::ii;'N::ll'.,IE:Ei: Ei',IETHI!:_'!i!!:I'.,! THH :!i!;l..ll;i:l:::l:::!l::Z:[ii; OF' 't"illi!iZ Cii F;;'. Ed. JH!::) !::II-,![::, THE E~C:Ff"T'Ed','I OF' TI' lei: E;:.::(::f::I',,,'I:.:IT i: I:)l'.,l ,:: ]: I",! F::'E!ZT ::,. 'l"H!iff;;:E :!::!~; !",IC~ :ii;ET t.,.! :t: [)T! .! I:::(3F: 'Ti.il;i: I:;ii!:;i:l:::t',,,'l:ii:l.... DfZI:::'TH :!::i:i; !'HE: H :I: F,! :I: hIUI'"! D!~I:::"I"H OF' diF'.f:::l',,,'EI.. f:li'.,!E:, 'l"l...lliii: li!',O"l"f'l::)l'"! (;:il:::' 'T'I.IEi: E::-::i::::l:::l',,,'l:::l'!"):i:)I.! ,:::i:1'.,! J.: :11 i:::f1"'1 F'I::IH:iZL..)i!:::I!:;i: I,.!:I:"1'1.! 'F!IE t:;i:lii:l;!Ll:l;F;:lii:l"lFi!:i'.,!'T':!i!; F:'Of;;: C)i'.,I-..:i~; ;!: 'I"]!:: FEff;;:'I"H F'Y'r' 'I"HIE !"II..IH :!: E: :[ I:::'Ff!_ ]: T"r' ()1:::' t:::tI",!(:::t'IEff;i:I::IE!iE:. ::::: Z!: H ;[ tJ.. ]: ?',!:!!;l"f::ll .L. Tl't!i:: ~!!;'¢:!!;'I"EH 2~ i",I FtCE:OI;i:DI:::IHE:E l.'.l ): TI'I 'TILE: :i:: :!: l. Ji",l[::'lii:F:;::iTi"l:::ll",!l) 'T!I!:::I'T 'I"HE Ol"J"':!ii;:!:'!'li!: :!i;!!!!:l.,.lliii:l:;i: :!!i;"~'::!;']"~i:t"'l h1F:l'9 F:ii!!::i!:; :1: E:'E:F,!E:Ei: :[ :iii; !:;:l~:l'"lEd:::'ti;l_.!i~:E:' 'I"O :!; HE:LIJD!!i: HOF;:I!!i: TI'"IFIF,! ::~: 5ii; :1: ,:::i".iEE:, .'"~,z ~- t'......F..~_~::c~z'- / /;,,--c ................ .~ ..._.. _._._ ....... / .................... l:::!l:::'l:::'l :i: E:(:I!",Fi' ~'.t:::! :!: C!i :[ :~!; ::!i; LI .:!:: .'~, E', 'r. ........................ Df:;:! r'!i.: ...... ,~..... ?'.. Performed For Lc.al Oescrtntton: This form Renort~ Sotls Lon 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Crai~g_..%~_R Date Performed 4-24-78 Lot~.~_810ck 2~Subdtvt$ton .... ~i~an~~ ...... Percolation Test No ~e~th Feet Soil Characteristics 4~ - 12---__ 14-- 16--- Gravelly Sand Gray Silty Sand 18-- Bottom of Test Hole 20~ Was Ground Water Encountered? No Yes, At what Depth? Readtnq Date Grnss Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Dron Percolation Rate Ufnute Prnposed Insta-~Fl~-~-(~: Seenaae Pit Drain Field Deoth of Inlet Dep~-~6~-T~-[~o--~-~om Of Pit CAut~ENTS' 125 Sq. Ft. drainage area require~