HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIGHLAND TR BOnsite File i ii; (~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTFCTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECl'ION REPORT NAME Pi~ONE X_~ NEW William Hubbard 344-2016 E~ UPGRADE MAI LING ADDRESS P.0. Box 10-868 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 16, Block 2, Highland Subdivision LOCATION NO. OF BEDROOMS Highland Road N/A Comm. Bldq. well 120 ft. Abs~rp~i?area Dwelling PERMITNO, ~ ~ DISTANCE TO'.~----. 9 ft. 780570 I= 2 Manufacturer Material No, of compartments ~ Greer steel 2 ,L~q~a~acity in gallons IF HOMEMADE: Inside length Width Liquid depth ~ ~ Well Dwelling PERMIT NO. DISTANCE TO: ~ ~ ~ Manufacturer Material Liquid capacity in gallons ~ DISTANCE TO: Well Foundation Nearest lot line PERMIT NO.780570 ~ ~ No, of lines ] Length of each line Total length of lines Trencl~ width Distance between lines 20 ft. 20 ft. 5 ft. in~b~s ~ ~ ~ Top of tile to finish grade Material beneath tile ' ~ ~al effectiv~,abso~ptiog ar a m 4 ft. screened qravel 6 ft. inches--- sq. t~.-lncIu~es Length Width Depth ~. end wa'ils ~ P Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area ~u Well Building foundation Nearest lot line ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ Class Depth Driller Distance to 10t line PERMIT NO. ~ ~ DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) OTHER 4" plastic (ASTM)D-3034 SOIL TEST RATING S & A Enterprises REMARKS 4" CI cleanouts except on 1st Inspection: 9-8-78 -~ ~ X ~) ~- 2nd Inspection: 9-9-78 APP HOENING-GREY & ASSOC~ATES, ~NC. 9-9-78 b~: Alvin R. Zeman, P.E. 825 "L" STREET ANCHORAGE!, ALASKA 99501 (907) 264-4111 GEORGE M. StJLLIVAN, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALllt AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION January 22, 1980 Alaska Development Consultants 5905 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: ]Lot 16 Block 2 Highland SubdiVision~ As-builts The department in allowing P.E.'s to do as-builts to permit specificatJ, ons must have the installation reported on a Municipal format. Please find enclosed the form. The report sent in by you was a plat survey and not a report of a sewer system installation. Critical items, such as, pipe type, installer, gravel depths, tank type and size are not shown. Therefore, please fill out the enclosed report form to enable the records to be completed on the subject property. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-.4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz, R.S. Senior Environmental Specialist LNB/ljw cc: William Hubbard, Post Office Box 10-868 995].1 t::IF'PL. I I]:FII"~T L.[)C:I:::IT :[ O1",1 H I L.I.. ]: I::IH HUDE:FIRC, H I (!iHIJ':It'-,ID F..'.[) I...:1.~!i; ['.:',;~F.: HIGHLFIN[':, '.Ei; ,.." E:, FUll [:J: O ',;-:; i~:!l-[i!h~i;:~: I::tI',IC:H L.O'T :51 ~i!:E ~ lin'l/: THE L[EI'.,IG'I"H [:, I MEN::i; 1' Oi'.,I I !:'; THE L3EN(3'TH ,:: I N FEET > Of:' T'flE TRIF!:NCI.I OR THE: [::,[~:1'::'"1"1'.1 OF' F:I TI:~::Ef.,ICH OF.: F'IT ]:.~; ]"HIC [>I'.:.!;TF:II'.,ICE E[IZTHI:ZEI'.,! TI'IE '."i!;LIf,i:I:::F]C:E OF' 'T'HF: C-iI::?.OUN[:, F:Ii'-,I[> Tt. IE DCFI'TOM OF' THE [Z:~.0BI::IVFITION ,::I1",1 FEE]'>. 'TI'IERE Z E.': NO ~[:~:T H I [::,TH F'OF:'. "I]:;.'.L::NCHE'.'5. THE GI('.F:tVIiEL [)EPTH :1:~; TI..IE~ I'Il i'.,IIMUH [:,FZF'TH Oi':' GI:;.".FI'v'EI.. E~ETHI/i:EN THE: OUTF'I:::ILI... I:::llq[> THE: E:CFf'TCIM [:IF' THE: E::':',CF:t',,,'FI'T' I ON ,:: I N F'[:~:[i~:T ). F'ERM]:'T FIi'::'PL. ICF:INT I-'IRS THE F.':ESPONr~;I[i:I'L..IT'.r' TO II'.,ll':Oi';d"l Tl-'tI::':i; I:::,EF'I':IF:.'THEHT [:,LIF.:ING THE: I I'.,tSTFII_LFtT I. ON I I",I!E;F'EC:T I Of',lS OF l:::lN"r' HELLS F:tL'.".:rFIC:IEI",IT' TO TH I i'!; F'i:;]:()PI]:I';?.T"r' laNE:' THE IqLIM[3Et:;i: OF F-'.ESI[:'EI"~CES THFtT THE !4EL.l.. I.,.IIL. I_. E: FI C I< i::: :[ I_L I NG 13[::' I~ll'-,t'-r' S"r'S"['EH 141 THCIIJT [::' I NFIL.. I N:~;I::'EC':T ]: 0t",t F:IN[:' F:II:::'F'RO',,,'I'::IL. [!!:"r' TH I !~; [:,E~PFII~:]'MENrl'' HILl.... H I N I I"IUM [::' I S"f'f:ti'.,ICE E:E'TI.,.IEEI'.,! FI HE:L..L F:INC, FtN"r' O1",1-'<;:; )7 TE SEt.,.IFI(!iE [:, I '.:!;F"O'Ji;F:II... S"r'S]'EH 1:5 ::t.~)~.:l F:['.'i:ET F'OI:;~: FI 1-'RI ,FfTE I.,.lli[l_l...~ ~ ~'/!'~iPl TO 2~.'q~.::~ I::EET I:;l::~:l:::ll'"l FI PLIE~LIC: HEL. L. [:'Ei:::'EI",I[)II",IG I.[::'CN THE '"'] I:'":'L. O[:: PI..l['i:l... I C I,.lli![L.I OTI'4[i:F.: RE!(;!U :[ t:',~:E:i'"l[~i",l'[':~5 MFI"r' I::II:::'PL~'r'. '::5F:'EC I [::' l Ii:FIT I Cllq:[:~ I'::IN[:' C:ONf:;TI:;i:lJC'T' I ON [:' I I::IIBI:;i:I::fl"'I:E!; F:IR[Z F:IVF:I I I.JZlE[L.E TO I N:E;IJ[;?.E F'IV.'.OF'E:R l N::E';'T'I:::ILI.J:::I]"I ON. ]: C:Ef,:'.TI I'::'"r' THFIT ::L: ]: I:~i"l F't::IMILIFIt';.'. H I'I"H THE tRE(:.:!UIF:ffEME(NT:!:~ F'Ot:;':: OI",I"-"5I'I"E !:~:;Et,.IEI:;i:'_:~; FII",I[:' I-,.II!EI..I...:!~; I::'OF~"I"I] E~"i' THE HI..IN]:C:II::'FIL. IT? O1:: Fti",ICI'IOI;?.FIG[~:'. 2: I H I I J- ]: I',If~;TFIL.L. "I'I'~IE fJ;"r'~4;TEM I f',l FICCOF.'.[:'FINC:IiE H I TH THE '2:: :1: L.tNC'EF'::STI::tNE:' ]"HlaT THE OI",I-SIT[E SE:.:HEF: S"r':5]"EH 1'4F:l"r' REQUII::::E EhlL.F:II~b:~iEi:MIFENT !F:' THE I~.I?.:~::]:[:'IZI",ICE: I:E; I:'~:EHO[::'E:L..E[:' "tO :[I'.,ICL. U[:,E i',IOF::E THFH'.,I ::ii: D[:_l)l:~tOOH!ii;. :,: ,:: ,::, m" ,.... u..,,:,r.-, ,4 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH .AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pouch G650. Anchorago, Alaska 99502 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION 1'EST SOILS LOG : '~. i.,,: ~'),,i~. - !' ;'4 ':.; PERCOLATION '' ": TEST ': ','. ~, 4 11 12 13 · 14 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? .... /~__(~ IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Reading ~ Gross Net Dopth to Ne[ t]ate Time Time Water___ Drop __ DATE:___ k. HIGHLAND 15'0.4.7 AVENU~ . J+<~ ~ /~ ( NB?OS'$'OO"~ 1.5'o,oo ) 15"0,~$' LO T 15 LOT /,¢. NoTE I. RE'CO/:{D INFOt~PIATION t,~ F"'/:;O/"I T'HE PLAT OF /-/IG/..ILAND ~.. /VO U'T'I/-. ES/~I?'$. SHo~N ON T/-/E PLA 7' OF' H/~HL,~D BI. JILT DWN: :3-~w ~J CKD: '-~ATE: A$-~UIL'I" Lo~' /6 ~ /V/~HL AND ANCHOA'A~ ~ ~ F.B. _ .,0../2 GRID: Z 7:3 I PROJ. NO; 79028 R F:' F' L 1 C:l:q N T L. 0 C: Fi T I [:iN k E~: [;ii i::il H l: LI... I RM HUE:I3f::IFi:D H I GF.IL. FtNI::, F'F:ff;i:l'r.; [:'R Ll6; E:2 I"IIEiFIL. FIi'd[:' H IIqlMLIM I:::'I:~i;TFINCE E:E:'I"klE:EEN ici HELl.. RN[::' I::lt",l"," ON-L:'};ITI:.:: S.:,EI,.IF::iGE: [:,!:'6;F'I::IE;F::IL :JJ}!l[;~l F:'EE:T I:'EIF4 F:l F'I~'.I',,,'FFrE!.,IELI_..; JIF,' ::LSEI TO ;?.017.1 FE:ET F'I::[:CIM IZl I:::q..l[i!~l..IC I.,.fI.}:H.. I::,E::F:'E:N[)tI'.,IEi I..IF'[]I.,I 'TI..I[!E 'I"T'F:'E CiE F'lJl!~id.~IC HEI..I I.,.IEI....I.. LOGL:'i; F:If~'.E [;?.fE(;!IJIt:~:F:':[:, FIN[) i','II._I~ST E',E I:;i:ETLII~'.I'.,IE[:, TO 'I'I.'tE: DI}i!]:::'f::If~:THE:.F,I"I' !4I'['I..IZI',I ::i:$:.l [)l':l"r% Cfi::' THE HELl.. COMF:'L. ETION. Cd"HE:Fi: [~'.l~:i:l;:!l..I I [~:[EM[ii]",lT'.:ii; MFI"r' F:IF'F'I~."r'. !'SF:'E!C: :[ F:' t CI::I"I' !' CIf'~!:!~; FIND C:CI[',I'.::7['Iq:U[:::T Z 01",1 [:' I:::I',,,'I:::t'!L.FI[!?,I._E: 'T'() II",I:!SURE: PI:;?.EIF'EF:: ]:I'.,tSTFILI...FFr'IEIt'.,I. PERMI'T' NO. H ;[ [',11 MLIM [: I :~;TIS:INI;% BE'T'I,IEEN F:I I.,IEL. I.. I:~N[:, F:IN"r' ON'""'E; I TIE ::LE';::.i FEET' FOR FI PRI',,,'8'T'E I.'.IEL. L.; OR :~.SEt TO 2~1¢ F'EET FROPI R F'USLIC WELL DEF:*EEhIF};[NG UF'ON THE T"r'F'E OF PL.II~;~iI...];C kiel..[ 1.4EL. L. LOG% I::~'.E: RE6!IJ ); RE[> RN[:, MI..12~;T ETE RETURNED TO 'I"HE [:'EF'F:IRTMEhlT I.,.II'f'HIN ]:::~ [:'Fl"r".~; Of THE I.'.IEL. L. COFIF'LE]'~ON. O"FHEI~: REEG:!U I REI"'IEN"['S]; MFI"r' IZlF'PL",''. :~;F'EC I FI CI:::IT I (]N~; I:::IN1} COI",trE;TI';:I...ICT I ON [:' I I::ll]il:(:¢;:lJ'"l:~; I:::tl:;?.[~; ¢:1","1:::1 ;!; L..FIEIL. E TO I N'.~51..IRE F'ROF'ER I I",ISTFII....L.R'I't ON. Municipality of Anchorage 825 "L" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 264-4111 GEORGE M, SULLIVAN, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTI~CTION December 31, ].979 Wil±iam Hubbard Post Office Box 10-868 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Permit ~ 790076 Subject: ]Lot 16 Block 2 Highland Subdivision A permit issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If an engineer has inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-builts for our files. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, ~ Les N. h Senior Environmental Speci~'ist LNB/ljw enc: Copy of Permit ' 'e~' ~ 31[, ].9~9 Shove K. Ardns%~r Post O{fice ~k~;< t0-454 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Permit !i 790070 Subject: ]bob ]6 IIighland Subdivision A permit issued by this departmenk ~'er well and/or sewer system has expired. Permits are issued ena calendar year basis es stated en the permit, by authority of Hunicipal ordinance. If you have dEi].led the well, a well. log should be sent to this department te document the insta!l.a{~ion date. If an engineer has inspected the ins~allatJ, on ef the eh-si'be sewer system, please have them send us the as-.-builts for our If there are any further questions, e!ease contact this office at 264--.4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchho]_z, R.S. Senior Environmental Speci~isk LNB/I. jw enc: Copy of Permit to rtl CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION CERTIFICATE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT Plans for the construction of VLi~l],;im~; ~'.'-~],'-,U~:d ~:?x..:7~'~z :t.~ .~, approved. public water system located , Alaska, submitted in accordance with 18 AAC 80.100 have been reviewed and are [] conditionally approved (see attached conditions). If construction has not started within two years of the approval date, this certificate is void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS Change (contract order no. Approved by Date or descriptive reference) The "APPROVAL TO OPERATE" section must be completed before any water is made available to the public. APPROVAL TO OPERATE The construction of the public water system was completed on (date). The sysbem is hereby granted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the completion date. BY TITLE DATE As-built plans submitted during the interim approval period, or an inspection by the Department has confirmed the system was constructed according to the approved plans. The system is hereby granted final approval to operate. BY TITLE DATE $OUFtt~'£~THAI P,/__~IOfZ4Z OFFIC£ [ 33~ ~£A~AII STfl£E7' A,~(;lJOflA ~E ££5§ I July 24, 1978 Mr. William L. Hubbard P.O. Box 10868 Anchorage, AK 99511 Dear Mr. Hubbard: As required by 18 AAC 80.100, the department is issuing a certificate approving construction of the water distribution system. The "Approval to Operate" section of the certificate must ]De completed by a representative of this department prior to serving water through the system. Sincerely, Kyl~ J. C~erry, P'~3 Regional Environmen~cal Supervisor cc: AMDHEP GML