HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIGHLAND PARK Block 12 DEPART~IENT OF '.- [ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ROOM 222 -- MACKAY BUILDING ~ 33B DENALI STR£ET -- ANCHORAGE 99501 September 17, 1971 ~ Donald R~ Dent~ Jr~ Hewitt V. Lounsbury & Associates 723 West 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, HIGHLAND PARK SUBDIVISION, BLOCK 12, PRELIMINARY REVIEW Dear Mr. Dent: The preliminary plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for those features with which this Department is concerned. We were sent only one set and this is required for our files, for this reason we will be unable to return the "one marked up set" referred to in Mr. Clark's letter of transmittal. We shall look forward to the submission of the final plans and specifica- tions when they are developed. Yours truly, Regional Engineer cc: GAAB-DEQ September 15, 197t Hewitt ¥. I.o~Jnshury & Associates 723 6th Avenu(:) Ai)chorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Paving ~tate. r and Sat)tt~ry Sewer in tllcjl)la))d Park Subdivision, Block The Greater Anchorage Area Boroufll~, Departme))t of Environmental Quality has revi~.~ed the e~ginoering ~lans for the subject deve'Iopmm~t and finds that th(w have met tk)e mtfHmum require,, mcan)ts ~( this Dep~rtn)ent. We ~wou'ld remi~{d you that prior to construction of this project a letter of approval must also be received ~rom ~,lr. Kyle Cherry of th~ State De~)artme~t ~f Envi ro~me~)tal Conservation. Should you havc~ ~r,y questions r~gat'dtng ()ur revi(;w of this project please co~tact the undersigned. Sincurely~ Roll Strickl~nd Assistant Director cc: Kyle Cherry, SCRO st