HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIDDEN HILLS BLK 1 LT 50// /2..I Post-It" brand fax transmittal memo 7671 I #of pages · DEP/~ 82~ ON-SITE SEWA( }RT J/~NEW ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION NO, OF BEDROOMS ~ell ~ption area ~D~eHing PER~IT NO. b~ I Ma~facturer ~ . ~Material , , No. ofc, ompartments ~' ILiq~ngallansl F H MEM DE nsd~l~n~th ------ J~d~l~ Lqudd~pt~ ~11 lOO6 , o A : ~ _ ~ ~ z: __ DISTANCE TO- Well ~ Dwelling ~ _ PERMIT NO. ~ I Manufacm,e, ~ I Materia~ Liquid~apacity in gallons a I ......... ,,Nell Foundation ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ No. of lines ~ Length of each Hne Total length of lines ] T~cb width Dis[an~e between lines ~ ~ ~ To--de to finish gradez Material beneath tile Total effective absorption area I ,7 inches ~ Length ~ Width / Dei~ ~ NO, < ~ I Type of crib C~ib dF~ Crib depth Total effective absorption a~ea ~ ~ ~I B~ing foundation Nearest lot line ~ j DISTANCE TO: ~ IClass , Depth .~ ~ller ..~ D~stance to lot li~, ~IT NO. ~ ] ~ ....... ~ __ Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank I Absorption area(s) __7~JDISTANCE TO: ~ _ /a~ ¢' _ OTH [-'R PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING INSTALLER R EMAR KS APPROVED DATE LEGAL DEPAI::RTHI~:Iq'I" OF:' HEAL.'I"H AND ENVIROIqMEIqTAL I='Iq[)TE[;TIOIxl FI::?.5 I.... S'/'F~EET, AIq[',H(Z)RA(:;:~E:, AK 995C~ 1 264-472() APF:'I.. :1: CAIq'I": ~ D D R E S !3 ;: C[:)iq'I"AC'T l-HOI I1::. ,, ()'7 / 1 li!1185 BOB ALE INA C ~-~'-'z..-4/~--'Tff.,.__.., ~yt/C~. :1.: 46 1 I"IAMPTBN AIq[.,I"rIC) k(AE~E:~ AK c29[~ 16 · =,4,.,-'- 1 17() I_EGAI.... DE:,,. ILl ~ I P" LOT SIZE: MAX BEDFII][]M[~: SUBD I V I S ]: C)l,,I ,", H I DDE:N H ILLS SEI:,T 101',1 ." 9 TONI',ISH I F:': 12.1',1 1040[71 (SQ.E'T', OR ACI~ES) ]LLOk, I... 1 RANGE :: 4W I_:i. sted below ape the Ol::)t:i. ctns availal::,le to you :i.n designing your septic system,, [',hc~ose -I'.he option ~;ha'L best f'its youp site. DEI:::'TH TO F'IPE B[)'I"'TOM (1::'1':.) 4,, 0 z!., () Zl.,, () GI::;~AVEI_ DEF'TF.I (FT.) '7 ,, () 0.5 3 ,, 5 TO"I"AI.... DEP]]q (I::"T',) 1:1. ,, () ~.-- ~ 4 ,, 5 '? ,, 5 GRAVEl.... WIDTH (F']",) ,2,, 5 18,, 0 5,, () GRAVli:.].... I....ENI.'.;iTH (I="1".) 3 1, () ."" :155 ,, () 46, 0 GRAVli.:.I_ VOI_UME (CLJ ,, YDS. ) 2 1.6 ;:~]::~!; ,, 4 34 ,, :[ TANK !31 ZE (GAI....S) 1,0()(). 0 '~..~.' :1., 00(). () ,x.-~* J., ()00 ,, () .~..~.~. !'.!;Oil. I::;~A'I'ING (S[;i,,F"I". /BI::;~) ;~..'..'.:1.2'~ 205 ,2:1.2 *~'~ 'I"ANI< MUST ["lAVE: AT L.I.EAS'I" TWCI COMPAI:~THEI',ITS c e r' 'L :i. f y t h a t: :1.'. I am ,~'am;i.].iar, w:i..l:.h the: Pequipemeni:.s for' on-...~;:i.t(c*: sewePs and wells as set foi"i:.h by 'Lh[:~ Mun:i.c:i.l:~al:i.'l:.y caf Al']choPage (HOA) and 'l:.he S'Late of Alasl<a,, 2. I wi].l ins't, all the system :i.n accc:mdance with all MOA c:odes arid pegulat:i, or~s, and :i.n cc:mil:)], ianc::e wi'Lb 'Llqe c:lesiglq ~r' J.t~l, :i.a i::~J' 'Lhis per. talC,, 3,, I w:i.].l ac:llqePe 't.o all MOA and [gH'..a'l:.e i::~'t' Alaska PeqLtiPemerrLs fop the ~.i~;et back di~.iivl'.'&trqc:e!~ f'l'Oln any fy...q.,'J, stir]g wt.=9..1.]., 1,9,~?ts~;'l:.e:..q,'~,~'l'.t;'~.H- dJ.a~.posal system sewepaCle system Ol] 'LhJ,~.[; t:,)l' ~:!l']y ad.jacerrL (::~[' near'by lot. 4,, I undePsi:.and 'khat this p(,:;',"Pf]lit :i.!~:; va'J,:i.d for' a max:i, mum c:tf' 2 I])£f)CIPC)C:)flI~.S; any ,:~rl].al-!:j,::.)mel]t w:i.]..1, r'(:.+)l::lLlir'e afl ,~.~dl:lJ.'Lioflal ]:F:' A LIF'T E;TA'I"IOIq ]'q. .I. I I-::~IAI....L..[:.D IN AN AREA [',OVL:]:;:ED BY MOA BUII....DING [:ODES, THEN (1) AN E. LI:.LII"~.I. CAL. F~ERMIT AND ].N,M"I=C¢IOIq MUST BE OBTAIIqED~ (2) AS'-BUII....TS N:[I._I_ NO"I" BE A[ f'ld VED WITIql]I. JT ~N EI_ECTRI[::AL IIq~I::'I~B:','I"ION F~EFq]RT; AND (3) 't"I'JE EI...ECTRIC~L WOFd... HUST BE D[INE BY A LIk,E.N,:~E.D AF:'F't...ICAN]": BOB AI_BINA P.O. ~'i¢~' ,:. ~.',( '3650 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502-0650 (~07) '26,~-4.1 I i DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES January 10, 1986 TO: Permit Applicant Subject: Permi~ # 850419 Lot 5 Block 1 Hidden Hills Subdivision A permit issued by this Department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1985. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis by authority of Municipal Ordinance. A new permit must be obtained from this Department for any well and/or on-site sewer system not installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this Department for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system the original as-built inspection report(three part form) must be sent to this office for review and approval,and for documentation. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Susan E. Oswalt Program Manager On-site Services SEO/ljw enc: Copy of Permit HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR AND 'THAT THIS PLAT REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE R~Y ME. BELTAINE C. KOZL~tSKI 2241-S ASSUMED DAi'UM AS--BULL: BUILDING LOC.~TION t_OT 5 B LOCK HIDDEN idll..L~; SUBDIVISION Beltmine C. Kozlow?~ki 4620 Emer(]id Couri Anchorege, AK. 99502 DATED:IO~I4-85 SCAt_E: I"= ~0' PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS [] SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ~ PERCOLATION TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 so,.s.o _ DATE PERFORMED: SLOPE SITE PLAN CE 5130 WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? ~ .~//~. OL P E IF YES, ATWHAT DEPTH? ~ J~l Gross Net Depth to Net tReading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) U 72-008 (6/79) WATER WELL RECORD STATE OF ALASKA OEPARTMENTOF NATURAL EESOURES Division of Geological a Geophysical Surveys Drilling Permit No. LOCATION OF WELL (Pleoee complete elthlr la~ lb or lc.) A.D,L. NO. J~.TI 0 lQ Er-] Meridian .-ilZ ] 8 .5 1 --o~-- of__cf __ sE] wE) ~ DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM ~OAD INTERSECTION~ ~. OWNER OF WELL: Addres~: Street Addresl and Aria of Welt Location ~}d 2. WELL LOG Feet Below Surface ~. WELL DEPTH: {final) 5. DATE OF COMPLETION -- Material TXp. ' Top Bottom I~,~ ff. __ ~Fown to'2 soil 0 4 6. ~Coble tool ~Rotory ~Orlven dlam._{h In. to~ ft. Depth Wllghf ~ ~' Ib~./ff.I 9, FINISH OF WELL: , Slot/Mash Slze:~ L~ngth Set bltwe~n ft. end fl. .~C~. B~ekfllling Gr~vel peek '~.,0~" ' (~ ~ Above or ~ Below land su~fece / ~'Y~ Equipment ulld: II. PUMPINO LEVEL bllow Iond lurfoee end YIELD '~ Moterlal: ~ Neat Cemenl ~ Other: ~, IS. PUMP: (if avollable) HP Length of Drop Pipe ft. copoclty g.p.m. D Subm. D Jif ~ C,ntriflcal D Other 14. REMARKS: ' JSailea ,: 10 gpm 1'or 4 hrs 16. WATER WELL CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: 15. Water Temperature o ~ F ~ C This w~ll was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report Is lrue fo the best of my knowledge and belief; Registered Business Name Contract License Number ~A u thoHze~' Representative " Form OE-WWR (H/81) Copy Distribution: WHITE-SIDle DGQ~, PINK'Driller, CA~AEY-Cuatomlr